The Long Weekend Ch. 01

Chapter 1 – The start of a long weekend.

It was Easter and I for one was looking forward to the long weekend at home. I’d taken the Thursday afternoon off work to drive the kids up to my parents, they were almost as over-the-moon to be invited to Grandma’s and Grandad’s as my wife and I were to have a long weekend to ourselves. The phone buzzed just as I pulled up to drop the children off, they barely looking back to say goodbye as they ran up the drive way to an awaiting Grandma and Grandad.

I picked up the phone and noticed I had received an email, my wife had sent me a message from her private account.


There will be no time for you over the weekend to go out so I expect you to have done enough food and drink shopping to easily see us through the weekend, I expect only the best and make sure there is plenty as one night I may well have visitors.

I will be home tonight at 8 PM sharp as I am going for a drink with a couple of the interns from the office. It is their last day and I want to give them a proper send off.

Hope you got the kids off to the outlaws ok.

M xxx’

I grinned as I read the message again, just to be sure I captured everything. After having a quick chat with my parents and managing the briefest of goodbyes with the children, I set off back down the motorway planning the food shop for the long weekend ahead.

I spent an age in the store picking out food, I changed my mind a dozen times but finally settled on meals I knew my wife would enjoy, and at least two of them would be easily expanded if visitors were to come round. I also picked up a range of wines and spirits from the local wine merchants, all of them I knew my wife would love. I got another email just as I set off on the short trip home, again it was my wife.


There is a package for you on the dining room table, open it an following the instructions to the letter. See you after I’m done thanking the boys.


I had learned over time that my wife was always the type to demand a lot of work from her interns during their places, but at the same time she always made sure to take them out at the end of it for great meal and a few drinks to say thanks – she always called it ‘thanking the boys’.

When I got home I quickly unpacked the shopping before turning my attentions to the box on the dining room table. It was larger than I expected and as I opened the box my cock tried to swell in anticipation. I knew this weekend without the kids around would be a heavy session, my wife had been looking forward to this ever since our last real opportunity to fully express ourselves over the Christmas holidays. I grimaced a little bit as the tight chatity cage locked around my cock put a stop to any significant physical response.

Inside the box I found a brand new metal collar, and cuffs for my wrists and ankles. Apart from an envelope there were no locks, no keys, nothing else in the box. Opening up the envelope I squirmed in disappoint, my cock was still trying to swell and it was more than uncomfortable now, it was painful. Opening the letter inside I could smell my wife’s perfume on it and holding it up to my nose I breathed in deep, savouring the divine scent. It was intoxicating to think that she’d gone to this much effort and I eagerly read the handwritten note.


You will be my willing sex slave for the entirety of the weekend, up to the point you leave to pick up the children late Monday afternoon. Unlike previous weekends, there will be no breaks, no safe words and no let-up in my domination of you. We are going to break new ground in our relationship, I will totally dominate you and use you as I see fit.

As of this point you are only to wear what I tell you to, only to drink what I allow and only to eat what I give. You will strip naked and put the enclosed items on, don’t worry the locks are built in and I have the key safe and sound with the key to your little clipty.

I expect complete submission from you, please me and you may even be rewarded despite your translations since last summer. Ensure my dinner is ready at 8 pm sharp, I expect I will be hungry.

your Mistress.


I looked down at the items, my breathing had sped up in anticipation. I read the note again to make sure I hadn’t made it up, ‘You may even be rewarded’ I read and I feel a surge of hope rush through me.

My last real orgasm had been during fall last year, September 27th to be precise, when my wife and I had been on our flight back from a short holiday. Joining the mile high club had been on my wife’s bucket list, so in the cramped toilet of the 747 I got to cum for the first time in months.

After that I was locked back in chatity until what my Mistress referred to as a ‘performance review’ on New Year’s Day. Unfortunately for me on New Year’s Eve, after an entire night of drunken of teasing and denial by my wife, my body took over and during the night I had a wet dream despite still being locked in chatity. I have to admit it was one of the best dreams I’ve ever had but the result the next day was that Mistress decided I didn’t need an orgasm after all and cancelled my planned release. I was gutted, the wet dream however good was no replacement for that wonderful feeling when I got to slide my ‘little clipty’ into her divine pussy.

My wife then set valentine’s day as the next release date, but once again my body took over two days before in the night I had another wet dream. My wife told me then that Easter break was going to be the last chance I had to prove myself before she re-thought the whole ‘release day’ system.

For the past few nights I have been terrified going to sleep, hoping above hope my body didn’t take over. For the past few nights my wife had delighted in teasing me, spending ages as we lay in bed gently caresing my balls as my cock tried to stressen in its prison, only to be denied by the hard plastic encasing it.

Looking back into the box I picked up the collar and inspected it, it was quite thick and I was under no illusions that it would be totally secure once locked around my throat. I tried to figure out how the thing locked and unlocked but eventually gave up having found no key hole or signs of an obvious release mechanism. Looking up at the clock I realized I needed to be getting on with dinner, so I quickly snapped the collar shut around my neck.

It made a loud click as the mechanism locked in place, and sure enough I gave it a strong tug confirming it was well and truly locked. The collar hung around my neck line, not tight against my throat which as a relief but it fitted well enough that I’d never forget it was there. I quickly stripped, placed my clothes in the washing hamper and locked on the wrist and ankle cuffs.

They fitted surprisingly well, they were not simply round but seemed to mould verywell to the shape of my ankles and wrists meaning they didn’t slide around too much.

It was gone six pm, I suspected my wife was leaving the office to head for a drink by now so I made my way into the kitchen to make a start on dinner. Grabbing an apron I tied it in place and set about preparing all the vegetables, before starting on the various stocks and sauces that I’d need. I had decided on a simple menu of Scallops, steak and chocolate fondant. All three my wife loved and they could be prepped well in advance. Cooking time would be kept to a minimum this way given us time to discuss the weekend ahead.

I spent 10 minutes writing out a small menu card using some of the callography pens from the art kit, before I set the rest of the table with the best place settings we had.

By seven forty-five everything was ready. I had laid the table for two, opened the red wine to breath and lit the candles. In the background some mood music played and the room was filled withthe delicious smells of dinner. At five minutes to eight I heard the cab show up outside so I went to the front door and knelt on the mat, awaiting the return of my wife and Mistress. As the door opened I gulped in nervous energy, I hoped she would be happy with everything, I wanted the weekend to start off on the right foot.

No matter how many times I see her, that moment when she walks in the door and smiles at me is the best moment of my day. It never fails to fill me with joy, I can only think of just how lucky I am to have a wife such as her, gorgeous, funny, sexy and smart. No matter how bad her day was, how much she struggled at work she always came in the door with a smile, be it me waiting on my knee’s to serve her or the children running up the hall way eager to tell her about their day.

This smile was most definitely lacened with naughtiness, I could see her do a quick visual inspection to check the cuffs and collar were in place before she went back to removing her coat and shoes. I watched as she throw items on the floor without care, before she kicked off her high heels in opposite directions.

“Tidy up slave and then serve me my dinner, we have lots to discuss.” She said blowing me a kiss and walking off.

She was carrying a few shopping bags of her own, and proceeded to take that into the kitchen herself, leaving me currying around behind her.

I found her Sitting at the dining room table, still intently watching me as I came in the door.

“Pour me a glass of wine slave, I have to say I’m impressed with your choice. I like tonight’s menu and the effort you have put in so far.” She said picking up the small menu card I had written up for her.

I quickly curried over and poured her a glass of the red wine, taking care not to spill any on the white tablecloth.

“You didn’t need to set two places though, I am not expecting company tonight.” She said looking up at me as I put the wine down and knelt back on the floor.

My heart sank a little, I though at least on the first night we would have a nice romantic meal, chat about the weekend ahead and form some sort of plan together. I guess I was wrong, and the disappointment must have shown on my face as she let out a little giggle.

“Perhaps I was not clear enough I my note? Did I not say you would only eat what I gave you to eat, drink what I gave you to drink?”

“You did Mistress, it’s my fault Mistress.” I said apologetically.

“Of course it’s your fault.” She said sharply. “Now get me my starter.”

I hurried off and quickly pulled together the starter, pan fried scallops with a fresh micro herb salad. I sat on the floor by her feet, pondering the other half made starter on the kitchen side going to waste, as she tucked into her starter.

“This is quite delicious slave, thank you. Are these fresh scallops from the supermarket?” she asked surprised.

“No Mistress, I stopped at the fishmongers you like to getthem, they are fresh hand diverted scallops.”

“Hmmm, that’s very good of you.” she said clearly enjoying them. “I expect all food to be this good over the weekend.”

“Yes Mistress, I will try my hardest.”

She giggled when I said that and reached out her stocking clad foot. I gasped as it gently brushed the underside of my balls. Ever since I could remember I had always loved the feel of my balls being gently stroked by a stocking clad foot, and for a couple of minutes my wife teased me by slowly brushing her foot back and forth.

“I’m afraid there will be no ‘hardness’ from you tonight my slave, maybe you should just try your best instead.” She said obviously referring to my chatity.

To be honest I had not expected to be let out first night, so This was not really a shock and I chuckled at her joke.

“I figured I would at least tell you the rough outline for the weekend.” She went on. “Tonight after this meal you are going to run me a bath, then give me afull body massage before no doubt I will take use of your oral skills before retirement for the night. Depending how happy I am will depend how comfortable you are tonight.”

She paused to finish of her starter and pushed the plate towards me and waved it away. As I went off to prepare her main course she took another sip of her wine and then continued talking to me.

“Tomorrow morning I am going to go shopping With the girls, I expect you to conduct your chores and have this place spotless by the time I come back. In the afternoon I may well go to the spa for some treatments, I have not fully decided yet. I will not require dinner tomorrow, I have a works do to attend.”

I looked at her in utter disappointment, these weekends were so hard to come by I was surprised to find out only now she was going out. Once again it must have been painted all over my face.

“Don’t look at me like that,” she said picking up on my expression. “You are invited but I told everyone youwere going to be a little tied up that evening. They don’t realize how literal that will be, I’m going to make sure my slave is nice and secure before going out.”

I still couldn’t help but feel let down, sure I loved being tied up in bondage but I always preferred it when she was around. Being left alone and in bondage was never quite as erotic.

My stomach let out a loud groan of hunger as I put down my wife’s main course in front of her, a petit fillet steak cooked just how she likes it, with a side of potato dauphinoise and some fresh asparagus.

“If you can keep your stomach quiet for a moment, you’ll be able to hear that on Saturday I expect to have a lay in, then in the evening we will be having guests round for dinner. Sunday we will spend in and around the house, maybe I’ll do some training with you if I can be bothered. Monday we can see when we get there, if you are good maybe we can go out to lunch before going to get the kids together.”

I watched hereat her dinner as her foot returned to my balls. My cock throbbed in its cage, and there was a steady stream of pre-cum now dribbling from the end of my cage. I groaned in frustration at the feeling.

“My poor little slave, I bet you think those balls of yours are nicely full don’t you.” She asked me whilst gently kicking them with her foot.

I could only grunt and nod, her kicks hard enough to hurt slightly, but not to cause me to yell out or move in pain. My wife laughed before returning to her dinner, during which time she had me refill her wine glass.

After her main was finished I served her up a chocolate fondant as she told me about her day. It seems she had been very impressed with the new interns, two of the men in particular, so much so that she had arranged a second outing with them tomorrow night to says thanks. As she finally finished her meal she pushed the plate away and got up from the dining room table.

“Refill my wine again and bring it with you, I’m going to sit down in the longue. You will give me a foot massage before my bath.” She ordered.

I briefly hesitated looking at the half started plates of food I intended for myself before I figured it wasn’t worth upsetting her. Quickly refilling the glass I followed her.

I found her in the living room, she had switched on some soft chill out music herself and had dimmed the lights before sitting down in the largest armchair. After putting her wine on the small table beside it I quickly knelt down and took one of her wonderful feet into my hand.

“Mmmmm, that feels good slave. I was on my feet all day, and the bar I went to with Tom and Dylan was packed.” She said leaning back, her legs idly falling open slightly.

I caught a whiff of arousal from her sex, which in turn set me going. I tried to focus on the job at hand but my wife was moaning softly as I massed the gyms out of her foot. She was divine to watch like this.

“It a goal really I couldn’t stay out later tonight, they were up for going out dancing a bit, you know how a love a good dance. Still, maybe tomorrow I’ll get the chance with them, you won’t be in a position to complain if I’m late now will you.” She said looking down at me.

She moved the first foot out the way by shifting her leg up onto the arm of the armchair and placed the second one in front of me, the act of doing so opened her legs wide. In the darkness I could swear I could make out the outline of her shaken pussy lips, my wife seemed to be missing her panties from what I could tell.

“No Mistress, of course not.” I responded. “I-i-it was just the three of you tonight?”

I had assumed it was the whole office going out for drinks, not just my wife and two young men. She looked down at me and smiled.

“Everyone else was busy slave, you’re not jealous are you?” She said chuckling. “Mind you, with a clipty your size I’d be worried to. Remind me, when did I last let you fuck me slave?”

I gulped as I could feel my cheeks blush with embarrassment.

“September Mistress, on the plane back from Rome.” I said dejectedly, did she really not remember?

My cock however was screaming in its prison, my wife learned a long time ago I found humiliation extremely arousing and she knew exactly how to manipulate this as part of her power games over me.

“Oh yes I almost forgot – it was like three thrusts or something correct?” She said giggling to herself. “It’s a good job you have a decent stick on thinking about it, I don’t actually remember feeling much now I think about it. One of the many reason I keep that little clipty locked up now isn’t it slave?”

I hung my head in humiliation, whilst what my wife was saying was almost painful, it was entirely erotic to me and my cock responded tenfold in its attempts. I groaned in pain as I nodded slightly.

My wife laughed as she moved her foot, lifting the leg onto the other arm brazenly exposing her sex to theroom.

“Still, you’re good for something at least” she said hitching up her skirt to confirm my suspicions she had no panties on. I looked at her sex, it was soaked with juices and her lips glistening in the light. I had not seen it in this state for a long time, clearly she had been working herself up during the day with the thought of what was to come.

There was something nagging at the back on my mind as to why she wasn’t wearing knickers, but I quickly dismissed any thoughts of why exactly she didn’t have any on when she got home.

“Well, what are you waiting for slave, a fucking invitation?” She shouted snapping me out my trace.

As my tongue started to probe her depths she let out a long moan of pleasure, I suspected this would be the first of countless times I would be in this position and I smiled to myself. There were some perks to this life after all I thought.

I loved giving my wife oral sex, her pussy tasted better than anything else I could rememberand the sounds of her groans was an audible aphrodisiac to me. My cock throbbed painfully in its cage but when I was in-between my wife’s legs like this I didn’t care. Her pleasure, and her pleasure alone was all that matters.

I loved tracing the lips of her pussy, they were like petals of a flower that had to be careful tempted open, when they did I was always rewarded with the most divine negative of the centre. Her moans started to increase as my tongue delved deeper, and I could feel her pleasure building fast.

Soon I had moved up towards her throbbing clip and started flicking it gently with my tongue, braising gasps of pleasure from her. It wasn’t long until she was screaming in joy as the first of her orgasms hit, my face buried deep in her sex as her juices flooded out of her sex. For a few moments I lapped at her sex, I was eager to taste as much of her juices as possible.

I knew not to let up and I avoided her clipit as I knew it would be super sensitive, the unspoke rule that was unless she pushed me away I should always carry on. With no signs to stop I started over again, retreating to the edge of her sex as once again I started kissing her inner tights before moving in closer to my target again.


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