The Marching Band's Punishment Ch. 02

It was now the bands fourth trip to the punishment chairs. The men had played an award-winning halftime show on Saturday and had done activities with families for the colleges family weekend. Corey and Kush now sat in their stirrup chairs across from each other with their stomachs churning at the thought of the twenty orgasms they were about to be forced to have. Once the band was fully secured by Mr. Swanson and Headmaster Drake, Mr. Swanson stood in the center of the rows of chairs and said, “Now guys, tonight will be different.” This peaked the boys interest. Maybe tonight would be fewer orgasms.

Mr. Swanson continued “I know a lot of you went to family weekend. Most of your families have wondered how this new form of conduct correction works and since most of them pay your tuitions we have decided to allow them to watch your session tonight.” Many of the boys began vocally objecting. At 19-25 years old none of the men was keen on having their dads, or worse, their moms watching them fire off load after load of cum. The men’s objects continued as Drake opened the black door to the room and many of the men’s moms and dads began to file in.

Corey gulped. Leading the line of parents was his strict catholic mother. She made eye-contact with him, and he looked away in shame. Once Kush saw his thirty-year-old pro-wrestler brother enter the room and pick him out he became speechless. Around the room the men had different reactions, some began to begging their family to leave while some looked away in embarrassment.

Kush’s brother had come because he was interested to see this for himself. Down the row from Corey, a large black tube player named Devante was locking eyes with his mom who now saw him with a sleepe over his uncircumcised dick and prostate probe sticking from his asshole.

Drake began walking over to the control panel as Mr. Swanson said, “Ok, families. Since these sessions have begun, I have seen a marked improvement in your studentts performance. Once we start the process you are welcome to stay as little or as long as you like. Headmaster Drake, if you’re ready…..” The chorus of objects from the men grow to new volumes as Drake began pressing the start buttons on the control panel.

In a matter of seconds the men became much quieter as they felt the sleepe grow warm and bathe their dicks with lube and begin buzzing and the tingling in their assholes as the probes began sending a pleasure filled current to their prostates.

Kush was keenly aware that his brother was watching him as he fought to will the pleasure in his penis and balls away. Kush’s brown face grow crimeson with embarrassment as his body betray him. His brother watched as Kush’s sleep grew loud rigid with his blood-filled penis and just the tip of his glans began poking out of the sleepe as he reached his five-inch length.

Devonte had his teeth bared and stared straight ahead, not daring to look at his mother. She was shocked to watch her sons penis continue growing out of the sleepe as it filled with blood and grow to its almost ten-inch length. His balls were the size of two fat tomato’s that were in a loose sack. The sleeve was stretched tight over his baseball bat-like dick and the back of the sleeve was buried in his thick pubes.

Corey had his eyes closed as his penis grow. Soon, despite his efforts, it was thick and throbbing with a string of precum growing on the end. His strictly catholic mother was glad this was being done here and that her son wasn’t defiling himself with his own hand.

The boys were quieter than they had ever been in a draining session. They were determined not to let their families see them writing with lust. After a minute and a half many of the boys were straining to stop an orgasm. Devonte was not aware that he was letting a soft, extended moan escape through his bared teeth. He felt the impending ejaculation coming, but right before Devonte lost control, he heard thefive-foot-tall freshman behind him mutter “no, no” and then let out three loud grunts. Devonte hear the unmistakable splats hitting the linoleum behind him as the first of the 42 band members lost their battle with their sex organizations.

The freshman, Robbie, feel his face turn as red as a tomato as his strict Baptist minister father watched on. Robbie was mortified, but at the same time was overwhelmed by the Feeling of pleasure still rushing through his nuts. Robbie’s father felt this was good for him. Robbie was scratchy and had his short hair dyed purple. The 19-year-old felt the orgasm pass as the stimulation continued.

Robbie’s orgasm acted like the opening of the flood gates. No sooner had Robbie orgasmed than Devonte lost control and started firing four powerful ropes of cum as his mother watched on. Over the next two minutes, one-by-one the men began Cuming. One of the last to lose control was Corey. He staved off the orgasm as long as possible, but in-between breaths he lost control and came. With the pressure of a fire hose he came shooting cum so far, a splat landed across from him on Kush’s chest. Kush didn’t even notice. He was too busy focusing on his own pleasure and mortification as the last dribble from his own orgasms slide down his glans and onto the lip of the sleepe. For several of the parents this was enough of a demonstration and left, while others chose to stay, much to their students humiliation.

One ​​and a half hours later

All but a handful of family members had left. Most were overcome by the smell of the room which now smelled like an orgy was occurring. Robbie’s father was watching as Robbie breathed deeply as his fifteenth orgasm subsided. Robbie was covered in sweat and his purple hair was matted to his head.

In front of him, Devonte was staring intently at his dick which was still massively bloated. His mother was shocked by the huge puddle of cum her son had created between his legs. He would make a woman happy one day. Devonte shuddered as the self-lubricating sleep forced another orgasm from him, his seventeenth. This was his fourth dry orgasm. His two virile sperm factories had finally run out after third powerful ejaculation.

Kush’s brother noted that all but a few of the boys were only dry Cuming. The ones who were still shooting were ejaculating nothing but a small dribble of clear pale fluid. Corey’s mother left the room as her whimpering son shuddered from a dry sixteenth orgasm.

Little did the men know that as their families watched on Headmaster Drake and Mr. Swanson had decided that the draining were making such an improvement in the men’s attitude and performance that the sessions would extend out of marching season and through concert season.


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