You know that the latex bodysuit would feel different. It had hung in your wardrobe all week, tempting you with its presence. You knew that you would wear it soon, but the thought of trying it on was so alluring, but you resisted, until the night out. It’s shine made you want to stroke it, and it just looked so tight, ready to hold and enhance your every curve. Just a few more days to Resist…
Finally the night came, and you allowed yourself to put it on. You took a hot shower, rubbing yourself clean, briefly teasing your nipples to make them just a bit more prominent, wanting to feel them press against the rubbery suit. You got out the Vaseline, knowing that you would need it to help you slide into your new second skin. Taking it down off the hangar, you inhaled your first Experience of its unique scent, the smell of rubber, creaking slightly in your hand. Sitting down naked on the edge of your bed you set the suit aside for a second, opening the small tub and rubbing an amount over your fingertips. Then, rubbing carefully, you stroked it into your long legs, making sure that ever inch of skin was covered. You rubbed a little between your legs, maybe a bit more than you needed to, playful thoughts flitting through your mind, but not wanting to become too distracted you soon stopped.
You picked up the suit, the remaining gel on your fingers making it a little more slippery, and you start to pull it on, each leg easing gradually into the suit. The feeling over it slowly engulfing your legs is exciting, and you wiggle your toes and feet, making sure you’re completely to the bottom of it. Them you pull it higher up your legs, seeing them disappear inside, feeling your legs stretching it slightly, admiring how it brings out the delicious tone of your body.
You use a little more of the Vaseline to ease it the last bit over your legs, wanting it to fit as tight as it can without rubbing in the wrong way. As you pull it up over your hips, you feel it come to press against your pussy, not uncomfortable at all, in fact it feels more than a bit erotic. Mmmm, you could enjoy this night a bit more than you’d expected…
You spread the gel along your arms, using the excess to spread over your sides and stomach, massaging it into your breasts and stomach, again perhaps lingering for a few moments more than you need. The suit slides upwards, squeezing you inside it, constricting you, restraining you, making you work for what you want. You pull it over your arms, sliding into the sleeves, the tightness of it combining with your lubricated arms to make your mind wander again to other such tight things. Eventually your hands emerge from the ends of the sleeves, and you pull the back over your shoulders, setting it into place. A collar extends from the back of the neck, and you draw it across your throat, fasting it. Finally you take hold of the full-length zip and pull. It glides upwards, barely making a noise, sealing you inside your latex cage. You reach for the padlock that your master gave you with the outfit, and the click as it closes marks the beginning of your true confinement. Now only your lord can free you, your entire body is subject to his whim. The very though make you weak, and you can feel your pussy getting just a bit wetter. To be so totally at his mercy, the thought is incredible in the expression of such Complete submission.
You slip your feet into the shoes he picked out, and fasten up your hair in the way he likes, bound tightly like your body, yet with enough free that he can grab to punish and control his service. When you are finished applying the finishing touches you permit yourself a look in the mirror in your room. What you see is everything you hoped for and more. The deep black and sweeping blood red slash across your curves, the spiky heels powerful, the pure silver lock at your throat a gently swinging reminder of your place below your liege. As you move you can hear and feel the latex creak, fighting your movement, the scent of it mixing with the Vaseline and your sweat to make a scent that is almost a drug in its intensity. You feel that you can achieve anything, do anything, and you plead with the dark gods that he will find your appearance to his satisfaction.
You put on a long coat over your second skin, leaving your place for the taxi that will take you to him. Entering it you see the driver’s eyes lift, but he offers no comment, simply taking you where you please, the only control you will have for the rest of the night. As you light from the taxi you see a shape move to pay for your transport. Master. He doesn’t permit you money on your person when going out, and you don’t want to carry it. Just another level of submission, utter dependence on his mercy. He extends his hand, helping you out of the vehicle, and his touch as wonderful. He takes you to the door of the club, presenting your tickets, and allowing you to speak. You lick your lipsand respond to their questions, both of you soon entering through the double doors. Once inside he bids you remove your coat that he can see if his slave pleases him. You do so, and stand still, turning as he orders. He smiles, one like that of a predator, and shows his pleasure. You lap up his words, almost begging for more scraps from his lips, but he doesn’t indulge you. He takes your coat and Checks them in, the tickets disappearing, yet another part of yourself held within his gift.
Drinks are bought, and he takes you with him, introducing you to his companions, along with those you already know. Words of awe and compliment are spoken of your attire, and you thank them, each one another symbol of your master’s generation and taste. You all talk, and drink, more being bought as the previous ones are spent, and through all of it you are aware of your master. Each glance he gives you make you feel special, reminding you of how much you love and adore him. As you stand beside him he occasionally runs his nails down the very back of your head, dragging down to the top of your neck above the collar. It is all you can do not to moan, the pain exhaust, knowing that the claw marks with mark you as his own plaything.
As the evening continues you see shows, never straying too far from you lord, the latex rubbing against you, the heady smell making you drunk from its musk. You can Feel your pussy grinding into the rubber, and it keeps you excited, wanting more, making your pent up lust all the more intense with every passing moment. You want to claw at your pussy, to scream in release, to not feel that you are going to burst with sheer want. But your master denies you. You know that he can sense your thoughts, and take delight in his power over you. And it is this knowledge that holds you back, his approval greater and sweeter than any release you could ever give yourself.
As the night grow later, he takes you through to another room, one you have notentered before. In it are frames, racks, whips and chains, everything you can imagine and more. He takes you to a long one and bends you over it, your nipples, already hard, pressed into the wood beneath you. He finds the cuffs and puts them on you, tightening them to spread you over the table for him. Your ankles are also locked in place, spread apart, leaving you immobile, gripped in every way. You hear him take up something from the hooks on the walls, and there is a breathless moment before you feel the electric bolt of pain across your ass. You cry out, and almost cum right then, the intensity sensing stimulating you as only a spark from your master can. The crop rises and falls, each one eliciting a moan from you, and as one licks up between your legs you cum, your intensity orgasm making you scream, your breath ragged, moaning and grinding yourself into the soaking latex against your pussy. He stops, and you can feel him smiling. You hear the riding whip being put aside, and youhear that soft whisper you can never describe.
Your head is pulled back hard, his fingers deeply entwined in it, and you feel the cold edge at your throat. The steel knife is cool against your skin, and you feel the sharpness of it, knowing that it could end your life in an instant. The rush of fear crashes into your excitement at the danger, and you barely dare breathe. You feel it draw across Your skin, so deliciously that even with its razor edge it doesn’t break into you. You feel it move down your neck and back, the point wandering, never breaking the latex that imprisons you. You can feel its every move, and it moves lower, still lower. It drifts down between your legs, and then purposefully draws upwards. You feel the rubber split, and you gasp as the cooler air hits your pussy. The knife is set aside, and then you feel first his fingers and then his tongue testing you, tasting and toying. The pleasure is gentler but no less intense, and you close your eyes, and moan, and curl your hands into fists, trying to press back against him. But you are held tight, and he smiles at your vain attempts to take some control. You can feel the eyes of the room watching you, but you don’t care. You just want him to claim you, to make you completely his. Let them see him take you. The thought of others taking pleasure and becoming aroused by your play is intotoxicating, another note in the melody of the night.
Then you feel the thing that you want above all. The head of your master’s wonderful cock, struggling up and down your exposed pussy. Your juices flow and spread over him, covering him in your honey, making him slick, his tip struggling you more easily. Then all at once he spears you, his cock burying itself inside you, a gasp rushing from you lips as he fills you. Then he starts to fuck you, driving deep into you, slamming you against the table each time. The roughness of it all is what you have longed for all night, and you push back into it as much as you areable, your moans coming freely and loudly with each thrust. That others are gazing openly at you just turns you on even more, knowing that others are licking their lips at the sight of his cock pounding into you. You feel his balls slapping against your pussy as he fucks you harder, and as your second orgasm hits you feel his hot cum spurting into you. You give out an almost primary moan of intense pleasure, and as his pace slows you gradually come back to yourself. He eventually withdraws from you, and you feel you bonds being unlocked. You stand and turn as he claims your lips in a deep, intense kiss. And as you kiss him back, you know that this is a night you will never forget, the night that you were bound and released, driven in all things by the supreme force of your master’s will.
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