The Marching Band's Punishment

Headmaster Drake and the 30-year old band director walked down the rows of 19-25 year old boys who were now groaning and moaning for a much needed orgasm. The thirty-year-old seminarian, Mr. Swanson had been growing tired of his bands behavior over the past two months and the last football game put him over the edge. He was outraged that his ten of his students had decided it was appropriate to moon the other teams band as they drove off in their busses. Mr. Swanson decided to enlist the colleges headmaster, Romulus Drake, for assistance. Even though only ten did the mooning the entire band would be punished. The small religious St. Jude’s College had recently gotten approval from the diocese to employ a new means of punishment. Long term arousal and/or causing multiple ejaculations. The point was to use the bodies means of pleasure against them.

Headmaster Drake and Mr. Swanson came to the conclusion that four hours in a high arousal edging cycle would get the 42 young men inthe band back in line.

Now in stirrup seats, the 42 boys who ranged in age from 19-25 all sportsled throbbing hard-ons and felt like dogs in heat that were desperate for release. All the boys were stripped naked and hooked up to their own arousal arrangement and was now being mercilessly teased to the point of exhaustion and delirium. The boys were all body types and hair colors and skin colors. The boys all had a metal plug inserted in their rectum which sent a signal to their prostate. A signal just strong enough to cause immense pleasure. But not an orgasm. On their dicks was a moist self-lubricating sleep which vibrated until the node in their ass, which had pressure sensors, detected an imminent orgasm then would stop vibrating right before the boys crossed the point of no return.

The two men walked passed the muscle dirty blond drumb major, Corey. A ninely bead of precum was at the tip of his thick log of flesh sticking out from the arousal sleep. He wasn’t even aware of Drake or Swanson’s presence because he was wrapped up his own ecstasy and praying for an orgasm that wouldn’t come.

Across from him was the string bean manager of the band. An Indian sophomore named Kush. He was profusely sweating and moaning and begging into his gag as the vibrating sleep shut off right before he crossed the point of no return.

The boys were all gagged. Drake felt it best so that it would cut down in noise……….

Four Hours Later

Swanson almost fell to the floor when the smell in the room hit his nose. It stunk worse than a locker room. The boys were openly begging through their gags. Corey’s churning balls ached and felt swollen. Swanson noted that were tinted blue.

The chubby red-haired percussionist in the seat behind him was drooling. He zoned out after hours unending arousal.

As Drake and Swanson walked down the rows of boys, they had to watch their steps. Puddles of precum were pooling in the floor and rolling acrossinto the puddles of other boys.

Drake Pressed some buttons on the wall and turned the program off. It took a bit but slowly the boys calmed down. Their dicks were all still standing at attention and swollen with spunk.

Swanson said “boys. I hope this has taught you a lesson.” The room erupted with desperate boys saying yes and pleading to be let out into their gags.

Drake clapped His hand ordered “Now, I have talked to Mr. Swanson, and we think we have an idea for continuing education in this room to keep you in line. At least for the rest of football season, but maybe longer during concert season as well. You are all aware now how this device is used to tease you and keep you aroused but it can also be used to force you to empty your testicles. When it’s set to that mode it will keep track of how many orgasms you have. Tonight and every Monday night after marching practice you will come down here to have twenty orgasms extracted. For your information that will take about two hours. The machine will automatically go off after twenty and you will be excused. I’m going to get this started now so you can have your orgasms and then hit the shows. You all reek.”

The boys stomachs churned at the thought of now having multiple orgasms. And that this would be the way they’d spend Monday nights. Some began to begging for mercy as the vibrator in their anus began strongly buzzing against their prostates. The sleepe got warm and began buzzing against their penis’s.

Corey’s sleep was just long enough to be buzzing at the crown of his corona almost putting him into an arousal field seizure. He and Kush locked eyes.

Kush looked like he was about to begin begging. Corey falsely told himself he would not let himself cum. Other boys were doing the same thing, but deep down they knew it was a lost cause. No man could experience this kind of pleasure without orgasming. Within a minute Corey heard the chubby guy next to him struggle and moaning. Corey glanced down and saw five huge splats of cum land between the boys legs on the floor. More splats would follow as the boys were forced to empty their sperm factories.

Corey felt it coming as he locked eyes with Kush again and then he was orgasming. Kush was shocked to see the jet of water white fluid shooting out of Corey’s cock. It was followed by three other shots. One shot was so strong it hit the Underside of Kush’s foot. Before Kush had time to react, he was Cumming too.

One ​​Hour Later

The room was once again filled with moaning crying boys. Swanson stayed in the room this time to watch over his band. As he walked by Corey, he placed his hand on the sweaty boys shoulder. Corey didn’t even react. He was zoning out. The only thing he could do to remain sane. He bucked his hips a few times as he had his 11th orgasm. Swanson noticed at the tip of the boys dick was one single bead of cum on the tip. The only things his drained balls had left to offer. He still had nine orgasms to go. As Swanson walked past the chubby boy, he pushed his dick forward as he came. A small dribble ran down his glans and a singular cum string dripped onto the floor.

Swanson knew one thing for sure. His boys would have no desire to touch themselves outside of this punishment room…


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