The Long Night (Domme) Ch. 01

Note #1: This scenario will be written from both the Domme side and the sub side. The submissive side is titled “The Long Night (sub).” I suggest choosing one or the other to read first based on your sexual preferences. Each version focuses on the thoughts and emotions of the Domme/submissive as the night progresses.

Note #2: In this case, the Domme is considered a “soft” Domme. As you read this version, I hope you see why.


It all came together that night.

I sat in the high-back chair near the window. The hotel staff did not disappoint with my request for a specific type of chair in the room – padded arms, open on the sides; a well-padded seat; cabriole legs; an open back with a padded banner down the center; a thick crest rail on the top; and struggle, curled ears topping the corners. It looked to be in the same family of furniture as that in the upscale lobby, but they must have kept this chair in a separate space, perhaps for elite guests.

I propped my feet on the coffee table. The staff had also done well with this request – a very sturdy five by three foot highly varnished mahogany variety with taller legs than your average hotel side table. The rest of the room was just as perfect. The television was prepared for connecting to my laptop and had been raised on the wall. Below it, a Large dresser with four drawers now held a few of my favorite things. The hot tub was open to both the large bathroom and the main room, with curtains on both sides that were tied back. And the bed – oh, the bed. They found it odd that I requested a double rather than a king or queen, but they met this request, too. The headboard was a beautiful wrong iron sculpture, with thick scrollwork and tall posts on either side. The footboard was a shorter mirror of the headboard, with a thick top rail just above the level of the high mattress.

The smaller bed allowed roomfor another thin mattress on the floor. That was the one request the hotel questioned, but they still provided what I asked for.

As I sat in the chair, with the only light being the soft moonlight coming through the sheer curve over the oversized window behind me, I thought about how everything had fallen into place.

We’d starting chatting months ago. I’d followed her posts for a couple weeks before privately messaging her, concerned she might meet the wrong sort considering what she was revealing about herself. She knew she was submissive; she knew the ideas of bondage and milk pain excited her. The responses to her posts were predictable – men who were more than happy to tie her up and hurt her “their” way so she “behaves like a good pet cumslut”… on and on they went.

Me: “Forgive me if I’m intruding as I’m not what you’re searching for. I’m a female Domme, but I just wanted to reach out and make sure you weren’t being harassed toomuch here. If you’d like to talk sometimes, let me know.”

She didn’t respond for a week, and I had almost forgotten I messaged. Then, on a Friday evening, I received the notification that I’d gotten a new message.

Her: “I wondered if I would get any interest here, but it seems I’ve found the dark side of this site. Thank God I didn’t give any identifying information out; I’ve honestly been looking over my shoulder everywhere I go worried I’d get attacked or something.”

I’d suspected as much.

Me: I’m so sorry you’ve had that experience. I can attend that there are good people here but finding them among the deviants and perverts can be difficult.

We exchanged messages a few times that weekend. She wasn’t a virgin, but she was naïve to anything that wasn’t missionary vanilla. She’d tripped on a series of short stories that excited her beyond anything she had experienced, and she took the plumge into posting hoping to learn more about submission. Never in a million years did she expect this night would come.

My cell sounded with the cute little “meow” ringtone I’d assigned to her texts.

Her: “I just got off the interstate, Mistress. I see the hotel.”

Me: “You are to park on the far side, under the second window from the left.”

Her: “Yes, Mistress.”

For the past seven months, she’d never forgotten to address me properly. Once we had agreed to start this journey, she’d forgetten once… and didn’t hear from me for a week. She asked for “punishment” when she didn’t do what we agreed on, so I provided when appropriate. The worst punishment to her was silence from me. She’d learned her lesson, but it was very hard not to contact her that week. We’d becomes close friends in addition to Domme/submissive, and now she was the first person Icalled when I needed to rant about work or just needed a pick-me-up.

I walked to the door and turned on the light in the foyer. Yes, that would work. I crossed back to the chair and stood beside it, standing in the middle of the window but back far enough that I could just see the parking spot she should pull into very shortly.

Sure enough, within five minutes, a small car pulled in. I watched her get out of her car and pause. Would she go through with it? I still wasn’t sure. If she got back in her car and pulled away, I wouldn’t hold it against her.

She moved to the other side of the car and paused again, her hand on the car door.

I put my hands in my pockets, just watching her.

After a couple minutes, she opened the door and pulled her bag from the passenger seat. She put the strap over her shoulder, then took out her cellphone.

Her: “I’m here, Mistress.”

Me: “Look up.”

It took her a moment to lift her eyes to the third floor, where I stood near the window looking down at her. I knew she couldn’t see my face, but she could see my silhouette with the dim back light coming from the foyer.

I watched her swallow hard. If she still had doubts, this would be her last chance out. She gazed up at me, and I looked back, knowing she couldn’t see my eyes but she knew – she knew – that I was watching her intently.

We stared at each other.

She looked just as she had in the pictures she’d sent – long, thick dark brown hair, currently tied back in a ponytail; a flat stomach but a sizeable chest; that tight, perky ass. Granted, she was clothed, which wasn’t the case in most of the pictures she’d sent me. Watching her now, her eyes looking up at me, I Couldn’t help but file through those images – her nipple in a binder clip, her fingers spreading her pussy lips wide, her mouth covered by the dildo gag I’d suggested she purchase, and so mAny more.

I don’t know exactly how long we looked at each other. She was looking at a black silhouette; I was looking at the face I’d imagined, her wide eyes looking up at me. A chill ran down my spine. I stepped away from the window.

Me: “The back door is about to open. Come inside and come up to the third floor. Room 306.”

Her: “Yes Mistress.”

I called the front desk and asked the porter to go open the back door since my guest had arrived. I crossed back to the foyer and turned off the light, then walked back to the window and opened it. The night breeze was cool and light, a welcome feeling after being tense for most of the evening.

She actually came.

I closed the sheer curtain and sat back down in the chair. The curtain swwayed slightly in the breeze. I heard the door open and close below. My anticipation rose… as did my trepidation. Would I be able to live up to our conversationsions? Would she enjoy what was coming? Would I be able to make her feel safe, able to let go?

I sat in the dark, pondering my plans and what we’d discussed. We’d set the ground rules. She’d decided what was a hard limit for her. I wouldn’t cross that line.

Before I knew it, there was a soft, timing knock on the door.

I walked back to the door, grabbing the room key card on my way. I paused. I wanted her to be sure.

A few moments passed. Then, there was another soft knock. I smiled slightly.

Me: “It’s perfectly ok if you aren’t sure. We can meet in the lobby and talk for a bit if you’d prefer… get some dinner. I can still book the adjoining room.”

I heard her phone notification. It was a low triple chime. I could hear her fingers tapping as she answered.

Her: “No, Mistress. I want this so much. Please let your pet inside, Mistress.”

I breathed a tiny sight of anticipation. I never operated this way – meeting someone for the first time and going straight to domination. Typically, we met in a public place and talked first. It wasn’t unusual for the first night to be completely innocent, and I never went full Domme until after a couple meetings.

I leaned down and slide the key card under the door.

Me: “Look down. Count to 10, out loud but softly, then use the key.”

Her: “Yes, Mistress.”

I heard her fingers brush the floor as she picked up the card. Then I went back to the chair and made myself comfortable, listening to her softly whisper numbers. Time to focus and get into My zone. It was a little more difficult than usual as we’d never touched before, but I thought of the pictures she’d sent and how much she seemed to love our conversations.

Her voice shook slightly as she counted.

Her: “Seven…eight………nine……”

I wondered if shewould take the final plunge.

Finally, I heard it.


I heard the key card click in the lock. I took a deep breath, then another, before resting my elbows on the arms of the chair and interlacing my fingers across My midsection. I closed My eyes and tilted My head back slightly. My shoulders relaxed, and My breath grew slow and even.

The door opened, then quickly closed again. I heard her place her bag on the floor. Then I heard the soft, slow shuffling of fabric as she followed the instructions we had agreed on.

While in this room, she would be naked. For our introduction, she was allowed bra and panties. I told her I was perfectly fine if she was fully clothed, but she wanted the excitement of being so vulnerable to someone she never met in person. She trusted Me, and I was so humbled and honored by that. I wouldn’t risk that trust.

I could barely see her as she tenatively stepped into the main room.

I let my voice slip into the low, firm voice she said she loved so much. “What did I say?”

She immediately dropped to her hands and knees. “S…s.sorry, Mistress.” She already sounded worried she had displeased Me. Are you kidding? She’d followed every single instruction I’d ever given her eagerly. She’d sent me every picture I asked for; she’d practiced and perfected every position I requested; she’d quickly learned My preferred titles and terms for things… she even capitalized properly in texts and emails without fail. At this point, she couldn’t displease Me if she tried – I’d know she was only doing it in anticipation of the punishment she knew she’d receive.

I stayed perfectly still in My chair. “Continue.”

She crawled towards the table… towards Me.

“On the table, nadu position. Face the window.”

She paused only for an instant before crawling onto the table, tucking her feet under her perfect ass and spreading her knees wide, her hands resting palms up on her thighs. She aimed her eyes downward but sat with her back perfectly straight.

I stood and walked very slowly around her, taking her in. The moonlight hit her body so softly. The swells of her breasts were perfect, sensitively shaded by the light. Her stomach was toned, her smooth skin taut around her midsection. Her dainty panties were clearly visible between her legs.

I knelt slightly to one side of her, taking her hands in mine. “It’s me, Katherine,” I whispered, running my thumbs across the backs of her hands. “Just me. You can always stop this at any point, please know that. Are you absolutely sure?”

She shivered at my touch and swallowed hard. Her eyes opened slowly, and she turned to look at me, kneeing there by her side, searching for any sign that she was hesitant. I saw a tear building in one of her eyes – my lord, those eyes, so trusting and honest – and reached up to softly stroke her cheek.

“I know, Keeva,” she whispered, her voice surprisingly steady. “Yes, I’m sure. Pleasetake me tonight… I’m craving it, craving you so much. I need this, and I need it from you.”

I let my fingers linger for a moment, enjoying her softness. I could get lost in her if I wasn’t careful. Then I stood and leaned down slightly, kissing her forehead softly before standing up straight and taking a deep breath.

“Hands up.” My voice was quiet but firm. She Immediately locked her hands behind her head and held her elbows as far back as she could. Now her perfect breasts stand center stage. Through the thin fabric of her bra, I watched as her nipples grew with every second that passed.

I came to stand in front of her. She couldn’t see any more than a silhouette. I reached down and pushed her knees farther apart, and she took a quick breath as My hands touched her. Quickly she spread them as wide as she could. I leaned slightly to one side, letting the light hit her crotch.

“I see you’re already soaked. Have you been a bad girl?” My voice was still quiet.

“, Mistress, no… I haven’t touched since the last time You allowed me to.” The timing of her voice was so sweet, so… submissive.

“Then why are your panties wet?”

“I… I’ve been waiting… wanting this for so long, Mistress. I could hardly drive the last 30 minutes because I was so distracted.”

“Distracted? By what, exactly?”

“My aching, Needy pussy, Mistress. I couldn’t stop thinking about You.”

I took a step closer and slide My finger over the dark spot on her panties. “So this is for Me.” I pressed against her so slightly.

She shivered and her breath caught at My touch. She swallowed hard and I saw her eyes close for the briefest of moments. I couldn’t believe this beautiful woman was actually here, actually Making herself completely available to me.

I walked slowly around her again, and as soon as I was out of her line of sight, I lifted my finger to my nose. God, she smelled amazing. I’d been missing the smell of another woman’s pussy for far too long, but this was so much better than I remembered from my previous experiences.

Once I was completely behind her, I pulled her elbows back even farther. She immediately sat up straighter, now pushing her breasts out lewdly. I grabbed her ponytail and lifted up so her head tipped downward even farther.

I leaned in slightly, My voice close to her ear. “Look at you. Those tits are reaching for Me, aren’t they…”

“Oh.. oh yes, Mistress.” She was eventually breathless.

“Look at them. What do you see?”

She swallowed again. “I.. I see an eager slut’s tits, Mistress.”

I was surprised she was jumping in with both feet so soon, but opted to run with it as if it was a continuation of one of our chat conversations. I would talk with her about her eagerness later. “And…?” I prodded.

She seemed to think for a moment. “I see a dirty whore’s hard titties, Mistress.”

“So you’re a dirty whore… is that what you’re telling Me?” I wanted to hear her say it, and I knew she wanted to say it.

“Only for my Mistress… my titties only get hard for my Mistress… these aching titties belong only to my Mistress.” My pussy surged at her words. God, I loved it when she talked that way… like she was truly owned. It was so humbling to me, so trusting. I almost attacked her right then but resisted with great effort.

I walked back around to her front and slowly ran My fingertip along the top of her bra. She whimpered softly. My entire body was on fire. I had to contain myself.

Suddenly, I pulled her bra towards Me and slide My other hand down inside, roughing grabbing her perfect breast and pushing her bra beneath it. She gasped softly as the cool breeze touched her hard nipple. I could tell it stung slightly. I did the same with her other breast, then stood back a bit and looked. Her breasts were unbelievably gorgeous propped up like that. Her nipples grew even more, forming rock-hard peaks inthe center of her huge, slightly pink areolas.

I could not believe she was giving me the chance to touch them… and hopefully do much, much more to them. My mind raced with all the possibilities considering the toys I’d brought.

I stood slightly to the side and let the moonlight hit between her legs again. Her skin glistened all around her soaked panties. A sweet, tempting trail was already forming on each inner thigh. My hunger grow. I resolved to spread this night out as much as I could.


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