“You are just adorable.”
“Cut. That. Out. Now.” I looked up at Ruby from my spot on the floor in front of the couch. We were playing videogames at her house again. It had become a common activity for us over the past week as we were getting to know each other. We had met at the university. We had both been sitting in a commons, waiting, and somehow sparked a conversation. I have since forgotten what either of us were waiting for and how our conversation started, but I’m glad it happened.
Ruby was everything I could ask for; cute, smart, dominant. She was taller than the average girl, maybe five foot nine. She was of a healthy build, not skinny, but not muscle, and certainly not overweight. She had wonderful curves, a marvelous pair of tits, usually accentuated by any given outfit she would wear, and grey eyes that sparkled with both mischief and certainty. Her hair was brown, but she had it dyed the same scarlet red her carefully-manicured nails were painted.
At this very moment, she was pulling down the back of my shirt. I felt the soft touch of a marker as she traced out small letters spelling out the word “slut,” so it would just be covered by my shirt, provided I moved carefully in public.
Almost as common as it was for us to play videogames was our placing fighters on the games we played, with me asserting that I could beat her at anything. She was far more competent at far more games than I had imagined. Wagers ranged from buying the other a coffee, to, well, having the word “slut” drawn on your skin, as a more mundane example. My bite marks from the second time we played were almost completely gone already.
“Ah, don’t worry, sweetie. I’m sure you’ll win the next one,” she cooed at me from her comfortable spot on the couch. An earlier loss had left me on My knees on the floor, placed between her legs “where I belong” as she had put it. She caressed my hair for a moment before I jerked my head away in defiance. I couldn’t pretendI didn’t enjoy that kind of attention, though, and was more than a little glad when she responded by slapping me upside the head, pulling my hair back, and wrapping her other hand around my throat.
“That’s not very good behavior. You don’t want me to have to punish you again, do you?” she whispered close in my ear. Between the slap, the hair pulling, and her warm breath on my ear, I was instantly aroused. That fact must have been apparent through involuntary facial expressions when she added on “Good. That’s what I thought.” I leaned back to rest my head on her lap, but she had other plans, standing abruptly. She held the back of her hand a few inches from my mouth and spoke as I began to kiss her nails.
“We’re going to the club tonight,” she smiled. “It’s called Tearah. Heard of it?” It sounded vaguely familiar, but I knew nothing of it, so I shook my head no. “That’s alright. You’ll love it. I promise.” Had her smile falsetered for a moment? It looked like something was onher mind. Between that and how vague she was being about this club, I had some uncertainties. But I decided to let my sense of adventure lead the way and reaffirmed that this was something I wanted to do.
An hour later, we pulled into a public parking lot in the heart of the city. The surrounding buildings were densely spaced and in varying states of industry and abandonment. As we got out of her car, I eyed her up one more time. She looked absolutely stunning tonight.
She wore a short, tight, revealing black dress, and a chaser with a pearl set in the front. She had red high heels to match her hair, raising her height to barely below my own. As if that didn’t make her intimidating enough, she had put on some makeup; black eyeliner, dark red lipstick, and a very subtle gold eyeshadow. Her red hair was loosely curled and fell playfully on her shoulders, obscurring one of her eyes. The other eye stared back at me with a commanding look, and I found myself struggling to maintainain my composure.
She led the way, claiming the club was a couple blocks away. The sun had set some time ago, but the night was still young. The city had as much crime as any city, but even the downtown areas were generally pretty safe, even at night. It wasn’t long before we stood facing a large brick building. Rather, it was a series of brick buildings that appeared to have been joined together over the years with varying additions. It wasn’t uncommon to see projects like this one across the city. The most notable entry way was in front of us. Above it was a large neon sign reading “Tearah.”
The bouncer checked our ids at the door and let us through. It opened into a very large room. The entire back wall was occupied by a wide stage. Either end had a pole, and one of them had what seemed to be a scantily-clad female patron clumsy swinging around it, tits and ass bouncing, much to the delight of some neary gentlemen. Between the stage and the front door was a large space means for dancing, where a mass of the young and the adventurous were grinding up against each other to the beat of the club music playing over the speakers.
Lining the wall to the left were several booths where groups of people were enjoying drinks. My eyes briefly followed a busty blonde girl in a cocktail dress carrying an empty drink tray from the tables to the right wall, where several patrons were gathered at a bar, ordering drinks and hitting on each other. Next to the bar was a staircase up to a second floor, which was more of a balcony that went all the way around the room. More tables could be found, as well as a bridge over the central dance floor, with a smaller dance floor held firmly in place by a series of cables attached to the ceiling.
I didn’t realize I was staring in open-mouth awe of the place until Ruby placed a finger on my bottom lip. Before I could close my mouth, she pushed both her pointer and middle finger in. When I looked at her and tried to move my head back, she raised one of her eyesbrows. I knew what she wanted, and I also knew what would happen if I didn’t oblige. I reluctantly began to suck her fingers like a good little slut, as a nearby girl glanced over and giggled at me. Satisfied at my humiliation, she wiped her fingers off on my face and led the way up the stairs.
She took me by some of the tables, giving subtle nods to the occasional girl that she seemed to recognize. She led me across the suspended dance floor, which was popularized by much fewer people than the one below. Instead of grinding, the dancing up here was much more intimate, exclusive, and highly suggestive. She led me to the back wall on the left side to an unassembling door with what appeared to be a female bouncer standing next to it, dressed in a suit and watching the other patrons Carefully. To my surprise, Ruby walked up and opened the door. The bouncer paid her no mind but watched me very closely as I followed. Ruby closed the door behindus.
We were in a short hallway with nothing but a door on the other side. There was a keycard lock on the door. As we approached, Ruby pulled a card from her dress and scanned it. The door opened, and I was immediately shocked by what was on the other side.
It appeared to be another club. But not any club I could possibly have imagined would exist.
It was another large room, dark, with purple and green lighting. The room overall wasn’t as large as the main room we had just come from, but it still had room for a more sleep-looking bar off to the right, some tables off to the left, and a spiral staircase at the far wall. The thing that stuck out to me the most was…well…there were a few things. The most notable was that the clientele appeared to consist entirely of women. The next thing was that there were a few males present, but they were in varying states of undress, bondage, sensing deprivation, and humiliation, among other things.
Another fascinating detail was that the floor was made entirely of glass, and that it was also a ceiling for several rooms underneath. Some of the rooms appeared to be pitch black, while others had clearly visible contents. Most consistent of a table of sorts, a strange chair, a construct that looked sort of like a large leather and wooden X, and a few other strange and unfamiliar devices lining shelves and carts. Some of the rooms had occupieds; one had a girl blindfolded and strapped down on the table with a naked woman whipping her chest. Another one had a man bent over the table while a woman fucked him from behind with a strapon, while another woman held his hands in front of him and mocked him.
I was so shocked at all of this that I hadn’t noticed the rather toned female bouncer that had joined us as Ruby escorted me to the spiral staircase across the floor. Upwards led to a glass observation point with a view of this entire section of the club. Downwards led to the glass rooms in the floor. I couldsee that the stairs went even further down, but I couldn’t see what was down there.
Once we reached the top of the stairs, I took a moment to look down over the club but was almost immediately interrupted by the sound of a woman clearing her throat. I turned around and found that we had entered a large, ornate office, in the shape of a large rectangle. At one end was the observation window. Near the middle were some comfortable looking chairs and a sofa facing a fireplace set in the wall to the left. On the far side was an elevated platform with a large desk on it, and two curved staircases leading up to it.
Between the staircases was a tall bird cage with a naked man standing in it. The cage appeared to be locked. It was tall enough for him to stand, but his movement was very restricted by how narrow the cage was. He also seemed to have a chatity device locked on him. At the fireplace were a couple of women talking in low tones, one of which had her feet resting on a young man who was on all fours, head down, holding perfectly still. His back was covered in fading red marks. At the desk on the far side of the room was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen, but that wasn’t all that had drawn my attention.
Against the far wall on either side of her were two rectangular cages, wider than the bird cage between the stairs, but still not enough room to sit in. In one cage was a man with a locked chatity cage. In the other was a darkly pretty girl. She had very short brown hair, smaller tits, and a slender frame. They both stood naked and silent; the man, half-heartedly covering himself, and the girl with her hands on the bars, not bothering to try to hide her more attractive features. From my vantage point I could see that the bottom of the desk was made of another cage, and in it I could barely make out the shape of a girl on her knees, facing away from us.
As for the girl sitting at the desk, she stood up and walked out from behind the desk, allowing me a better look at her.
She was about the same height as Ruby. She w shiny black thigh high boots that contrasted with her lighter skin. She had on a black corset covering her tits, and a black picker. Her hair was blond with a few black streaks in it, about shoulder length, and her brown eyes had a piercing and calculating gaze. Her tongue made its way around her dark red lips as she eyed me up. Her pussy was dripping, and I realized the girl under the desk had just been licking her out. Instantly a wave of arousal passed over me as the strangeness and kinkiness of this place set in.
She came down the stairs and walked over to us, addressing Ruby as she did so.
“So, this is the one, hm? He doesn’t look so special.” She continued to eye me up as she drew near, then grabbed my chin when she got close enough.
“Ruby…what…what’s going on…” I stuttered. The blond woman answered.
“I hear you’re somewhat of a submissive slut,” shesmirked as I squirmed at the comment. “I’m in need of people like that.”
“What are you talking about?” I shakily replied.
“Allow me to introduce myself. I am Violet. You do not have the privilege of addressing me as such, however, and will refer to me as Sir. I own this club. But it’s not like any club you’ve ever heard of. I provide a service to the dominant women of this city. I provide access to the highest quality submissives. I deal primarily in males, but a submissive girl has no trouble finding a dom in here.” She paused and glanced at Ruby, then resumed. “How would you like a job?”
I stared at her as she finally let go of my chin, then started to circle around me, inspecting me like a piece of meat.
“I…uh…how can this…” I stuttered. How could this place possible exist? How did she know I was a submissive? How-
“Let me explain to you how this works,” she interrupted my thoughts. The Tearah is merely a coverage for my real club: The Matriarch.It took some clever planning, and careful annexation and aggregation of the surrounding buildings, but eventually I was able to create this little secret. We have a hierarchy here. You’ve met me already, at the top. Beneath me are my Wardens.” She glanced at the women by the fireplace, and they nodded back at her. “Those are a few of them. They make sure this place stays profitable, and secret. They are also in charge of security. They do the dirty work, so to speak.” She turned to Ruby. “Beneath them are my Agents, one of which is dear Ruby here. They bring in potential employees such as yourself.”
She paused a moment and slapped my ass, causing me to yelp and spin to face her. She gave me a stern glare and I held my tongue. But I didn’t look away.
“Beneath my Agents are my Scouts. They are usually quite competent with computers. They help to keep this place off the internet, but their main job is to search out people such as yourself, looking for key signs of submissive sExual behavior. Once they find someone like you, that’s when we send an Agent to bring them in for an interview.”
At that point she spun me around, pressed her pelvis against my backside, then reached around and aggressively started squeeze my crotch. My surprise quickly turned into pleasure as I melted into her embrace, moaning gently.
“Yes, this is very good. I’m liking you Already. Lucky you…” she trailed off as she stepped in front of me. “Beneath the scouts, and I mean way beneath the scouts, we have pets. That’s the people like yourself that get hired. The ones you saw in the glass rooms. They provide whatever entertainment our clients seek: rope play, humiliation, physical abuse, strapon domination, whatever they want.” Her fingers found their way to her pussy as she said This, and she absentmindedly rubbed her clip, her eyes narrowing a little as she did so. “Don’t let the name ‘pets’ confuse you. It has nothing to do with pet play, though some of our clients ae into that. I just use the role name because it’s more convenient than ‘submissive’ and ‘slave’ is already taken. Speaking of which…” She inserted two fingers into her pussy and casually fucked herself for a moment, moaning gently, before holding her fingers to my mouth.
“Suck.” She commanded. I glanced over at Ruby. “Don’t look at her,” the woman snapped. “I said suck. Now.” I had no choice but to give in to that commanding tone, and reluctantly did so as she continued.
“The slaves are the lowest of the low. Where the pets are cared for, foundationally respected, have their limits kept in mind, and even paid for their work, the slaves are literal slaves, and are not considered as people here. They are not here by consent and will likely never leave.” Her eyes had taken on a very serious expression. “Now Then, do you want a job, pet?”
I was absolutely stunned.
“The hours are very flexible. Work when you can. Your preferences will be assessed, and you will be assigned to clients appropriately. The pay is good as well, and nobody will ever know you do this-“
“I accept,” I interrupted. Her face immediately lit up.
“Good! I really didn’t want to see you become a slave!” Then she slapped me across the face, grabbed me by the hair at the back of my head, and forced me on my knees. She brought her face right close to mine. “Never interrupt me again, and remember to always address me as Sir. Got that?” I winced and nodded as best I could with her grip on my hair.
“Yes, Sir,” I mumbled.
“Oh Ruby, I like this one. He’s such a good bitch. I can’t wait to watch him in action.” Violet turned to one of the girls by the fireplace. “Sarah, could you show our newest pet the ropes?” The one called Sarah stood up and grabbed a collar and lean off of a neary shelf before making her way over. I turned to look at Ruby, who spoke to me.
“I’m sorry for the deception. We can’t really date, but I do sincerely hope you enjoy it here. Don’t think that I’ll never speak to you again though. I play with some of the pets from time to time, and you are definitely one of the favorites that I’ve brought in. I look forward to playing with you again.” She smiled, with a bit of sadness. “Are you going to be alright?”
This whole thing was more or less a dream come true for me.
“Ruby…thank you. I understand. I really enjoyed the time that we spent together the past week. I might be saddened that we can’t date if I didn’t have all of this to take its place.” I motioned around the room. “This is wonderful. I do look forward to having you play with me again, but I’m not saddened at this discovery. I’m very grateful. Thank-” Sarah approached and locked the collar securely around my neck. I blushed and looked at the floor. “Thank you, Ruby.”
Ruby gave my crotch a quick and teasing squeeze as she headed down the spiral stairs, nodding at the Wardens and Violet on the way out. Sarah gave the lean two quick tugs andled me towards the stairs. As I walked around the first bit of the spiral staircase, I looked back and saw Violet trace her fingers around the lock on the birdcage, then sit back at her desk and pull the hair of the girl beneath it until her face was buried in her pussy. Sarah tugged on my collar and brought her mouth to my ear.
“Welcome to The Matriarch.”
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