The Lonely Girl Ch. 01

A cute, slightly short blonde girl, Beth was a surprisingly lonely girl at college. She wasn’t popular enough to hang out with the “cool” group yet she wasn’t geeky enough to hang out with the “uncool” group. She didn’t quite fit in anywhere.

She wouldn’t admit it, but she had developed a crush on a girl called Olivia. Olivia and her friends had always been so horrible to Beth, but she still admired Olivia for reasons she was unsure of; she liked to think it was because no one else paid her attention so she was grateful for what she got, but the truth was that she enjoyed how Olivia treated her. She would do anything to talk to her, to be noticed by her, to be touched by her.

Olivia had always made snide comments to Beth, but when things escalated to the point where Olivia forced Beth to show her tits to her and her friends so they could comment on how unsatisfactory they were, her pussy was soaking wet even though she wanted to cry. But that set the tone for the rest ofthe year. From that point on, Beth slowly became Olivia’s slave.

This new dynamic was hammered into her head the day when Olivia first saw her in the bathroom and ordered her into a cubicle with her. She didn’t have much time to hesitate as Olivia pulled her in and locked the door. She pulled off Beth’s t-shirt and throw it on the dirty bathroom floor before doing the same to her bra, with Beth doing little to resist – she was a bit too shocked, confused, scared, and simply turned on to do so. Olivia began casually slapping Beth’s tits while laughing at her.

“Why are you so pathetic anyway?” Olivia asked, giggling.

Beth was holding back tears at this point and didn’t know what she was meant to say. She just wanted to please Olivia but she didn’t know how. She was feeling a mix of emotions and she didn’t know how to react. Did what Olivia was doing mean that she liked her?

Finally Olivia stopped toying with Beth and sat down on the toilet, opened her legs, pulld her short skirt back, and pulled down her underwear. She then grabbed Beth by her hair, pulled her down to the floor, pushed her face right up to her pussy, and wrapped her legs around her head, forcing her to stay put.

“You better make me cum or things will get a lot worse for you” taunted Olivia.

Beth, lacking in sexual experience and panicking, wasn’t quite sure what she was meant to be doing, especially since she was being held there by Olivia’s legs. She simply did her best to desperately lick Olivia’s wet pussy as she became conscious that hers wasn’t exactly dry either. Resisting the urge to pleasure herself with her hands, she kept desperately trying to lick Olivia to orgasm. She so desperately wanted Olivia to consider her worthy of affection.

“I’m getting bored now!”

Beth was Once again holding back tears. She was doing all she could. She wanted to please her. She hated herself for disappointing the girl she admired so much.

Olivia released Beth from the grip of her legs, pulled her underwear back up, and stood over Beth, who was still kneeing on the floor not knowing what to do next and too nervous to do so much as move without direction from Olivia.

“That was awful. We’re doing this again tomorrow and you better make me cum next time. To make sure you don’t slack off, you are not wearing a bra for the rest of day as punishment.”

With that, Olivia grabbed Beth’s bra from the floor and put it in the toilet. She then opened the door and left Beth to quickly put her t-shirt back on again before anyone saw her. That’s when the tears finally escaped.

That night, Beth sat alone in her room thinking about what had happened as she touched herself, imagining she was licking Olivia’s pussy. She chided herself for not doing a better job at pleasure her but at the same time she found herself very turned on thinking about how Olivia had treated her. She felt so humiliated wearing her slightly damp t-shirt without abra underneath… and she was wet all day. Every time a guy looked at her and took a glance at her clearly visible nipples she secretly loved it. It was these thoughts that brought her to orgasm that night.

Little did she know this was only the beginning.

To be continued…


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