Corey read the emailed statement at the same time as his roommate, Daniel. Daniel was a freshman and had not had any trips to the punishment room. Lucky him. In the last few months the punishment room had become more and more popular. In addition to the bands every Monday 20 orgasm marathon the gymnastics team now had a standing reservation on Friday mornings for intense edging and orgasm denial.
Coach Corby had even took a page from Mr. Swanson’s book and invited the parents of the gymnastics team members to come and witness an edge session.
More faculty were using the rooms services as punishment. Even RA’s were allowed to send students to the arousal chairs. One particularly angry chemistry professor even made four of his students caught cheating on a mid-term take a revised version of the exam while being forced to have orgasm after orgasm in the punishment room.
Daniel began moaning about how it wasn’t fair, meanwhile Corey felt like he was gonna be sick reading the email.
The email said:
“In light of the transformative effect that the arousal arrangements have had on student behavior the following has been added to the student code of conduct.
One week before any new semester, mid-term, or final exam all students will be required to present themselves for a four-hour session in which multiple orgasms will be extracted by machine. Orgasms will continue for the four-hour duration. These will be planned by the school and be done on one single day on the entire student body using new arousal arrangements designed by the college and diocese. Faculty may assign additional multiple orgasm and/or orgasm denial sessions throughout the semester as they deem fit.
Failure to comply will result in expulsion.”
It usually took the band two hours to have twenty orgasms. He gulped. Four hours would mean forty. Maybe even more. The last sentence in the email was special for each student telling them where they would be reporting to for their first four-hour ejaculation extravaganza. Their first would be in two weeks, the week before finals. Corey was glad he was a senior and would only have to endure a couple of these. Daniel on the other hand was only a freshman and on an advanced master’s degree track. He would be enduring this for seven years.
The nun looked out at the room she was watching. It was the same as every classroom in this building. Before her were thirty young men with their pants and undies around their ankles. Some stared ahead, stoic, while some stared at the ceiling. Others had their eyes shut. The room was quiet other than stifled moans and the low sound of buzzing and slurping coming from between their legs.
Occasionally one would grunt loudly as they climaxed. Around each penis was a clear sleep vacuum sealed to their penis with a self-lubricating interior filled with small nobs tickling their shaft and frenulum. The portion on their cock head was lined with nobs as well and spun back and forth, agitating over their super sensitive glans. In the center of the glans massager was a hole over their urethra. Out of the hole a tube extended down between their legs leading to a glass bottle between each man’s feet. It looked like an old-timey milk bottle. The nun noted the varying amounts of milky fluid each man had deposited. One young man, who she noted From her files was Gabe, the captain of the gymnastics team, had accomplished the feat of filling over three quarters of the container. They were almost done with their four-hour orgasm session. This ensured they would be attentive while studying for finals. Most of them had an actual ejaculation in over an hour and had been having dry climaxes. Their nuts had nothing left to give.
Outside the room Headmaster Drake walked by the various classrooms glancing in the windows as he walked. The potential smell sweat and cum was leaking out of the classrooms into the hall.
He stopped outside the large lesson hall at the end of the corridor. He opened the large door and walked in. Two nuns sat at either end of the hall. Each of the rooms 200 seats held one of the nineteen-year-old freshman. A quarter of the private colleges freshman class was in this room. Barely any of them acknowledged Dark had entered the room.
In the front row he recognized a scrapny young man with hair dyed purple. He thought his name was Robbie, he’d seen him during the bands Monday night sessions. The sleepe around his penis was still slurping his roc- hard dick. He had sweat through his shirt, and he had a sizable pump of white and clear fluid in his collection bottle.
Looking up he saw his own nephew in the second from top row. Dean was a freshman majoring in theology. His curly red hair was now matted and dripping with sweat. Drake walked up to the side of the room until he was looking down Dean’s row. Dean had not acknowledged his Uncle Drake was in the room. His shorts and plaid blue boxes were around his ankles. Drake noted his nephew had quite a plump pair of testicles swinging in a loose sack. His penis looked to be a little bigger than average getting mercilessly milked.
With no fanfare the boys seemed surprised as the milkers simply stopped. Slowly eyes began opening and men began regaining their composition. Drake said “well done men. Now you’ll be good able to focus on your finals.”
The men began slowly reaching and pulling the sleeves off. One by one Drake saw dicks emerging from the sleeves. Slowly Drake watched as 200 hard as steel, full of blood, bloated weenies. Dean held a hand at the base of his dick and the other clutched his balls. His shaft was giving off heat. In the front row Robbie laid his hard shake in the palm of his hand. His dick was still oily with lube. This was much more intense than the bands Monday night sessions. Robbie watched as the thin Asian man beside him picked up the bott between his legs. His face began turning green as he looked at the half full bottle of cum, he had just produced.
Upstairs in the largest lesson hall Corey sat recovering with the rest of the colleges 422-member senior class. Around Corey were 421 sweaty and shaking men. Just down from him Corey cracked a smile as the goody-two shoes class president, a smart twunk type who was captain of the baseball team looked at his almost full bottle with wide eyes while his own eight-inch baseball bat between his legs looked like a swollen veiny monster. He just muttered to the guy beside him, “Now the coach says I have to do this every week now until graduation while the MLB recruiters are here watching me, so I stay focused.”
Corey was thankful that wasn’t him. He only had three more four hours marathons like this until he graduated. Corey, dazed, watched as a singular bead of cum appeared on the head of his dick and dripped into his underwear between his legs.
In a month, after Christmas break was over, they would be back here again having another four hour orgasm marathon before the next semester started.
And this all began with an experimental punishment for the marching band…
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