The Lottery pt 1
Kinky resort gives random guests a “more intense experience”
Author’s Note: The Resort is a multi-part story by sarobah, who has contributed many great stories to this site. Sarobah vividly creates detailed locales with novel sexual customs. I have set this story in one of her locales, but I have not borrowed any of her plots or characters. My Resort does not perfectly match hers, and hers is still evolving in some ways, but our starting points are very close. I add some exciting new activities at The Resort at a later time than her stories.
The centerpiece of Part 2 of this story is hard core. Part 1 is highly sexual but not at all hard core. The beginning of Part 1 briefly describes The Resort, and if that description intrigues you even a little bit, then you should definitely read sarobah’s story of The Resort. It’s a great story, but no one need read that story to understand this one. I hope you do read both parts of this one, and that you chck out everything that sarobah writes.
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Business was strong at The Resort. Its hotels and restaurants were often full, and there were nearly always enough guests to cover the substantial overhead and generate a profit. But the owners wanted growth, and the business was no longer growing.
The Resort appealed to a rather specific kink, a form of public female bondage in a luxury environment. Most Guests came as couples, with a male spouse or partner to bind the woman, order her about, and lead her around when she was blindfolded. A few women came alone, some came as lesbian couples, and some came in groups of friends, mostly or entirely female.
Women were required to wear bikinis in the daytime, usually with a modified sarong as a skimpy coverup. The sarong could be tied off low on the breasts, just barely above the nipples. Or it could be tied off at the hips, low slung there as well, just barely covering the cleft of the woman’s bottom. Either way, it endedhigh on the thigh, just inches below her crotch. Most women tried not to bend over, but some forget on occasion, and some “forgot” on purpose. When a woman bent over, anyone behind her got a clear view of the bikini bottom, her butt cheats, and the thin strip of cloth stretched tight between her legs.
In the evenings, women could wear what they wanted so long as it was “revealing.” This term was undefined and unenforced. Women compiled without enforcement, most of them eagerly. The most common evening attire was a low-cut cocktail dress with a very short skirt. Some women wore a camisole, a chemise, or some other form of lingerie, mostly in the bars and nightclubs, rarely in the restaurants. A fair number thought that to get the full Resort experience, they should wear the daytime bikini and sarong through the Evening as well. Some of the more daring wore the sarong in the evening without the bikini underneath.
Women were nearly always bound when in public. The bondage could range from light ties at the wrists to severe binding of the arms behind the back. Women often wrist and ankle cuffs that could easily be clipped together, tightly at the wrists and with short chains connecting the ankles.
And all women, all the time, wore a leather collar with a D-ring that could be used for a leash or to tie off ropes and cords connected to other parts of the body, or to other women. Strings of women could be tied together in a sort of chain gang, linked by their necks, or by their wrists or ankles, or between their legs. Bondage on the island often included hobbles on the ankles that forced short shuffling steps, as with the ankle cuffs. And it sometimes included blindfolds, gags, or both.
But there was an inherent limit to how far the bond could go, because women needed to move There were restaurants, both fine dining and casual. There were bars and nightclubs. There were shopsof the sort found in tropical resort communities around the world; there were also shops offering a wide array of lingerie, sex toys, and BDSM gear. There were shows, gardens, beaches, pools, and hiking trails.
There were special events that fit the bondage theme. Unsusspecting women (or more often, fully aware and eagerly anticipating women) could be captured and carried away by pirates, or cast into The Resort’s jail for petty or imagined offenses. Tour guides, or sometimes male guests, led chains of women over the hiking trials, generally bound in some way, and sometimes hobbled, blindfolded, or both. Skilled instructors teach classes for guests who wanted to learn more about bondage or other forms of BDSM, and the advanced classes teach ties far more severe than anything practiced in public at The Resort.
All these activities required mobility. Women could be bound in ways that made it difficult to walk around, but not in ways that made it impossible. So the ties could go only so far.
And it was not just the guests who had to be able to get around. In keeping with the theme, female members of the staff were also bound. Waitresses, shop girls, cleaning ladies, hotel clerks–any female employees who encountered the public–were nearly always bound. Even behind the scenes, most female employees were bound much of the time. All these people needed to walk; they also needed enough use of their hands to do their work, however awkwardly.
Nearly all the tour guides were female. They were generally bound in the same way, whether lightly or seriously, as the guests they were leading or supervising at the moment. They worked mostly with their voice; they were telling tales, giving instructions, and answering questions. If they needed to do something physical when they were in a tie that made the task impossible, they would ask a male guest or a male subordinate to do what was needed.
Even the female lifeguards at the pools and beaches had their wrists bound together. But in their case it was illusory; the ties would easily snap with just a quick jerk.
Of course the atmosphere at The Resort was highly sexualized, with the sintily dressed and bound women all about, and tour guides or fully dressed men giving them orders. But the sexual part of the theme also went only so far. One would very occasionally see a topless woman, and even more rarely, a naked woman, voluntarily showing her assets or perhaps ordered to do so by an over eager partner. But The Resort neither required nor encouraged either bare breasts or full public nudity.
Ogling was constant, but lewd comments, sexual touchings, and other forms of harassment were prohibited. And the staff rigorously enforced that rule. Serious repeat offenders were sent away without a refund. Less Egregious offenders were warned and then penalized in other ways if they repeated the behavior. Affluent women who came for a week or more to be tied up and ordered around had to feel safe, and protected from treatment beyond what they had consented to, or the market would dry up.
And the size of the market was an issue. The person who first thought of all this and designed The Resort had been a creative genius. She had been right; it turned out that there was a substantial market for The Resort’s level of kink, and at first the number of guests grew rapidly. Many guests returned year after year.
Guests told their kinkily inclined friends back home; word of mouth was the best advertising. The Resort had a website and an 800 number. Discrete ads were placed on sexually theme websites and especially on soft BDSM sites. There were enough new guests each year to replace those who came once or twice and never returned, but the market appeared to have reached a limit. The Resort was now eight years old, and it had not grown beyond what had been achieved in the first three years of operation.
The Resort occurred an entire island in the South Pacific, and there was plenty of room to expand–to build more hotels and to build the facilities that would entertain the new guests who would stay in those hotels. But how to attract those new guests?
Management was well aware that there is a wide range of tastes and offerings in sexual entertainment. Some customers want the risk or the tastefully erotic, some want soft porn, some want hard core. Those who want tasteful are often offended by hard core; those who want hard core are quickly bored by the merely riske or erotic. If The Resort moved towards the hard core end of the continent to attract an additional set of guests, it would have to move carefully to avoid driving off too many of the guests it already had.
Maybe the long-run solution would be to create two or more separate sections on The Resort, with different levels of kink. But that would be a huge investment; it could not be done all at once. The lottery was a smaller step, designed to attract a kinkier setof guests without seriously disturbing the guests were who weren’t interested. It wouldn’t solve the market problem all by itself, but it was a start.
* * *
The Resort added two sentences to its website: “Starting June 1, a very small number of guests will be randomly selected for a more intense experience. If you want a chance to participate in this experience, please check the box labeled ‘Lottery’ on your reservation form.” And on the reservation form, a box was added with the legend: “Lottery. Check here to be entered in the Lottery for a more intense experience.”
No details were provided. Staff were inspired to be vague in answering questions. To say things like: “Lottery winners get to carry The Resort’s themes further than most guests. Winning will likely push your limits. Just enter in the spirit of adventure. If you know all about it before you even entered the lottery, it wouldn’t be so much of an adventure.” If (and only if) a potential guest said or implied that she would not come to The Resort at all unless she got straight answers, staff was to refer her to a senior official for an explanation of what would actually happen. Rank and file staff didn’t know themselves.
Once the lottery was up and running, guests would see for themselves what lottery winners did and had done to them. Descriptions would spread by word of mouth; many guests would know before they ever made a reservation. Of course that was the point: the only way the lottery could attract new business was for potential guests to hear about it in advance and come to The Resort because of what they had heard. But management guessed that a sense of mystery would help with the initial marketing.
There were about 2500 guests on the island at the end of May, more than half of them female. More than 300 had checked the box. Management divided them into groups of 20. The first group of 20 found notes on their pillows late on the evening of May 31: “You have been selected to participate in the June 1 Intensity Lottery. Report to the Tahiti Room on the basement level of the Hotel Polynesia at 8:30 tomorrow morning. You need not be bound, but do wear your collar. And come alone. Your partner should wait in your room for a phone call.”
The Tahiti Room turned out to be a large meeting room. There were a few such rooms for the occasional small conferences that (perhaps remarkably) chose The Resort as a place to meet.
Nineteen nervous young women arrived right around the 8:30 start time. One had apparently backed out, and a fair number of the others were no longer sure they really wanted to be here. Two had their wrists bound behind their back, an early morning gift from their partners. Four female tour guides and four male escorts awaited the arrivals.
Tonya, a tour guide who appeared to be in charge of the proceedings, told the women to line up in a single row facing a table. No one offered any further explanation. One of the 19 womenspoke only French, so an interpreter was quickly provided. The Resort had fluent interpreters for any major world language and a fair number of minor ones. Most affluent Europeans spoke English; the most frequent need was for Chinese and Japanese. The interpreters were a help in all sorts of situations. But The Resort’s core experience of being bound and scintilly dressed did not much depend on language.
The male escorts now freed the two women whose arms were bound behind them. Then they worked their way down the row, binding each woman’s arms in front of her. They tightly wrapped both arms together from the wrists to the elbows. The soft rope didn’t chafe, but the position was surprisingly stressed and quickly became uncomfortable.
The women could grap lightly with their fingers, they could move their arms up and down from the elbows, or up and down and a little bit left and right from the shoulders. When all 19 were bound, the four escorts bound the four tour guides thesame way. No words had yet been spoken beyond the instruction to form a single line.
Twenty wooden discs sat along the front edge of the table. The visible top side of each disc was blank. Tonya instructed each woman to step forward and pick up a disc. Balls in a bowl might have been more conventional, but tied as they were, few of the women could have reached into a bowl. When the women returned to their places, They were instructed to bring their disc up to eye level, turn it over, and silently read the number on the back.
Then Tonya drew a disc from a similar set of twenty at the back edge of the table. She called out “17. Will number 17 please step forward.” She did this three more times, calling for number 9, number 20, and number 5. Four women stepped forward, and Tonya checked their discs to make sure she had the right four people. Some of the others breathed an audible sight of relief before realizing that they weren’t yet sure that they were off the hook for the day.
In fact they were off the hook, but they were not dismissed. They were retained for the rest of the morning’s events, and for the explanations that would eventually be offered. They would rarely spread tales of what had happened that morning, and of what would be happening to the four winners. Without being asked, they would spend much of the day advertising the lottery and the big lottery events that were designed for spectators.
Number 17 was Amy from San Francisco, a statuesque blond with large breasts that strained her sarong. She was an attorney, and although she didn’t say so, a rather high powered attorney. She loved to surrender that power in the bedroom, and she was looking forward to a week of being bound and helpless. The lottery sounded like a potential bonus.
Number 9 was Amanda, a human resource manager from Dallas, not so striking as Amy but cute and attractive in her own way. She was experienced with bondage and had entered the lottery hoping to experience something more restrictive. As things turned out, she would draw the lightest assignment of the four. But it was heavy enough, and if she were disappointed, she never said so. Once she saw the heavier alternatives, she might have been relieved.
Number 20 was Suzanne from Sydney, a brunette with a beautiful face and a petite body that appeared to be perfectly proportioned from top to bottom. She was a sales rep for a technology company. She felt quite unsure about the lottery, but her husband had talked her into it.
And number 5 was Lynn from Chicago, with long dark hair framing a pretty face and a chest that nicely filled out her bikini. She had briefly worked as a nude exotic dancer, until her wealthy boyfriend insisted that she quit; now she tended bar in the club where she had once danced. The boyfriend had brought her to The Resort.
All nineteen women returned their discs to the table, and the escorts swept the two sets of discs into separate containerrs. Tonya awkwardly placed four new discs on the table. The four women at the front were told to draw another disc and to look at the back. Three were blank. One had a line drawing of a woman’s breasts. Amanda had drawn the breasts, and she was ordered to step to the left. Amy, Lynn, and Suzanne were ordered to step to the right.
The male escorts now approached Amanda. They worked quickly, still Offering no explanations. The first male untied Amanda’s sarong at her breasts and retied it at her hips. The second produced a pair of scissors and cut the shoulder straps of her bikini top. Then he untied the strap across her back and pulled the whole top away from her body. The third attached a pair of clover nipple clamps to Amanda’s nipples, which were already plenty erect for the purpose. Her engaged nipples clearly implied that however scary the situation might be, it was also exciting. The clamps were connected by a heavy chain; the weight of the chain pulled the nipples down, and of course, tightened the clamps.
Now the male escorts moved to the other three. They untied each woman’s sarong, pulled it all the way down, and directed her to step out of it. They cut and removed the bikini top, and they cut the straws on the two sides of the bikini bottom and pulled it down and away. They could have just asked her step out of it, but cutting it away made a more emphatic statement that they were in control. Now the three women were entirely nude except for their shoes and collars.
Then the escorts produced three more sets of clover clamps, identified to Amanda’s, and attached them to the three sets of nipples. Suzanne’s nipples required a bit of stimulation to make them stand up; one of the male escorts briefly fondled, squeezed, and sucked on them. Amy and Lynn needed no such help.
Amy and Lynn were completely shacked, but Suzanne had a small triangle of neatly trimmed public hair. A male escort picked her up without comment, set her on the edge ofthe table, and spread her legs wide. Another produced the scissors, a razor, and a can of shaving cream. They quickly shave her as bare as the others.
A third escort tied Lynn’s long hair into a pony tail so that it could not fall forward and cover her breasts.
At last Tonya spoke at length, addressing the four winners, but speaking clearly and loudly for all to hear. The translator whispered Nearly simultaneous French into the French woman’s ear.
“Congratulations to Amy, Amanda, Suzanne, and Lynn. You are the winners of the first-ever Intensity Lottery. You are probably wondering what you have won.
“First, The Resort will replace your bikinis. Each of you may choose your own replacement in any shop on the island. Charge it to The Resort. And the nipple clamps are yours to keep.
“Second, you will spend the entire day and evening dressed as you are now–topless for Amanda and nude for the rest of you. You can participate in any activities of your choice; if you are signed up for specific activities later in the day, we encourage you to keep those appointments.
You may go anywhere within the built-up areas of the island, except that you may not return to the privacy of your room before 9:00 p.m. There is one exception to that rule: you may return to your room to freshen up for a total of not more than 15 minutes for all visits combined.
“You may wear shoes, you may wear a hat to protect your face from the sun, and you must wear your collar. You may wear nothing between your shoes and the collar, and whether tied or untied, you may do nothing to cover your breasts, your pussy, or your bottom. No body part of serious interest to men may be covered in any way.
“The way your arms are tied this morning allow you–actually rather encourages you–to put your hands over your pussy. But that’s forbidden. We will soon retie your arms behind your back and well above your bottom.
“Third, a female tour guide and a male escortwill accompany you where ever you go. This is partly to ensure that no one cheats and hides in her room or an outlying area. It is partly to protect you from any possible harassment. We have very little experience with nudity on the island. We think that all our guests will behave themselves, but today, we will begin to find out. We will keep you safe.
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