The Making of a Man Ch. 03

Chapter Three – Rachel’s Transformation


Rachel knew she probably had ten minutes before Nick arrived and having just left Elyse’s house after they shared another man, she was definitely primed and ready. Rachel normally cherished the time she and Nick spent lovemaking but tonight she felt different. Powerful, hungry, authoritative and even nasty.

Elyse had given her a taste of what it felt like to abuse a man sexually and much to her surprise, she discovered that she enjoyed it far more than she ever expected to. While the idea of ​​gentle lovemaking still had its appeal, she recognized these new feelings of control were quite intotoxicating and she was ready to delve into it more fully with the man she was falling in love with.

Rachel knew Nick had also just left Mistress Jen’s place and was denied his own orgasm after being teased mercilessly. She wasn’t entirely sure which aspects of bdsm might turn him on most but she knew from past experience that he was very submissive to women naturally so it would be easy to manipulate him in any situation. In her mind though, it wasn’t enough to simply order Nick around. She wanted to utterly dominate him, mind as well as body. To make him so desperate for her that he’d give in to anything. Even beg along the way. Tonight, she hoped to rope him in further and under her spell, she’d begin training him to be her loving pet.

While Rachel waited for Nick, she double checked her appearance and giggled at the thought that she was probably wearing the exact same clothes she had months ago when she sent him after school and took his virginity. She loved her snug fitting black leather mini skirt because it nicely showed off her curvy hips and shaped legs. When she wanted extra attention, as she did tonight, she chose tight tank tops as well, which were cut short enough to reveal her sculpted midsection. Earlier tonight, she left the house without a bra to accentuate her gravity defying 36D titsand she saw no reason to put one back on with Nick arriving so soon. She knew he also loved high heeled boots so she changed out what she had on for siletto boots in black leather.

Looking out her window, she noticed his truck pulled into the parking space and she thought she’d send him one last teasing text before he walked up: ‘Nick, I feel I should warn you. I am feeling very wicked tonight. If you choose to back out, now’s the chance. If you come up and knock, I expect to open the door and find you in a position of complete submission. Don’t disappoint me.’

As Nick exited his truck, Rachel could see him pause to look at his phone and she held her breath, knowing he was reading the text. She was thrilled when he made for her door at a brisk pace.

Nick’s heart skipped as he read the text. He could tell from the earlier text that she wasn’t quite her normal self. She seemed almost intimidating and he found it very alluring. This latest text had him even more eager tosee her but he still wondered where this was all coming from. ‘What does it matter?’ He asked himself, ‘this is the side of her you’ve always fantasized of. Stop asking why and just enjoy it!’

Nick learned early on with Mistress Jen that she too was very domineering and even expected him to knee at her feet and kiss her shoes in submission. He badly wanted to be with Rachel tonight and was ready to do anything to win her favorite. As he walked up to the door, he decided it was better to play it safe and go all out rather than risk something less and disappoint her. ‘As late as it was, no one would notice him groving outside her door anyway so why not play along as she asked?’ He thought. ‘As she demanded, quickly correcting himself.’

Rachel heard the knock on the door and fought the urge to race over and open it. She deliberately waited 30 seconds to keep him waiting. Tonight was about asserting her authority over him and that means she needed slow things down and keep hismind spinning. When she did finally open it, she was rewarded with the site of Nick down on all fours, head down and waiting patiently to be acknowledged.

Walking up closer, “Very nice baby! You are off to an excellent start!”

Nick wasted no time in clutching one of Rachel’s boots and lightly kissing the toe.

“Oh yeah! This is exactly what I want from you tonight! What I expect from you often in fact. Crawl in here and don’t forget to shut the door.”

Nick did as he was instructed while Rachel walked calmly into the front living room waiting for him. As he crawled up, he kissed her shoe again and this time looked up for guidance.

“Stay down while I take all this in.” Rachel slowly walked around him as she spoke, “baby, I’ve been doing a lot of writing of erotic stories lately and some of them are darker than you might normally expect from me.”

As she said this last part, she paused behind him and lift her boot tip to his groin. She was happy to seethat he didn’t flinch or pull away.

“Spread you legs wide. I want full access to your most tender of places.”

Nick compiled without hesitation and she brought her boot up again, gently rubbing his groin and causing him to moan slightly.

“I don’t know where my passwords will take me as I continue these writing endeavors but I do know that I find myself wanting to examine the rougher side of things with you.” She lightly flicked her boot tip up into his balls a couple times and he sucked in his breath at the disappoint.

“Do you want to take this journey with me baby?”

“Oh yes Rachel! I’d love to!”

“Don’t surrender too quickly. You don’t know how far I’ll take you yet. What if I told you right now I’m tempted to kick you in the balls? Would you let me?”

After a long pause, Nick softly said, “yes, I would.”

Rachel resumed her rubbing his groin with her boot tip as she spoke, “I believe you would. I love how you readily surrender to me. Luckyfor you I don’t want that but there is a possibility I might in the future. Tonight, I’d just like to test you a bit and see how you handle yourself. It’s also an opportunity for you to decide if you can accept your new place in our relationship.”

Walking back to the couch and sitting comfortably, “look at me. I want to do bad things to you tonight. Would you like that?”

“Oh yes I would!”

“We’ll see. Stand up and strip down. Slowly.” As he finished, “good, now lie on your back and spread your arms and legs. Don’t move.”

Rachel walked around him slowly again, periodically stopping to dig her pointy heel into different body parts to see how he’d react. She loved the helpless look on his face as he stared up at her, Totally relenting to the degrading treatment.

As she walked between his legs, she lightly stepped down on his swollen cock and placed her heel point into his sensitive nutsack. She pressed down little by little until he cried out and began to squirm.

“Please Rachel, you’re hurting me.”

Rachel was surprised how easy she found it to read Nick at that moment. “This doesn’t hurt at all. I’m hardly pressing down. You’re just saying that because you’re feeling vulnerable and afraid. Tell me the truth.”

Swallowing hard, “yes, you’re right. I am afraid but I don’t know why. I do trust you…”

Smiling, “you can trust me. But you’re holding back. What else were you going to say? No secrets. Tell me everything.” She pressed down a little further with her heel into his balls making it clear she was going to get the answer one way or another.

“I’m a little embarrassed to admit this but I get extremely turned on by this sort of thing. I don’t know why but the thought of you making me so powerless in situations like this is highly erotic!”

“Then maybe you’re the perfect man for me as I learn more about this lifestyle. Does the thought of punishment excite you, even if it’s painful?”


Rubbing her boot across his price and digging her heel tip in a bit more, “And we already know you like being in humiliating and degrading situations, don’t we?”


“I enjoy all this too. And the thought of learning where all your limits are make me extremely hot and bothered!”

“Me too Rachel!”

“When I had you lay down, I told you not to move. But you Did. Looks like I’m going to have to punish you right from the onset of our lovely evening. Does this frighten you?”

“A little but I trust you.”

Rachel walked to his side and used her boot tip to play with his cock as she spoke, “You can trust me. I’d never hurt you but your time here tonight will be more… intense than you’re used to.”

As she said the last part, she lifted his cock with her boot tip and let it slap back against his belly. She repeated the move a couple times switching to her other foot as well and both boots quickly became soiled with his precum.

Moving back a step, “Geton your hands and knees and look at what you did to my boots! You will lick your fluid off of them. Now!”

Nick hesitated a moment but did as he was told. Within seconds, he was lovingly licking her boots, far more than was necessary, clearly adoring being so fully subjugated.

“That’s a good boy! You paused for a moment and I don’t like that but I can see you’re learning your place quickly. You may stop now but remain in place.”

Rachel grabbed Nick’s pants and stood in front of him so he could watch her remove his belt from the loops. She casually walked over to a neary ottoman and placed her foot at the edge.

Snapping her fingers, she pointed down and said, “Crawl over here and show me again what a good boy you’re going to be from now on.”

He quickly crawled over and as he licked her boot yet again, she bent down and ran her fingers through his hair. “You obviously know why I’m holding your belt but I want to hear you say it.”

Nick’s heart was racing. He had no trouble figuring out that he was about to be beating by this beautiful woman he treasured. With his own belt, no less. To his surprise, the thought of it excited him wildly and he was actually wanting it. He loved this new side of Rachel and wanted to worship her more than ever.

“You are going to whip me as a punishment. I moved when you told me not to. I deserve to be Disciplined…Mistress.”

Upon hearing her new title, she felt flush with pride and power. She knew she was falling in love with this man and she loved him all the more for his submission. For trusting her and following her into the world she wanted to dive into. Earlier tonight, she enjoyed flogging a man she had only just met and didn’t even really like. Now, she was about to do the same to a man who idolized her and longed to Feel her attention, painful or pleasant. A man whom she actually wanted.

As she continued to stroke his hair, she let the belt fall down so he could see it next tothe boot he was still licking, “Yes baby. I’m going to whip you. And I’m going to make it hurt but I want you to know that I love you. And I also adore the title you have bestowed on me. I expect you to lick my boots every time we meet and always call me Mistress when we’re at play.”

“I will Mistress. And I love you too!”

Rachel couldn’t believe that she Just admitted her feelings and was even more shocked that he acknowledged his own so easily in response. She always assumed that he didn’t love her because he was also seeing two other women but Nick had no way of knowing that she knew that of course so there was no way to discuss it openly. Not yet.

She teased him by sliding the belt tip down his back wondering if he was anticipating his first lashing as much as she was. “That’s enough. Move back to where you were so I can punish you now.”

“I want your ass up nice and high so get down on you elbows. Legs a little wider.” Letting the belt glide across his cheeseks, she added, “how bad do you want this?”

“Please Mistress. Please whip me good.”

“That’s a good boy! I’ll allow you to have the belt now. You’re going to count each slap out loud and I expect to hear a ‘thank you’ after each one. If you lose count, I’ll find a different body part to punishment.”

“Yes Mistress.”

The first couple of swats we’re not very hard as Rachel learned how to swing the belt. After a few of them though, Nick was grunting and feeling each one keenly. Rachel was some started as she got her strikes down perfectly and heard the sharp crack of leather on his tender skin. She could see though that they were not causing him intense pain and if anything, were arousing him even more. The noise made her all the wetter as well!

“You’re enjoying this more than I am, aren’t you?”

“God yes, Mistress! This is incredible!”

She felt she needed to shake him up so she flipped the belt, end for end and made light pendulum type swings, allowng the metal buckle to lightly rap his free hanging ball sack. Nick jumped and squeaked out in pain but she continued the gentle slapses with the buckle.

Mistress Rachel found it almost sadistic that she was taking satisfaction in causing pain to his tender jewels but she knew it was important to remind him that tonight wasn’t about what he wanted. “How about now? Are you still loving this? I know I am!”

“No Mistress. It hurts. But I can take it if it makes you happy.”

In an icy tone, she replied, “maybe it would make me happy to swing this buckle a little more forcedly and see what it takes to crack these delicate eggs of yours.”

“Please don’t do that Mistress. I know I don’t have any say in what happens but I promise I’ll be a good boy. Please don’t Injure me.”

Satisfied she had made her point, she switched back to the leather end and chapped his ass cheats a few more times, finding it easier now to produce the amazing cracking sounds with each blow. Nick leaned into the slash on his bottom now, moaning with each smack, and Rachel considered she needed a better tool that didn’t give him so much gratification.

Nearing the end, “twenty three Mistress. Thank you.”

“Are you done disobeying me?”

“Yes Mistress! I’ve learned my lesson.”

“I’m not finished. Let’s make it a nice round thirty.”

Nick moaned again and continued his count as the strikes landed. When Mistress Rachel finished, she knelt down and grabbed Nick tightly by the balls.

“These belong to me when we are together. Do you have an issue with that?”

“No Mistress!”

“And this is for hesitating when I ordered you to lick my boots the first time.” Mistress Rachel squeezed and twisted until Nick gasped and sniveled for mercy but surprisingly, he remained still through the ordeal.

She reached underneath and squeezed his cock a few times before returning to his balls, gripping them tightly again in her vice like grip. Nick sucked inhis breath in response. “Your hard as a rock! You love this don’t you?”

Gasping in near breathlessness, he barely answered, “yes Mistress but I’m not sure I can take much more. Please!”

She released his abused balls and stroked them softly, “Good boy! You didn’t move. Apparently the whip did help you learn after all. I think I will be experimenting with different objects during your beatings. Of course if you never misbehave, it will be hard to test items out so I’ll find ways to cause you to fail. Does that distress you?”

“No Mistress!”

“All this talk has me dripping wet. I blow you for that. You will satisfy my need now.”

Rachel moved to the couch and slowly removed her underwear as he watched. “They are drenched with my juices. Again, your fault but I’ll punish you later for that.”

She sat at the edge, leaning way back so Nick would be allowed complete access. Lifting her leather skirt, she revealed her bare pussy, shiny with wetness. “Crawl overhere and lick me. If you don’t get me off quickly, I won’t allow you to cum for a month.”

Nick scrambled on all fours to his Mistress and eagerly dove in, greedily lapping at her folds and taking a moment to lick her anus the way she liked. Wetting a couple fingers with his mouth, he reached inside her sopping pussy and turned them upwards to massage her G spot. He licked and sucked her small cliporis vigorously knowing she wouldn’t last long. Initially, she jumped at the sudden and aggressive stimulation to her nub and he recalled then that she was extremely sensitive there. Adjusting to soft licking and sucking, she started cumming seconds later.

“OOOHHH YEAH, OOOHHH FUCK YES, DON’T STOP! Gently now. Bring me down slowly and lick me everywhere. Massage me outside with your fingers too!”

Rachel enjoyed a mind blowing peak and her only disappointment was she purposely couldn’t display the intensity she felt because she didn’t want Nick to see how much control he held in that moment. It was a small trade off, she decided. But now it was time to turn up the pressure on her pet again!

“You may stop now. You’re skills are improving but we need to keep practicing. Tonight is a good night for that, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Yes Mistress! I would love to do that for you all night.”

“I’ll remind you of those words in a few minutes. I want you to stand up and go into the bathroom. On the counter is my hair brush. When you return, I expect you to crawl back with it in your mouth and present it to me. Go.”

Nick did as he was told, this time without hesitation. He was excited about receiving another spanking but confused as to why. ‘The belt didn’t hurt much,’ he thought, ‘so how bad could the hair brush hurt?’

As he presented the brush to her, she leaned forward to speak but left it in his mouth, “when you latched on to my sweet spot just now, you were too aggressive and it caused me to jump. I’ve told you before how sensitive myclip is and now you will be punished for that.”

Mistress Rachel took the hairbrush and Nick started to turn to get into position.

“No. You will crawl across my lap for your paddling. Move.”

Nick got across her lap and she could feel his hard on pushing against her skirt.

“If you leak onto my skirt, you will be licking it clean. For these swats, you will stay silent and count them in your head. I’ll expect an accurate number later so keep good count. And if you cry out or move, I’ll make it much worse on you.”

Nick’s mind exploded as his Mistress began paddling him hard and fast with the backside of the brush. The sound it made was nearly as loud as the belt and he couldn’t believe that the little brush could hurt so much more than the belt but it did. He tried his best to keep an accurate count as she adjusted her blows from cheese to cheese. After twenty, he felt tears streaming down his face but he steeled himself to the pain, determined not to move or cryout. By the time she finished, he felt like his ass was going to burst into flames.

Mistress Rachel finished and rubbed her hand across his bright red bottom. “Your ass cheeses are glowing now and giving off lots of heat. I love it! Even my brush feels warm. Here, kiss it.”

Doing as he was told, she took a moment to soothe his frayed nerves by reaching between his legs and stroking his nuts.

After a minute, she said, “on your knees, upright in front of me. Hands behind your back.”

Nick quickly dismounted and assumed the position. Rachel noticed the tears and wiped them away from his face.

“There, there. It’s over now. It hurt, didn’t it?”

“Yes Mistress, it hurt a lot.”

Reaching down, she stroked his penis gently, bringing sights of contentment from his lips. “It couldn’t have been that bad. Your hard as steel. But if this kind of play is too much for you, speak up now and I’ll let you leave.”

“No! Please don’t send me away! I’m sorry I cried. It was only a little. Give me a chance to get used to it. I want to get used to it. For you. I want to be with you.”

Continuing to stroke his cock, she reassure him. “I’m not sending you away baby. I’m only giving you the chance to back out. My tastes are changing and I really do want to enjoy all this with you. I mean what I said earlier. I love you and I truly appreciate you giving yourself to me in this way. I’m not saying I will be gentle from here out. Probably rougher. But you need to know there’s no one else I’d rather do this with.”


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