The Long Afternoon

Chapter One

She knew he was feeling frisky, and feeling playing herself, she decided to tease him for a while. Blindfolding him, she led him over to the barstool and removed his clothes.

“Sit,” she said, and proceeded to tie his ankles to the legs of the stool and his hands to the sides…as he had often done to her.

Unbuttoning her shirt she offered one of her nipples to his mouth. He loved her breasts more than anything…and she felt an electric charge as he gently chewed on her nipple.

Knowing he couldn’t see her, she quietly pulled away and remained perfectly still. Not knowing if she was near, he tried to sense what she was doing… where she was. She bent down and slowly teased him with her mouth, sending a shiver through him as he moaned slightly. As his arousal became apparent, she suddenly stopped.

“I’m going to paint,” she told him. “For the next hour you will wait, and I’ll be back from time to time to keep you in suspension.”

“You can’tcome until, and if, I decided you can, and if you do you’ll be very sorry… you’ll have to please me daily with no orgasm for at least week.”

With that she left the room.

He really had no idea how long it had been since she left to paint. 15 minutes? 30? His thoughts were consumed with her beautiful breasts…her cute spankable butt. Would he spank her…probably not. Not this day. She was in charge now. He pictured laying her back on the bed…

…he became suddenly aware of something cool on his nipples. As she poured the lotion on his chest it ran down his stomach and she began tracing it down to his penis. He felt her pour lotion on it as she began gently, sensitively massaging it until his breathing grow quicker and his head leaned back. He felt her warm mouth gently cares him…as slowly she stroked him until she sensed he was straining to stop his orgasm. He knew he shouldn’t come…but she was a master and knew exactly how to bring him to the heightof pleasure.

She withdraw that pleasure…but only momentarily. He became aware of her fingers on his erect nipples…gently rubbing them until they were hard…and then pulling and squeezing them until it felt like electric shock waves were cursing through him. He bit his lip but enjoyed the pain…and pleasure. It was as if there was a direct connection from his nipples to his penis as he anticipated her hands returning to Continue their gentle massaging…

But then she stopped.

“Not yet sweetie…I have some things to do” as she untied him from the chair. I’m going to town for a few things… should be back in 2 hours. I expect when I get back to find you in position and presenting yourself. Don’t disappoint me.

He knew, of course, what that means. “Ok…I wouldn’t think of it,” he said with a chuckle.

He watched as she got in the car and drive off. Should be back in 2 hours meant maybe an hour, maybe 3 hours. Maybe she would turn around and come backin 15 minutes. He had to be ready whenever…which means he needed to prepare immediately and might have to wait in position for hours.

Opening the drawer, he picked out and put on the red thong with openings for his penis and balls. She liked the red one. It separated the package so to speak lol. He then put the black rubber ring, with a string attached, around his balls. She seems to enjoy his balls…likes to pull them…likes to use the small flogger on them…all things he had suggested and she took to wholeheartedly. They are considerably larger than average…and even more so when it’s been a while since she let him have relief.

Recently he had made an association of various small floggers, some more aggressive than others, but all make their point well known…and he would have to admit he found them very erotic.

In a different drawer he got out a small vibrator for her pleasure, and a couple of the penis/ball floggers.

It’s time to get in position. Closing the door he knees on the end of the bed with his legs spread as wide as possible. Pulling the string attached to his ball ring up over his shoulders, he puts his head down and pulls the string up, presenting everything in their glory. He places one of the floggers on his buttocks for her, and the other floggers, vibrator, and gel are on the bed next to him.

Now it’s time to wait…

…and wait.

There was no denying His state of arousal, and the anticipation of what was to come kept him there. After what seemed like hours he heard the door open.

“I see you’re ready for me.”


“Yes what?”

Uh oh. She’s in that mood. No more ‘sweetie’. Things had changed and he was in trouble.

“Yes madam. I deserve a severe punishment. Please punish me as you see fit.”

“That’s better. You are in for a long afternoon. Pull those balls up up tighter and present yourself properly.”

“Yes Madam.”

She gently raked her nails down the shakeof his penis. He instantly responded with a sight…and felt his stretched member grow even harder. He was incredibly sensitive to her rubbing the underside of the head of his penis and felt ready to exploit after having been erect for over three hours.

She knew that and stopped immediately.

It was time for his punishment. She picked up the longer flogger off of his buttock and ticckled his balls with the tails. He I’m going to fix myself something to eat. When I get back we’ll get serious!”

She left the room…

To be continued


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