The Maiden and the Rogue Pt. 02

Lillian felt cold water rush over her body and she began to convulse rather harshly, screaming curses and understanding on her haphazard straw bedding.

“Wake up time!” A female bandit holding an empty bucket smiled at the naked noble woman.

“How dare you!”

“You may be gone, Lynn,” Rycroft said and the female bandit left with a smile on her face.

“Okay, today is the first day of labor, probably your first time ever doing any manual labor.” Rycroft clapped his hands with glee.

“NEVER!” Lillian spat, her hair was wet and stuck to her face.

“Well darling, here is the thing, I’ve got Methuselah Worms.”

Lillian’s heart sunk, “I thought they were… but a legend.”

“Oh no, certainly not, I know you probably know the stories, but I’ll reiterate on the off chance that you were never told about the sting of the Methuselah Worm. It is well known that their bite can rob a young person of their youth.”

“It isn’t true!” Lillian said worriedly.

“Oh, but it is! What are you 25?”


“Hmmm, I always seem to be a year off when guessing ages. Well anyway a bite from this worm can turn you from a beautiful 24 year old, with every opportunity to meet a dashing young nobleman and live the life of your dreams into an old wretch of eighty-five, with no hope or future..” Rycroft put his hands on his hips and smiled.

“You think you are so clever tricking me like this!”

“This is no trick, let me show you the worm.” Rycroft left and returned with a glass jar, In it was a disgusting dark red glowing worm, it seemed to have two mouths, it left a trail of what looked like blood wherever it slipped within the jar.”

Lillian looked terrified, she swallowed deeply, “Its…its…its…just like in the legends.”

“So what will it be? You clean my lair with some rags, or you lose sixty years of your life?”

Lillian’s face went white, her breath became sharper.”

“Why it looks like, you are unaable to speak at the moment, I’ll give you your rag and bucket of soap, I’ll unlock you, if you start cleaning I will know what choice you’ve made.” Again Rycroft left, this time trading the Worm filled Jar for a rag, a bucket of soapy water and a key. Lillian was unshackled and handed a rag and a bucket of soapy water.

Looking dejected Lillian stared at her rag. With Lillian’s lips quivering she dunked the rag in the soapy water. Then Lillian stood up, her legs quivering, she nearly stumbled as she walked over to the wall of Rycroft’s bedroom and started lightly wiping a stain off the wall. Rycroft circled her with his arms crossed.

“Wise choice, young lady. But please for the love of all that is holy, put your back into it!.” Rycroft slapped Lillian on her naked ass, causing her to squeal and jump up.


Rycroft swatted Lillian again, “NO! Not bastard, not scoffrel, not scum, I am SIR! Call me Sir, or you will be swiftly reprimanded!” Again Rycroft swatted Lillian on the ass, again making her jump.

“I said put your back into it!” Rycroft said harshly

Lillian was now crying as she rubbed the rag harshly against the cave wall. “Yes, sir,” Lillian mumbled.

Rycroft watched as the stain on his wall slowly disappeared, “Good work! Now to introduce you to your other sirs and ma’ams. Lillian resisted somewhat as Rycroft Suddenly pushed and prodded Lillian down a cave hallway into a well lit and loud banquet room. The bandits crassly yelled and throw their food at each other like brutes, until Rycroft spoke.

“SILENCE!” The crowd nearly froze as they looked at Rycroft standing next to the terrified and naked Lillian, who was now holding her cleaning rag over her breasts and the bucket over her crotch.

“I would like to introduce your new and hopefully temporary service.” Lillian closed her eyes in deep shade as the entire bandit crew silently gazed at her.

“You may order her around as you wish, as she is yOur service, but she is not be touched, all disciplined matters for this lowly service shall be handled by myself.” With that statement, Rycroft pushed Lillian into the banquet hall and walked away.

There Lillian stood, a noble woman naked as the day she was born, acting as a service for the lowest brutes in all of the kingdom. She sobbed as the brutes began laughing at her expense. They tossed their meat bones on the ground, crumbs spilled out of their disgusting mouths. Lillian would have to clean it all.

The female bandit that Rycroft referred to as Lynn approached Lillian rudely chewing a haunch of meat with exaggerated chews. Lynn dropped her meat bone at Lillian’s feet. “Waste bags are over there.” Lillian looked to where Lynn pointed and saw a bin. Lillian still weak from the horror’s of her reduced status walked up and looked into the bins, finding a cache of burlap sacks. Taking one Lillian slowly began to pick up individual pieces of food from the mess hall floor. Lillian crouched down trying to expose as little of herself as possible, this did nothing to stop the rampant catcalling.

An hour of raunchy catcalls and several sacks of discarded food later, the mess hall was nearly abandoned. All of the big pieces of food had been cleaned up. Lillian sat on one of the mess hall benches and put her head in her hands to sob.

“What the fuck is this!” A large slovenly bandit approached.

“I cleaned up all the food,” Lillian said her voice cracking.

“This place is still a grimy mess.” The slovenly bandit harshly tossed aside one of the eating benches.

“Get up!” Lillian stood up and the slovenly guard angrily turned the bench Lillian was sitting on upside down.

“Now you get on your hands and knees and wipe this floor clean, wench!” Lillian was Disgusted but frightened, she could see a large bulge form in the slovenly bandit’s pants. Not wanting to cross him she did as she was told. Lillian dropped down to all fours andstarted cleaning the disgusting cave floor.

The slovenly bandit let out a whistle. Bandits started streaming in until they surrounded Lillian, “What a view!” The slovenly guard said as he stared directly at Lillian’s ass as she scrubbed the floor.

“Look at those swingin’ utters!” Another bandit commented as Lillian’s breasts dangled down, her nipples almost touching the rancid banquet room floor. The bandits laughed and made comment after comment.

“Look I can see her asshole!” One guard said.

“Look at her she’s swollen down there, I think she likes this!” I do not! Lillian cried out, unable to reverse from defending herself.

“The service’s talking out of turn!” The slovenly guard said, with a certain malignancy in his voice.

Lillian put her head down, her hair touched the grimy floor.

“I’ll teach this wench not to talk out of turn.” The slovenly guard said as he swiftly approached Lillian from behind. The bandits cheered on. The slovenly guarddropped his pants exposing a large throbbing erection. A crazy look in his eyes came over him. Lillian, seeing her prediction, screamed. The bandits stopped their catcalling and became silent, they knew what the Slovenly guard was up to, but no one seemed to have the courage to stop it.

Rycroft was in his room grooming his mustache when Lynn rushed in, “The service is about to be touched!”

“Thank you for informing me, Lynn.” Rycroft rushed to get his bow and arrows then ran into the banquet hall.

Lillian grimaced as the slovenly guard paid open her anus. “I’ll die a happy man, fucking a noble bitch in the ass!” the slovenly guard repeatedly spoke.

“Please god no!” Lillian cried out as she felt the slovenly guards dirty covered hands touch her ass.”

Lillian crawled on all fours away from the bandit, looking over her shoulder at the crashed man continue to approach her. Drool dripped out of his mouth, he was wild and uncontrollable.

“ARRRRRGGGGGG!” TheSlovenly bandit stopped in his tracks. The slovenly guard had an arrow in his back, he was stumbling, trying to reach behind his back, he attempted to pull the arrow out. Rycroft approached him.

“You disobeyed me! You disgusting rogue!” Rycroft spoke as he swiftly stalled the slovenly bandit in the heart with a knife, killing him instantly.

“The service is done for the day,” Rycroft called out dispersing the bandits. The Slovenly guard was lying dead in a pool of his own blood.

“Don’t worry I won’t make you clean that up,” Rycroft said as he led Lillian back to his quarters. Lillian was thankful that Rycroft saved her but terrified of the grizzly scene. She now fully understand that Rycroft was a bold man, who would kill someone at a moments notice.


“What? No thank you?” Rycroft spoke to Lillian as he chained her ankle to the foot of his bed.

“Thank you? For what? You’re the one who got me into this mess!”

“Show some gratitude!”

“You’ve turned me into your service. I AM OF NOBLE BLOOD!”


“You know I’ll have your head for this!”

“I just saved you from being ravaged by a disgusting brute.”

“He was your disgusting brute, he worked for you!”

“I can’t be picked, I am a bandit. Do you take me for a good person?”

“You are SCUM!”

“Oh! My dear, hush before I cut your tongue out! Swallow your pride, you know full well I saved you and that once your family pays your ransom you will be free to go, you’ll never have to talk about this part of your life again.”

“What if my family doesn’t pay?” Lillian said softly.

“Well then, you could earn your way into my group, you could rob the very nobles that turned their back on you.”


“Okay then, in that case, I’d have to kill you.”

“You’d never!”

“Listen, I just killed a man without thinking twice! Do you know how I met that man? He was named Gurt by the way. He saved my life! I had had been caught by a local warden hunting in the specially designed royal forest and he was going to execute me on the spot. I was bound on my knees, the warden’s sword was about to cut into my neck and then come good old Gurt with a huge rock, he smokes the warden’s head. Unlike you I was THANKFUL and I took old Gurt in. Of course he never got along with the rest of my band, he had a screw loose, but I remained loyal Until he so blatantly disregarded my order…Look my point is, I did not hesitate to kill someone who saved my life, I will not hesitate to kill you, you are someone who has never once expressed even an ounce of gratitude for me saving her life.”

Lillian let out a sight, “Fine, thank you. You are right, the wasteland would have been more cruel, congratulations, you are marginally less cruel than the Queen.”

“Ah, progress! I knew we could become friends.”

Rycroft then started walking out of his quarters.

“Wait! You’re just going to leave me here?” Lillian yelled out, naked and shackled to Rycroft’s bed.

“Well, I have a corpse to dispose of and a feast to eat, don’t worry I’ll come back with some scraps for you.” Rycroft waved as he left the room.

Lillian curled up into her familiar fetal position and began to think. She couldn’t help being slightly attracted to Rycroft, as sick and disturbing as it was, he was like no man she had ever met. He was stunningly handsome and dashing, his way of speaking and his leadership made him have a certain appeal. Lillian cursed herself for her taste in men. She was always so drawn to dangerous men. She was bored by the courtly manners of the noblemen who tried to woo her. Rycroft didn’t care about anything but himself, he was hard to please and he simply took everything he wanted. Lillian’s mixture of hate and lust for Her captor stimulated her. Hours passed and Lillian began to fade into sleep, but she kept on letting her right hand wander towards her crotch. She had not touched herself in days, she was used to masturbating to orgasm whenever she pleased, but she was surprised that her sexual drive still existed even in the current dire circumstances.


Lillian couldn’t help herself, as she faded into sleep she dreamed of her captor Rycroft ravaging her. In her dream, she protested his advances but secretly wanted his cock. In her dream Rycroft disrobed to reveal his muscle toned body, he bent her over his bed and easily slid his cock into her from behind. Rycroft gripped her hair and fucked her as he pleased. The dream seemed so real, Lillian felt herself leaking juices, in her dream she was on the verge of climaxing, her cries of distress turned into moans, she called out Rycroft’s name as he fucked her, beckoning him to continue.

“MY WORD!” Lillian woke up from her dream, she was lying face down on her mat of hay still shackled to Rycroft’s bed.

“What in the…” Lillian realized it was the voice of Rycroft.

Lillian realized that she may have been vocalizing his name unintentionally as she slept. Lillian turned over and looked up at Rycroft who was standing with a half eaten haunch of meat in his hand. Lillian felt some wetness on her hand, still grocgy she put her hand up near her face. “no…it…canot.” Lillian gasped.

Lillian’s face went white, she must have been struggling herself involuntarily during her erotic dream. “I…I…ummm.” Lillian had no words, she looked up at Rycroft completely mortified.

“I never expected a noble woman like you to do such a thing,” Rycroft said smiling, taunting Lillian.

Lillian swallowed and looked away from Rycroft in shame.

“Were you having a naughty dream?” Lillian was too mortified to respond.

“A naughty dream about little old me?” Rycroft laughed, small bits of chicken shot out of his mouth.

“NEVER!” Lillian yelled still looking away from Rycroft.

“Then why were you mumbling my name in your sleep? Why were you feeling yourself in thatmanner?” Rycroft asked smugly.

Lillian closed her eyes unable to respond to Rycroft. Rycroft paced around Lillian until Lillian was staring at his boot. “You know Lillian my dear, I’ve admired you for some time, I just thought a dignified noblewoman like yourself would never fall for a common blooded bandit scum like me.”

Lillian was speechless, Rycroft dropped a piece of twine down near his shoes.

“Tie your hair back,” Rycroft ordered.

“Why?” Lillian said still staring at Rycroft’s boot.

“Just do it!” Lillian tied her hair in a ponytail and looked up at Rycroft who was still looming over her.

“Let’s make this arrangement a little more beneficial for both of us,” Rycroft said while looking down at Lillian.

“How?” Lillian muttered.

“I’ll give you some clothes if you prove yourself worthy.”

Lillian looked down again at Rycroft’s boot unable to look him in the eyes, “How?”

“Well, first off you call me, “Sir,” just as we arranged before.

Lillian swallowed, “Yes, sir.” Lillian’s face grew flush with embarrassment.

“You, will have to please me, not only as a service cleaning my banquet hall but as a lover as well.”

Lillian’s heart sank, “I cannot!” Her voice waved.

“I sense that you are torn.”

Rycroft was right, Lillian was torn, she both hated and lusted after Rycroft.

“Let us see how sure you are about your convictions.” Rycroft pulled down his pants, exposing an enormous cock to Lillian.

Lillian gasped, it was even bigger than in her dream and Rycroft was right now only partially erect. Lillian couldn’t help but stare and exam Rycroft’s cock. He seemed to have shaken his pubic hair, his cock was smooth and circled. Lillian felt her juices flowing, she badly wanted to touch Rycroft’s cock. Rycroft looked down at the obviously swooning Lillian. “Would you like to touch it?”

“Yes, sir!” Lillian said in a desperately submissive breathy tone. Lillian gently stroked Rycroft’s shake and gently felt the weight of his balls in her other hand, her breathing became heavy, as Rycroft’s cock began to harden as she touched it. Lillian pumped her lips and approached Rycroft’s cock head with the intention to kiss it. Rycroft retired and put his cock back into his pants.

“Not yet, you haven’t earned it.” Lillian lunged forward only to be stopped by her chain.

“First you are to get up on your knees and straighten your back.”

Rycroft smiled as Lillian did what he told her to do. Lillian was red in the face, embarrassed by her own lust.

“Now sit up straight put your hands behind your back.” Lillian licked her lips and did as she was told.

Rycroft walked forward slightly and said, “Now lick my boots!” Lillian looked shocked, her face was red, her teeth grinded together. She was overwhelmed with both lust and anger.

“Remember what to say,” Rycroft said smiling.

Lillian looked at Rycroft with hate and lust in her eyes and said, “Yes sir.” Before she lowered her face down towards Rycroft’s boots.

Lillian was a noble woman naked as the day she was born, on her knees, her large posterior protruding into the air, with her hands placed willfully behind her back, her ankle was shackled to a large bed. Lillian could feel her juices dripping out of her swollen nether regions. Lillian imagined the noble maidens of her former life sitting behind her laughing and taunting her, telling her what a wretched who she was. Lillian was flushed red with shame as she stuck out her tongue and began to lick the dirty boot.

“Look at you…look at you.” Rycroft taunted as he watched his naked service lap her tongue on his boot.

Lillian briefly looked up at Rycroft.

“I never thought you would lower yourself this far, it’s really shocking.” Rycroft continued to taunt the humiliated Lillian.

Lillian felt the open air cares her swollen parts, she wanted badly to stroke herself.

“Do you want my cock in your mouth?”

Lillian stopped and looked up at Rycroft, “Yes.” Lillian said, breathing heavily. Lillian wondered why she was so attracted to Rycroft.

Rycroft backed away.

“You didn’t refer to me as, “Sir,” I am sorry, but this dalliance has to end, I’ll give you another try tomorrow.”

“Yes, sir! YES SIR!, YES SIR!” Lillian pleased. Rycroft ignored Lillian’s cries. “I AM SORRY!, PLEASE SIR! PLEASE SIR!”

Rycroft turned around, “Wow, begging so unbecoming of a noblewoman.”

“Please, sir.” Lillian was now panting.

“Okay, but this is your last warning, you must always refer to me as “Sir.”

Rycroft approached and pulled out his enormous erect cock. Lillian eagerly began to lick it, her hands still behind her back. She gently licked the underside of Rycroft’s cock with the tip of her tongue. Lillian now fully aroused let herself become immersed in the experience. Lillian licked the shaft and kissed the head of Rycroft’s cock. “Ilove your cock, sir.” Lillian couldn’t believe that those words escaped her mouth. For a moment, she looked up at Rycroft stunned with his large cock resting on her face. Rycroft ordered, “Put it in your mouth!”

Without saying a word Lillian did as she was told, she lustfully bobbed her head up and down on the shake. Rycroft’s cock soon was smooth with Lillian’s saliva, Lillian Couldn’t help but let out pleasant moans as she sucked Rycroft’s erect phallus.

“Look at me!”

Lillian looked up at Rycroft with lustful and bloodshot eyes. Lillian slowly glided her lips over Rycroft’s smooth shaft, moaning gently on his cock as she did. Rycroft then twisted Lillian’s ponytail around one of his hands and forced her to stop bobbing her head. Lillian looked up in anticipation, he looked down and smiled wickedly at her. Then Rycroft fucked her face.

Lillian at this moment became a sex toy, she did nothing but sit on her knees with her hands behind her back, letting Rycroft harshly fuck her mouth. Lillian felt Rycroft’s cock roughly slam against the back of her throat, she gagged again and again, saliva and precum dripping down her chin and onto her thighs. Eventually, Lillian felt Rycroft’s balls press against her chin. Lillian couldn’t believe that she was taking all of Rycroft’s enormous cock in her throat. Rycroft kept Lillian there, looking down as her eyes watered and she gagged. Lillian had never been treated like this, in all of her dalliances with men she had been put on a pedestal and treated so gently, this bored Lillian, as degraded as she felt, she also felt more aroused than ever before.


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