Nick lay in the bed alongside Mistress Elyse, completely exhausted. They had been going at it for a couple hours this particular session and while Mistress Elyse had many climaxes so far, she had not yet permitted him to have his. Nick wasn’t complaining though. He knew his place well since day one.
He enjoyed giving his Mistress pleasure and he knew he wasn’t entitled to his own pleasure. He had to earn it every time and he was happy to do so. While Mistress Elyse rarely denied him in that way, she certainly could and he knew she was strong will enough to punish him for the slightest of transgressions. So he always worked extra hard to guarantee her pleasure and he believed she loved this quality in him.
Nick willingly entered into this arrangement when their relationship began, just a few short weeks ago. He agreed to a list of rules he must follow, including referring to her as Mistress when not in public and never cumming without permission. Fortunately for Nick, Mistress Elyse was very generous when he performed well. Tonight, he knew, she just felt like making him beg first.
Mistress Elyse’s lust was still smoldering this session but she felt kind enough to grant him a short break from his exhaustive efforts to keep her satisfied. She was lying on her side, admiring her new lover’s stamina as well as his burning desire to please. She had chosen well, she knew. Several months back, she created a complicated plan to ensnare him and make him her new submissive play toy. It worked out even better than she ever hoped and in the process of getting to know him better, she began to see him as much more than a mere play thing.
As Nick lay there in his Mistress’s bed, recovering his strength, he also thought back to a time months ago and reflected on just how much his life had improved in such a short period.
He reflected that not very long ago, he had still never kissed a girl and was practically paralyzed when they showed him any attEntion. He was nearing the end of high school when a very attractive and very forward girl, named Rachel, seduced him and screwed his brains out after he was kind enough to give her a ride home. Around that same time, his incredibly hot teacher, Ms. Jennifer Blizen, also started flirting with him. For the briefest of moments during their exchange, he got the distinct impression that Ms. Blizen purposely opened a window of opportunity for him to take her but when he failed to act on it, the moment quickly passed. During their flirtatious exchange however, he learned that Rachel confident the story of his lost virginity to Ms. Blizen and he assumed she was just teasing him sexually for her own amusement. Nevertheless, he loved the extra attention.
To add to all this new excitement in his blossoming young life, a gorgeous woman whose yard he maintained, Elyse Johnson, also started teasing him. While Nick lamented his lost opportunity to fuck his hot teacher, he did make spectacular progress with Elyse.
For one day while doing yard work, he noticed her masterbating through her window and watched, mesmerized. He was spotted by her though and she dragged him inside and proceeded to chew him out. He confessed his years long, secret attention to her and while he expected her to call the cops on him for voyeurism, she instead gave him the most mind shattering blow job he could imagine.
In his afterglow, he assumed she had simply taken goal on him and he figured she’d tell him it was a one time event. Instead, Elyse, explained she preferred young men and offered to make him her new regular ‘boy toy’ but only if he fully submitted to her in every way. He couldn’t surrender himself fast enough and so Elyse became Mistress Elyse in the blink of an eye. Lying in bed, Nick was almost embarrassed when he considered how desperate he must have seemed to her then, though he accepted that embarrassment was a small price to pay for the absolute joy he felt every time he got to fuck this amazing woman!
Even more unbelievable though, Mistress Elyse insisted that he continue seeing Rachel. Prior to Mistress Elyse taking him as her toy, they had tea one hot afternoon and at Elyse’s persistent prying about his sex life, he reluctantly told her how he lost his virginity recently to Rachel and that they still got together occasionally for sex. For some inexplicable reason, Mistress Elyse believed he owed something to Rachel and therefore felt he should continue to make himself available to her on some sort of ‘friends with benefits’ arrangement for as long as Rachel wanted. Far from complaining, Nick was thrilled to have full access to two beautiful women when he had only his hand weeks before.
Because Nick had no way of knowing all these events had been carefully staged by Mistress Elyse, he could only ponder how any man could be so fortunate as he had been recently.
Mistress Elyse stroked Nick’s body drawing him out of his thoughts.
“What’s on your mind sexy? You look so serious staring up at the ceiling. Did I finally fuck you into a coma?”
Nick turned and smiled, “I was just reliving in my mind how bizarre things have been for me recently. How a series of fortunate things all came together perfectly leaving me in a position to be with you. I can’t describe how happy you’ve made me Mistress. Every time we are together, I try my hardest to show it.”
“I love your thoughtfulness but I think you’re just buttering me up because you really want to cum tonight!”
“I always want to cum with you Mistress but only if you think I deserve it”
“Now you’re laying it on way too thick, young man. You may just go home with aching nuts tonight. Don’t think I won’t make you wait. A little denial will keep you eating out of the palm of my hand. Not to bring up a sour subject but have you considered what you’re going to do? Your folks didn’t give you much notice about things did they?”
Nick had been trying not to dwell about this latest development in his young life. As much as his sex life skyrocketed from nonexistent to spectacular in a matter of weeks, other aspects of his life also took an abrupt change, but for the worse. Nick’s parents decided, out of nowhere, to move out of state. Days after he graduated high school, they sat him down and told him that his dad had a great job offer in Maine and the extra income was going to allow his mom to stop working entirely. They offered to bring him along, knowing he was far from self sufficient but Nick had no desire to start over. His life was just getting going and he had exciting prospects. Elyse and Rachel were of course added essentials to stay as well.
“I’ve actually given it a lot of thought, when I’m not with you, that is! I spoke to my boss and he agreed to give me full hours and bring my wage up to fifteen bucks an hour. He had me join the union and he’s officially making me an appreciation. It’s going to be hard work butI really enjoy it and if I stick with it, sometimes I’ll hit journeyman status and make a lot better wage. On the housing front, I probably won’t be able to get my own apartment but I know a couple guys who are planning to rent a house and they offered to let me in with them. We will split the cost four ways and that should allow me enough left over each month for bills, food, gas, and so on.”
“That sounds great but I have to ask. Please tell me you aren’t making this decision only to be with me. I enjoy having you for sure but I don’t want you to make big life decisions around me.”
“I’d be lying if I said you weren’t part of all the things I’ve weighed out but really, I hate the idea of moving to Maine and I’ve always wanted to be a welder anyway so I think I should take the opportunity I’ve been offered. I like my boss and I’m pretty sure he likes me. I’ve been working for him part time for nearly two years. I’m actually very happy that he offered me this. There are otherguys who would love to have that chance. It all feels right and I think I’d regret it if I didn’t go for it.”
“Well I’m glad you took the time to think it through properly. And I’m really glad I’ll still have access to you! So, do you still want to cum or has that need passed completely?”
“God no! I want it badly Mistress! What do I need to do to earn your favorite? Please tell me!”
“I think I’d like a nice back mass while I ponder the fate of your pleasure.”
Nick treasured giving his Mistress back rubs, or any kind of body massage for that matter. He didn’t really believe she would send him home suffering but it was a game after all. If he wanted relief bad enough, he was going to be made to work hard for it. And tonight he wanted Relief badly. It had been several days since he’d seen Rachel and the idea of masterbating just didn’t sound appealing anymore since these two wonderful women entered his life.
As Nick lavished her back with oily attention, Mistress Elyse drifted off into her own reverie pondering how her simple plan became quickly became convoluted before ultimately succeeding in wild fashion.
Elyse knew that Ms. Jen Blizen was Nick’s English teacher during this past semister, his senior year. Nick however, never learned that Elyse and Jen were the very best of friends. Elyse shared her desire to ensnare young Nick and Jen graciously set things into motion. Jen happened to have a close friend with a very well developed and very sexually active senior girl, Rachel. Being perhaps the sluttiest girl in school, it took almost no effort to convince her to pop Nick’s cherry.
Had Rachel and Nick were underage, Jen probably would have not been willing to get involved but in this case, Nick had just turned eighteen and Rachel was already nineteen. Once Nick experienced his first taste of pussy, both Jen and Elyse made it a point of sexually teasing him for weeks until Elyse finally claimed her prize the day after hisGraduation. Nick was so wound up with sexual tension at that point, controlling him was almost too easy, Elyse thought.
Elyse musted though that her scheme almost failed at one point when Rachel started developing feelings for the young man after the deed. Thankfully, Jen was able to work some magic and create a situation where Rachel and Elyse were able to share Nick, all without his knowledge of course. Although Elyse knew she was more than twice Rachel’s age, they took an immediate liking to one another when they finally met and the strange arrangement quickly felt very comfortable for both of them.
In the end, Elyse figured things turned out even better than originally planned. She and Rachel communicated frequently about their escapades with Nick and turned it into a game to keep him thoroughly exhausted day after day while allowing themselves rest as needed. The best stories, Elyse had to admit, came from them each making heavy demands of him on the same day, then comparing notes afterward about his performance.
Elyse came to learn that Rachel was quite resourceful and also very organized. Rachel set up an electronic calendar online for all three ladies to have full access to and they simply plugged in their anticipated times with Nick making it clear to the others when he was free or not. While Jen had not yet begun seeing Nick, she had plans to ‘randomly run into him’ someday soon, exchange numbers with him, and then start carving out spots of her own in the calendar for times to share Nick. They all found it hyperical that they were filling his dance card each week while he remained entirely clueless about his own future plans.
Elyse smiled as Nick worked out a tense muscle but it turned into a smug little smile as she went on to think about the lengthy group chats the three of They shared. Once they got going in their chats, the direction usually became darker as they plotted and planned future designs for Nick. Had he ever been allowed to read the group chats, Elyse considered, he would either be awed or scared as hell. Probably both, she decided. While Elyse enjoyed using Nick as a toy, she understands Rachel’s youth had her gravitating towards having Nick in more romantic settings. Jen, on the other hand, was going to be an adjustment for poor Nick. Elyse had no doubts about Jen’s plans for the young man once she was ready.
Elyse introduced Jen to the world of bdsm but Jen quickly adopted it as if it was a missing component in her daily life. Jen was far more dominating than her, she knew. Jen had been in bad, often physically abusive, relationships all her life and after her last one ended, Elyse showed her some of what she had been missing in relationships between men and women. While Elyse’s bdsm tastes were milk, Jen’s turned out to be more extreme. Years of not being satisfied by men, and even abused by them, left her with a yearning to punishment and control. A need that never seemed quite satisfied.
Over the years, Elyse and Jen shared men often and Elyse sometimes liked to watch Jen play. Jen rarely allowed her lovers to cum and retired in their sexual frustrations, ones created and fueled by her. Men kissed her feet in worship and sometimes, she took pleasure in pegging her lovers, particularly ones she believed were deserving of humiliation. Elyse admitted Jen’s transformation and the strength she held, though in truth, she was also a bit intimidated witnessing her voracious appetites. Elyse was completely confident in her own strength but Jen was hard as steel by comparison.
Elyse originally expected Nick to take upwards of a year to reach a level of submission she preferred in a young man but he took to it so naturally that he needed only milk adjustments. Now and then, she needed to ‘correct’ his behavior but he responded well to these punishments, far better than most men, in fact.
Elyse had a different look on her face as she thought of her preferred way to correct a man. She usually sat down and held her hand turned palm up, like a claw, at groin level. It took very little training for Nick to understand that this gesture means he was to walk over and submit his testicles to her for punishment. If he was clothed, he was to strip down first.
Elyse important that the most important distinction Nick should draw was she should never have to reach out and grab him, he was to surrender his nutsack to her, literally straddling her hand so she needs only close her grip around his most delicious and precise of possessions. The act of surrender was the most important aspect of maintaining his submission, she explained. She loved the feeling of power she had in causing begging and pleading, along with profuse apologizing, simply with the squeeze of her hand.
As Nick loosened up her neck muscles with his strong hands, she fantasized about creating opportunities for him to make mistakes so that she could squeeze his balls and enjoy the sweetSurrender, basking in his fear of being hurt. She never actually hurt him of course, and had no desire to, but she understand that the secret in the act was that he actually believe she might. When he believed, he experienced fear and his submission was very tender and geneine.
Elyse snapped herself out of her fantasy and told Nick she was ready again for his cock.
Elyse laid on her back, at the edge of her bed and had Nick fuck her while standing, holding her legs out wide so he could get nice and deep. Nick had an average, six inch cock but what Elyse loved most was that it had a distinct upward curve that rubbed the roof of her pussy in the most delightful way. In addition, Nick had the most severe cock of any young man she ever enjoyed. This position quickly became a favorite of hers after seeing how well Nick performed in it and how easily he could make her cum.
“Oh yeah! I could keep you here doing this for hours! You know exactly how I like it and I cum so nicely like this! Now this is how you win my favorite young man.”
Elyse relaxed and closed her eyes, focusing on her own pleasure as Nick settled into a smooth pumping action, reading her body for clues and adjusting the speed, depth, and angle until Elyse seemed happiest. It didn’t take long for Elyse to have a very satisfied orgasm but Nick keep pumping away determined for her to have more if possible. Elyse smiled warmly at him, pleased with his willingness to always put her first.
Elyse decided she wanted to hear Nick beg now. More than beg, she decided. She wanted to punish him! She used her muscles to clamp down on his penis, knowing he wouldn’t be able to handle the increased friction for long. She demanded he go faster and harder, and watched as his pressure mounted. Soon Nick told her he was in danger of cumming and needed to stop for a moment to cool down.
“Don’t stop! I want it hard and fast. Harder! Faster!”
“Please Mistress. I can’t hold back. I just needa second to cool down. Please!” With no response from her, his pleasures changed. “Please let me cum. Please! Oh, god, I can’t hold it much longer!”
“I said NO! Keep thrusting and don’t you dare cum without my permission!”
Elyse watched him closely now. She knew him well enough to know when the moment of no return came. He continued his pleasure and Elyse loved every bit of it.
As he reached the precipice, she offered him a lifeline. “You may cum but know your going to pay for your lack of self control!”
As much as she enjoyed his torque, she really enjoyed watching him cry out in password as he pumped his seed inside her.
She felt his hardness peak and then break as he went over the edge. She even thought she could actually feel him spurting as he hit the back wall of her pussy with his furious pounding.
Nick finally finished and felt thoroughly spent. As he pulled outThough, Elyse told him to lie on his back. Nick did as he was told, hoping his cock would perform to her satisfaction so soon after such a huge release. To his surprise, Mistress straddled his head and fucked his face instead, tightly grabbing fistfuls of his hair.
“I told you I wanted you to hold out. I finally allowed you to cum so I could reform this message. Clean up the mess you made, Now! And don’t think this is the end of it either. I’m going to squeeze your balls after this until you beg for mercy.”
Later that night, Elyse updated the group chat and it inevitably turned into a long, but enjoyable conversation between the three of them:
Jen: I’m finally ready to join in the fun if you two will still have me!
Rachel: Absolutely! I wouldn’t even be a part of all this if it weren’t for you two. Do you know where you’re going to come across him?
Elyse: Nick has commented that he hits the Starbucks every morning on his way to work. That has to be theone in our neighborhood on First Street. I assume he starts work at eight but he’s never actually said. You’re going to need to act quickly though. He told me tonight that he’s going to be moving in with friends soon and I have no idea what part of town that will be.
Jen: That’s the beauty of being a teacher. Every summer off! I’ll just start hitting that Starbucks bright and early each morning until I catch him. I can bring my laptop and stay busy pretty easily.”
Rachel: I wish I could be there to watch you toy with him. Don’t worry I’ll stay away!
Elyse: Rachel, I’ve been wanting to ask. How’s your grandma? Is she still in the hospital?
Rachel: Yeah. Sucks. They have her on all these antibiotics and it isn’t helping her pneumonia at all. My mom is worried sick. We only have each other so I try to be there for her. I try not to think on it any more than necessary.
Jen: We will be praying for her. Let me know if there’s anything I can do.
Elyse: Samehere. Anything at all.
Rachel: Thanks. There is a chance she could be in a convalescent home for months after this and if so, I may stay at her condo watching over things. I hope it doesn’t come to that.
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