The link to the first chapter of this story can be found in my profile.
The sound of the door closing made me jump. My knees were knocking, my heart was beating, and my hands were trembling. I was intrigued and terrified.
“Who is this man and what is he going to do to me?” I thought to myself.
As if in answer to my silent question, the man stepped close to me, turned me away from the bed, and spoke so close to me his warm breath ticckled the back of my neck, “You don’t need to know my name, for tonight you are to call me Amo, which means Master.” He said with the barest hint of an accent, “you need instruction, and I am going to be your teacher. You will follow my rules tonight.”
I subtly nodded my head.
Amo grabbed my shoulders and squeezed them tightly, pushing them down, “every time you respond to me, you will say my name. Your only responses will be ‘yes Amo’ or ‘no Amo’. If you have a question, you will say, ‘Amo, may I please askyou a question?’ Then you will wait for permission before continuing. You will do exactly as I instruct you. If you don’t you will be disciplined in the manner I see fit. If you do all that I ask you will learn quickly. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, Amo,” I whispered.
“Is there anything you don’t want to have happen tonight?” he asked.
“No Amo, I want to go through with this.” I replied.
“If at any time you change your mind,” he said, rubbing his hands up and down my arms “you need only to say the word ‘red’, and I will stop. But do not use it unless you absolutely mean it. Once you say that, I will stop, and it will be over. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Amo,” I replied, my voice clear and strong for the first time.
“Good. Now…” Amo turned me around, and kissed me on the forehead, “we will begin.”
I stood in place as Amo ran his arms up and down my arms. I could feel his hot breath on the top of my head, and was becoming intotoxicated by the sweetsmell of his breath. Amo reached down and lifted the silky red shirt I was wearing over my head, revealing the red and black lace bra my sisters had insisted I wear. He then pulled slide the skirt I was wearing down, so I was clad only in the bra and panties. Amo stepped back and looked me up and down.
“I like your skin,” he murmured. “It’s so pale. I can’t wait to see what I can do to it.”
I looked at him curiously, “What do you mean?”
Amo glared at me, and I realized my mistake. I had addressed him improperly. I didn’t know what my punishment was going to be, but I was nervous about what might be about to happen. Another part of me, though, was excited. One of my deep dark secrets was that I always thought there should be punishment for people who broke rules, Even I, and I retired having a consequence for my rudeness.
“I believe I was very clear in my instructions on this one point at least.” Amo said. “Lay down on the bed on your stomach.” I did as I was told. “Since this is your first infection, I will go easy on you. This will be the last time though.” And Amo spanked me three times in rapid succession. “Now, in answer to your question, I love pale skin because when I hit someone with pale skin, that beautiful red-ish pink color stands out in such stark contrast.”
My butt was a little sore from the encounter, but I was exposed at the same time. Who knew being treated like this could be so arousing! Amo made me lay down on the bed and he grabbed two lengths of rope from the pile on the other bed. He tied one of my hands, then ran the rope under the bed and attached it to my other hand. When I tried to move one arm in closer to my body, it would make my other arm stretch out further. He then did the same thing to my legs, so they were spread out wide. I had a moment of claustrophobic panic, but Amo makes me breath slowly in and out, pushing through it. Then I began to become anxious, this time in anticipation of what was goingto happen next.
Amo removed his shirt and I could see that even though he looked like a large guy, what was under his shirt was pure, strong, muscle ripping man. Amo then picked up one of the toys off of the other bed. “Do you know what this is?” he asks.
I began to shake my head no, but one look in his eyes reminded me. “No Amo,” I said meekly, “but it looks a bit like an egg with an electric cord.”
Amo grinned at me, “That’s exactly what it is,” he said. “This is a small vibrating egg. We are going to test your orgasm responses, and this will be your first test.”
“Amo, may I ask a question?”
“I don’t even know what an orgasm is; how will I know when I have one?”
Amo looked at me, “Your friends told me you were naïve, but I wasn’t prepared for you to be quite this ignorant of all things sexual. Oh well. An orgasm is a very intense feeling of sexual pleasure. It is easy to see on a man because the result is the man ejaculating. For awoman it is a little different. You will know, trust me on this point, you will know, and so will I. It will feel like a great release, and it will be great. My goal is to help you feel this pleasure as many times as I can during our time together.”
“May I ask another question Amo?”
“Yes, go ahead.”
“Since you bid on me and are paying for me to pleasure you, Why are you doing all this for me?” I questioned.
“That is a good question little one,” he replied. “I get excited giving pleasure and pushing women to this sweet spot that lingers between pleasure and pain. I like nothing more than to hurt women in a way that will enhance their pleasure. I also get off on the power I have over those women as I make them do things that they don’t even know they will like. I love the power and control. I will get my jollies, don’t you worry. I have all night, and day to do things to you. I paid for a full weekend with you. Your sorority sisters will go through more bidding, but you…you are mine. Now, enough talking.”
Amo walked over to me and moved the lace panties I was wearing away from my crotch. He then rubbed his hands up and down the space between my thighs. I could feel myself getting wet and worried that I might offend him with my wetness. Amo quickly put that fear to rest, when he put his head between my legs and began to search with his fingers and teeth. I was getting aroused, and my body was doing things I didn’t know it could do. Then Amo turned on the egg and held it to my clip. He rubbed it back and forth, my hips began to shake and tremble. He stuck a finger inside me and started swirling it around while the egg stayed on my clip. I tried to close my legs, to stop the assault that was making my insides turn to jelly. Whatever was happening was building inside of me, everything I had was tightening up. I closed my eyes, and tried to keep myself from crying out. I didn’t know how much more of this I could handle! I finally cried out as everything I was feeling seemed to explode out of my body.
I was shaking; my vaginal region kept clenching and unclenching. I couldn’t believe the amount of sound I had made. I was embarrassed, but at the same time I couldn’t wait for that to happen again. Is this what I had been missing out on? Why did I wait so long to experience that? It was awesome, amazing, and absolutely fabulous.
Is this what was going to happen the rest of the night? I couldn’t wait!
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