The Lottery Pt. 02

The Lottery pt 2

“Winners” have public sex and get seriously whipped

Amanda, Amy, Lynn, and Suzanne, their partners and minders, a master of ceremonies, and a few other employees met at 5:45 in a windowless room near the main stage. The three naked women would draw lots here, because some explanations and choices would be required. The nipple clamps were removed for this meeting, because they had become so painful and because there was no audience to be titillated by them.

They would repeat the draw on stage for the crowd, but that would be fake; the outcomes would be predetermined by then. No one would repeat the explanations and choices on stage. Some of the choices were complicated to explain, and much of the crowd would be disappointed if any of the women choose less than the maximum possibility. Given management’s Extreme imagination, the women were quite likely to choose less than the maximum.

There were three discs. The women were unbound so that they could draw. On the hidden side, the discs were labeled “Dinner,” “Sex,” and “Whip.” There was nothing subtle about that; the women knew their fate instantly when they turned over the disc. Lynn drew only the dinner. Suzanne, the shyest and most resistant of the three, drew sex. And Amy drew the whipping.

Amanda would be introduced to the crowd and briefly displayed on stage, but she would soon be Free to leave. Management had decided that displaying the women as a group for an hour or so, one topless and three nude, would be an awkward look. Amanda would soon be free to go where she chose, but she was not allowed to cover up or return to her room until 9:00. She also learned for the first time that she would be paid a bonus of $2000, US.

Lynn would be introduced to the crowd, and displayed naked on stage, but she wouldn’t have to do anything. She would stand to the side after she was introduced, bound and wearing her clamps. And she would receive a bonus of $3000.

Suzanne had to be managed carefully; management still feared a last-minute refusal. She had choices. She could have sex on stage with her husband for a bonus of $5000. Or with the male escort who had accompanied her all day for a bonus of $7500. Or she could have a menage a trois with both of them for a bonus of $10,000.

She and the male or males she choose would have tiny earpieces, through which they would receive Instructions about foreplay and sexual positions. If she chose the menage a trois, there would be male-male sexual contact as well as both men having plenty of contact with Suzanne.

Suzanne was not tempted by the extra money; she promptly chose her husband. The menage a trois would have to wait for another night, and for a more adventurous or more mercenary winner.

Amy’s choices were more complex. There were five instruments, ranked in order of severity as perceived by management. Lottery winners (perhaps better seen as victims or subs at this point) might rank them differently. Level 1 was a heavy flogger with pliable tails and a thuddy impact.

Level 2 was a flogger with thinner, stresser, and knotted tails�really, a cat o’ nine tails, without the metal tips or other embellishments historically used to make some versions of that instrument so extraordinarily cruel. It was a nasty flogger, but no worse than that.

Level 3 was a crop, with The explanation that the rod of the crop would not be used, but only the flap of leather at the tip. The crop ranked higher than the cat, because the crop would be used principally on “areas of special interest.” Amy briefly wondered what that means, but she had a pretty good guess.

Level 4 was a cane. And Level 5 was a long single-tail whip. There were no paddles. Management wanted stripes more than bruises.

Unless Amy chose differently, there would be 20 strokes with each instrument. The strokes would be distributed over her entire body, front and back. She would be paid $50 for each stroke, for a base bonus of $5000 ($50 times 100 strokes). Plus another $50 for every stroke that she volunteered to have moved up one Level in severity.

This formula for extra payments was conceptually simple but could get complex in application. If she took a single Level 1 stroke with the Level 2 instrument, she would be paid an extra $50. If she moved all 20 strokes from Level 1 to Level 2, that would be an extra $1000 ($50 times 20 strokes times a 1-level increase). If she moved all 20 strokes from Level 1 to Level 5, the single tail, that would be an extra $4000 ($50 times 20 strokes times a 4-level increase). And so on. If she took all 100 strokes with the single tail, her total bonus would be $15,000.

If she wanted more information before choosing, She could try out the different instruments. She could have as many practice strokes with as many different instruments as she wanted. But none of those strokes would count towards her 100, and none of them would earn her $50.

Amy didn’t really need the extra money, but unlike Suzanne, she was tempted by it. And she was intensely curious. Yet she was also deeply afraid. Her submissive experiments in the bedroom had never yet included a whipping more severe than an over-the-knee spanking with Greg’s hand. She had no idea how much she could take. She asked for one practice stroke with the single tail.

A man introduced as Ivan stepped up, still in his street clothes. Ivan was the male employee who would actually whip her. The room they were using for this discussion had no equipment or facilities for the purpose, so Amy was not tied up for the practice stroke. She was told to stand against a wall, facing that wall with her arms stretched above her head.

Ivan delivered one stroke, full force, across the middle of her back. The whip wrapped around her body and the tip caught the side of her right breast. Amy screamed, both from pain and surprise. A bright red line soon appeared across her back and right side. She decided to pass on the extra money. She would take 20 strokes with each instrument, as originally described, with no escalations.

It was 6:00, time to go. The nipple clamps went back on, to groans and outcries from the women. Amanda’s wrists were loosely tied behind her lower back again. The others had their wrists tied in front; they would have to draw discs on stage. The tour Guides ordered them to hold their hands over their abdomen, so as not to cover their breasts or their pussies. On stage, the emcee was beginning to introduce the program.

Amanda went first, with her male escort helping her to push through the crowd on the square. The others followed at short intervals. The clamps had gotten steadily worse through the day for all of them, but being topless or naked in a crowded public place had gotten much easier. They were getting used to it.

“And now, it is my pleasure to introduce the lovely winners of our first-ever Intensity Lottery. Winner Number One, the topless winner, is Amanda, from Dallas, Texas.” Amanda climbed the steps at the back of the stage, alone now, without her guide or escort. She was immediately bathed in a spotlight as she walked to the front of the stage. The crowd applauded enthusiastically.

The emcee added that “Amanda was assigned to the topless category as a result of the lottery drawings this morning. She didn’t choose topless Instead of nude because she is bashful or shy.” He gave the chain on the clamps a little jerk, and directed Amanda to the left.

“Winner Number 2, our first winner in the nude category, is Lynn, from Chicago, Illinois, in the United States.” Lynn emerged into the spotlight, walked to the front, bowed and waved to the crowd. Another roar of applause, another jerk on the nipple clamps, and Lynn was directed just a few steps to the right.

“Winner Number 3, the second winner in the nude category, is Corinne, from Melbourne, Australia.” Suzanne had refused to let her real first name or home town be mentioned; this concept cost management nothing. Suzanne emerged into the spotlight and came to the front of the stage. Suzanne’s nipple clamps also got a jerk, causing her to cry out. The crowded cheered and applauded as she was directed just a few steps to the left.

“And finally, Winner Number 4, also in the nude category, is Amy from San Francisco, California.” Amy stepped out into the spotlight, waved to the crowd, got the now customary jerk on her clamps and the customary applause, and stood between Lynn and Suzanne.

“The winners have some very special activities ahead, for them and for you. But they don’t yet know what they get to do. They are going to draw lots to determine who gets to engage in which activity.” Three oversized discs sat on a small table. Each woman had been carefully instructed on which disc to choose. If anyone made a mistake, the back sides of the discs would not be shown to the crowd. But no one messed up.

The three women held the backs of their discs up to the camera. Dinner, Sex, Whip. This was nearly as clear to the crowd as it had been to them. The emcee started in again. “Lynn will have no performance on stage, but she is joining us for dinner at The Schooner Maria, and she will make a lovely display both here and for all the diners there.

“Amanda will be leaving us now, but she will be out and about in public places in the complex until at least 9:00, still topless and, depending on when you see her, possible still wearing her nipple clamps. If you’re not coming to The Schooner Maria, then we hope you spot Amanda. And enjoy the view.”

Lynn and Amy stepped to the far left and the far right. An employee retied their wrists behind their backs, ending the risk that they might partially cover themselves. They remained at the front of the stage, each bathed in a separate spotlight, each clamped and loosely bound. The camera would occasionally pan to one or theOther of them standing there while Suzanne was the center of attention.

“Our first performer tonight is Corinne, and her activity will be a familiar one to most of you.” The emcee untied Suzanne’s wrists and removed her nipple clamps. She winced, but by now she knew how much it hurt to take them off. She was prepared for the jolt of pain, and she avoided crying out. Her temporarily misshapen nipples slightly marred her exhaust beauty, but the crowd obviously knew why the nipples were misshapen; they had just seen the clamps come off. She was still lovely, with her beautiful face and her tight and well proportioned body.

“And Corinne has invited a very special guest her husband Fred.” They had decided that announcing the marital relationship would enhance more than it detracted. It would be romantic to Some, it would be reassuring to some, it would make this performance more like real life and less like porn. Although of course it was porn, and all the more so when projected on the big-screen televisions.

Some in the crowd would no doubt have liked the taboo thrill involved in Suzanne having sex with a man she barely knew. But at least this first time, that group wouldn’t be disappointed. They would never know that there had been such a possibility.

Fred appeared at the rear of the stage and walked to the front, fully dressed. He was trim and fit, not quite six-feet tall, with rugged good looks a male handsome and successful enough to win a woman as beautiful as Suzanne.

Following the instructions in her earpiece, Suzanne motioned for Fred to come to her. She was deeply embarrassed about doing this, but she thought it would be even more embarrassing to be forced to do it and have this crowd think she wasn’t good at it. Any married woman, and most especially a sexy-looking married woman, should be good at sex. So she gave this task her sexy best. And that was very sexy indeed.

Suzanne began to unbutton Fred’s shirt. She kissed himdeeply on the lips, and then nuzzled his chest as she slipped his shirt off. She knelt before Fred, untied and removed his shoes, and removed his socks. Those few in the crowd who had not guessed what was coming were figuring it out fast.

She undid his belt, undid the button on his jeans, and pulled down his zipper. She nuzzled through the jeans against his growing cock, and then pulled the jeans down to his ankles. He lifted one leg at a time as she pulled them off, and then they did the same with his underwear. They were both naked now, and his erection was rising.

Still on her knees, she licked around the tip of his cock, then took it in her mouth, and sucked deeply. At half or so erect, she could take all of it, planning her upper lip in his pubic hair as she sucked. But he was growing fast, and she had never learned to deep throat; she couldn’t take all of him a second time. She sucked up and down the shaft, licked his balls, and licked the tip of his cock again. Thevoice in the earpiece told her to stop.

Management worried about two things with Fred. One was that he would be so nervous or embarrassed that he couldn’t get it up. That did not appear to be a problem. The other fear was that he would be so excited that he came almost immediately. They wanted a show, not a quickie. And they certainly didn’t want him to come in her mouth before they even had a chance to spread her pussy wide open and display it to the crowd.

They had explained to both Suzanne and Fred a firm policy of “She comes first.” Suzanne must have a visible orgasm before Fred’s cock ever entered her pussy. And then, when he entered her in the immediate wake of that orgasm, she would already be at a maximum stage of sexual excitement. Fucking in that state would be intense, and management hoped that the intensity would show.

Fred and Suzanne now stood at the front edge of center stage, and they each slowly turned around 360 degrees, so that everyone could get agood look from every angle. Suzanne had been on display for a while; this was mostly about showing off Fred’s erection. He was young and strong; his rock-hard cock pointed up and out, nearly half way from horizontal to vertical.

While Fred and Suzanne were preening and rotating, and all attention was focused on them, a stage crew quietly moved a bed up to a point just behind them. The bed was made up with only a fitted bottom sheet; no lines would interfere with the view. When Fred and Suzanne had finished rotating, they lay together on the bed.

Now that they were horizontal on a raised stage, the audience couldn’t directly see much of their bodies or much of what they were doing. Everyone who had not already been watching on TV shifted their attention to the big-screen televisions hung above the stage. There was an employee with a camera beside the bed, and a camera-equipped drone hovering just overhead. One or both of the cameras would always have a good angle.

Atfirst Fred and Suzanne just wrapped their arms around each other and kissed passwordately. Then Fred began to move his hand around her body, lightly caressing nearly everywhere, but avoiding her pussy. He fondled her breasts, and took her swollen nipples in his mouth, kissing and sucking but carefully avoiding any contact with his teeth. She had explained how sore those nipples were.

Now he gently fondled the outside of her pussy. She, as instructed, spread her legs wide open to offer a better view. The drone moved in for close ups. Fred returned to her breasts and abdomen, then fondled her pussy again, then the inside of her thighs, then back to her pussy. He continued this pattern, gradually spending more time on her pussy and less time elsewhere.

The tip of his finger ran up the slit of her pussy, Just barely inside, and gave a stroke to her clip as it emerged at the top. Her pussy lips were sore; her clip was not. Both Fred and management wanted her highly aroused and focused on how good this all felt before he did anything that might cause pain to her tortured pussy lips.

It was a little hard for the cameras to pick up, but his cock was pressed against Suzanne’s hip. She was gripping, fondling, and gently struggling. With or without this extra stimulation, his erection was in no danger of going away. He had strict instructions to warn her to back off if he felt at all close to coming.

Still kissing her lips, Fred probed deeper into her pussy with his fingers. In and out of her vagina, up and down the slide between her pussy lips, around and around on her clip. First one finger all the way inside her, then two, then three, pushing in and out, flexing up and down deep inside, pressing on her G-spot. Suzanne began to moan gently. Fingers back up to her clip, rubbing and circulation harder and faster now.

Then he abruptly broke off, slide down between her legs, and began to lick her pussy. He traced nearly the same pattern with his tongue as he had with his fingers, probing the entrance to her vagina, up and down the slit, up to her clip. The drone hovered just behind and to the right of his head, and at first, Fred pulled away every five or ten seconds to take a breath and allow a clear view of Suzanne’s sopping pussy. Twice he pulled her pussy lips apart with his fingers to give a close up view of her clip, and then of the tip of his tongue returning to her clip.

Then he went to work on her clip more steadily. Licking, sucking, pulling it between his lips. Licking steadily now, up and down, back and forth, around and around. Well-placed microphones picked up Suzanne breathing faster and faster and more and more heavily. She moaned at intervals, not so gently any more, and finally explored in an orgasm that no one watching could miss. Fred kept licking Her clip; she squirmed and tried to escape and cried out “Enough! Stop!” He kept licking, and the crowd cheered.

Now he crawled back up her body and kissed her on the lips, probing deep inside her mouth, transferring pussy juices from his lips and tongue to hers. As he did this, he also reached down and gave her clip a few extra strokes with his finger, to help maintain her immediate post-orgasmic state. Then he rolled off her and on to his back, his erection pointing at the sky. She straddled him on all fours, brought her pussy down on his cock, and took him all the way in.

Her pussy was on full display in this position, pointed at the audience and the cameras, his cock disappearing and reappearing, all the way in to her pussy and then nearly all the way out. The drone camera was just behind them and a bit above; the camera man was on his knees, shooting closeups of her pussy from just below.

Fred was not likely to last long at this level of stimulation. He knew it; she knew it; management guessed it. And yet he somehow managed to hold it together. Suzanne continued to move up and down on his cock, but slowly, trying to prolong things.

After just a few minutes, the voice in her earpiece told Suzanne to turn around. Sit on his cock with your back to Fred and your face to the audience. Lean back, and slowly pump your pussy up and down on his cock. Less of her pussy was exposed, but enough, and the exposed part was even more open than before. And now her breasts were also facing the audience and the cameras. And Fred’s cock Still disappeared and reappeared, disappeared and reappeared.

Now it was Fred’s breath getting heard ragged over the microphones. The voice in her ear told Suzanne to rub her own clip while she continued to move her pussy up and down on Fred’s cock. Suddenly he shoved his pelvis up and into her, exploding with cum deep inside her and out of view for the audience. Suzanne kept sliding up and down on his cock, rapidly now, causing him to jerk and thrash and flail about.

She gave her clip a few more strokes and was overwhelmed by her second orgasm, or maybe it was her third orfourth. It was hard to keep count, or to be sure when one ended and another began. She quickly took her finger away from her clip. She wasn’t mentally able to torment herself with unbearably intensified pleasure the way she had tormented Fred after he came and the way he had tormented her with his tongue on her orgasmic clip.


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