Chapter Sixteen – The Abyss
Eric made his way home from Rose Noire alone. When he made it inside he went straight to her room. He saw the discarded outfit she’d wound to the club. The room looked like someone had left in a hurry. He hadn’t really expected her to be there but he had held out some hope that he’d be able to catch her and talk this through. He went back down to the great room. He made himself a stiff drink and sat down on the couch. Somehow, it felt colder and empty without her.
This girl had gotten into his heart, as much as he had fought the idea of ever being able to allow someone into his life, she, above all others had. Now she was not here, not a part of his life and furthermore, he had no idea how to get her back. He could easily say that it had been her idea for His previous slave to fuck him and while he had been turned on by watching her finger herself, he should have been in more control of himself to say; ‘thanks, but no thanks’. He was a man whoo was always in control, but somehow, that night he clearly wasn’t.
Cass had shown as soon as she got back to her apartment. She stripped herself of everything that she could that reminded her of him, her Master, her Daddy. His only remaining mark was the collar that was still locked around her neck. As her fingers touched the cool steel, it brought no comfort, as it had when he had placed it there. The Thought of it having ended this way completely crushed her. She knew it would end at some point because it was only a contractual arrangement. He hadn’t ever made any kind of show that he wanted it to continue. He never said he wanted it to end, but it had, and it had ended badly. Now, sitting on her couch, in her pajamas, she was back to square one. She still couldn’t pay rent and because she’d left a day before the contract was supposed to end, she’d not be entitled to the million dollars he had promised her.
Neither of them slept a wink that first night. When dawn brokee they both were still on their couches. Who was really to blow? Was it Cass, for insisting that the slave fuck her Master, and her letting Stefan fuck her? Or was it Eric, for taking her to the Club at all, or not having more control of the situation? Most would say it was a little bit of both. But how would this end? Who would make the first move? Or would either make a move at all? Both seemed criticized by their loss. The person who would make the first move was the one person who loved them both, who knew that they both loved each other. It was Liz.
Liz had seen the train wreck before it happened. While she was some of an innocent bystander, she knew that Cass loved Eric and was totally devoted to pleasing him in every way. She knew that Eric loved Cass like no other person she had ever seen him with. So on Sunday morning, after not sleeping herself all night, she went to Eric’s penthouse. She knocked on the door. After what seemed like an hour, he answered, still in theblack jeans and shirt he had forgotten the night before. His hair was disheveled his face was covered in stubble from the night’s growth of his bear. He looked like shit. This was not him.
“She’s gone Liz. She’s gone and for the life of me, I don’t know what to do.” He said with his head in his hands.
“I know Eric, but this can’t end this way. It just can’t.” She said, trying to make him see.
“But I screwed this up. How the fuck could I have let this happen? I’m a fucking idiot!” His anger rising to the top.
“Look, you both have some blow in this. I’m sure I can talk some sense into her.”
“Do you think you can? Really?” His eyes fixed on her response.
She took her boss into her arms and held him. She’d never seen him this way but absolutely expected it from him today. The Eric that she’d known for years was the guy who never took a minute off from work, he’d missed days at a time when he’d been with Cass. She’d never would have thought of him as a familiary man, but seeing him with her, she thought that someday, he would be bouncing children off his knee. No something was definitely different about the man he was now, and that could only be explained by having had her in his life.
“Yes Eric. I think giving her time to think about what happened and what she misses about being with you, she will come around.” She said, trying to convince herself too.
Eric went into his study. When he returned he handed Liz an envelope. “Would you give this to her. It’s the key to her collar and a check for the money she earned from the contract. Please give it to her and explain that I don’t want it to end, but if she does, I understand.” He ran his hand through his tousled hair.
“I’ll take it now and let you know what she says. Just Keep yourself together, she needs you to be strong Eric and so do I.” She gave him a kiss and went out the door.
Chapter Seventeen – A Proper Thrashing
Cass had gotten up and took a shower. Outof habit she had done all of her morning rituals in preparing her body. When she had gotten to the point where she would go and wake up her Master by worshiping his cock, she fell to her knees and started crying. She felt empty inside. She fingered his collar, it didn’t help. She curled in on her knees and pushed her arms up over her head. Her Master had taught her that position and told her that it would allow her to re-focus her Thoughts. That helped some, but still inside she lacked something. It was him. She lacked him. For the past three months, every day, he had been her focus, his needs, his rituals, his pleasure. Her needs and desires were always secondary and controlled by him. He’d always seen that she was taken care of, she’d never gone long without him tending to her needs.
She laid naked on her bed, she ran her hands over her body. With her eyes closed, she tried pretending that her hands were his, exploring her eager body. Her fingers teased her nipples that were peEking with her gentle touch. She felt a light surge of need pulsing in her clip. While her fingers teased her nipple rings, her other hand slide down her tight belly, towards her clip. Her fingers slipped through her folds, picking some mood and bringing it back to her clip. Her finger ticked the bar that was pierced through her cliporal hood. She felt a tickling sensing and her clip pulsed. Cass thought, if These were his hands, I would be begging for release already. But she was left with an empty feeling, one that would not allow her to climax. A single tear rolled down her cheek.
Her phone pinged with a text message and it started her. Maybe it was her Master, telling her to come home. She rolled over and picked the phone off the bedside table. It was from Liz. She wondered now if she was upset with her too.
Cass, I’m on my way over. We need to talk. I have some things for you. Please tell me it’s OK. Love Liz.
She didn’t seem mad. Liz had always been someone she could talk to, who understand what she had been going through when she signed the service agreement with Eric. Maybe she could help me get past the way she was feeling. She punched in her reply;
I will leave the door unlocked. I need to talk to someone, and I’m afraid you’re the only one who will understand. Thank you. Love Cass.
Liz was glad she had gotten a reply. Now if she could just get Cass to listen to what she had to say, maybe this could all be fixed.
When Liz got to Cass’s apartment, her door was unlocked as she had been told. She entered and found Cass in her bed, curled up. She went and laid down next to her and just held her for a while. The two had shared many intimate moments since they had met three months ago, but this was more of a bonding moment. Cass cried and Liz just held her, no words were spoken, she just provided comfort to her friend.
After Liz felt she had calmed a bit, she asked. “Cass, what are you planning to do?”
“I don’t know. I need to find a job, so I can pay the rent, but I just can’t focus. I’m lost Liz. I’m lost without him.” She started crying again. Liz pulled her closer.
“He sent a check for the money he owes you for the contract. You don’t need to work.” She consoled her.
“I can’t take that money. I fucked it all up. The contract didn’t end until today.”
“You don’t have to take the money; he’d take you back. Cass, he’s just as lost without you as you are without him.”
“I can’t go back. I let him down. Besides, I found another way to get money and find another Master. There is a slave auction at this club Marcus told me about. I can go and audit my services off.” Cass told her friend.
“Cass, I’m telling you, you don’t have to do this. You have money, and Eric would take you back in a heartbeat.” Liz pleased.
Cass turned to her friend. She cupped her face and leaned in to kiss her. “I know you mean well Liz, but I have to do this on my own. I can’t sharemy Master with someone else. It hurts too much. I need someone who will be with only me. Love only me. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I do Cass, and I know that Eric is that man. He adores you. What happened last night doesn’t have to end this.” Liz said frustrated. Why does she not listen to me.? This is crazy. They both love each other but won’t tell the other their feelings. Liz thought.
“What I need Liz, is someone to hold me right now. I’ve tried trying to cum all morning, but I can’t, not without his permission. I guess he trained my body well.” She turned away and started to cry again.
“I can’t help you with that, but maybe there is something I can do, but you’re going to have to listen to everything I tell you to do. Understood?” Her voice more authoritative now. “Kneel.”
Responding to the command, Cass slipped down to her knees before her Mistress. Her body automatically assumed it’s proper position. Knees wide, arms behind her, eyes down, and her back arched, presenting her body for inspection. Liz was amazed at how fast her friend had submitted. She walked around her, admiring her form. Eric had turned her into the perfectly obedient submissive. Her fingers grasped Cass’s shoulder. She saw her body shudder. Liz’s own body started to respond. She’d had a small crush on Cass ever since the day she’d met her on Eric’s desk. She’d grown to love her and wanted what was best for her, and that moment she knew that was for her to be with Eric.
“Now get over my knee. I’m going to give you a proper thrashing.”
Cass compiled. With her behind elevated, Liz brought her hand down on her friend’s behind. Cass yelped as Liz’s hand rained down several blows on each of her ass cheeses. When she stopped she whimpered again.
“This hurts my hand and you need to feel this more. Go get me something to whip your ass with. ” Cass went to stand. “No, you’re to crawl. You have not earned the right to walk just yet.”
With that Cass crawled to look for something for her friend to whip her ass with. When she returned, it was with Eric’s belt that he’d left the first time they’d met. It was so apropos. The one person she’d let down, his belt would be the instrument that would inflict pain to her ass. She crawled back to Liz with his belt in her mouth. Her pussy was dripping with the thought of ‘his’ leather raising welts on her supplement behind.
Liz took the belt, as Cass crawled back onto her lap. “Whose belt is that?” Liz asked.
“It’s Eric’s.” She replied.
Liz brought the folded leather belt down hard on her ass.
“Eric’s, Mistress.” She corrected herself.
The fire that was enveloping her upturned behind was only cooled by Liz forcing her to say his name. “Eric’s Mistress.” Cass replied again.
“Is that what you call your Master?”
“He’s not my Master anymore, Mistress.” A single tea formed and slide slowly down her cheek.
“Whose collar is around your neck slut?” Her voice commanding.
“It’s h..his Mistress.” Her pussy tingled with the pain that her friend was inflicting upon her supply behind.
“Then what does that collar make you slut?”
Cass couldn’t say it. She tried to get up but Liz held her in place.
“Don’t make me say it, please.”
“You will say it or tell me to remove it.”
Cass hesitated. She was still wearing his collar, but only because she didn’t have the key to remove it. She was still ‘his’ until it was removed. She thought long and hard About her next move. Liz did not push her.
“R……remove it.” Her body went limp.
“Oh Cass, that’s not what I wanted to hear.” Liz started to tear up herself. She’d hoped that his belt and the pain would open her mind to the idea that she was still his. It didn’t. So she resigned herself to the simple fact, that at least in Cass’s mind, it was over. “Kneel up.”
Cass slide off her lap and returned to the knee position. Her tears were more evident now. She didn’t try to hide them. Liz moved around behind her and slipped the key into the lock of the collar. With a small twist, it came free. Her hand went immediately to where the collar had been for months now. Although she hadn’t been wearing clothes most of the day, she truly felt naked now. She fell to the floor in the surrender position that Eric had taught. Her legs were under her body, her arms pointed back but by her side, her head on the floor. He had told her this was a position to continue focus through meditation. All she did was just cry. It didn’t make her feel any better. She felt Liz’s hand on her back, softly stroking her. At first, it didn’t help, but soon she began to feel more relaxed, more calm.
Liz felt awful seeing her friend in this much pain. She couldn’t stand it anymore. “Stand.” Her simple command was gentle.
Cass rose slowly. Liz took her into her arms and held her again. Liz kissed her forehead softly. Cass shuddered at the emotion the kiss brought. Her knees weakened as she fell onto the bed. Scooping her into a loving embrace, Liz cradled her friend close as they laid side by side, their heartbeats slowly syncing into unison, each holding the other’s hand, trying to stay connected at least physically. They laid there for hours until they both felt better.
When Liz finally got up to leave, Cass told her more about the audition. She told Liz about her plan to find another Master to cherish her and protect her. It would solve her feelings of emptiness and that of her being able to support herself. While Liz listened, she thought that Eric could still be the one to provide all of those things, if Only Cass would give him the opportunity. Liz asked if there was anything she could do to help her. Cass thanked her for being here today and letting her relieve at least some of her tension. She told her that this is something that she was going to have to do on her own. Cass promised to call and let her know how things turned out and where she’d landed. They kissed at the door and Cass was once again, alone.
Chapter Eightteen – The Auction
Cass had prepared her body as she had been taught. She removed all body hair and applied moisturizer to her skin so that it would be soft and soupple. She cleaned herself inside and out, preparing her tight hole so that if her new Master wanted to claim her there she would be ready. Her hair was pulled up into a tight ponytail. She had not really thought about what she would wear, assuming that for all intents and purposes, she wouldn’t be wearing it for long. But when she was in her closet, the beautiful golden satin dress that her Master, that Eric had bought, jumped out at her.
When she’d put it on, it made her feel sexy as it had the first time she’d tried it on. The shimmering fabric brought out the color in her eyes. It’s thin material clung to her body and accentuated her curves. Her body was on show. Months ago before he took her, she would have never dream anything this revealing, now after being naked most of the past three months, she felt overdressed. She put on her overcoat and headed for the taxi. The club was the next town over and she was there in only a few minutes.
She was escorted to a room where she signed the appropriate papers, so that once the buyer had made his or her purchase, she would be whisked away to where ever she was to be taken. The way the auction was set up, the slaves would be escorted out onto a staging area. They would walk the stage, then asked to remove their clothes and walk the stage again. The bidding would start and the highest bid would win her services for the next six months. Her fee would be $100,000 and a percentage of the final winning bid. If for any reason, she didn’t conclude the contract, her fee and percentage would be returned plus a damage fee of another $10,000.
Cass took in a deep breath. She wasn’t sure if this was the right thing to do. Who would this new Master or Mistress be? Would she be able to submit as easily as she had with Eric? There were many more questions that were still yet to be answered. What it came down to is that she had very little options at this point. While she was scared and unsure, she’d felt the same way with Eric. Or had she? Looking back, it all felt so right with him. Sure he pushed her limits, but he was always there to catch her, to comfort her. Now she would have to submit to a new Master, would he be as kind, as nursery and would he be able to turn her on like Eric had. He body hummed as she was called to go onto the stage.
Without allowing time for a second thought, Cass stepped out onto the stage determined to make this work. She was met with a room full of murmurs. She made an extra effort to sweep her hips. The high heels she’d picked out made that easy. The gentle swway of her breasts, coupled with the openness of the dress showed her body well. Her pierced nipples abraded on the sheer fabric. They were so erect that they reached. Cass could feel the stirrings of her pussy, something that made her feel at least a little bit at ease.
When she stood up on the block at the center of the stage, her heart fluttered a bit. This was it. The moment when her life would Either be taken on a course of new discovery or go further into the abyss. The room was darkened and she couldn’t see anyone or anything. The bright lights shone her naked body to perfection. She was instructed to knee, turn around, and at one-point bend over and pull her cheese apart to show her open holes. While it was very degrading, she couldn’t deny that her pussy was absolutely dripping from the act.
The whole time a lit board flashed the current highest bid. The number was staggering. It started with $1000 and quickly climbed to the tens of thousandsnds. Her mind was reeling. Would some rich person just buy her and put her out to pay for the amount he or she had to spend to obtain her? What if he was a sheik and carted her off to some foreign land. Her mind pondered these questions, but body was on edge. She fingered herself, pulling some wetness from her slit, then softly rubbing her piercing against her sensitive climate. Her other hand cupped her left breasts and fingered her tight nipple.
Cass noticed the bid had reached $45,000 then it went silent. Then the board flashed $150,000. The room filled with murmurs again, some of the bidders talking to each other, but the board remained silent. Someone had tripled the bid in one fell swoop. She waited just like the rest of them until a buzzer sounded and the bidding was over. The winning bid of $150,000. She was escorted off the stage and into a private room.
There was a card leaning against a vase of beautiful flowers. They were pretty roses. Cass leaned in and smelledthem. She picked up the card and read it;
You have been provided a training collar. Put it on. Then climb into your cage and lock the cage door. This will be your new home until I feel you have earned better accommodations. Once that is done, I will enter the room. My intent is to claim your beautiful body right here in this room or if I prefer, back out on the stage for everyone to enjoy.
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