The Long Massage

Hi! This story is a continuation from the previous story, “A Visit to the Bakery.” This can be read standalone with a quick overview of Mia’s situation:

Mia has awoken to a new world in which, unsurprisingly, everything has gone sexual. Payments are sexual, greetings are sexual. Hell, even getting a cup of coffee is sexual. Mia of course was not alerted to these changes, which results in hijinks where she learns to live in this new alternate universe she’s found herself in. Enjoy!

I had just gotten dressed. The thing is, I’d already gotten dressed earlier today. What led to getting dressed and then dressed again was the little event with the baker that had left an inconvenient spot in her legging shorts. I had to run all the way back to my apartment with my jacket wrapped around my wait to prevent further embarrassment, even though being embarrassed was one of the lesser things on my mind.

The baker gave her an inconveniently brief explanation on why I’d witnessed an incredibly short blowjob, and then had my pussy teased for an excitingly long time, so long that I actually passed out for a little while, waking up sore and wet. I got that there are people that are into that, but it just seemed all too casual to feel like a normal occurrence. Upon questioning the baker afterwards, he responded seems as cryptic as possible. “Things had always been this way, shorty. And uh, no need to pay me back ya know. Just helpin out those in need.” He tapped his large hands on the counter and throw me a puzzled look, “you alright? Awfully weird question to be asking, you know.” I assured him I was fine, physically and mentally. I didn’t mention that in the comprehension area of ​​my brain I was having pretty heavy issues.

So, sex is like, way more frequently where I live now. I mean, when I live. How exactly am I supposed to refer to an alternate universe? The sex is definitely related to paying for stuff,that’s what interests me the most about all of this. I figured I should learn more about this before even attempting going to work, so I decided to use one of my sick days, calling it in as soon as I got home to change. I don’t particularly want to ask for someone to pick up lunch for me, only to see them drop their pants in response to when I ask how much I owe them.

I scraped together a nice simple day outfit. Some cute little jean shorts and a loose-fitting white top with a matching pair of nice, dry undies underneath. They were my favorite pair with a pleasant hue of dark blue on them, like a deep ocean. They helped me feel confident when I’m out, even if no one knows I’m really wearing them except myself.

With a quick trip down the elevator of my apartment building I was back on the streets. The biggest thing on my mind is testing out this new form of payment, but how. I’d thought about going back to the baker now that I was dressed in fresh clothes, but that might end me up in round two with him, which would be working against my mission to figure things out. Maybe the coffee shop? Nah. That was way too popular and I’m afraid of something occurring with others being there to witness the whole of it. I was trying to test stuff, not dive head, shoulders and all. “That’s it!” I said with a quick little stomp, “I’ll go get me a massage!”

After Some quick work on maps I found it. A nice place. Five stars on all fronts. Fancy (probably fake) marble columns in the pictures, and nice gray stone floors with little fountains everywhere. And it was just around the corner!

“Hello~! Welcome to Emporium Lou!” Beamed the cheerful young woman at the service desk. Her white teeth beamed from the light shining from above. A large chandelier centered the high-ceilinged waiting room, bathing the room in warm light. Everything was decorated tastefully with gold trim (again, probably fake) and all the walls were a warm shade of white.

I turned to the young woman at the desk, “hello hiii, I was wondering if you had any walk-ins available? My name’s Mia by the way.” I said, my excitement restraining my ability to speak. The woman seemed to be around my age, a responsible type of person with glasses that seemed much too big for her. Her outfit was business-casual, with a hint of relaxation with the number of buttons correctly buttoned on her shirt.

“Of course! I’ll be checking that for you right away Mia. If you’d like to take a seat on any of the cushions lining the wall you are more than welcome.

I bowed politely before prancing over to the cushions by the wall. There was a small but dignified fountain next to me, trickling sound off into the large room; making it much louder than it certainly could accomplish by Its lonesome. This was the perfect plan, a private room for a massage would help keep her maintain control of any situation if it were to arise, while simultaneously keeping therisk of being embarrassed in public as low as possible.

“Alright Mia! Our masseuse Jean will be seeing you today. Your session will begin down the hall three doors down the left.”

I leave my chair and walk gently down the hall, my regular day sneakers making a clop clop clop sound on the decorative stone floor. My excitement still present, but surprisingly fading quickly probably Due to the calming sound of the fountain in the lobby and the faith mass parlor music seems coming from nowhere and everywhere.

“Oh I’m sorry miss Mia!! I forgot to ask, would you like to pay now or after your massage??” I hear the service desk woman shout.

I mean, I’m already down the hall. “Afterwards will be fine, thank you!” I shout back, cracking open the door to my assigned room.

The massage room was small. Small ish. Like the size of the room where you wait for people to finish making your pizza at the pizza place, plus a little more I think. The ceiling was nice and high though.

At this point all I could hear was the faith mass parlor music and the clop clop clop of my shoes as I meandered over to the padded table in the middle of the room. As I looked over it very little stuck out to me, it seemed like the average mass table to me. It seemed anchored to the floor and the base material was a natural wood color, with a lot of space underneath due to its design. A small card resided on the top of the table near the spot I assumed was for my head. “Hello and welcome. Please undress and relax yourself. Please leave the access piece inserted into the table until after the massage.” The access who-now? I let my eyes wander over the table wondering what it could mean when I noticed a fear circle near the lower centerish of the table, around the size of a dodgeball I’d say. Unfamiliar with this world, I decided to take things slowly, making a mental note to ask the masseuse about it.

I did as the card strongly suggested, striping off my white top and peeling off my jean shorts leaving me in just my matching blue sports bra and thong. For some reason my confidence was surging, something about my favorite underwear, canceling work, and getting a massage all conglomerated into a strong feeling that what I was doing was what I wanted. I lifted my arms as I peeled off my tank top, releasing my breasts to the warm air, bouncing for a moment due to the movement. With a quick breath I reached down to peel off my thong, exposing myself fully to the warm environment of the mass parlor. I revealed in my newfound bravery, at least until I saw the door opening. Panicked, I quickly jumped onto the table, concealing my chest and nether region, although my ass was fully exposed to whoever had arrived.

“Hello, I’m Jean, your assigned masseuse today.” He was taller than me. Maybe by about a good foot and change? Handsome. Definitely worked out, probably rock climbing or something. Something to give him that even-out muscle gain look. He wore a simple green tank top and some running shorts. I lightly bit my lip instinctively. “Shall we got started?” He proclaimed, grabbing a bottle of oil from a small dresser in the corner and walked over to my nude form presented on his table.

I shivered lightly as I felt the cool oil drizzle onto my back, then again when I feel it on my lower legs, then a couple of drops onto my ass. Then a couple more drops onto my ass, I could feel they were much bigger droplets than before just from what I could feel. The cold sensing traveled downwards in a trail in between my cheeks, finally dripping onto my anus. The cold touch pooled lightly and caused me to let out an involuntary gasp, my body agreeing with the feeling of the oil covering me wholeheartedly. I feel Jean’s hands begin to rub up and down my back, paying attention to the knots and toughness within my muscles, being careful and delightfully rough as he took care ofme with the utmost attention to detail.

“I’ll be moving down to your legs now if that’s alright.” I heard, hearing him shift around next to me.

“Mmm-hmm.” I hum lazily back, shifting and reading myself to get comfortable. More oil on my ass, and feels like an even larger amount than last time. I feel the pool of oil on my asshole quickly became flooded, and overflow over onto my pussy, coating my already wet lips with a thick coat. “G..God..” I murmured, unsure of how intentional it was. It felt good, and I almost didn’t notice Jean putting more oil on my legs as he continued with his general pour. Both of his hands landed on my legs now, giving them the same wonderful treatment he had just given my back. He was relentless on them. I wiggled a little at some points, but stayed on the table, encouraging myself that this bit of discomfort would pay off if I stuck it through. With a couple more minutes of rubbing, Jean was done.

I felt Jean as he let go of my legs to stand up straight, “all right miss Mia, all done. Would you like to pay now or would you rather have a couple of minutes?”

It was going so well, and Jean had my alarms down below were definitely blaring for more. I bet he just wants a quick blowjob or something if I had to guess. Massages weren’t that expensive, right? “I’m all ready to pay Now.” I said, hoping off the table and already putting on my thong. “Where do you want me?”

“Oh you can hop back onto the table on your stomach. I’ll set you up.” He said, ruffling through the drawer he previously retrieved the bottle of oil from earlier and starting his way back to the table. I did as he asked, wondering if this was some sort of continuation of the massage, maybe last minute detail work? If detail work for massages is even a thing.

I feel Jean spread my ass with his hands. I couldn’t help but release a small moan as my lips were still sending requests to my brain for some more atAttention, and the requests were getting pretty inevitable. Then I felt a thumb reach down and hook under my thong, pulling it to the side exposing my thoroughly-oiled anus to the open air.

“What are you doing back the r–ooOooh??…” He was, god… There’s a finger inside of me… It’s in my.. OOoohh.. All the oil worked in his favorite and his finger just slipped inside of me with so little resistance.

As quickly as it happened, it stopped. His finger slide out and I let out a little gasp, thinking he was just teasing me a little.

OOOOoohhh my god. Something else is entering my ass, and spreading it much more than a finger. My legs moved instinctively to clamp together in order to temporarily cease Jean’s activities, only for me to find he at some point bound my ankles to the table, keeping my holes much too easy for him to access. “J-Jean-n.. Wha–fuck–what are you putting into my aSs?” I said, slowly realizing fromFeeling it it must have been a plug of some sort. Jean was plugging me, and apparently that was just the prep.

I tried not to focus on the intruder slowly widening my naturally-tighter entrance, but with all the oil and being teased thoroughly by Jean’s finger it was hard not to notice all the pleasureable aspects of it… Eventually the large bulbous part slipped deeper into me and settled there, the wide cap part keeping it secured, snuggly plugging me.

I heard a small click and–jeann you dirty boy— it started to vibrate… “Mmmmm… OoOOooh…” I started wiggling against my restraints, knowing full well I was secured onto the table without hope of getting away from it, forced to experience the pleasure low viruses running through my body. It was like the massage tenderized me, and now I’m being slowly brought to a boil

“Ahhh–JeAnn??” Intruder number two just entered me, right into my soaked pussy. It was thick, very thick, a dildo– MmmmmMMGoddd… Thick enough to, fuckk.. Thick enough to even give my hole some–MMMmm–resistant with how lubricated it is… It must be the plug making me tighter, fuck… So hard not to give into the pleasure but god it’s filling me so much… I think it’s in…

Another click? Oh my god. This one tooOOoo— it’s–Uh— vibrating as well, stronger too.

Slap. Fuck. That was my thong. “Ohh, god… Ohh god, Jean— OHhh…” I slowly felt my ability to speak slip away with every buzz radiating from my stuffed holes. I desperately thrashed against the table, but it only resulted in a rough humping of my clip against the oily cushions of the table, getting me further along to my destination.

In a moment of clarity, I thought of simply pushing out the vibrating dildo. I gave it a push, feeling it almost leave my body. Almost, this would only leave me with the plug. “FuCkk…” The dildo went back in, like something pushed it back into my pussy. Oh my god, my thong. My thong was keeping the dildo and plug inside me. I gave the dildo another push, again almost getting it outside of my aching, beet red hole when it suddenly lunged back in, springing off of my thong and driving back in to occur the inside of my pussy. I gasped as I tried again, and again, trying not to focus on the fact that with Every failed attempt I was quite literally fucking myself.

Agonizing minute by minute while I did this I felt my lips get more sensitive, bringing me ever closer to, whether I like it or not it seems, a very large orgasm.

I turned my head and through the blurriness of the intensity pleasure I managed to make out the silhouette of Jean and the girl from the front desk. I watched as Jean walked over to the space in Front of the table by my head. His hand lowered as he unzipped his uniform pants, letting out his member to bounce lightly in front of me before settling in front of my mouth. With his hand landing on the back of my head he thrust forward, the head of his cock prying open my lips as my dazed mind lazily accepted my final hole’s assigned use.

A comical Glug glug glug glug noise came from my mouth as Jean began to fuck my throat. It was so hard to focus on anything from having so many sources of pleasure assaulting my body. I reached up with my unbound arms to maybe bargain a handjob with Jean, only for his strong arms to pin mine to either side of my body.

Glug glug glug glug glug

Almost missing it, I noticed the girl from the front desk move to the side of the bed and reach down, feeling like she removed the piece of the table I had noticed earlier. mmMHMMMm I moaned as I felt her reach up through the newly accessible part of the table and begin to rub my desperately throbbing clip.

The overstimulation of all of it was just too much. I began to shake as a full-body orgasm shot through the entirety of my body, my begging and moans plugged up by Jean’s cock. MmmmmMMFUCkfUCkfuckFUCKKkk… The invaders plugging my anus and pussy shifted and tried to escape, only to be kept in by the thick elastic of my bottom. My vision turned white at the edges, and I felt a release down at my pussy. I was squirting, hard. All I could do was groan and choke on the cock inside my Throat while the hand on my clip continued it’s relentless torture through my thrashing and muffed swearing. It keep going till my poor little hole couldn’t squirt an ounce more, finally being used for all it’s worth. I watched as Jean’s cock slide out of my mouth, large globs of my drool shining on his flaccid member gathering at his tip, before dripping onto the stone floor below.

I feel the front desk girl Take the two toys out of my deliciously sore holes, and click my ankle restraints open. I heard her utter something like, “come again!” as she closed the door, leaving me a towel onthe door knob and giving me privacy to get dressed, despite the fact I had absolutely no strength to do so.


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