The Master's Garden

Two days after creating Adam and Eve, the Lord strolled through his garden. He knew that they’d be hiding.

He found them cowering behind a bush, ashamed, covering themselves with leaves.

The Lord asked what they had done – even though he knew the answer. He wanted to hear them admit it, to taste their fear, soak in their shame. It never failed to make him hard.

Adam quickly caved. He told the Lord they had eaten from the one tree they were commanded not to – the Tree of Knowledge of Pleasure and Pain.

“Why did you do it?” the Lord asked.

“It was Eve’s idea,” Adam said. “I swear, it wasn’t my fault.”

Eve rolled her eyes. Never trust a guy you’ve only known for two days. She looked up the Lord all doe-eyed, trying to elicit sympathy.

“I was tricked,” Eve said. “The snake said if you really didn’t want us to try that fruit, you wouldn’t have put that tree in the garden.”

“Oh, he did, did he?” The Lord said, his voice deepening.

Adam’s punishment was swift and cruel. He was banished forever from the Lord’s garden and cursed to till dry soil for the rest of his days.

“You will harvest only thorns and thistles,” the Lord said.

Then the Lord turned his attention to the snake.

“You will crawl on your belly and eat dust for the rest of your life,” he said. Just like that, the snake’s legs disappeared and it slithered away.

With the others gone, he finally turned his gaze on Eve.

“Take your hands away from your body,” the Lord commanded, though he knew she felt shade. He looked at the curve of her form, the throbbing of her breasts with fear, the way the curve of her leg disappeared into the fleshy folds of her pussy. He was pleased with what he had made.

“Stand facing the tree that you ate from,” he said, pointing to its thick truck, its lush foliage lady with forbidden fruit.

Eve did as she was told. It was so close to her face she could almost taste the bark. It contained hints of the fruit itself, the sweet nectar that had spilled into her and Adam’s mouth, that had led them first onto the ground and then his cock into her pussy, in a fit of primary rage. Afterward, laying on the grass, trying to catch their breath, they had felt shade for the first time.

As she replayed the scene in her mind, she felt movement in the tree above, then the sudden coolness of scales against her skin. She gasped. The snake had descended from the tree and wrapped its long length around her like a rope – first restraining her neck, then wrapping itself around the trunk and using the rest of it’s length to pin her legs and spread them prone.

“The snake is a crafty creativity, indeed,” The Lord said. She could hear his footsteps moving closer, then his breath on her back.

“Submit to the Lord,” was the last thing she heard before the now familiar mix of pleasure and pain swept over her – the same she’d felt with Adam, but ten times larger. It spread through her cunt and drive to the very core of her, eliminating all resistance.

When it was over, Eve was also banished from the Garden.

As soon as she was gone, the Lord and the snake exchanged a conspiratorial glance. The snake was given his legs back, just like always. The snake knew that – in a week or two – he’d see a new man and another beautiful women wandering through the garden alone, with explicit instructions to stay away from the fruit of just one tree. The snake always knew just what to say.

As for Eve, she eventually found Adam, but lied about her punishment. She made up a story about being cursed with pains in childbirth. She protected her true memory so that it would always remain fresh in her mind, so that when Adam was out in the fields, she could reach down and remember what it felt like, to be pinned to that tree, a sinner on the cross of her Lord.


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