How I became Vicky is a life long story that turned out to be nothing I could have ever imagined it would. You see I have always been the ladies man I thought and loved the feeling of a girl all dressed up in satins and lace. I also have always been very cocky and full of myself somewhat. I have always been able to make a living or at least get by with doing handyman type work. I haven’t had to work a normal job 9 to 5 or have a boss tell me what to do. I also haven’t been in a long relationship because I was somewhat of a jerk when it came to woman.
I use to hit on as many women as I could and every once in awhile get lucky. But after a few times out with me, they either figure out that I am a jerk or expect me to pay my fair share of the way and I don’t really make enough money for me let alone them. I like to find the ones that will put out and pay for everything and I do get lucky every once in awhile. That is after they have a few drinks usually.
That is until I metmy Lady Ms Angela; she now has me doing things that I never would have dreamed about let alone ever thought I could do. It all started when I met her while I was doing some plumbing work at the office where she works for a lawyer in town. I was doing a job for Ms. Neil by replacing some tile work she wanted in the bathroom. I noticed how sexy she was the first time I saw her for an older lady, but I Figured she wouldn’t have anything to do with me. I also noticed her secretary, Angela Jones and realized that since she was more likely to give me a chance. It didn’t take me long to pull out a few of my best pick up lines on her but she blew me off.
Every time I walked by her I would say something about her looking good and how I could show her a good time. After a few tries though I gave up, especially after I figured she wouldn’t give me a shot. She made that very clear when I asked for her number and she told me not a chance in hell. So I was ready to move on to the next victimbut before I did I called her a stuck up bitch. I finished up the tile job the next day and to my surprise before I collected my money, Angela told me she would like to make it up to me by having a drink across the street at bar she went to.
Well maybe there was a chance after all and I jumped at the chance. I finished cleaning up and we went across the street where I started all over again with new pick up lines all over again. We had a couple of drinks and she asked me if I might want to go to her place for a few more. Well I never turned that down before and now I was even more hopeful that I was going to get lucky tonight. After we arrived at her place she fixed me a drink and she told me to sit next to her on the couch and relax a bit. Now I don’t really remember what happen next but what ever it was it was more then just a few drinks. I awoke in my truck with a lady cop knocking on the window with a gun in my face.
I was taken to jail and booked for rape before I could even remember where or what went on before I woke up. I was there in jail still trying to figure it all out when Ms Neil showed up and said she would put up my bail but there would be conditions. I had a few questions of my own but she told me to sit there and shut up. I was then informed that Angela was admitted in the emergency room last night and a rap kit was produced with my DNA in it. I was facing 15 years without much chance of a defense since I had no alibi and my DNA in the kit. First off with a woman judge, a woman lawyer, and a rape kit in hand, it was pretty much a done deal already. I had to choose then and there what kind of future I wanted.
I tried to protest but she then slapped me and said that I had to either agree to be released into Angela custody where I would sign a contract to obey her or face a very much longer prison term then I could ever handle. My head was spinning and I couldn’t figure out what was happening but I did manage to blur out that I wasNot going to go along with any of this and didn’t do a thing. Ms. Neil looked at me and said that was ok too because guys like me should be in prison anyway. She went on to tell me that she has seen my kind before and couldn’t stand a man who disrespected women the way I did. She then turned to the phone on the wall and told the guard I was ready to go back to my cell.
The door opened up and I realized that this was real and yelled at her “OK, WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO?”
She then dismissed the guard and told me to have a seat. She then said that tomorrow I would go in front of the judge and file a plea agreement.
The next morning, after a shower and shake, I was ordered to get cuffed and lead down to the court room where Angela was seating and female judge was residing. There was a female prosecutor and only Ms. Neil was in attendance. The judge stated that this was a very unusual case in that Angela didn’t want me to go to prison and if I was to be released into her custody that I would be on very thin ice to do as she said at all times or she would lock me up for the maximum sentence she could by law. I was to be on probation and if she ever decided to return me or I got out of hand that she wouldn’t hesitate to lock me up. She asked me if I agreed and after saying yes, she had me sign a contract to that effect.
I was then taken back to the room with the table and phone and soon joined by Ms. Neil. She had me sign some more papers and then she left and Angela walked in. She was dressed very sexy in her dress and looked very attractive but also had a serious look that scared me to death. She asked me if I understand my place now and what was expected of me? I began by saying I didn’t remember anything that had went on that night. That is when she put her finger over my mouth and said that maybe she should explain it to me. She told me that she drugged me that night and got my DNA but no one would suspect that. She also told me that now I was going to do what she said no matter how much I thought about saying no. I now belonged to her and my fate was in her hands. She would break me of my male chauvinistic ways by making me her very owned little slave.
I was to call her Ma’am or Ms. Angela at all times and I was to do as told without hesitation at all times, “Do you understand?”
Yes was my reply when out of the blue I was slapped and knocked down to the floor.
“Yes Ma’am should be your answer!” she said. I quickly replied the response she was looking for.
She then put a bag on the table and told me that since you have so little respect for women that she felt it was up to her to change my way of thinking and while she was at it get a slave girl in the process.
“A slave girl” I said when she kicked me in the groin and kicked me in the gut.
“Yes a slave girl and you call me Ma’am when you speak to me.
“Yes Ma’am, but please don’t kick me again.
“I will discuss you when and howI see fit or you will be sent to prison faster then you can say bitch.” She then said.
“Now get up and take off your clothes and put this on.”
It was a chatity device called a CB-3000. I had no ideal how it worked but it took her no time at all to have my cock locked in its new cage.
“You will now only be able to have an orgasm, let alone touch yourself for pleasure unless I allow it.”
She then emptied the bag and out fell a skirt, blouse, panties, bra, hose and some heels. Not wanting her to hit me again, I put on the clothes. She then had me sit down while she applied make up to my face and applied nails and poison to my fingers. She then pulled a collar and led out of her pocket and attached them around my neck. She told me that I was going to go to my new home where I would learn to do as told and never both any women again without permission from her first of course. I would no longer be a man but owned property to do as she wished for me to do.
Ialso would no longer have a male name, “I think for now on your name will be Vicky.”
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