The Long Walk to My Kink

It was a little after 1am. Rose, a 19 year old girl with long black hair that laid gently over her 32D size breasts, golden yellow eyes that always seemed to glimmer in the sun and lightly tanned skin, was just finishing up the graveyard shift at the animal shelter. Rose gathered her things from her locker and headed towards the front door. A dark shadow quickly passed the door as Rose approached it, a quick shiver went down her spine as the shadow passed. Rose slowed her approach and slowly pushed the door open, being sure to look around to make sure nothing was out there.

“Hello?” Rose shouted as she peeked her head out.

A minute went by without an answer, again Rose nervously shouted.

“Is anyone out there?”

Again, another minute goes by without an answer, Just the sound of critics and wind. Rose shrugged it off as her just being paranoid and continued to close and lock the doors. Rose turned away from the building and started to head home, not noticing theshadow following behind her. After roughly 15 minutes of walking Rose came across a roadblock caused by some construction, unfortunately the roadblock stopped the only direct route home. Rose turned down an alley and headed to the next street over to see if she could get around it.

The shadow that had been following Rose since she left work started to close in quickly. Rose didn’t make it more than half way down the alley before the shadow approached her and grabbed her, placing a cloth around her mouth, a cloth coated with chloride form. Rose flailed and screamed as hard as she could, which worked to no avail, his strength overpowered her and the clothes muffled her screams. Scared, Rose took a few deep breaths which just put her into a state of unconsciousness.

Rose wakes a few hours later tied to a wooden table, mouth gagged and unable to move at all. Her clothes were still on but she noticed her shoes were off. Rose looked around to see if she could see anything, but all she saw was a few whips, clamps, handcuffs and paddles. Scared about what was going to happen Rose started to panic. A man walked in a few moments later and approached her. The man was covered from head to toe in black and had a mask over his head. He noticed her panicking and placed a finger over her mouth.

“Shh, if you keep going on like that, you’ll hyperventilate.” He says in a quiet voice.

Rose calmed down slightly and looked at the man, wondering what it is he wanted.

“Do you know why you’re here Rose?” He asked.

Rose shook her head frantically, wondering how he knew her name.

“Let me tell you.” He said as he ran his hand through her hair.

“I’ve been watching you for a while, and I decided that today, you will be my little toy that I will use and abuse to my hearts extent.” He told her as he walked to the other side of the table.

Rose started to shake, scared about what she was hearing.

“Don’t worry though, I’m not going to kill you,in fact, when I’m done, I’ll let you go and you’ll be free to go home.” He said running his hands over her chest.

“But…” He said grinning.

Rose looked at him scared and confused.

“If you go to the cops when I let you go, and trust me, I’ll know. I will get you again, and it won’t end with a happy ever after. Understood?”

Rose shook her head up and down in understanding.

“Good, so lets begin.” He said walking away from the table.

The man grabbed a pair of scissors that were on a table across the room and headed towards Rose. He lifted her shirt lightly and started to cut down the middle of the shirt until he reached the very bottom. The shirt fell quickly to her sides and his eyes dropped to her chest.

“Congratulations on those.” He said with a smile, staring at her chest.

Rose’s face reddened with embarrassment as she was exposed. She closed her eyes so she wouldn’t have to see what was going on. The man placed the scissors between her breasts and cut the bra off, her breasts quickly spilling out. He bit his lip as he glared at her breasts.

“Well, that’s step one, time for step two.” He said moving down her body to her pants.

The man started to cut her skirt off, tossing it across the room once it was full cut. He stood there for a moment, staring at the panties Rose had on. He ran his finger lightly over the fabric of Rose’s panties, making her squirm. He walked away and grabbed one of the whips from the rack. He walked back over to her, dragging the end of the whip on the ground.

“Now the real fun begins.” He said softly, evilly grinning.

Rose opened her eyes to see what he was talking about. Her eyes dropped to the floor as she noticed the whip. Rose’s eyes widened as the man lifted the whip up. The man came down hard with the whip, hitting her thighs. Rose screamed through the gag at the pain, closing her eyes tightly. The man came down a few more times with the whip, each hit making Rose scream loader than the last, strangely a hint of pleasure coming from the last scream. The man didn’t notice, but Rose sure did. She was scared, was she actually getting pleasure from this. She didn’t have time to think about that right now, she had to concentrate so she could at least make it home.

The man headed back towards the rack and put the whip away. Rose’s eyes opened as she heard him walk away. The man grabbed some handscuffs and headed back towards her. He moved to her legs and started to undo the binds.

“I’m going to undo your binds and turn you over. If you try anything, I will not hesitate to end this early.” He said with a smile.

“Do you understand?” He asked her.

Rose shook her head in understanding.

“Good.” He said as he undid her legs.

The man then undid her arms and grabbed her hair, forcing her around and bending her over the table. He then grabs the handscuffs and handscuffs her hands and feet to the table. Rose tries to turn her headaround to see what’s going on but she couldn’t. Her head drops do the table as he heads back to his toys and grabs his paddle. He comes back and runs his hand over her firm butt.

“I would tell you this won’t hurt, but that would be a lie.” He says as he raises the paddle.

Rose’s eyes widen as she wonders what he’s talking about. The man comes down hard with the paddle, leaving a mark across her butt. Rose lets out a sound, a sound that mixed pain and pleasure. She didn’t know what to do, she should be scared but each paddle felt better than the last, it was starting to feel good, started to get arousing.

The man came down a few more times before dropping the paddle to the ground. He reached for her panties and quickly pulled them down. It was at this point Rose knew what was going to happen. She started to shake her head no, she didn’t want this to happen. The man saw her shaking her head and it just turned him on more. He reached over for a mirror and placed it in front of her.

“I want you to see what’s going to happen to you.” He said with a grin.

Rose looked at the mirror and saw the man undo his belt. He dropped his pants, revealing his rather impressive member. Rose’s eyes widened, she had never seen someone so big, she was turned on so she knew it was going to feel good, but she also knew it was going to hurt. He stroked his member a few times before pressing it against her pussy lips. Rose gasped and closed her eyes tight. The man pushed himself inside her and gripped her hips, beginning to thrust into her, hard. Gasps escaped her lips as the pain started, but those gasps slowly turned into moans as the pain turned into pleasure. Rose’s eyes slowly opened as her head laid against the table. She could see the man fucking her from behind. The whole table shook as His thrusts got harder and faster. The man noticed her moans and smiled.

“So you like this do you?” He asked her.

Rose shook her head no.

“Your head saysno but your body is saying yes.” He says laughing. “Well guess what?” He asks her.

Rose lifts her head up.

“I’m close to cumming and I don’t plan on pulling out.” He says to her.

Rose’s eyes widen at his words and gets worried, she wasn’t on birth control and it didn’t feel like he was wearing a condom. He grabs her hair and pulls it back as he thrusts in harder. Without her wanting to, her body begins to shake and her pussy begins to tighten as she starts to cum on his member.

“Oh shit, I’m going to cum!” He shouts.

Rose tries to yell through the gag and shake her head but it was too late. He began to shoot his warn seed deep inside her. He holds it inside her for a few moments before slowly pulling out, some cum slowly dripping out. He runs his hand down her back and over her ass.

“That was fun, don’t you think?” He asks laughing.

Rose laid their limp, not knowing how to comprehend what just happened to her. She was scared, worried for her lif, but also turned on and confused. Why did she enjoy this at all, she didn’t know. The man releases the handscuffs and gives her a quick spank.

“I’m a man of my word, you’re free to go, just remember what I said about going to the cops.”

Rose watched as the man pulled up his pants and walked out of the room. Rose laid there for a few minutes, gathering her strength to get up. She finally gets up and gathers her stuff and limps towards the door. She opens it up, the sun quickly blinding her. She tossed her hand up in front of her eyes just to realize that she had no top on. She took the cut clothes and held them in front of her chest. She looked around and figured out where she was.

She started to head home, limping, contemplating what just happened.

“Why did I like that? Why did I get so turned on? Did I find a new fetish for myself?” So many questions ran through her mind.

Rose made it home and ran into the shower. Washing the night off her body. Cleaning outside her insides as well as she possibly could, hoping that none of his seed stayed. She wanted to feel that way again, but with someone she trusted, but how would people look at her, how could she open up like that to someone she liked. The thought of going to the police then came to her mind, not because she wanted the man to get arrested, because she wanted to feel that pleasure again.

She dried off after her Shower and headed to bed to catch up on the sleep she missed the night before. She called her boss and told him that she wasn’t going to be in today then began to fall asleep.

“Will I ever feel that pain and pleasure again? I guess we’ll find out another day.” She thought to herself as she drifted off to sleep, her hands resting on some of the crueles.


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