The Maid

I put an ad out on Craigslist. I’m not sure it would work as well today. I simply said I was looking for a live-in housekeeper. I put in the ad that she’d have to sign an NDA because I have some very personal non-traditional lifestyle choices. I said that to screen out those who’d not even be close to passing a screening interview.

Cleaning. Handling mail. Running errands. Laundry. The usual chores.

I interviewed four applicants by phone. Explained that I indulge in various BDSM activities with consenting partners and they would likely see things and I need discretion.

Two explicitly said they were good with this. Neither had housekeeping experience. I met them both in person at my house. They saw the spreader bars and impact toys and bindings of various kinds. There were a few pics on walls from fun scenes and I showed further pictures of the things I do. Both said they were fine with knowing this.

The schedule worked out for one of them. And she stayed withme for a long time. Eventually returning to her home country for reasons unrelated to this story, and not very interesting.

She’d been with me about a week, when the first test was going to come. She lived in the former garage, which had been converted into a little studio apartment for live-in help. Properly. It was nice. Not a hovel. Better than many studio apartments in these parts.

I had a play date. A pretty young thing I’d met on FL who just wanted to experience a decent kinky play scene after years of disappointment with pretenders and assholes. It was loud. Some CNC building up to a good ass-raping. A lot of caning and paddle play. Before setting down for some nice snoozy aftercare.

The following morning the housekeeper came in, with an offer to make breakfast. She scared the shit out if my cute young houseguest. It also surprised me because making me breakfast was not on her todo list. She wasn’t a cook, her job was not to make meals. She’d not offered to do so previously. She was clearly curious and being a little nosy.

I introduced her as the housekeeper. Said “just tea”. And sent her out. My guest drank her tea with a few more kisses and cuddles, showed and left. It had been a good night.

After she’d gone my housekeeper came to the master suite. She started to tidy, picking up my playthings. She knew where they went. But she had never handled them before. She picked up a paddle. Turned it over in her hand. She told me I was noisy last night. Very noisy. She said she had heard screams at one point.

“Did it both you?” I asked. She said not at all.

The only way she could really have heard was if she’d left her little studio and deliberately come nearer to my rooms. Definitely curiosity running wild.

“She told you no”, she said.

“Yes she did”, I confirmed.

“A lot”



“When someone says no you do anyway?”, she asked me curiously but not judgedally.

“Often when someone sayss no, they want me to do it anyway, understanding?”

“No”, she replied.

“You see,” I said. “That’s a no. I could take that as meaning yes in all kinds of situation. That’s the fun of it. You might say no, but mean something else.”

“Not me”.

I got out of my bed. Naked. I stood there before her. “You came in this morning unasked. It’s not part of your job. You were curious weren’t you?”


“That was misbehavior on your part”, I said with a firm look.


“Does sorry make it okay?”


“No?” I repeated.

“No” she said.

“Yes,” she said, looking at my naked body. Understanding the situation she was suddenly in. “I mean no”. I throw her over the bed and took the paddle from her hand. Before she realized what was happening it thwacked down hard on her behind.

“OOWWW. No!!!” She cried out.

Whack, again went the paddle. I yanked down the jeans she was wearing. The underwear stuck to them and came down too. Her tender ass red as the paddle struck her again.

“No. Please. No”.

How could I help myself? I’m just a man. I have weaknesses. Her whimpering, her round red behind in front of me. I was so hard. It was impossible not to. I put one hand between her should blades and pressed her down. He other on her hip. I forced my cock inside her. I Raped her pussy open in the most uncompromising fashion.

I fucked her little disobedient self rocking her body. Her cries of no subsided to a whimper of acceptance as she surrendered to the moment. Just fucking her tight little hole. Unprepared. Not ready to be violent by me but taking it all the same.

As she seemed to calm down a bit and just take it. My pounding of her getting easier – her body betrayed her with a wetness slickly guiding me in and out. I stopped. I pulled her pants that were awkwardly around her ankles from her. And I lifted her onto the bed properly. I didn’t climb on her. I just got on the bed next to her. Her face tear stained. She looked at me. Eyes wide. Shocked.

“Do you see?” I asked.


“Yes SIR,” I said sternly.

“Yes Sir.”

“Now go clean yourself up. You’ve work to do.”

Yes Sir.

Yes Sir.

She wasn’t that easy to break in. It wasn’t just one moment and then she was the perfect home help. But that was the start of it.

I wonder if I’ll ever find a suitable replacement. Maybe a curious person will read this and talk to me…


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