The Meeting

EXPLICIT MATERIAL NOT INTENDED FOR MINORS. © 2000. Commercial use prohibited without author’s consent.

Part – 1

Waiting… Looking… Ahhh, there she is. I wave and you nervously look over at me. You look fantastic. Getting off the plane I know you are scared, but you should be wetter than you ever thought possible, if you Followed your instructions.

We hug and I look into your eyes and give you a long deep kiss. Pulling you close, I feel your nipples through your sweater, which means you DID do some of what I told you to do. Your knees are a little wobbly, so I grab your hand and say “Let’s go”.

Once in the car, I start for the hotel. We are making small talk and I abruptly ask you to put your hands under your skirt and touch your pussy. You look at me funny, nervously, and bunch up your skirt. “Rub yourself and prove that you have no panties and that you are wet!”

You close your eyes and spread your legs a little. As you lift your wet hand up Itake it and slip your fingers into my mouth. “MMnnn, that tastes good. I am so glad you did what you were asked. If you just do exactly what you are told, we will have a great time.”

Pulling up to the hotel you look like you are getting more worried. I assume you that we are just having fun and that no means NO. “We are here to explore your sexual side and try new things. You will like some, hate others, but you should not be worried at all. It is good that you are a little unsure, that just makes you more vulnerable to ideas and, listen, don’t think, just do it.”

I reach over and give you a gentle kiss. “I promised you a multi-orgasmic weekend, and, by god, I intend for you to have one. Our safeword to stop any activity is “Reston”. This is in case “no” means something else in the heat of password. Understand!” Grinning, you agree and follow me up to the room.

I opened the door, turned on the lights and set the air conditioning to the right temperature. Turning backto you with a big grin, I get a blindfold out of the bag I brought. I turn you around and place it over your eyes. You are hesitant so I start rubbing your neck and running my fingers thru you hair, I pull your head to the side and run my tongue up your neckline until I get to the base of your ears. You shudder and let a little moan escape.

“A little excited are we? Lets find out how much.”

I reached down to your ankles and run my fingertips up the insides of your thighs. About halfway up your legs are covered in pussy juice.

“My word! you are dripping. It is running down your legs.”

Standing back up, I hug you and stay pulled up close to your back. Reaching around I gently roll your nipples in a circle and then give them a little pull.

“Hmmm. That seemed to get a bigger moan out of you this time. Let’s just see what we can accomplish, since you can’t see anything, haha. You should be ready to cum, and cum hard, if you did not play with yourself all week,Just like the instructions told you. You wore a bra with the nipples cut out, no panties, and you shacked your pussy smooth. I guess that you don’t get a spanking for being good. “Too bad!”

I left you standing there while I sat down at the table. “Strip for me, slow and sexy!” I turned on the radio for you and watched. You were certainly not expecting this, which is good. You look great, and you started moving to the music. While you danced I fix us a drink.

“Here, one drink to loosen us up. I do not want you really drink, just less tension.”

I certainly enjoy the show. You unbutton your sweater and whip it off. I guess to get it over with. Your black bra had the ends cut out and your tits were puffing out of the hole. The bra was too tight and Your nipples were standing straight out. You unzipped your skirt and slide out of it. “Turn around,” I said. “Let me see all or you.” GOD, you looked good. Your pussy was glistening from being wet and it was SMOOTH as a baby’s bottom. God I am hard. I could not wait to get into you!!!

“Come here and get on your knees.”

As you kneeed down I know you heard my zipper open. I was already hard as you reached up and took a hold of my dick.

“NO, No, no… No sucking. Just play with it. Gently feel it. Imagine what it looks like, what it will feel like when it slides into your pussy.”

As you pumped me up and down, I leaned up and touched the nipples sticking out of your bra. They were red and puffy and swollen. You jumped when I first touched them but leaned into me, wanting more. I pinch one of them and rake my fingernail across the end of your nipple. You pull back, but then sit up straighter for more. “God, you are one hot little slut. You are going to get Everything you want.”

“You haven’t said anything since we got here. Is everything ok?”

“Yes, yes, I’m ok. I’m ju…” I did not let you finish your sentence because I bent down and kissed you. Being blindfolded has its advantages. It makes you not ready for anything! I touched your mouth and as you parted your lips I sucked your tongue into my mouth. I roughly grabbed your hair and kissed you hard, pulling away abruptly. You reach with your head for more, but I just laugh. “Gotta wait, you are going to have to earn it.”

I help you stand up and pull you in for a hug. I kiss you gently and lay you on the bed. I lower my mouth to your pussy and breathe hot air on it. You grab my head and shove it down. I lick a few times, but you are way to close to having an orgasm.

“OK, you obviously can’t keep your hands to yourself, this won’t do!”

I scoot you to the center of the bed. You are sitting up with all the pillows behind you. I take some old ties out of my bag and tie them to the bed-corners. I tie the other ends to your wrists. You get a scared look and I calmly assure you, “Trust me. These are not tight, and you can easily get out of them. Here, try.” You pull and jerk and they come undone. “See, they are just to keep your hands away. You will love the feeling of helplessness, and soon, you will be going for more.”

After I tie you up, I just sit back and watch. Man, oh Man, do you look great. I can’t believe this is happening. I actually got you to fly to Dallas to spend a couple of days under my control.

You start to get anxious, wondering where I am. I make a little noise and move from side to side. I lean down and kiss the tops of your legs, kissing up and down, licking your toes, reaching up and touching your face. You moan and lean your head into my hand. I whisper into your ear, “Don’t move, don’t flinch, and don’t scream. Just enjoy! The pain will fade and the pleasure will start and you will beg for more pain.” You looked seriously Worried.

I got my small red whip, about 4″ long. I dangled it over your protruding nipples and let it slide over them. They immediately started to get hard. I slowly swung the whip and hit your tits. Harder, Harder, softer, softer, Harder. I rubbed your nipples with my hands and pinched them. I started whipping them again and you seemed to like it. You would pull away, but stick your chest out, anticipating the next hit. I really wasn’t hitting you that hard, it just seems that way.

I kissed you, which started you. You moaned and kissed me like crazy.

“More?” I whispered?



Finally, “Yes.”


“Yes, please.”

Yes, please what.”

“Yes, please whip my tits.”

“Good girl.”

I unhooked your bra and let your boobs fall free. My, what big tits she has. I took both hands and grabbed each tit and rubbed, pulled, and caresed it. I slowly hit one with the whip and then started alternative. I would pause and hit you at a different speed each time. This way you would never know when the next hit would land.

Whip, whip, wait, wait, soft, wait, soft, wait, Hard, HArd, soft.

Every time I hit you a little harder.

Your breasts were getting red and your nipples were getting harder. With each swing of the whip your pussy would push up, like it was reaching out for something. I then moved on and whipped the rest of your body. If I would of touched your pussy, you would have lost it! I hit soft and hard each time in a different place. Legs, side, tits, feet, tits, legs. Always getting close to your pussy, but never actually touching it.

I lean down close and loudly say, “Do you want to cum?”

“YES! You immediately replied.

“Ask. Ask me and I will think about it.”

“Please, please let me cum. I am about to die.”

“Good, good.” All the while, slowly whipping, touching, rubbing.

I then picked up a new toy.

“OK, you wanted to cum, well here you go. This is a new toy, something you will never guess, but it feels great. Hold off; don’t have an orgasm until I get to your nipples. Then, ONLY then, you can let go!”

“Ok, please hurry” you whispered.

My new toywas a pinwheel, a long metal stick, with a wheel attached. The wheel had long sharp teeth, like a tool for a sewing machine. I started on your legs, rolling the wheel up towards your pussy. Not pushing hard, just enough to turn the wheel. Moving from leg to leg, rolling the wheel up your side. “Ticklish, huh? Well, I’ll stay away from there.” I started at your neck and rolled around your chest. You grimaced and there was a slight layer of sweat all over your body. Rolling down your legs again I said “Like this? huh. Feel good?”

“Yes.. No.. yes, it stings, but feels good, but ohhh, ohh..”

“Ok, are you ready.” as I rolled the wheel around your tights. I rubbed VERY close to your pussy and started rolling up to your tits. “Here we go…” as I rolled around your chest, getting closer and closer to your nipples. “ready, ready to cum?”

“ughmmnn” was all you said.

You were breathing really hard and fast and as I rolled the pinwheel over your left nipple, you froze up,stopped breathing, and started to shake. The fun little shakes, where your legs get all quivverry. You took a deep breath and I moved to your other title. When I rolled back and forth over your right nipple, you exhausted and moaned loudly and came like a hurricane. You shook and squirmed and I could see your pussy contracting.

“OK, ok, it’s over. Calm down, slowly, slowly. I am undoing your arms now.”

They just fell like wet noodles to the bed. I lay next to you and gently started licking and sucking your nipples. You moaned and started to cum again. You grabbed my hair and smoothing my face in your chest. I had a lock on your nipple and sucked, licked, sucked, and bit it. The last one did it as your legs wrapped around me and your pelvis was thrusting into the air.

We laid there for a few minutes until you had calmed down. I got you a drink and rolled you over so your back was face up. I got on top of you and started to massage your arms and shoulders. Kissing, rubbing, massaging, kissing. You were lost to the world and mine for the taking.

“Ever cum that hard?”

“No, No way.” you said.

“And we just got started honey!”

“Spread your legs.”

“Spread them.”

As I leaned down again beside you, I whispered, “Ask me to touch your pussy. Ask me to rub your clip.”

“Oh god” you moaned.

“Ask me, or it won’t happen.”

“Please, touch me. Touch me there.”


“Touch my pussy”

“Touch your pussy and what?”

“Touch me, and, and rub my clip. please”

About halfway thru your sentence, I reach behind you, between your legs, and placed my hand over your pussy. It was completely soaking wet. You raised your ass off the bed, arching your back to lift it up. This put my fingers right over your clip and when I touched it, you lost it.

“OHHHHHH SHIITT” you started as you buried your head in the pillow.

“MNMNnnnnmmfMNMN” was all I heard.

I pretty much just left my hand in oneplace because your hips were bucking up and down and doing all the right things. I took my other hand and forcedly held your butt to the bed and moved my finger back and forth over your clip. You screamed loudly into the pillow, frozen up again, and shook like crazy.

After about 2 minutes, I removed my hand, which was dripping wet. I rolled you over and rubbed my hand all over your mouth. “I I wanted you to taste your pussy. I want you to smell how hot you are.” Your face was covered in pussy juice and I leaned over and kissed and licked it all off.

“OK, we need to take a break. I don’t want you to pass out and die on me.”

I removed your blindfold and looked into your eyes. You looked back, but blushed wildly and buried your face in my Shoulder.

“God, that has never happened before, never. How did you do that?”

“We have only just begun, young lady”.

Part – 2

Watching your glow, seeing your relaxed, limp body, whoohoo. I am having a blast. I stillcan’t believe this is happening to me, such a pretty girl. Willing to let me have my way and to be in control. I smile and kiss you again. It seems that we have been kissing for quite a while now. While you are in the restroom, I call room service and order something to replenish us.

“Hey, quite a time you are having?”

“Yes. I am all warm and lightheaded.”

“Good. Come here and let me show you what REALLY feels good.”

You bounce on the bed and land on top of me. I flip you over and lay between your legs kissing your tits. They are still red and very sensitive. I can tell this from the moaning and noise that has been increasing in volume.

I slide down and spread your legs. Kissing your legs and tights. Licking your pussy lips as soft as possible. Down one leg, up the other. Blowing hot air, then licking and blowing cold air. You shiver and grab my head again. I let you hold on to my hair and lead my tongue wherever you want.

BAM BAM… Room Service.

You look at me confused.

“Here, put this on” I said as I handed you my button-up shirt. I stood and took some money out of my wallet and tucked it into the front pocket.

“Answer the door and get the food.”

“No, not like this.”

KNOCK KNOCK. “Just a second please” I said.

“ANSWER the door. Take the tray and offer the person their tip. Let They get it out of your pocket.”


“Answer it, or there will be hell to pay.”

Slowly, slowly, you get up and walk to the door. Nervous as hell, but you look great. The shirt covers your ass, but is not buttoned up. You open the door and I can see you blushing from behind.

“He.. Hello mam. Here is the food you ordered.”

“Thank you. Oh, please grab your tip since my hands are full.”

The door closes and you look pissed. You set the tray down and just glare at me.

“How could you make me do that?”

“Come here!”

“Why did I have to do that?”

“Turn around andbend over, NOW!”

I pull your shirt aside and spank your ass hard.


“You should not have made me repeat myself. You do exactly what you are told to do. Now count each swat. Each time you forget, we start over!”

Swat “One”

Swat “Two”

SWAT “Tthhree”



I gently rub your ass with both hands. “OK, now lets try and not do this again.”

I stand up and kiss you deeply.

“Was it a guy?”


“Did he enjoy his view?”

“I guess so.”

“Did he have to struggle to get the money?”

“Yes, the shirt was open and flimsy.”

“Did it makes you hot?”

“Umm, yea, I guess.”

Reaching down to feel your pussy, my fingers just slide right inside of you.

“Apparently it did make you hot. Now turn around and see what he brought.”

You uncovered the tray and it was filled with strawberries, chocolate, cherries, and whipped cream.

“Oh goodie!”

“WAIT, wait.”I said as I pulled you back.

You stood there as I removed your shirt. I took a generous helping of whipped cream and smeared it all over your pussy.

“Oh, OH god.that’s cold!”

I led you to the bed and put you on your knees facing the wall. You were holding onto the headboard to keep your balance. I climbed under you and placed my face right under your pussy.

“Now, keep your knees still. Don’t move, and hang on!”

I lifted my head and ran my tongue along the outline of your pussy lips. I gentle touched everywhere I could with it. I suddenly licked right up your pussy and stopped at your clip. You tensed up, but did not move. I flicked your clip with my tongue once, twice, and the third time I grabbed your tights with both arms and buried my face in your pussy.

“AAUnnnnggghh,” were the muffled sounds I heard as your legs gave way and your whole weight fell on me. I held onto you and kept licking like mad. I grabbed your clip with my lips and sucked it inmy mouth and moved my tongue back and forth.

That seemed to do it because your hips started going crazy. “This is great,” I thought as I tightened my arms. You tasted incredible. Your musky pussy and the sweet cream was heaven.

After I quit licking, you slowly calmed down. I had to take a big breath, since there was no air down here. You climbed off of me and started kissing my face and licking the whipped cream all up. You kept moaning and kissing and your pussy was clamped onto my leg rubbing up and down. You opened your eyes, looking straight into mine, and gave me a hell of a kiss. WhooBoy, you were hooked.

“Thank you, thank you,” as you collapsed on top of me.

“For what?” I asked, we have a whole tray of food left. “Get some strawberries and feed us.”

You grabbed both bowls and alternate one in each mouth.

“Here, take this one, put it in your pussy and then let me eat it.”

You took the strawberry and rubbed it in the mess between your legs and dangled it over my mouth.

I took small bites and asked for more pussy. After each bite, you rubbed it in your wet hole again.

“Man, I am having a good time. I am sure glad you took a chance on me.”

I looked in your eyes and “Can I ask something of you?”

“Yes,” you said.

“Please, make love to me. Climb on top and just fuck me silly. You are in charge for the next little while.”

You grinned and crawled on top of me. You were slow and methodical, taking Your time. You rubbed your tits all over my face and chest and then all over my dick. The little hard nipples were hot and felt like little erasers.

You then started kissing me from head to toe, sucking and licking each area. Mostly it ticckled, but man was I about to cum. You pulled yourself up and placed the slit of your pussy along the length of my dick. It was hot and really wet. You crunched over and started licking and biting my nipples. My hips were thrusting up, trying, trying.

You were just playing with me because you raised up and slide my whole cock inside your pussy in one long stroke. It was soooo tight I almost came on the spot. I gritted my teeth and grabbed your hips. You grabbed my hands and held them behind my head. You grabbed my hair and shoved your tits and nipples into my mouth.

As soon as I sucked on the first one, your hips started going up and down. You were grunting and started slamming your pelvis into mine. There was a sharp spanking sound as we slapped together. I would bite one nipple and blow air on the other and you would ride me faster. You stopped and ground your pussy on me and started sliding back and forth. It was so wet, kind of like a slip and slide game.

You were not worried about my hands so I grabbed both tits and shoved your nipples together and grabbed both of then in each side of my mouth. I sucked them in and bit them both and when I squeezed down with my teeth your pussy had a spasm and it felt like a baseball glove was grabbing my dick. You showed loudly and then pushed down and you squirted all over me. You started pounding my cock into your pussy as hard as you could and every time I pinched your nipples, you would squirt. My back was arched and you were riding me like a horse and your cum was running down my chest.


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