The Maid Pt. 01

“Welcome,” a filled out figure with chubby cheeks but a not at all unpleasant face opened the door, “it’s wonderful to meet you in person.”

Missy was nervous as she stepped inside. Nancy, the Nickerson’s existing maid, had spoken to her just once over the phone just once about the position, but after her journey she was considered fully committed.

Nancy looked her over, “I think you’ll do just fine.” Missy had a youthful, vibrant if nervous appearance. Her body looked strong and, most importantly, her spirit seemed cheerful. A family pulse was pulling Nancy to a move back home and she was glad to have secured such a suitable replacement so quickly. “My train leaves in just a few hours, so there isn’t much time to get you up to speed. Please sit.”

Nancy gestured towards the kitchen table. They were in a small, cheerful-looking cottage just steps from the main estate. There were several small servants cottages scattered along the edge of the property, thought this one looked particularly well kept.

“As discussed, you’ll be Mr. Nickerson’s personal maid. You’ll be responsible for his personal quarters only,” her voice dropped, “There isn’t much cleaning to it really. The morning maids do all the heavy lifting, the cooking, and such. You’ll handle light items like dusting, afternoon tea and the like. You’re here more for…companionsship mostly.”

Nancy looked tense for a second, like she wasn’t sure how much she should say. “As you may have guessed,” she went on, “there’s a bit more to the role than a typical posting. You’ll be expected to, um, cater to Mr. Nickerson in quite, hm, well, particular ways.”

Missy took a deep breath. She assumed something particular would be involved, the pay was far too good and the accommodations far too kind for a simple maid’s position. It wasn’t that she was comfortable with the idea as much as she desperately needed the money. She made her peace with the fact there would probably be more than dusting involved and she’d be willing to put her body through whatever it was for the pay day.

“I understand,” Missy said, putting Nancy slightly more at ease, “the paid posted was very, very good.”

“I don’t think you do,” Nancy replied, “but you will soon enough. Your body looked strong and you seemed to have a good spirit. Just be aware, Mr. Nickerson expects obedience in all things, no matter how pleasant or unpleasant they may be.”

“I see,” Missy said, not getting any less nervous, “Well, I need the money, we’ll see how long I last.”

They both slightly smiled knowingly at one another. It wasn’t uncommon for masters of the estate to have maids they were particularly fond of, but the position varied greatly from posting to posting.

“Anyways,” Nancy started, “this cottage will be your quarters. You’ll report to Mr. Nickerson in the main residence at noon each day and he’ll give you your assignment. His comfort and satisfaction is of course always your first and only priority. You’ll barely see the morning maids, the groundskeeper usually keeps to himself. Mr. Nickerson’s son sometimes visits but usually makes use of the polo fields and demands little else. You’ll get lots of reading done,” she smiled.

“Your uniform is in the first dresser drawer, freshly pressed, the morning maids will take care of those things for you as well. It has some unusual editions you may notice. Try to get everything on without a fuss. Mr. Nickerson may add or adjust your uniform as he sees fit of course. Your pay will come each week on Wednesdays to your account, it’s like clockwork, it might be more than you were even expecting. He will want you take care of if he likes you, which I have a feeling he will.”

She paused, “I should be on my way. You must be exhausted from your trip, I suggest a bubble bath and some sleep. Just make sure you’re not there a second past noon tomorrow.”

Nancy stood up and headed towards the door. “Best of lucky Missy, cheerio.”

Missy awoke the next morning at 10:30am sharp. She showed and made herself look as presentable as possible, twisting her long dark hair into a wide bun at the base of her neck.

She pulled the black and white uniform out of the drawer. There was a noted pinned to the front: Make sure you wear this, and nothing else, underwear included. Best of luck on your first day. -Nancy

So no panties at all then, interesting, Missy thought as she untangled the uniform. It looked very much like a simple maids uniform, if slightly shorter than usual. There was nothing under the skirt which didn’t surprise her after the no panty rule, but she was starting to get nervous. It had short puffy sleeps and she noticed the top was less of a top than it was an extreme push up bra. There was one section of fabric across her bust she realized was velcroed to cover her breasts, but without it it pinned to the top the outfit would sit just below her exposed nipples. She assumed ths may mean her tits would be on display for all or part of the day and took a deep breath.

When she arrived, luckyly early, at the house she was let in and pointed towards the upstairs bedroom, which also contained a sort of study in the corner with a large desk. There a much older man looked up and removed his glasses to meet her.

“Hello,” he said, “I’m Mr. Nickerson. Shut the door please?”

“Hi, I’m Missy.”

“Very good,” he replied, his eyes running over her.

He’s not as bad as I was expecting, Missy thought.

“I assume Nancy filled you in. I have some additions to the uniform before you begin. You can unpin the piece covering up your breasts and tuck the skirt up into your waistband.”

Missy gulped and nodded. He was so matter of fact about everything it was almost shocking to her. She did as she was told, turning red with every second.

“Hmm, yes I think you’ll do.” Mr. Nickerson said. He pulled a small vibrator out of the drawer and handed it to her.

“Press this against your clip. It will help with everything else. Bend over the desk and try to handle this as best you can.”

Missy tried as much as possible to be a lady as she placed one hand with the vibe against herself and bent over the large wooden desk, desperately aware of how naked she was. He moved behind her and extremely placed a small butt plug against her exposed asshole and started to push.

“Good girl,” he said rubbing the small of her back, “just a little farther.” It went in with a pop.

He picked up a ruler off his desk and smoked it against her asscheeks.

Missy yelped, but tried her best not to move.

“Very good,” he said.

He gave her a few more whacks, pulling yelps from her each time, and then rubbed his hands over the globes of her ass, feeling the heat and soft silk of her skin.

“Now up, face me,” Mr. Nickerson said, “you may keep your legs spread and the vibe pressed to you.”

Missy was pastthe point of embarrassment and did what she was told. She was panting slightly, her large breasts moving up and down. Her nipples had always been very responsive and we’re currently hard as rocks on the top of her chest. She spread her legs and held the vibe in front of her, pressed tightly to her pussy.

“These will also be part of your daily uniform,” he said, pulling two small clamps out of his pocket. Attached to the clamps were small, bell-shaped items, but they hadn’t made a sound.

He grabbed a nipple and yanked slightly. Missy took a deep breath. He placed a clamp around the nipple, letting the pressure release slowly.

“Owwwwwwwww,” Missy said, she’d tried too hard to be still but her nipple was now on fire.

Mr. Nickerson didn’t look up, he began working the other nipple and started the application there as well. Missy again tried to stay quiet but eventually let out a small yelp.

He finished with the second breast and slowly lowered his hands, releasesing the attached bells. Missy’s face turned in disappoint. The bells were for weight not for sound. And once they started swinging they would provide a constant yank on her nipples.

He stood back and looked at his handiwork, the now stuffed, clamped and vibed woman standing before him. “Very good,” he said.


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