The Making of a CockWhore Ch. 01-02

Chapter One—The Meeting

“Would you like to touch it?”

“What? NO!” she responded, started by my asking and embarrassed for being so unable to avert her brazen eyes from my cock.

We were sitting in a lifeguard stand, feet dangling above the sand, a warm seabreeze in our faces. The nearly full moon lit both the shining sea before us and my shimmering gray spandex bicycle shorts gripping tightly my weighty cock, its outline clearly visible, the cockhead “like a small apple” as it lay along my right thigh. During our conversation she was pulled more to my crotch than my eyes, but she lifted her gaze to say, “We should get back before my friend begins to worry.”

We had met a few hours earlier in a little south Florida bar which hosts a Monday Reggae Night just off the beach. I first noticed her off the dance floor standing with her slightly overweight Hispanic girlfriend. It was her red hair which first caught, but it was her curves which captured, my attention. She wasn’t beautiful what with a hooknose and thin lips but cargo shorts fit nicely her womanly hips and her white polo-style shirt couldn’t hide her big tits.

As I approached her she had her back to me. “Hi,” I said, “Would you like to dance?”

“Sure” and she followed me into the music.

Turning around to face her, her head jolted and her eyes widened when she got her first look at me. I lived close enough where I could ride my bicycle and it didn’t hurt with the ladies wearing those form-fitting shorts.

First dance a gentleman should always go easy. We moved and sweep across from each other, gauging the other’s moves, a comfortable distance between us.

“I’m Bob,” I said.

“Hi– I’m Marti.”

Our hips moved to the beat, my cock held in by my thin shorts, bouncing left and right and up and down, and I reached for her hand to maneuver her, occasionally brushing against her as our rhythms merged. After a few songs I again led her, this time off the dance floor, and back to her friend.

“Please– save another dance for me,” I said, going off to freshen my drink.

Discretely I watched a couple of other guys take a run at her but she shot down each of them.

“Are you ready?” I asked when pulling out her for the second time.

She put her hand in mine and I turned towards the floor, my right hand trailing with her right hand in it. Feeling more comfortable with her, and she with me, each time we enjoyed our dancing became a little more free, a little more fluid. The music flowed through us and we danced with, around and against each other, more comfortable each time we went out on the dance floor until the reggae became perfect for a sexy, dance floor rubbing-fuck. I held her arms as I moved up behind her and she pushed her ass down onto my blood-filling cock, her eyes darting down for an eyeful whenever we separated.

As the evening drew to a close, I asked Marti if she’d like to take a walk. Talking, sharing,Laughing, we strolled languorously across the street, down a tropical-foliage lined sand path to a rising moon upon the water.

Once on the beach we banged a left and climbed up the ramp to the lifeguard tower. I sat at its edge and leaned back, onto my elbows, completely enjoying the night and letting Marti enjoy fully her view. Contentedly I looked upon the water while she gazed wide-eyed at my filled-with-life cock.

Chapter Two– First Date Fuck/ The Meating

It was no surprise the following Friday night to see her as I walked into my favorite watering hole. I had told her where I hang out and, sure enough, there she was in the first chair outside the door sitting with her girlfriend. Her face brightened when she saw me approach.

“Hi- Marti, right?”

“Hi,” she purred back.

“Are you going to be here a moment?” I asked then, upon her achievement, entered the bar to fetch a libation.

“I had a good time the other night,” I told her upon returning.

“Me, too.”

“Would you like to go out sometimes?”

“Sure” and she wrote down her telephone number for me.

“I’ll call you in a couple days.”


I waited until Monday to give her a ring.

“Do you like baseball?” I asked. “A group from the office and I are going to the baseball game Wednesday night and I was wondering if you’d like to come along.”

“Sure,” she said, “I like baseball.”

She told me her address and we made plans for me to pick up her about 5:00.

We met my coworkers at the rendezvous from where we caravanned to the ballpark, me driving with Marti comfortable in the passenger seat. She wore another Polo-style shirt and a pair of jeans which fit her nicely. This girl had a killer body and I was Greatly enjoying stealing glances at her shaped legs and full bosom.

The weather was perfect and the game very enjoyable. I asked Marti if she’d like a beer. The guys were surprised I didn’t get one for myself and asked meWhy.

“Gotta get the lady home safely,” I replied.

Marti gave me a sweet smile then I think I saw her glance at my cock in my faded jeans.

She and I got back to her apartment about 10:30 and I figured, with the next day being a workday, we would call it a night.

“Would you like to come in,” she asked.

“Sure,” I said, expecting we’d have coffee or something similar.

As she unlocked her front door she told me her son, Joey, would be in the living room. She and I walked in and her son and I said hello. He was watching a replay of the game so we talked about the game for a minute or two before his eyes alerted me to his mother standing behind me. I turned and she was standing by her bedroom door, impatient with my unawareness of her intentions. I excused myself from Joey and walked past Marti and into her room.

There were no chairs or anywhere to sit so I stood inside the door, which she closed behind her before turning on the tv as she walked to the far side of her bed and sat on it.

“You can sit here,” she said, patting the bed next to her.

Oh, I wondered, what is this about? Did she means “Would you like to CUM inside?”

I sat next to her and she thanked me for a nice evening before nestling closer to me. We kissed softly, sweetly, tenderly sharing our lips and breath before our tongues rose, one flitting lightly against the other’s, our kisses building in pace and password.

“Do you have any music?” I asked.

Jumping up, she said, “Yes, I have music.”

“How about candles?”

“Yes, I have candles, too,” she responded, turning off the television and turning on a soft rock radio station before lighting candles around the room.

The room washed in soft light with the music matching, Marti again took her place next to me and we began kissing again. I removed my mouth from hers, hers falling open, her eyes closing as I brought my hot breath to her soft neck. Up and down I nuzzled her, nibblingher ear, electricity running through her curvaceous body. Again I brought my mouth to hers and she kissed back me passwordately, our lips and tongues swapping quickly, our breathing heavier and more excited. Again I kissed her neck but this time, as I did, I brought up my big left paw to her right breast and, with open hand, pushed gently through her bra and shirt. Her title felt incredible, soft and spongy, as I pressed my hand in small circles before switching my hand onto her left breast.

We kissed passwordately, tongues rolling, breath heavy. I pulled and squeezed on those heavy tits finally saying, “Why don’t you take that shirt off for me?” Unhesitatingly she pulled over the shirt past her head before looking at me with pursued lips.

“The bra, too.”

Reaching behind for the clap, she unhooked it, sliding her bra forward down her arms. Sitting before me, Marti’s heavy tits were flushed and swollen, her big nipples layered and pointed.

I believe I have a First Date Fuck, I thought to myself, our mouths again reaching to kiss , her back arching in anticipation of my big hand. Knowing how badly those tits wanted squeezing, I made her wait, keeping my hand on her leg. We swapped tongues then I brought down my mouth to her neck, her ear, finally bringing up my left hand and cupping her right breast. Between my hot breath on her neck and my big hand kneeing her tits, Marti Nearly lost her breath. She was totally within my control and I knew I could have my way with her. Leaning her backwards, she fell under me as I slowly kissed my way down to her chest.

She really had a pair of beauty and I was going to give them full attention but first I teasingly kissed all around and under them. She raised her back to meet my mouth as first I sucked the undertit of her left breast then of her right rolling my mouth mimicking what I would do shortly to her nipples. Purposely I avoided her heavily swollen areolas, wide and raised with the nipples yet aNone layer raised. I kissed and sucked her undertits, my eyes wide open enjoying the sight of this milf and her big tits aching for my mouth to suck her nipples. Her mouth was open, her eyes closed and she rolled her head from side to side. Finally, I flicked my tongue over her aching nipple, running my tongue along it- left and right and left and right again- and she shuddered under my teasing mouth. I sucked gently on her engorged buds, then with my teeth pulled them lightly, pulling and kissing and licking and sucking, switching from left breast to right and back again.

I pleasured those twins a good long time then down her stomach I traced wet kisses until I met her jeans.

Sitting up on my knees, I said, “Why don’t you take those off?”

Still lying down, Marti reached to unbutton them and I saw out of the corner of my eye her begin to slide off them as I swung off my legs from the bed, my back to her, lifting over my head my shirt. Standing up, I unbuttoned myjeans and dropped them, exposing to her my tight ass.

My cock stand erect mightily as I turned to face Marti now lieing on her bed clad only in black panties. Her eyes popped wide and her jaw dropped as she got her first unencumbered look at my fat cock curving up with a slight bend to the left. She stared, wide-eyed, and instinctively reached out her left hand which, with my right hand, I pushed away. Transfixed, she again reached for my cock. Again I pushed away her hand.

Leaning forward, I placed my hands under her arms so she couldn’t reach down, my cock dragging heavily along the inside of her leg, and I kissed her deeply. Our tongues intertwined as i kissed her a long time, bouncing my cockhead against her clip through her soaked black panties. Slowly down her neck I kissed, stopping to suck on her areolas, now pulling hard on them, first her right breast then her left. Again I trailed down her tummy planning wet kisses, going slower as I dropped, kissing and suckingon the soft skin below her belly button, on down to the tops of her panties.

Dropping to the inside of her right thigh, I sucked open-mouthed on her sensitive skin, working small circles with my tongue, giving her a preview of what I would be doing shortly to her pussy. I kissed my way back to her panties, bringing my hot breath over her overheated pussy, her cunt full in the air as I switched to kissing and sucking and licking the tender skin this time on her left leg again just an inch or two from her pussy.

Marti’s legs were played open, her heels dug into the mattress, her head turned slightly left with her eyes closed and her mouth agope. Limply her arms lay at her sides. I raised my mouth just over her pussy, moving my head slowly while exhaling deeply to spread my hot breath over her wetness. Through her panties her pussy was clearly visible, her lips swollen and spread with a valley between them. I ran my tongue lightly over her clip, again joining my hot breath with her steam. Through her panties I ran my tongue lightly, up and down then flicking it on her panties where under her clip lay.

Reaching up I grabbed the band of her panties as she reached down to help me. Together we slide down her panties off her legs and I grabbed her hands and held them in mine to her sides. Fully naked, her legs open, her arms at her side with her hands in mine, I ran my tongue into her, first gently and along her lips, exploring her pussy with my tongue, probing and licking, dripping saliva down and onto her clip then rolling soft circles over it.

I gave her the royal treatment. Up and down, soft and tender my tongue ran along her folds. Soon I was face deep into her, the whole time holding her hands, gently sucking on her or running my tongue deeply into her while my nose rubbed her clip, back and forth, left to right, up and down. Marti bucked and shuddered, my hands pulling her into my face and tongue, her pleasure squeals filling the room.

AFer a long, pleasant pussy eating, I again got up on my knees before her. Moving forward, I brought my arms under hers so I was on my elbows under her arms. I brought forward my knees so she could feel the weight of my cock resting along her wet pussy, up along her stomach, my balls dangling and bouncing where soon my cock would enter. I kissed her neck, before bringing my mouth to hers, her mouth relaying her abandonment to any control to what was about to happen. Our tongues dancing, slowly I slide the length of my cock up and down, her pussy greasing its underside, letting her feel its length, its girl straddled by her wetness. Finally, I moved down my knees so that fat cockhead slide off her stomach, down over her clip and I rubbed it up and down, from the top of her pussy down to its bottom, up and down, coating my cockhead in her lubrication. I positioned it to the bottom of her pussy, hard and poised and pointed then, whispering into her ear, I asked, “Are you ready?”

Ididn’t wait for her answer.

As she moaned “Yes” I kicked out my knees and dropped full length into her as a soldier planning a flag, her wet pussy sheathing tightly around me. Pulling out, I dropped it deep a second and then a third time. Damn, she feels good, I thought. Most women can’t take my cock fully the first time or, if they can, I have to work it deep slowly but this one, she took it all. She gripped it good and deep and if I plunged into her one more time I would have cum. Withdrawing so just the tip of my cockhead remained inside her, I told her, “I have to go slow” while my greased cock replaced its composition.

“Your dick feels so good,” she breathed heavily. Having gotten past that first wave, I again plowed deeply into and out of her.

“That’s Not dick, baby,” I told her, hesitating a moment before giving Marti her first lesson, “That’s cock,” now struggling steadily.

I pulled out my full length, keeping the cockhead poised at her entrance, then asked”What Is it?”

“Big cock,” she muttered and again I buried deep inside her, rewarding her for her willingness to listen.

“You like that cock?” I asked, rolling it into her now and stretching her good.

“I love that cock!” she squealed.

“Good– I’m going to give it to you long and slow. Do you think you can cum on that cock?”

“Yes!” she cried.

“Good, baby– go get that cock. I want to feel you cum all over that cock.”

My cock stretched her good as I alternatively rolled from knee to knee- left knee down deep right then pulling out, right knee down deep left and out again, occasionally kneeling evenly on both knees laying it deep up the middle, penetrating her from different angles.

“I’ve waited for this all my life!” she whelped.

“Well you’re gettin’ it now,” I told her.

When her pussy was sufficiently stretched, I asked, “Do the like the jackhammer?”

“What’s the…” she began to ask and as she said the word “jackhammer?” Ipounded her pussy hard with fast, long, deep penetrating strokes.”

“I LOVE the jackhammer!” she stammered.

I could feel her body tighten and her pussy started contracting around my cock, a long wave welling up from deep within her. She had cum a couple of times already but this one was different. Big and powerful, it overwhelmed her ability to control herself and she let out a guttural “Unnnnnnnggggggg.” I lay still, deep inside her, letting her pussy do the work, squeezing vice-like around me in powerful undulating waves, Marti’s hips rising violently against my cock inside of her. “Oh, God” she whimpered, biting my shoulder as her orgasm subsided. I started working my cock into her again, slowly but still nice and deep, allowing her to recover.

“Are you safe to cum inside?” I Now asked her.

“Yes,” she replied.

“Ooh, I like that,” I said, “A man could get used to this.”

I stroked her deeply but now with a little more urgency. Having taken good care ofher, I would now satisfy myself.

“Do you like doggy-style?” I asked her.


“Turn around, baby, we’re gonna do a little doggy.”

Pulling out of her, my cock glistening in the candlelight, Marti got off her back, turned around and got on her knees to present herself to me. Tufts of red pussy hair curled under her ass, wet and matted from the pounding she was taking, her pussy swollen and inviting. I placed my knees within hers and positioned my cockhead between the valley of her enlarged labia and pushed in strongly. Her fists clenched while she bit her lip as her pussy, her whole being, stretched once again to accommodate me. I was even deeper in her now than when she was on her back but this one didn’t mind. Hell, no, Marti loved it as I powered into her, long and deep and Now more urgent strokes building up to my own pleasure. Once again she created the wave, her pussy twitching tightly around my deep glans. She dropped her head and moaned a high-pitched “Oooooooooooh” yet still I powered into her as my own force built within me.

Pulling out of her again, I commanded her “Turnover” and she quickly and obediently jumped onto her back.

I supported myself on five points, elbows and knees, kissing her deeply and soulfully, our tongues sliding past the other’s while my cock plugged deeply and violently and urgently inside her. Numerous times I had held off the oncoming wave but this time I would let it cum, over and through me, my orgasm building, up and over my body and into this first date fuck of a woman. I rose onto my toes, my body straightening, my cock jerking violently, long powerful jet-like contracts powering hot cum into her reserveir overflowing along my length, dripping under my cock and out of her pussy. It was too much for her to take and Marti started cumming again, her pussy spasming around my cock, my cock twitching within her pussy.

Exhausted we lay spend. We kissed softly, sweetly, my cock resting in her still warm, wet pussy. “Whew,” I exclaimed, “that was something” but Marti was too stunned to speak. The spilt cum started getting cold around us so gently I pulled out of her.

“Do you have a towel I can use?” I asked.

Unable to get out the words, she pointed to her right to her bathroom. I took the short walk to grab the towel, wiping my swinging cock before handing the towel to Marti.

“Can you spend the night?” she asked, wiping dry her sex.

“Yea, I can do that,” I said and crawled back upon her bed.

Rejoined in embrace, our arms intertwined, our bodies shared, we quickly drifted sleep.


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