A large reason that I married my wife Michelle, was her mother. At 47, my mother in law, Helen, was gorgeous-green eyes, thin and always made up and dressed to kill. But I didn’t develop a crush on her until three years later, once Michelle and I were already married with our first child. It was Helen’s 50th birthday party and she was gorgeous. Not just gorgeous for 50, most 25 year olds would have been happy to look as well preserved. That’s when the observation with my mother in law began.
Over the years, we had some flirting and frankly, semi appropriate comments between us. I’m not a big hugger and kisser of people who aren’t my wife, but with Helen, I was always happy to kiss her on the cheese as I hug her wonderful little body, often lingering just a little bit too long, letting my hands wander just enough so that if she ever wanted a sign that I’d be open to something, she would know.
One time, when my wife was giving birth, my mother in law stayed at our house to watch our other child since I had to go to work the next day and Michelle was still in the hospital. Helen was exhausted from running around to the hospital, pickup at school and shopping for everything we needed that she collapsed onto my wife’s bed just as I was getting into bed. Helen asked me to fix her a martini which I promptly did and she drained the glass pretty quickly. Helen then asked me, “do you think this is a good idea?” I responded “absolutely. We are responsible adults” (which I thought cleverly could be perceived either way). We went to sleep late, or rather, Helen passed out immediately while I nursed a hardon pretty much all night. I pretended to sleep and spill over onto the other bed and we ended up touching a few times, even spooning a bit. It was one of the biggest thrills of my life and I also developed the worst case of blue balls in my life, which I had to relieve while Helen was still there, passed out.
The next few years continued in the same manner-me longing for her, always trying to create a situation where she’d feel comfortable to go further than flirting, but it never led anywhere. We had some exciting texts-she asked me to go to the supermarket for her to pickup some ingredients and was very apologetic. I told her “not at all, it’s a pleasure. You should always feel free to summon me”. Helen wrote back “summon? I like that word. I’m going to use it” and use it she did for years as she asked me to run errands for her.
Over the years, I developed quite a masturbation habit, fantasizing about my mother in law several times a day. It completely sapped my energy, sex drive and interest in my wife. Michelle walked in on me jerking off once and was very upset. She asked me how often I masturbated and I was honest with her (although of course without telling her who I was fantasizing about). Michelle felt strongly that masturbating was essentially cheating on her and she asked me to cut it out. I tried to curb my habit but sex with Michelle to be honest was pretty lame and disappointing so I returned to my fantasy world very often. This developed into a major dividend between us; really the only issue we ever fought about. I would tell her that I wanted to stop and channel my focus to her but that I just didn’t have the willpower or ability to do that.
So, after looking for advice on the internet, my wife bought a chatty cage for me to try out. I actually really liked it-it felt snug and after a while it felt “right” and when I’d take a break from it, I missed it. Michelle extended my lockup period from a manageable 3 days, to a week, to 2 weeks and then an unbearable month. I just barely survived the week-long sentence but anything longer practically melted my brain and turned me into a complete slave. Without my cock to fuck her, Michelle demanded my tongue much more than in the past. It started with going down on her every time she let me out to going down on her every night and sometimes in the morningg as well. I really enjoy eating pussy. With my small dick, it’s the only way I really know that I’m pleasing my woman. However, being locked up for increasing long periods of time was incredibly difficult, a true ordeal.
In the meanwhile, Helen and I continued to play our games. Actually, I pursued her less since getting turned on ended up causing pain and driving me even more crazy. However, Helen kept after me, “summoning” me all the time to make her life easier. One day, I brought over her favorite Starbucks drink because she had a craving but didn’t want to get dressed up; she was still in her nightgown. We embraced but rather than hug her tightly all over, I leaned my groin away from her so that she wouldn’t feel my new steel chatity cage. Helen assumed that I had an erection and insisted on a nice tight hug and then took a closer look at my bump (which now was indeed throbbing as it tried to get hard). When my dick tries to extend, it pushes the cage out, leaving a fairly noticeable bulge. Helen asked “is that for me?” I didn’t know what the right answer was-I figured a yes or a no would either get me in trouble or offend her so I just kind of shrugged. Helen asked again “did I cause that? Do you have an erection for little old me? I feel flattered. I’m a 70 year old woman!” As she said that, she reached out to my bulge. I backed up further and further (a sum total of 2 feet) as she chased it, before hitting the built-in bookcase in her den. I ran out of space. My heart was pounding and my whole body shaking and smoking as I was about to be discovered. Helen squeezed my bulge and had a quizzical look on her face-“what’s going on in there?” she asked. I tried to get a way with a “nothing” and then even tried to say an erection but she wasn’t buying it.
“Sam, I want you to remove your pants immediately so I can see what’s happening there!” I begged her to reconsider but she was adamant. “We’ve been playing this game for DECADES now. I bet you’vefantasized about this very moment hundreds of times. Now I demand to see what’s in your underwear.”
Helen sat back on the couch in her den and extended her hand, motioning for me to stand in front of her as I removed my pants. I tried to keep my bulky underwear on but she yanked it down. She was shocked! “What is that? and why do you have it on you?”
I told her it was a chatity cage that Michelle locks me in so that I wouldn’t masturbate and focus all my sexual energy on her pleasure. She was fascinated as she tried to understand how the cage worked. I explained how it prevented me from getting hard or even holding my dick on my hand as so many men love to do to feel masculine. I told her that it’s a special kind of lock that can’t be clipped or picked and that she kept the key.
“Oh, so THAT’s what the key around her neck is for! When I asked her what it was, she said the key to your heart! I guess in a way, she was telling the truth!”
Helen then asked me “well, does it work? Have you stopped masturbating? Are you paying more attention to Mickey?”
I answered “I haven’t masturbated in 4 months now, so yes it works very well. And yes, I’ve become obsessed with serving Michelle both sexually and otherwise.”
“Wow, sounds great. But isn’t she punishing herself? Doesn’t she wants to have intercourse sometimes? I mean, your penis looks really, really small but it’s still big enough hopefully for her to feel SOMEthing.”
I responded “well, actually I give her a lot of oral which she love. And when she really needs penetration, she has a sheath that goes over my penis and adds 4″ to my 5”.
“Wow, I always know that Michelle had you wrapped around her finger but this is something else! I understand why SHE would enjoy receiving oral but how do you feel about giving it?”
“I actually LOVE giving oral. Michelle now requires me to go down on her for a substantial period of time every evening so that her orgasms will exhaust herand help her sleep better and often she likes to wake up to cunnilingus as well”, I told her. Although I was still self-conscious and embarrassed to be telling my mother in law all of this, I was setting in and getting a bit more comfortable.
Helen smiled a wicked smile and her left eyebrow went up. She thought for a second as she formulated what she was going to say next. “You know, my generation didn’t really go for this kind of stuff. Your father in law never did that for me and frankly, I’m seeing more and more of it in the movies and on TV and I’ve wondered. How would you feel about showing me what it’s like?”
I hesitated and my voice weak and quivering, “if you’d like me to, I’d be happy to serve you”.
“Serve! Another great word to add to my summoning. Maybe I’ll summon you to serve me. I love it! OK, I want you to run upstairs and grab the sleep mask from my night table-I don’t want you peeking at your mother in law-it’s not appropriate.” I started to penguinMy way over there as my pants were down around my ankles, but Helen told me to just remove my pants and underwear altogether plus my shirt as I ran to serve her. I brought back her mask in no time. She told me to get on my knees in front of her and I dropped into place. She told me to put on the mask and I compiled. I then heard movement and then the scent of my mother in law’s pussy hit the open air. She pulled my head towards her. Since this was her first time, I wanted to slowly build things up, so I teased her a bit. Just slight touches of the clip and a lot of licking of her inner and outer lips, some tonguefucking of her hole.
Helen began to gyrate and started humping my face as her hand grabbed a handful of my hair. She positioned my face right onto her clip-the-woman is never subtle-and I focused my licks on her clip, getting faster and faster until Helen’s thighs locked on my head, she arched her back and let out a satisfied moan. I got up since the position wasn’t verycomfortable for me and I figured we were done. Helen grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down “who said you were done? I think you will be eating my pussy a lot in the future. How about from now on, when I SUMMON you to SERVE me, instead of trying to cop a feel of my butt, you dropped to your knees and service my pussy! Now lick!” I continued to lick Helen for another hour and countless orgasms-she waved me away since she was so thoroughly exhausted. As I left her house, Michelle texted me asking where I was-that she wanted her pussy slave at home serving her immediately. I was now going to be a slave to two demanding women and loving it!
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