The Making of a Fuck Toy

Chapter One – The Perfect Storm

Everyone gets to a point in their life when things go out of control. Whether it was random or planned, wanted or feared, the perfect storm had occurred in Cassandra Mumford’s life. Her parents had moved to a warmer climate. The boyfriend she shared an apartment with for the past year, up and left her. The temp job that she had been working for the past 3 months ended up hiring the other temp and let her go.

Now she’s sitting on the couch in her only clean pair of yoga pants and t-shirt, eating ice cream straight out of the carton. It’s not that she was binge eating, it was the last thing in the refrigerator. She was out of food, out of money and it is the first of the month again and her rent is due. Cassandra barely kept from getting thrown out of the apartment last month. She had no clue what she was going to do this time.

As she sat on the couch, her mind wandered back to the debauchery that occurred the last time the rent was due. She’d gotten some money together for rent but it wasn’t enough, she remembered. When she dropped it off at the office, Cass just slipped the envelope into the slot and left. That evening there was a loud knock at the door. Not thinking, she had opened it to find it was the slimy manager of the apartments coming to collect.

Mack Wiley was as sleazy as they came. His tight pants and half buttoned silk shirt were probably fashionable in the 70s. His receiving hairline and yellow teeth did nothing for Cassandra, except make her want to throw up in her mouth. Mack pushed his way in the door and shut it behind him.

“Cass, you own me $200 more on the rent. I’m here to collect or you’re going to have to move out.”

“Come on Mr. Wiley. You know Mark left me holding for the rent. He took his things and left. No note, no excuse and no rent money.”

“That’s not my problem. My problem is you still owe me $200 bucks and I need it today.” His voice squeaky. It sent shifts upCass’s spine.

“Please Mr. Wiley? There got to be some kind of arrangement we can make to cover until I can get you the money. I’ve got a check coming by the end of the week.” She lied.

Mack’s eyebrow raised at the word “arrangement.” His beady eyes traveled up and down Cass’s body. She shuddered with the thought of him touching her. He was licking his lips. This was getting out of hand really quick.

“What kind of arrangement are we talking about?” His eyes still roving over her body.

“I was thinking I could help out in your office or something and take some of what I owe out that way.” Her body shuddered again. She had noticed a small wet spot on the front of his tight pants. EEWW She thought to herself. No fucking way. He’s not thinking I would…

Mack grabbed her hand and brought it to his crotch. He rubbed her hand against his growing bulge. “You can take care of this and I will knock off some of what you owe.”

Cass tried to jerk her hand back but his grip was too tight. He repulsed her. There was no way she was going along with this. Not now. Not ever. “I’m not doing anything of the sort. Now give me my hand back.”

“Well then, I guess you’d better start packing up your things and get the hell out of this apartment!” He said angrily. The fire in his eyes scared her.

“Wait. I have nowhere else to go Mr. Wiley. What am I going to do?” Cass said pleadingly. Tears starting to roll down her cheeses.

“That’s not my problem. I gave you an option. You either take it or leave now.”

Cass was at a crossroads. She really didn’t have another option. It was given sleazy Mr. Wiley a hand job or she’d be sleeping in the streets. So she reached down and unzipped his pants. Her trembling hand fished his little dick out of his pants. It was about 5″ fully hard. Her hand started stroke him. She looked up and saw he had a big yellow grin on his face. Sweat was starting to form on his balding head.

“That’s more like it. Now get down on your knees and get to work. You owe me.” His hand grabbed her shoulder and pushed her down.

Even looking at his tiny dick up close it was still small. Although she had small hands, they looked big wrapped around his cock. He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her towards his cock. Cass tried to pull away but his grip was too tight. Her lips parted and he thrust his cock into her mouth. He tasted of sweat and stale urine. She thought she was going to puke, but her tongue swirled around the crown of his dick. She leaned back and used her saliva to stroke his shake with her hand.

Just as he was about to pull her down on his cock again, it jerked and spewed his slimy cum across her face.

“Eeww, fuck. That’s disgusting!” Cass squealed.

Embarrassed, Mack tucked his shriveling cock back in his pants. “That’s good for $5, you still owe me $195. I’ll be back Friday for the rest. You’d better have it or you’re out on your ass. You hear me?” He didn’t wait for an answer and left, slamming the door behind him.

That was three days ago. Cassie puts down her carton of ice cream, having lost her appealite with the flashback of Mr. Wiley cumming on her face. She sat there feeling like her world was coming to an end. She halfway expected him back banging on her door. She was expected to come up with the rest of the money by tomorrow but she had nothing.

Chapter Two – A Stranger Comes Knocking

Cass was laying on the couch sleep in her yoga pants, an oversized t-shirt that Mark had left and her fuzzy cat slippers. The half empty carton of melted ice cream was still on the coffee table, when there was a knock at the door. She was started awake by the pounding on the door. She quickly looked at her clock and saw that it was after 11pm. Maybe it was Mark, her old boyfriend, coming back to rescue her. She went to the door and looked through the spy hole.

All she could see was some tall, dark, and handsome guy. She rubbed her eyes and looked again. Nope, he was still out there, and still good looking as hell. She cleared her throat. “Who is it?” Her voice cracking from her recent slumber.

“It’s Eric French Miss Mumford. Can I come in?” His voice low and sultry like liquid lava. She thought she heard a bit of an accent but couldn’t place it.

She opened the door but left the safety latch on. “I don’t know an Eric French. Who are you?” Her eyes took in his muscular frame. He was well dressed in jeans, a button down shirt and jacket.

“Sorry to introduce on you at this late hour ma’am. Like I said, my name is Eric French. My company owns these apartments and I understand that you’re in arrears for this month. I was hoping to come in and make some kind of arrangement for payment.”

Cass noted his southern drawl. It was sexy as hell and he looked like he walked out of some ‘Southern Living’ magazine. He was certainly better looking that sleazy Mr. Wiley. “It’s kind of late. Couldn’t you come back tomorrow?”

“I’m afraid I have evidence papers here Miss Mumford. If I don’t get some kind of agreement tonight, you’re gonna be served with them tomorrow and have to get your things out. I was hoping to avoid you that embarrassment” His voice was even and not angry.

Cass closed the door and unlatched the safety chain. She opened the door and let him in. He stepped inside and she gasped as he towered over her. His broad shoulders seem to block the lights from outside. She led him into her living room and offered Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome, a seat in her Queen Anne chair, while she sat on the couch. He waits for her to be seated first. Where has such a gentleman has been hiding all my life? She thought. As soon as they were both seated, Cassie realizes her poor manners.

“Mr. French, would you like something to drink?” She says nervously, trying to let her voice crack.

“Sure, what do you have? And its Eric please.”

She clears her throat. “Well Eric, I have…” Oh Fuck, she thinks. I don’t have anything to drink. “Um, actually, all I have is cold water from the tap. Is that alright?”

“Water’s fine.”

Cass sees a disappoint curl in his lip, as if trying to hide a smile. She gets up and walks into the kitchen. She pulls a glass from the cabinet and fills it with water from a pitcher out of her refrigerator. When she turns around to Take it to him, she bumps into him, spinning some onto his shirt. Again, she’s started by how he towers over her.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you followed me.” She says, handing him the glass, then reaching her hand out to try and wipe it away from his shirt.

Her fingers touch his damp shirt. She can feel the hard muscles of his stomach beneath. A shudder runs down her spine, directly to her pulsing clip. Cass feels the dampening of her folds. She shyly turns and replaces the jug of cool water into the fridge.

Eric notices her empty refrigerator, as he follows her back to the living room. He waits for her to sit again, then take a seat. “Now Miss Mumford, you seem to be behind on the rent, and I don’t think $5 hand jobs to Mack are going to cover it.”

Cass blushes crisis. “But I…” She starts to say but is cut off sharply.

“No but Miss Mumford. Mack said you were expecting a check and could make the rest of the rent today. I’m here to collect.”

“The check didn’t come. I don’t have it today.” She lied.

“Miss Mumford. You don’t have a check coming. You’ve been out of a job for the past few weeks. Unless you’re out on the street sucking cock somewhere, you don’t have a way to pay what you owe me.”

“How dare you. I’m not a whore. I don’t…” She was cut off again.

“You were going to say you don’t suck cock? Is that why your boyfriend left you?” Eric’s brow was raised questioning her.

“I don’t think that any of your business. I…”

“Ah, but you’ve made it my business because you haven’t paid your rent in full. Don’t take my easy manner, and southern drawl to be a sign of ignorance. You lied to Mack about having the money to pay today, and by doing that, you’ve lied to me. I don’t take kindly to being lied to Miss Mumford. I think that calls for some form of punishment. Don’t you?”

Cass blushed shyly. “Wait, what? You can’t do that.” Her nipples perk under the thin fabric of her t-shirt. Her panties are wet at the thought of this big strong man taking her over his knee like some school girl.

Eric can’t help but notice her short intake of breath through her flared nostrils. The pointy peeks of her aroused nipples don’t go unseen either. But it’s her dilated pupils that tell him that she is stirred by the thought. “I can and I will. That or I will serve this evidence and you’ll be out of my apartment tonight.”

“OK, what can I do to pay off what I owe you.” She bits her lip, not able to look him in the eye.

“First, we have to deal with your punishment. I don’t tolerate being lied to. Now come over here and get across my knee. Then we’ll talk about some payment arrangement” His voice firm but not angry.

Cass is started by his command but stands and starts to walk to him.

“Stop! I want you to crawl over to me.”

“This is ridiculous. I’m not…”

“That will be ten more.”

Cass drops to her knees and starts crawling towards him. She can feel her slick juices of her folds as she sways her hips. When she reaches him Eric grabs her by the hair and pulls her over his lap. His hand stays in her hair, as the other pulls down her yoga pants and her black thong panties down around her thighs.

Cass blushes as his hand rubs her exposed naked ass. She shudders from the humiliation of being over his lap. He pushes her head down, raising her ass higher. He brings his thick hand down on both cheeses of her ass.


Her behind is hot from the sing blows. She gasps but doesn’t have time to think about it when his hand rains down more.


“Ouch. That hurts.” Cass whimpers.

“It’s supposed to. It wouldn’t be punishing if it didn’t.” His hand rubs her quickly reddening behind, before his fingers softly cares her naked folds.

Cassandra felt his called fingers on her sex. She knew how wet she was. How embarrassed she was. The humiliation of it all, strangely made her all that much more aroused. As his fingers gently teased her pussy lips, a shudder went through her. She could feel her labia start to flower open with his touch. She hadn’t had someone touch her in so long. Cass could feel the beginnings of an orgasm start to well up, deep in her belly.


“Cassandra, tell me why you were punished.”

She hesitated for a moment, thinking of her answer. “F for lying to you.”

“My name is Mr. French or Sir. Now give me your answer again, correctly.”

“For lying to you Mr. French.”

“Better. Now stand and remove your clothes. You still owe me ten more.”

She stands, her yoga pants and thong still down around her tights. Cass started to object but remembered he’d added more when she mouthed off to him. She kicked off her fuzzy cat slippers, and slipped her thumbs in the waistband of her yoga pants and panties, sliding them down, and stepping out of them. Eric watches, as her breasts sway under the t-shirt. She has a lovely body and he means to put it to good use.

“Your t-shirt too. Until you pay me what you owe me, your body is mine and I want to see it all.” He said gruffly.

Cass crossed her arms and grabbed the bottom of her Mark’s old t-shirt. She lifts it over her head. Now she was standing in front of him naked. Her clip was humming with excitement. She’d never done anything like this before. The handsome stranger stood. He started to unbuckle his belt. Cass could see the outline of his cock in his jeans. He’s certainly got more than Mr. Wiley’s 5″. Cass thought,as she licked her lips.

“On your knees here on the chair.” His deep voice started her out of her trace.

“Yes Mr. French.” Cassie said as she did as she’s told.

Eric watched as the young girl moved into position. Her ass still red from her earlier spanking. He could feel the twitch in his pants as his cock responded to her obedience.

“Good, now Miss Mumford. Tell me what you’re being punished for.”

“F for not doing what I was told. Sir.” She added late.

“Very good. Now these are going to hurt more than my hand but they will help you remember to follow my instructions. I want you to count them and enunciate your words. When I hear you utter the number correctly and clearly, I’ll know that you’re ready for the next one. Am I clear Miss Mumford?”

The naked girl steadied herself. Her thighs were together, but she could feel the cool air on her swollen pussy. She felt so exposed. She knew he could see the wetness forming on her nether lips, but there was nothing she could do about it. He was clearly in control and she had no other options.


Fire bloomed from her behind. Cass took a deep breath. “One.”

“What is my name Cassandra?”

“M Mr. French or Sssir.”

“That’s right. Now we will begin again and respond correctly this time.”


“One Sir.”


“Two Sir.”


“T three Sir.”


“Four Sir.” Cass squeaked, trying to cry. Her ass was on fire. She could feel the welts began to raise on her upturned behind.


“Five Sir. “


“Six Sir.”


“Seven…eight Sir.” Cass didn’t dare mention the fact that he had added one before she could count it.


“N nine Sir.” She sniffled as she uttered the words he required.


“Ouch. Ten Sir.” The last one partially caught the lips of her pussy.

His hand came down and soothed her burning ass. Her behind was tender and his hand felt cool compared to the fire that simmered on her flesh and down to her core.

Chapter Three – The Inner Slut is Released.

Cassandra didn’t move after Eric was finished. She stayed on her knees bent over the chair in her living room. The soft supplement flesh of her ass seemed to be on ablaze. The pain was radiating through her body as tears softly streaked down her cheeks. She was sure that her body would never stop shaking. No one had ever done anything like that to here before, treating her like some petulant child. As much as Cassie felt anger towards Mr. French, she felt strange tremors that were silently rumbling deep within her core. Cass could stay angry at the punishment that this stranger had given to her, but her body was telling her something different, something much darker.

The humiliating act of being striped naked and whipped with a man’s belt had opened up something inside her. Her breasts, still heaving from her poor attempt to stop crying, were swollen witharousal and topped by her erect nipples. Her tight buds hung crinkled and pulsing with need. That throbbing desire raced through her body’s neurons in a straight path to her aching clip. Cassie’s most sensitive spot laid unobscured from its protective hood. The tender lips of her labia were swollen and flowered and her channel was flooded with her lubricating juices in anticipation of sex.

Cassandra’s head was telling her that she should be angry at Mr. French, but her body was sending messages that she wanted him, she needed him. Eric didn’t let this fact go unnoticed. He could see the girl’s juices leaking from her pussy. She could deny the fact that she hated being treated this way, but her body was telling him that she enjoyed his ministers. He’d come here tonight to see a woman about a debt owed to him. While he had been intrigued by Mack’s story of how he had forced the young lady to give him a hand job, he didn’t come here because of that. But seeing her body’s responsese to him, his mind was reeling with where this could go, if he’d let it. His thick cock struggled for room in his jeans. He shifted the bulge to give it some relief.

After he’d rubbed the tender flesh of her ass, soothing the fire red welts from his belt, he had touched her nether lips and found them sopping from her juices. He grew at the thought of her arousal. He wet his fingers in it then pressed two against the entrance to source of the slick fluids. The sanguine and swollen lips flowered around the intrusion of his thick fingers. He teased the opening to her channel, torn whether he wanted to continue. It wasn’t until she bravely pushed back against his intrusion, that he decided he’d help this girl with her problem. She was a natural submissive, even if she didn’t know it. He let her fuck his offer fingers. The slick sounds of her pussy sent a pulsing twitch to his cock. He watched her swinging breasts in their rhythmic lilting as her channel cinched his thick fingerrs. When he felt she was right at the verge of her orgasm, he pulled the digits and gave her a wet slap to her tender ass. Her body shuddered as an audible gasp escaped her lips.

“Down on the floor Cassandra, on your knees.” His gravelly voice bringing her back to reality.

Cass pouted, she was so close to finding some relief from the pent up sexual tension his ministries had brought to her body. But not wanting to incur another punishment so soon after her thrashing, she moved to the floor on wobbly legs.

“Get into a presentation position.” His command intimidating her. When she looked up with a questioning look, he realized the naïve girl had no idea what he was talking about. “Spread your thighs, put your hands behind your head. Make sure your back is arched, so that your breasts jut out.” She hesitated for an instant but moved to emulate the position he’d described. “Good girl,” he prayed her.

Cass felt humiliated with her naked body on display. Her labiawere pulled open with her thighs this wide. Her pumped nipples that lay on the upslope of her breasts, tingled with arousal believe the feelings of her degradation. Her cunny was still clinking with need. Even with all the humiliating and degrading things he was making her do, she wanted to please him. He had said she was a ‘good girl,’ maybe if she pleased him, he would see to quenching her thirst, her need.


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