The Longest Night Pt. 04

“Turn around,” She said. “They want to see your ass.”

I carefully rolled to my belly, stealing a glance or two over my shoulder… She wasn’t looking. Her eyes stayed on the screen, even as I turned myself towards Her.

“On your knees,” She said flatly. “Point your ass at the camera.”

I pressed up and turned, parting my legs. She typed some more.

“Lips on the floor.”

I kissed the hard wood and thanked myself for running the Roomba before She came over.

“Well,” She told. “They all seem to think you should be plugged, Cerdito.”

We’d negotiated that I might be on live camera. We’d negotiated that I’d have a mask too. But She never told me who would be on the other side. It could be Some random k website or I could be projected on a wall for Her friends back in Portland. Whoever it was had defined opinions. The plug didn’t worry me. She’d pointed me to a particular model, and I bought it. Over time, I believe I forged a solid working relationship with it.

“Sit up,” She said brightly. “Face me.”

Before I had fully turned I saw the light flash off something as it arched towards me.

A bottle fell into my arms.

Then a moment later, a plug smoked into my chest. On closer inspection, it was a plug that was decidedly not the one I’d bought. It bulged out in a series of bulbs each larger than the next. There was a bullet vibrator lodged in the end, and it was bright purple. This was Hers.

“Not what you were expecting, Cerdito?” She laughed. “I thought you might be ready for a challenge.”

I looked down and tried to gauge what I was about to be up against, but She didn’t give me more than a moment.

“Turn around.” I paused and looked to her, still processing what was about to happen. “You only have a minute to get yourself ready, then we’re starting, no matter what condition you’re in.” She grinned at me, wide and long. I saw a couple extra teeth with that grin.

I did not need to beasked again. I popped open the lube and poured a healthy amount into my palm. I rushed a hand back between my legs, and ran two fingers in, coating myself in and out. I didn’t really have time to brace when I dipped in, so my breath fell out of me, a shivering groan, and I heard Her laugh.

“Hurry up!” She giggled. “Just thirty seconds.”

Timing was everything. My lube was water based, and it worked great, but if you left it out in open air, it could evaporate in an instant.

“Ten seconds, Cerdito.”

I shot another dollar of lube into my hand, grabbed the toy, and started massaging the lube over it. I held it just an inch away, waiting. I swear it kept feeling larger and larger in my hands as the seconds past.

“Put it in now.”

I pressed up with my hands, and back with my hips.

“Take two bulbs for now.”

The first slide in easy. The second pressed my skin a moment before ducking inside. Already I feel a ticket starting to circle its way into me.

“Don’t let go of the toy. Hold it there.”

I breathed deep and let that circle wind up through me.

“Cerdito,” She said. “I did not mean hold it there with your hand.”

I looked back.

“Put your hands flat on the ground and hold the toy there. Do not let it drop.”

I clinched, drawing the plug in a little deeper. As my hands came away, the silicane bent down and away. It tugged, and had to hang on.

The room went quiet. My fingers, wet with lube, slipped over the wood floor. I twitched, hearing the tack seal and slack each time I moved my hands. The ticle spiraled a little deeper. My body shivered a bit, but She didn’t say a word. There was no typing, no tell-tale creak of the bed. She was just watching me.

I tried to deepen the pose; bend for Her. Make myself into a picture. I didn’t know at that moment that She wasn’t at all concerned with aesthetics.

“What did you think about,” She asked softly. “When you were on the other side of that door?”

I looked over my shoulder. Her eyes were there to meet me, looming over crossed arms.

“When I told you to sit and think about what you wanted, Cerdito. What did you think about?”

“I thought about you,” I said, starting to look back.

“Eyes forward.” Her voice wasn’t stern now, but I still turned. She placed Her words in the air, and They hung over me. “Go on.”

“I thought about what you would do.”

“What did you think I would do?”

“Tie me up. Stretch me.” I kept my eyes down. I adjusted my legs again, trying to angle them in and add to the pressure holding the toy still.

She was quiet, waiting for more.

I took a deep breath, and let the words fall out. “I thought you would take me by my hair, bend me exactly where you want me.” When I breathed out, I had to clench a little tighter.

“That’s all you wanted? A mean-spirited yoga session?”

“No.” I said before I’d thought about it. “No, I mean…”

“What did you want? What did you picture?”


“Put your hands on your shoulders and stand up.”

I leaned back, slapping each hand to the opposite shoulder, and wobbled a foot beneath me. My hips shifted to hold the toy.

“Stand up, Cerdito.”

I dragged my other leg beneath me and managed to stand. For a moment, the task was easier, with legs together and back. But She must have known that.

“Legs shoulder length apart.”

I scooted my feet out bit by bit, feeling gravity take hold.

“Tell me what you wanted.” She asked plainly. “What you really wanted.”

“I wanted you. I wanted you to want me.”

“That’s…a little closer.”

“Closer to what?”

“Are you talking back to me?”

“No. No. Not at -“

“Spread your legs.”

I started scooting my feet out a little more.

“I said, spread your legs. Pick up your feet and move them!”

My toes dumped out a few more inches, and the slick toy tried to go.

“Is that what youI heard Her breathe. “Wider, Cerdito.”

I scooted each foot out another couple inches.

“That’s all you let yourself hope for?”

“What?” I asked. “What else should I-“

“Wider, Cerdito.”

I felt the muscles inside my thighs stretch, as I moved out a little further. I had to clnch as tight as I could to hang on.

“I know you want more than that. So, either you’re lying to me – “

“No! I wouldn’t.”

“What did I say about talking back? Wider!”

I stretched for another few inches. My legs shook.

“You either lied to me. Or you lied to yourself. Hands at your thighs.”

My hands slapped onto my thighs. The sound seemed to echo, but She was quiet. The quiet was barely broken by my breath dragging in and out.

“I don’t think you would lie to me.” I could hear Her tongue click off the roof of Her mouth. “I was hoping you were beyond that, Cerdito. Wider!”

I could feel the stretch from my ass down my thigh and into my calves. My ankles ached from the angle, and my muscles were starting to shiver from the strain. I inched my legs out, and my hands reached inside my thighs to steady them.

“You’re shaking, Cerdito.”

There was goal on Her lips. I hadn’t failed Her task. The toy was still in place, barely. But She was disappointed.

I held still. And she watched.

I heard her take a long deep breath, and I heard it float out between her lips.

“All the way in, Cerdito,”

My chin came up over my shoulder, and I could see Her there, with a devil curling in the corner of her lips. “Press it all the way in now.”

I was on my knees before I realized I’d fallen. I’d let go. I’d been pressed and stretched, and I’d wrapped my body in a braid to hang on. Then I’d let go, and as the toy pressed in, all of me was unwound.

My knees played, my back arched, my toes curled. The sensing spiraled up into me, and I stretchedforward to let it curl its way up my spine.

“Press the button.”

My hand was still by the end, and my thumb quickly found the trigger.

I shuddered and pressed my hand down flat on the mat. The victory shot through me.

“Stand up.”

She was beyond patience. Beyond infection. Her commands were flat and demanding now.

“Turn and face me.”

I did. She watched me shake and shiver. She watched my lips part. She looked at me as I fought to hold myself straight as the feeling shot through me. She smiled as I fought to stand still.

“Here’s what I want from you, Cerdito,” She said, setting back into position, Her legs crossed, arms behind Her, and eyes resting lightly on my shoulders. “You are going to bend down, and pick up one of these.” Her hands shot into the light, and a dozen little wooden bits flared into vision. Clothes pins clattered over the floor. “Once you have one in your hand, I want you to stand up straight, and pin it to yourself.”She pointed between my legs. “There. I want each pin to reach around the fishnets and onto you. Do you understand?”


“Once its pinned, I want you to stand up straight, say my name once. Then stroke your cock once. Then reach back down for the next pin. Do you understand?”


“Say it back to me.”

“I bend. I take a pin. I pin it to myself, around a link in the fishnets. I stand up. I say your name. I stroke my cock. Then I do it again.”

She moved closer.

“Do it,” She whispered.

I bent over. I picked up a clothes pin. I found a link in the fishnets I was wearing, and I fit the pin through them, pinching my skin underneath. I stood up straight and looked right at Her. I said her name. I touched myself. She looked at me and smiled. When I stood up straight, I felt the victory work through me.


And I did it again.


I grabbed another pin.


I stared at Her as each pin went on. I looked at Her as I said Her name. I waited for Her.

“Is this what you wanted?”

“I wanted what you-“

“Stop talking.” She looked at me, from eyesbrows to knees. “More.”

And I took more. I took more and more. Every pin I could fit.

“How many do you have left?” She asked.


“Hang those on your throat.”

I picked up the last two and tilted my chin up. The teeth of the pins caught, and my body bent forward, leaning into their eager bite.

She looked at me, my legs wide, my head arched back, my hands glued at my hips, waiting for Her. I was covered and pointed towards her. My skin was tight and I could feel my pulse clip through my body, scanning the teeth on every pin She’d given me.

“Say my name again, and then touch yourself again.”

The hand that had been lingering by my thigh drifted over as Her name came from my lips. “Kona,” I said, and let fingers trip along my hard cock.

“Again, Cerdito.”

“Kona.” I looked at Her. Right at Her. I should have kept my eyes away, but I needed to see Her.



“Kona!” It was becoming hard to say it in a breath rather than a gasp.

“Do it again.”



“Listen to me, Cerdito. Run your hand over yourself as I talk to you. I want you close.”

She pushed Herhed forward on the bed, sitting at the very edge and watching me.

“I want you, just about to come. And when you get there, you tell me. Don’t stop. Just tell me.”


“Say it again.”


“And again.”


I keep going, while my legs turned weak, my arms turned acid, my skin sang, and the tone humming between my legs reached up into me. Every time Her name fell from my lips, I slipped further down. I wasn’t even saying it any more, just singing the song she was playing over me.

“Take your other hand and grab the wait of those fishnets.”


“Don’t stop touching. Don’t stop saying my name.”

My legs, hips, arms, fingers, my lips were shaking. My body hummed. Her name was my prayer.

“When I tell you, take the hand holding the waist of your fishnets, and drive it to your toes.”

I wanted to fall. I wanted to fall into Her name. I wanted to tumble into the prayer She’d made for me. When I looked up into Her eyes, I said Her name, but the word means ‘please.’

“Do it.” She laughed. “Do it now.”

And that laugh echoed as I crumbled.

What I remember was the sound of chattering teeth, and a gasping rocket of sensing. The clothespins scattered to the floor. A moment later I was in the pile with them.

“Do you want to cum, Cerdito?”

I couldn’t think, let alone speak. My fingers gripped the ground, and I shook my head. I looked up and my eyes screamed ‘please’ one more time.

“I’ll let you,” She grinned. “If you do one more thing.”

I was stroking, and I couldn’t stop. Ihadn’t asked permission. The feeling in my ass was echoing up my spine, and my sore nipples whispered sonnets back. My hips were open, and my cheeks were flush, my back arching more with every second. I felt my lips drip with sweat. She smiled and waited.

She stood up off the bed, hovering over me. I squirmed beneath Her. She lifted the camera and the tripod and pointed it down over me.

“Take off your mask. Say your name. Then you can cum.”

I looked at Her, but Her face was buried behind the camera.

“Take off the mask.”

We hadn’t talked about this. We talked about Her showing me to Her friends, but She’d let me be behind something. She’d given me that space. She hadn’t asked for this.

“Trust me.”

I was close, and She was watching me, and I wanted to. I wanted to so badly.

“Trust me. Take it off, now.”

My body was folded at her feet. She could feel my breath along Her calves. I was warm and molded. When I looked up, She was there. Smailing down. She hadn’t asked for this, but my body had decided. A moment later, I felt my hand reach for my mask.

The next few moments came in flashes and left just as quickly. The sound of my mask hitting the wood floor. The feeling of Her toes against my cheek. A full gasp in, and my body curled and arched, perched up. The feeling of release. The feeling as I said my name. My real name. The feeling of saying my name to Her.

I watched her shoulders drop.

I hadn’t said my name to just Her. I’d said it to the camera. I’d said it right to the camera. I groaned it to the camera as a came.

And She laughed.

She reached back and grabbed something off the bed, then placed it just beside my head.

My cable modem was resting unplugged just to the left of my ear.

She was still recording.

“I recorded it all,” She said. “But it didn’t go anywhere.” She pulled Her face out from behind the camera, and for the first time that night, I saw Her face in full light. I saw Her smile. I saw the dimples in Her cheeks, and the way Her third too cocked out a little to the side. I counted the freckles on Her cheek and noted exactly how high Her eyesbrows went up when She smiled. “If you want, we could send the video somewhere. I know some people who’d love to see it. But that’s up to you.”

I should have been processing the fact that the video hadn’t left my apartment, but instead I was memorizing Her face. I wanted to lie there, nursesing the sensings course through me. The feelings She’d given me. She let me doubt, and then let me know I could still trust Her. That I could always trust Her.

“Are you there, Cerdito?”

“Yes, Kona.”

“And is that what you wanted?”

And it was. She simply knew it before I did. I managed a nod.

“Good, Emile.” She laughed, and then turned, nestling herself onto the lip of the bed. “Then we can finally get started.”

She curled a finger at me.

My arms tingled as I liftedmyself up. I looked at Her and crawled.

She’d shaken every inch of my body, and every inch of my body wanted her.

“Are you ready?” Kona asked me.

I looked up.


And She smiled.


Thanks to macktosh for the editing help.

I’ll be back soon with chapter five.


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