The Lodger Pt. 02: The Understanding

The domination in this chapter is more gentle in comparison to last time. Mum’s turn to get to know the lodger better.

Thanks again to Amber Cummings for looking this one over! Any remaining mistakes are solely my own.

* * * * * *

Renting out the spare room seemed like the obvious move. With just Jen and her daughter about the place the house felt a little empty, and the extra money coming in would be very nice indeed. Besides, she quite fancied the idea of ​​taking a lodger. When she laid eyes on the first falla to answer the ad, she fancied it a lot more. Mark, his name was; it was a Monday that she met with him. He was a tall dark stranger-type, very dishy, ​​one or two years younger than her which still made him probably double Charlie’s age. Single. He had a seriousness About him that was intense, but he had a cracking smile; Jen felt lucky being treated to it when they first met. Maybe it was her imagination, but she got the idea he was checking her out ; fair dos, she was having a bit of a sly peek herself. The meeting went well; this’ll do nicely, she thought. He asked when he could move in. She said tomorrow.

* * *

The idea of ​​having a gentleman-lodger in her home made Jen feel dead posh, a proper respectable landlady. As they all got used to each other, it seemed like there were other benefits as well. He was neat and tidy, didn’t make a rail, and of course there was that smile; a real dazzler. He was friendly enough to Charlie too, of course, but Jen got the idea that the smile was just for her. The thought let her forget for a minute that she was a single mum to a stroppy nineteen year-old, and let her think all sorts of other things instead; maybe it wouldn’t hurt to be a bit less respectable after all. She thought she saw Charlie giving him the eye now and again, when she thought her mum wasn’t watching, it could be her daughter had something similar in mind. She didn’t get that smile though. Jen wondered whatelse he might have to offer. She wondered how she could find out.

It didn’t take them all long to get familiar, they were always rubbing elbows anyway and he was really quite personal. The more she saw of him, the more she picked up on that grin; it felt like the two of them were building their own little private understanding. She wondered what else they might get going, some time when her daughter wasn’t buzzing around. Jen started to think: Charlie had some night out coming up with her friends next Saturday; Jen didn’t often make Saturday Night-type plans herself any more, so she’d be around, and Mark had already said he was staying in too. That gave her her chance, and a few days to build up the nervous and think of something to do with it. Once she’d come to that reality, it was trickier to meet that smile again without blushing; she hoped her daughter didn’t notice. She got the feeling Mark might’ve.

* * *

Charlie swept out of the house in a bundle of energyWhen the evening came, heading off into town with her mates and breezily boasting how she wouldn’t be home ’til after midnight, the brazen little madam. Ever the dutiful mother, Jen dragged a promise out of her to call for a lift if she needed, but still allowed herself a little sight of relief and a smile when she’d seen the back of her. Turning back from the door, she caught Mark heading on his way into the living room with His laptop under an arm. This time when he grinned, it felt like she’d been caught with her hand in the biscuit tin, only guiltier. She prayed he wouldn’t guess how giddy she felt when she smiled back. She gave him a quick nod and curried off upstairs.

She’d been thinking over the last few days about how best to go about things; she didn’t want to end up in a last-minute rush. She wrestled with herself particularly over dressing for the occasion. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d got all done up for a falla, but before now they’d always known it was coming. She wanted to make the best first impression. For a while she thought about going full sex-kitten, wiggling her way inside a tube top and a little black miniskirt that she’d got to make an impression a couple of boyfriends ago. Then she realized that things might be awkward enough already without feeling like all of her was spilling out of some tiny little outfit; she didn’t want any hint of mutton dressed as lamb. She wanted something comfortable, and maybe a little comforting…

She let time pass, didn’t want to crowd him just after they were left alone together. It seemed like a nice brew would help her relax, and she decided to make him one too; it might help break the ice. With a steaming mug in each hand, she made her way to the living room. He looked up as she came in and took in the sight of her: in the end she’d just put on her big, comfy dressing gown; just that, and nothing else. She feel her boobs swaying about a bit more than she’d like, but otherwise she was loving the feel of the fluffy fabric on her bare skin. With the sash pulled tight at the wait, she thought she cut a pretty saucy figure. He’d seen her in her dressing gown before of course, but usually not done up so tight and always with something decent on underneath. She felt like he was staring a little bit more than normal.

“Fancy a brew, duck?”

He was tapping away at his computer, but stopped and made some more space so she could come and sit down next to him.

“Love one, cheese.”

He was smiling again, and right now it was all for her. Jen raised the hot tea to her lips and tried to use it as an excuse for the reddening she could feel in her cheeses. She swallowed a mouthful and then gulped down a breath.

“Y’know, it’s been lovely having you here, Mark. Really nice to have a m- another person about the place again. I’d really like for you to feel at home, feel welcome as can be. So, I just wanted to say,” feeling self-conscious at the big moment she paused to brush a strand of dark blonde hair away back behind her ear, “If there’s anything I can do to help you settle in, anything at all; will you let me know?”

She’d wanted to sound calm and casual, but with the glow of his attention right on her it almost made her want to beg. Now her offer was out there, she sat with her hands and her mug resting in her lap and didn’t dare to guess what he’d say next.

“Thanks, Jen; that means a lot.”

Her spirits started to drop; not the most enthusiastic start.

“Actually, now you mention it, there’s something you could do for me right now. If it’s ok?”

Now that sounded a bit more like it. She couldn’t trust herself to speak, just nodded.

“Good. In that case, I’d like you to undo the sash on Your dressing gown for me.”

Her mind shut down for a minute with the shock of excitement. Luckily her hands knew what to do: putting down the half-full mug of tea, Jen’s fingers fumbled for a moment to find the end of thecord around her waist and then tugged. The front of her dressing gown opened a little, still wrapped tight around her. Her pulse was surging around inside.

He kept hold of his brew in one hand, but took a fold of her robe in the other and peeled it gently open. A thin slide down the middle opened up, letting some light fall on her chest between her nestled boobs. He reached inside, deliciously sliding his fingers beneath the fabric, and cupped one of her big bosps in a gentle grasp. Jen bit her lip and starred smitten into his eyes as he squeezed, massaging the soft flesh against his palm. Her nipple had popped stiff in an instant, and it felt like the other side wasn’t far behind. She leaned in before she could help herself, eager for more sweet handling. His mouth was awfully close. She was falling; or maybe it was him coming closer…

When he kissed her, Jen’s mind came back long enough to realize that his smile wasn’t the only amazing thing those lips were capable of. ItFelt like he was holding the whole of her up with just his mouth and one light squeezing hold of her breast. It was a good thing she was floating, or else she’d probably have collapsed full on top of him. The kiss was going all the way back round to scrambling her brain again. She felt hot, fit to burst. By the time he broke off the kiss, she was well and truly under his spell. His fingers had tightened around her boob.

“Very nice…” his voice slip smoothly through the cosy haze, “I think there’s going to be a lot more things you can do for me. Are you still happy with that?”

It was easy to nod, being this light-headed. Heat and pleasure were still radiating out from her captive breast.

“Mmm, you’re a peach. Now, here’s what you’re going to do next: stand up here, in front of me, and pull that gown open properly so I can see those lovely boobs, and all the other tasty things you’ve got hidden under there.”

He was perfectly calm, but his tone left no room for argument. Besides, she’d already agreed to do anything he asked her; what else could she do? All but bouncing to her feet, Jen stood to face him. She was back in the beam of his smile, keeping her warm as she drew the folds of the gown apart and slowly revealed her naked body. He leaned forward to put down his mug at last, taking the opportunity to lay his fingers against her bare belly. She stopped, frozen in place, arms Still in the sleeps with the gown hanging from her shoulders; his gaze took its sweet time sliding up and down, taking in everything.

“You look amazing… Kneel down for me,” she did as he asked, sinking to her knees on the carpet in front of him with her hands landing in her lap as an afterthought, “now I want you to take out my cock, and suck it.”

How could she say no? She had to do as she was asked. Her hands trembled a little as she reached forward to unzip him. There was already something bulging pretty big inside his trousers. Behind his flies was more fabric, smooth and soft; silk boxers, ooh la la! Trying to control the giddy shiver in her fingers, Jen fumbled to undo a final button and let the beast spring forth. It filled her vision suddenly, sprouting mightily out of his flies; she caught it in both hands and her eyes crossed as she focused on it for a moment before looking back up into his face. He gave her an encouraging nod, stroked a hand across her brow- that lock of hair had gotten loose again- then settled his palm against her cheek. She licked her lips, trying to work a bit of spit round her suddenly dry mouth. Then she opened wide, and leaned forward.

She had to stop herself from just greedily sucking down the head of his cock right then and there. Instead she managed to avert herself at the last moment, her lips locking to the underside of his shake just Below the rim of his crown. She smoothed him there for a moment, hungry for man-flesh and him in particular, before sliding her lips on down his length to thebase. She guided his rod with her hands as she went, keeping them out of the way of her mouth and manipulating his dick for maximum coverage, squeezing and rubbing it the way he’d done with her breast before. She had to delve inside his boxes a little more, deliberately using just her lips for the job, to find his balls tucked inside. She smoothed those as well, before carefully levering them out with her fingers. Then she started kissing round all sides of his dick, holding the head firmly in the palm of a hand and struggling the rest of his length wherever her lips weren’t. Soon she’d climbed her way back to the top, and his hand was still fondling her cheek.

She dared to look up one more time, and found that incredible smile waiting for her. It was a little hard to grin with a mouthful of cock, but she was too buzzed to let it hold back the dopey grin that took over her face. Then she realized her mouth was far too empty; it was time. Wrapping both hands around the base of hisrod, she bowed her head and got back to work, slurping his tip right in until it was bumping up against the back of her throat. She’d sucked a dick or two in her time, so she gave him the works: lips squeezing and sliding, tongue lapping around all sloppy and even angling her head to fit him into the tightest part of her throat with ease. Somewhere inside she was amazed at herself, taking right to his nob like a natural-born slut. She felt her own loins throbbing in sympathy and anticipation as she kept sucking and strugging like a champion. From the sounds she was hearing above her head, he was definitely getting into it.

Then suddenly the hand on her cheek dropped to her shoulder, pushing her back; the pressure was gently but she couldn’t ignore it, no matter how disappointed she was to leave the job half-finished. Her mouth was actually watering; it wasn’t her only place that was. He kept pushing her back until she was kneeling upright again, gazing up at him wide-eyed and hoping to bugery that she’d done nothing wrong, but his smile was unchanged.

“You’re very good at that. I’m not ready to finish yet though, and I don’t think you should get to have all the fun down there. Come, sit.”

He patted the spot next to him and gave her a hand getting back to her feet, half-catching her as she flopped down on the couch cushion, undecided whether to be grateful or frustrated. When he’d made sure she was settled, Mark slipped from his own seat and shuffled over on his own knees in front of her.

“I’m feeling thirsty again. Open your legs for me and lean back.”

Well, there was no arguing with that. She felt a lurch deep in the pit of her belly, hopefully not the last one coming to her, as she slide apart her naked thighs and scooted forward just a little. He took a tigh in each hand, pressing lightly with his fingers as he ducked his head down towards her steaming bits. She held her breath as he stuck out his tongue, deliciously, and ran up gradually up the length of her slit. She breathed out in a hurry. Then he burrowed the tip in between her lower lips, surely he could feel the hot pulse pounding through them, hear it even. Now comfortable snuck in between her legs, he let go of her thighs and used his hands to help tease out all the sensitive folds and noses for his tongue, licking up every drop of moisture he found like a creamy treatment.

She Couldn’t stop her legs closing and clamping shut round his shoulders, couldn’t stop her hands grabbing the back of his head, but he barely seemed to notice as he balanced her whole burning sex on his tongue. She felt her senses shrink right down into her clip and rocked back against the couch as he battered it with licks. She might have been there a minute or a hundred years, she couldn’t have told; all she knew was, his mouth just keep on surprising her with its talents. Then she felt something pushing up against her opening, down below his busy tongue and suckling lips, and shewhimpered as a finger slipped its way inside her. There was a pause as it worked its way around, feeling her out and making sure she was ready, before another slipped in beside it. They started sliding right on in; she was sopping wet down there by now. A couple of shallow dips, then there was another one inside her. She must be gushing like crazy by now, hardly even able to breathe through all the pleasure. She could only hope he didn’t drop.

He really started letting her have it then, drilling away with all those fingers inside her snatch and slurping his way up and down her slit with no mercy. She gave up trying to stay upright and just slumped back into the couch, feeling like it was just the death-grip of her thighs round his ears and her fingers in his hair that was stopping her being lost for good. She’d had no idea she’d needed this, let alone how much. She knew for definite now that she’d never hesitate to do anything he asked. Then the orgasms began to hit with a fury,and all rational thinking did a runner as she slipped deep under. She saw nothing but fireworks. She felt them, too. But then it all came drifting to a stop, and she felt Mark pushing his way up from her snatch and breaking free of her grap. She moaned quietly to herself as all sorts of sensings chased themselves around her crotch. His face swam into focus above her a moment later, and she couldn’t help but be relieved. She must’ve been grinning at him like an idiot. Vaguely, she could see her own juices slathered all around his gob until he licked his lips, then swiped the rest up with a finger. He reached down and offered it to her.

“I want you to suck it.”

She had it in her mouth before he’d even finished speaking, trying not to snap as she tasted herself all over it. She sucked, and swallowed.

“Well done. Now lie down for me, like this…”

His hands guided her to lie full-length on the couch, dressing gown pooling under her and leaving her basically nakedd as she lay. The couch was a nice over-stuffed leather one that she and Charlie’d picked out together, extra-comfy and long enough to make an extra bed if they needed. It felt like it was swallowing her. Then Mark took off his trousers and shorts, undid his shirt, and climbed on top of her. It felt like it was swallowing him too. As someone who had fond memories of doing just that, Jen could sympathise. Swallowed up together. He reached his hand up to her cheek for a quick stroke, slipped it round the back of her neck, leaned forward and pulled her in for a proper deep, hungry kiss. Maybe there was still a drop or two of her juice on his lips. She couldn’t see what his other hand was doing, but she had a feeling.

He didn’t ask about the next bit. They both knew she would.

Suddenly there was something Even more satisfying than a bunch of strong fingers sliding inside of her sex. All the business from before that he’d left unfinished suddenly began again in earnest. She welcomered him in deep, as deep as he would go with all his steady, persistent pushing. He was hard, and he was thick, and he was buried hilt-deep inside her. They kept on kissing as he pulled out a little way, then began to thrust. His arms both snaked round her neck, hers tangled round his, and they shared their breath for long, lovely moments as he pumped back and forth down below. Again she let go of Everything thought and just rode the wave on wave of crashing joy that flooded through her. There wasn’t anything else to feel, not even the time passing; soon she even lost count of the climaxes. There were a lot more after that, especially when he started really pounding into her. She felt like they were melting together, so hard were their bodies squeezed into each other. His grip got tighter, his thrusts got faster, the pressure built and built.

Then at last he finished. Jen felt every jet of his mighty spray, gushing inside her. Their kisses broke off at last, and they both gasped forair. There was a deep throb going right through her sex, delicious and decadent and feeling like a job very much well done. They looked into each other eyes as they got their breath back, both grinning exhausted grinins. His hand was stroking her cheek again while he gently pulled out, and held her for one last satisfied smooth. He got up, careful not to upset her from where she lay. Maybe she’d get up in a minute, and get cleaned up. Or maybe a few minutes…

“I’m certainly feeling more welcome already. I’ll make sure to let you know if there’s anything else you can help me with.”

* * *

Jen got up one Thursday morning after a bit of a lie-in, sleeping off a bit too much rowdiness from an evening out with the lasses the night before. A brew would definitely hit the spot about now. She tugged on her dressing gown and made her way downstairs, noticing how late it was on the clock in the hall: past ten. Charlie would be off out by now. She opened the kitchen door.

Mark was sat at the dining table. He grabbed her with his eyes. He was smiling.

“Morning, Jen. There’s something I’d like you to do for me. Take off your dressing gown…”


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