A carriage was traveling from Wrightshire to the desolate wastelands. The lush forest road would soon change into an arid desert. It was a place no one would ever will go. Yet the Wasteland held precious minerals and jewels in the rocks. Prisoners toileted in the hot sun uncovering jewel encrusted rocks from the earth. Giant carrion birds hovered in the sky, ready to swoop down and abduct the emicaated workers the moment they fall. This was a labor camp like no other, no one ever sentenced to this fate ever returned. Death was usually slow and torturous.
Inside the carriage was a young woman, she was completely nude. Her blonde hair unwashed and tangled obstructed her view. Her large blue eyes well up with tears.
“I didn’t do it!” She shouted through the mesh window that separated herself from the carriage driver.
“Of course you didn’t, that’s what they all say.” The carriage driver replied back.
“I can’t do this! Why didn’t she just execute me outright?” The young lady shouted.
“I can’t answer that with certainty, but my guess is that she wanted to humiliate you, to make you suffer, to make you know in your last days that she was all powerful and that you had no power, that you were nothing.”
The young lady trembled, her chin quivered, she brushed her hair out of her eyes, revealing her strikingly regular face. She held her chin up and sniffled, holding back tears. Her full lips closed and she slowed down her breathing. Still she covered her nudity. Her legs crossed, her right arm pressed against her full breasts.
Just a few short days ago she was brimming with pride, she wore the most elegant dresses in the kingdom. She lived in a wonderful palace, filled with every luxury imagineable. She was popular and revered, she was Important.
She had a dozen suitors trying to impress her, all of which she enjoyed humoring but did not want to lose her power through marriage just yet. She was enjoying her youth, beauty, andpower, a husband would stifle her, she would have to obey him, she didn’t want that.
She worked lessly ordered her servants around, never looking them in the eye, flippantly commanding them with an elegant flip of the wrist or a brisk word. Her service’s feared her, she punished them harshly for not obeying her every word, even when they did she sometimes punished them. Her life was grand and exuberant, flush with luxury and curiosities. Now she was nude, stripped of her dignity, cast away like she was nothing.
“She can’t do this to me! This must be some sick joke, I am nobility.”
“Not any you’re not. I think all your rights and properties were stripped when you tried to overthrow Queen Astrid.”
“I NEVER did anything of the sort!” The naked woman said, seemingly offended by the accusation.
“Must have did something.” The carriage driver whipped his horses, causing the carriage to pick up speed.
“After her coronavirus, I made a passing remark insulting the flower arrangements. How was I supposed to know Queen Astrid personally and meticulously selected those flowers.”
“A small mistake can get a big consequence from the Queen.”
“Especially if she is jealous of your beauty.” The naked woman said haughtily.
“Well, no one’s jealous of you anymore, not a soul in the world.”
The naked woman looked down and let out a huff of indignation.
“You’re not going to be beautiful for long either.”
The naked woman’s eyes opened, she could not believe this commoner was talking to her like he was.
“You’ll work until your skin and bones.”
“I will refuse to work!” The naked woman said angrily.
“Oh, you’ll work, they always get the prisoners to work. They will use you in the worst possible ways.” The carriage driver let out a cruel laugh, he was revealing in her demise.
“What…do…you…mean…use…me?” The naked woman was scared now.
“Do I have to spell it out, they’ll rap you, they would love to tear apart a noble piece of meat like you! Right now they are probably chomping at the bit. Hell, Astrid probably gave them special instructions. That Queen is a cruel woman.”
The naked woman put her head in her hands. The carriage driver laughed as he whipped the horse again.
“You know, you could probably make it a few years out there if you willfully service those guards, they could use some companionship. It’s not a good deal for them either, no one wants to be stationed in the Wasteland. Yeah, if you just dirtied your knees up a bit and served them on a daily basis you could probably last a long time. I’m gettin’ randy just thinking about a nice young woman of high birthday like yourself serving those men like a common whore.” The carriage driver whipped his horses again.
The naked woman was now crying, her fate now finally sinking in. There were no good options for her. There was especially no use in talking to the sadistic carriage driver, he had no sympathy for her. It seemed as no one in the whole kingdom had sympathy for her, no one spoke up in her defense when she was accused of treasure and no one would stand up for her now. It seemed as though the world cruelly believed that she was getting her comeuppance. “How could anyone wish such cruelty on anyone, especially someone as special as me.” She thought to herself as the carriage rod onward towards her demise.
Suddenly the naked woman was tossed across the carriage. The carriage had abruptly stopped. The sound of arrows sailing through the air was everywhere. The carriage guards yelled other voices could be heard as well.
“What is happening!” The naked woman yelled out, no one responded. The naked woman saw the carriage driver slumped against the mesh window. She stood up to investigate, putting her eyes up against the mesh. She heard a soft gurgling and saw that the carriage driver had an arrow embedded in his neck. He was still breathing, but not fully aware of his surroundings, the naked woman saw his right eye was glazed over, his hand twitching. Suddenly an arrow stuck directly into the carriage driver’s forehead. The naked woman huddled up into a fetal position on the carriage benchmark, she was terrified. Her eyes were opened wide, she was rocking back and forth in stunned disbelief.
The chaos died down, the naked woman could hear voices outside of the carriage.
“Oh drat, it seems like a simple prison carriage, there shan’t be any bounty here.”
“Oh, but there may be. There must be a prisoner, maybe if he is not a scundrel he can join our ranks.” Another voice spoke out.
“They are always scundrels, and Rycroft will make us do the deed, the bloody messy deed.”
The naked woman shuddered as she heard the carriage door open, she closed her eyes as she pulled her knees closer to her naked chest.
“…WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE!” A stunned man shouted.
“Why it’s a naked lady, a pretty one to be exact.”
“Goddamn, JACKPOT!”
“Get Rycroft, he is going to want to see this!”
The naked woman spoke softly, “Please don’t hurt me.”
“I can’t guarantee that we won’t hurt you.” one of the men said laughing.
“Please…I am… I am… Lady Lillian from the house of Wright.”
“Hmmm Wright, never heard of that name.”
Lillian opened her eyes to see a handsome man push aside the two brutes and reach out his hand towards her.
“My name is Rycroft, leader of this band of merry bandits, I am pleased to meet you, Lady Lillian.”
“Get away from me you scum!” Lillian spat, still scared.
“Why such hostility? It seems as though myself and my men just saved your life! You were traveling towards the Wasteland, and judging by your attire you were not going there to vacation.”
“I demand clothing at once!” Lillian yelled out, causing Rycroft to step back.
“My lady, you are in no position to make demands. I, of course, would conjure some clothing up ifyou had asked me nicely. However, you have chosen to forget your manners.” Rycroft put his hands on his hips.
“Return me at once!”
“Return you where?” Rycroft shrugged.
“You bandit scum! Heed my demands.” Lillian yelled out.
“Why is she so ugly?” Rycroft looked around confused.
“I will have you arrested!” Lillian said looking Rycroft directly in his eyes.
“Oh…I see…You are embarrassed, you are nude and we are but lowly cockroaches, gazing at your naked body.”
“That’s right!” Lillian said red in the face.
Lillian was humbled and mortified to be rescued by a group of bandits. Her flesh was exposed to commoners, which was not acceptable in her eyes.
“It seems to me that you must have done something horrible, to someone even more important than yourself. So I don’t think you are in a position to negotiate. You may very well be of noble birth, but in this forest at this moment you are anything but noble. You are under my command…This is my forest and as long as you are in this forest you bow to me! Not your phony royal family, no royal connection or high status sways me…In fact it is just the opposite, I rob and murder your kind to feed the oppressed.” Rycroft said getting frustrated.
Lillian slanted her eyes and looked right at Rycroft and said, “So help me god I will have you killed!”
“That’s it, forcibly remove her! No wonder she was headed to the Wasteland, she is FUCKING impossible. She will learn!” Rycroft entered the carriage and roughly grabbed Lillian by the hair, dragging her out of the carriage.
“Oh no! HELP! HELP! UNHAND ME!” Lillian screamed. As she was pulled by her hair, she felt her bare feet touch the harsh ground. Lillian was not used to this sensing, to walk in the dirt with no shoes, this was the act of common peasant and not fit for Lillian. She clutched her breasts, but her ass was now exposed to the bandits who were outwardly cheering.
“Bad move honey! Trying to pull the nobility card with me.” Rycroft dragged Lillian towards a tree stump. Rycroft sat down and pulled Lillian over his lap.
“Unhand me you scum!” Lillian yelled out, mortified that a group of bandits was glaring at her naked body.
“What are you doing, you scobrel?”
“Teaching you a lesson,” Rycroft spoke.
“Lillian’s eyes bulged hysterically as she felt the first strike on her buttocks.
“What the hell!” Lillian yelled hitting her fists against Rycroft’s shins.
“I am giving you a spanking!” Rycroft unleashed a deluge of harsh slapses on Lillian’s ass.
The last part of her body Lillian wanted to expose to a crowd of jeering bandits was her ass. Lillian never knew what to make of her ass, she saw how men gazed at it, but it was larger than most noble women’s ass.
She felt her cheeses jiggle uncertainly as she was spanked. The pain was overwhelming as her pain tolerance had never been tested. Lillian was flush with embarrassment,she could feel her ass burn in pain and it was certainly turning red. Lillian could not help but kick her bare legs wildly as each smack stung her buttocks, she could not help but to lose composition. Lillian’s face was probably redder than her ass, her humiliation caused tears to roll down her cheeks. Lillian was losing all dignity and there was nothing she could do to stop it.
“Stop laughing at me!” Lillian continued to kick and scream as Rycroft let out unrelenting spank after unrelenting spank.
As the punishment continued Lillian began to feel more and more like the spoiled child she was accused of being. Her hyperactive blurbering and screaming, heightened her own humiliation, yet there was nothing she could do to stop the flood of emotions that the spanking was unleashing.
“Don’t look at me! I am not a child! Unhand me!” Lillian cried.
Rycroft pulled Lillian’s hair back and spoke to her harshly. “Thank me for rescuing you and sparing your life!”
Normally Lillian would refuse to capitulate to such a lowly ruffian, but desperate to end her ordeal Lillian compiled. “Thank you, sir.”
Rycroft again let out a harsh burst of spanks, creating an echoing sound, that along with the raucous laughter of the crowd could probably be heard from a great distance. The crowd of bandits laughed as Lillian let out a flutter of leg kicks and arm flails that made her whole body look like a blur.
Suddenly without warning Lillian was harshly pushed off of Rycroft’s lap, landing awkwardly on the hard dirt. Sobbing Lillian instinctively grabbed her ass, rubbing it and muttering curses to herself.
“This my dear is what happens when you try to pull rank on me! Especially when you are in no position to do so!” Rycroft spoke to the crowd of still laughing bandits.
Almost effectively Rycroft picked up Lillian and slung her over his shoulder. Lillian sobbed softly as her body laid limp, her ass slightly quivering with each sob. The bandit’s trusted forward into the forest. Lillian was broken and paralyzed with intense humiliation as she was helpfully carried along. Her sobs became more intense as bandit after bandit made remarks at her expense. There were not just male bandits either, there were also tough female bandits, they seemed to get the most satisfaction out of Lillian’s prediction.
“Not so noble anymore?” One of the female bandits spoke before slapping Lillian in the ass.
“She’s mine! Do not touch her!” Ryland chatised the female bandit who spanked Lillian.
***”Let me go!” Lillian kicked her naked legs and softly hit her captor Rycroft on his back.
“Don’t worry my dear, we are almost near my lair.” Lillian could hear the bandits make crass small talk, occasionally making rude comments about Lillian’s still red buttocks.
The group made their way up a long hill until they came across a large boulder.
“Boys!” Rycroft called out. Four bulky men started the heaven the boulder until it slowly moved, creating an opening.
“It’s a dragon’s cave! Nice and cold during the summer, nice and warm during the winter.” Rycroft strolled in with Lillian still over his shoulder.
“Damn you! Let me go!” Lillian cried out. She was still accidentally hitting Rycroft in the back.
“Soon enough!”
Rycroft started talking about his lair as Lillian continue to softly hit him and squirm as she paraded Lillian with her still red ass through his lair. “There are plenty of rooms for my band, and don’t worry there are no dragons to speak of. We didn’t kill any dragon either, that was some knight trying to impress some lady, we would never kill such a majestic and rare beast as a dragon.”
“Stop your babbling and let me go?”
“Certainly m’lady!” Rycroft abruptly dropped Lillian on her sore ass. Lillian grimaced in pain as her ass collided with a stone floor which was padded only with a thin layer of straw. Rycroft sat on a comfortable chair rightnext to her.
“Leave us be!” Rycroft sent his band out and smiled at Lillian who was again in a fetal position sitting up, covering her naked body.
“Basstard!” Lillian spat.
“You should be thanking me, I saved you from certain death.” Rycroft smiled, there was a natural light shining through a large hole in the cave, and Lillian took note of Rycroft’s face. He was dashing, he wore a green woodsman’s outfit, he sportsed a well-groomed mustache and a goatee, he was muscle and judging by the smile on his face he was very cocky.
“THANK YOU! THANK YOU! How can I thank you? You humiliated me!”
“My lady, my lady I couldn’t let you act so monstrously ungrateful. Now tell me, why you were on your way to the Wastelands? You must have done something to piss off the Queen?”
Lillian let out a deep breath. “I criticalized her flower arrangements. That’s it, that’s all I did.”
“What a bitch!” Rycroft said out loud in disgust.
“Tell me about it?”
“Ohno, my dear I mean YOU! What were you doing criticalizing the Queen?” Rycroft laughed at his own joke, Lillian leered at him.
“In all seriousness, my lady you people are all horrible, Astrid is, of course, the worst, she is horribly unqualified to be Queen. Oh, She has a temperature for sure, her punishments are arbitrary and harsh, yes. But when it comes down to it you are all the same.”
“I am NOT the same as Astrid! Now give me some clothes you scandrel!”
“See this is what I am talking about, you people expect so much from us common blooded men and women. We toil as you live a carefree life, we starve as you feast. It turns honest gracious gentlemen like myself to lives of crime. Now you insult me and demand I give you clothes to cover your naked flesh.”
“Yes, I demand it!”
“And what makes you deserving of clothing? You had none when I found you.”
Lillian took a deep breath, “I was stripped in front of the royal court, while Astrid looked on, then hauledoff into that carriage to be taken away to my fate.”
Rycroft shook his head, “You’ve been through a lot. I’ll save the rest of this talk tomorrow.”
“Give me some clothes, I demand it!”
Rycroft looking seriously now leaned over to look Lillian directly in the eyes. “Listen! You will make no demands! You are not a member of the nobility anymore! You will not be wearing any clothes until you earn them. You are MY captive and you WILL do what I say.”
Lillian lurched back fearful of Rycroft. Rycroft let out a cocky smile and Lillian could not help but to spit in his face. Rycroft without making an expression slowly wiped the spit off his face and began to talk again.
“Okay, if you insist I will tell you now what your fate is. I will send a ransom to your family and until it is paid in full you will be this lair’s service, you will scrub the walls of this cave, you will clean up our filthy messes, you will wash my clothes, and thanks to your little display of indignation you just did, you will be doing all of this in the nude.”
Lillian was speechless at first, but then finally responded with a crack in her voice, “I refuse.”
“No you don’t, I have ways of making this work. Now if you don’t mind I think we’ve both had a long day, I will be retired to my bed.
The light from the opening in the cave was becoming dim. “I would rather die than become your service!” Lillian spoke as Rycroft stood up.
Rycroft called out to his fellow bandits. “I am turning in early tonight, bind my new service to the foot of my bed, make a small pile of hay for her to sleep on.”
Lillian was forcibly carried off into another room in the cave. In the center of this room was a large bed, even more luxurious than the one Lillian was used to sleeping in. The bandits made a pile of hay at the foot of the bed, and Lillian was swiftly shackled by her ankle to one of the legs of the bed. As swiftly as Lillian was bound to the bed the bandits left,leaving Rycroft and Lillian once again alone in the room. Rycroft put out two torches that added additional light to the room and with a thud landed on his bed. Rycroft seemed to have no problems sleeping as Lillian sobbed.
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