The Lodger Pt. 01: The Arrangement

A strict-domination/degradation story about a Northern lass (please excuse this Southerner’s interpretation) trying her luck with the new lodger, under her mum’s nose…

Thanks to Amber Cummings for proofing/previewing!

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The new gentleman-lodger moved in on a Tuesday. Charlie’s mum Jen insisted on calling him that, she said it sounded more classy. He was in his forties, around her mum’s age, dark-haired and maybe a bit brothery-looking. Charlie thought he was fit, for an older guy; and in general, really. As he settled in he kept mostly to himself, but she often noticed him smiling at her mum for maybe a little longer than necessary now and again; it seemed like mum noticed as well, always beaming back, and watching him slyly whenever he left the room. The times when he glanced at Charlie, she couldn’t help feel a little jolt herself.

She’d had boyfriends before, on and off. So did her mum sometimes, and Charlie couldn’t help but find herSelf drawn to them just a little more than her own. Not that she’d ever try moving in on them, she’d never do that to her own mother; well, that and she’d always been too nervous. This time though, for all her mum’s making gooey eyes at the Guy behind his back, it wouldn’t technically be stealing or anything. Besides, she wanted to make him notice her as much as her mum. More. It was time to see what she’d been missing out on with all those older guys before.

It took her a few weeks to work up the nerve, enough time for them all to get comfortable with living around each other. While she was trying to get the bottle to make her move, she found herself cringing inside every time the Guy and her mum shared a grin. Maybe she was imagining things, but it looked like they were getting cosier together every day. She had to wait until just the right moment, when she knew mum would be out for a good while and the Guy would still be around; he didn’t seem to go out much on the weekends, and mum went out for brunch with her mates now and again (very classy) and stayed out for a few hours. Late in the morning would be perfect; Charlie bided her time. She went for it at last on a Sunday.

Then, it took all morning to get ready and decide what to wear. In the end, she ‘borrowed’ a little black leather miniskirt and tight white boob tube from her mum’s wardrobe (handy that they were the same size, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to know what mum had got them for). The shocking pink thong-and-wonderbra combo she’d snapped on underneath were a recent sly buy of her own. The blonde hair she wore down to her shoulders was freshly conditioned and brushed into soft curves around her face, her mouth got a coat of a dark scarlet lippy of her mum’s she’d always had her eye on, her eyes were newly plucked and she had lashes for days. She only left off when there was a sexy stranger (she hoped) looking back at her from the mirror.

It was a bit of a pain to totter ontothe thick living room carpet in a pair of mum’s best heels, but she coveted them and they were strappy and red and grogeous and the final thing she needed to feel like a proper pornstar when she made her advance on the Guy. Still sort of awkward going, but she plastered on a big saucy smile and pushed on regardless. He was sat on the couch, clacking away idly on his laptop, and looked up straight away when she came in. He was staring right at her. Charlie didn’t feel a jolt so much as a whole lightning bolt.

“Hiya, duck. Wanna brew?”

It seemed like an obvious opener, but her heart sank when she saw the half-full mug on the coffee table in front of him. Still, he leant forward and reached out a long arm, wrapped his fingers around the barrel of the mug and raised it in one smooth motion, downing the rest with hardly a sound. When he lowered the mug again she realized with a start that he hadn’t looked away from her the entire time.

“Thanks,” he stretched it towards her, dangling it from a couple of fingers, still pinning her to the wall with his stare.

There was a short gap while Charlie went and actually made the tea, quietly cursing herself for the stupid idea and the wasted time. The Guy was still there when she got back at least. He closed his laptop and put it down on the coffee table, then shifted over a little on the couch. Making room for her. Holding the steaming mug in front of her like a shield, she shuffled into the room and tried her best to drop gracefully down on the seat. After a second or two, she handed him the mug; he took it without a word and put it down next to the computer. She was right there next to him, he was gazing right into her eyes, she had him right where she wanted.

“Fancy a jump?”

She’d tried her best to sound confident, but the words fell out of her Stupid gob like they were trying to escape. Idiot! He didn’t look away though, one of those killer grins even starting up. She didn’t know whether tostare more at his eyes or his lips. They both seemed hungry all of a sudden.

“Charlie. How old are you?”

She hadn’t been expecting that one.

“Wha… Fook off!” she rolled her eyes in protest, “I’m nineteen, me!”

“What’s that, dog years?”

She giggled hysterically; it seemed like the best bet.

“Oi! I am too…”

His grin was widening as his gaze narrowed, but she hoped it was just for effect.

“Hah, well then,” the Guy paused, but he was clearly milking it; she was almost sure. Then, “Ok. You really want it? Here are the rules: first, don’t call it a ‘jump’. This isn’t a bouncy castle. I don’t jump, I fuck; understand?”

Charlie flushed from ear to ear with the intensity in his tone; she wasn’t used to hearing him like this, the Guy had always been so quiet and polite. There was something predatory in the way he leaned in slowly towards her, which made her want to just lie back and be devoured. It took her a few moments to notice he wasStill waiting for an answer, so she nodded dumbly.

“Good. I fuck you. I’ll fuck your cunt with my hard prick. Maybe I’ll fuck your tight little arsehole as well. Maybe I’ll grab your head in both hands and fuck your mouth, and your throat. Or maybe,” he reached over with a hooked finger and plucked one after the other the bright-pink straps of her bra, exposed as they were over her bare shoulders, “some time I’ll yank off your top, tug open your bra and wank myself off all over your plump young tits. But you have to ask for it. Nicely and politely; that’s rule number two. Got it?”

The surprisingly obscene language and rapid-fire delivery left Charlie speechless, her head spinning. She hadn’t expected this at all, but she wanted more of it. Another nod, quick and impatient.

“Good girl. Last rule, then: I bet you don’t want Jen finding out, not right now. I won’t tell if you don’t…”

Charlie just about managed to find her voice again.

“What, mum? Oh god, no!”

The Guy’s chuckle felt like warm, sticky honey scratching softly over every inch of her body. The hairs rose all along her spine.

“Well then. Is there something you want to ask?”

Finally, here she was.

“…Fuck me…”

He raised an eyebrow.

“Please… Please fuck me- m-my cunt. Please, fuck my cunt!”

He leaned back, hands folded in his lap, the pressure of him withdrawing from her personal space. He seemed satisfied.

“Get up,” his voice was back to calm, quiet smoothness, “stand in front of me.”

She did what she was told; she wanted to be a good girl. He stayed leaning back on the couch as she stood up and moved to face him, her feet creeping close to his.

“Now take your top off. Do it slowly.”

This was showing herself off like she never had before. Charlie’s arms trembled as her fingers slipped beneath the boob tube’s hem and dragged upward. She was anxious as it covered her eyes, blinding her for a moment, but the Guy was still there in the same spot when she pulled the top clear of her head at last. She didn’t dare look down too far in case her chin got lost in the awesome cleavage she was packing in this bra; worth every penny.

“Very nice, you have beautiful tits. Now get rid of the skirt. Slow, again…”

More confident now on hearing the sincere-sounding compliment, Charlie felt a little smile slide its way onto her lips. She tried a quick, teasing side-to-side shake of her boobs as she bent over and took hold of the skirt’s waistline. Then she started sliding it down, little by little, shimying her hips a good bit more than she needed to as the skirt went over them before dropping to the floor. She straightened and stepped outside of it, her power moment softened by the carpet swallowing her high heels a bit.

The Guy leaned forward and his fingers brushed along her bare thigh. His touch on her naked skin made Charlie shiver straight away, unable to help herself. By the timeHis hand rounded her hip she was almost back in control; when he gripped and squeezed, her breath caught in her throat. With the fingers of his other hand, he started to probe the delicate fabric of her pink thong. When his fingers slipped inside her knickers, Charlie gave him a little gasp in reward. Then there was an intruding cluster of fingertips running up and down the outer folds of her… Her cunt.

It feel like the Guy knew What he was doing. First the fingers divided into two groups running up and down the outsides of her lower lips, pushing gently and squeezing together a little to make her bits start getting puffy. It felt almost like a thunderstorm was starting far off in the distance, all inside her knickers. She pushed her hips forward without thinking and he pushed back harder in response. It already felt better than any time she’d been fingered in the past. Definitely seemed like he wasn’t to be rushed, though; she accidentally let out a little squeak of eager impAtience. It was only about then that she realized he was still staring up right into her eyes, and her knees wobbled.

Maybe that was what the Guy had been waiting for, because right then his fingerprints split up and started the real job. He spread her lips apart like petals on a flower and held them there, pushed flat by a fingerprints laid along each side; the pad of his thumb started snuggling its way inside the hood of her clip. Another squeak got out when he touched her nub. Lastly, another finger was curling down the middle of her slot looking for the entrance of her… Cunt. God he was good! His hand must be bent around like a spider. She still didn’t dare look down. She couldn’t look away from his eyes anyway.

The mean sod didn’t let up on the eye-contact as he started to tap out a little rhythm like Morse code or Something on her clip, all while his other fingers carried on massaging the rest of her bits. It was annoying, but incredible. Charlie started to breathe hard, like she was panting along with every tap. She felt so embarrassed, which felt so right. She carried on standing in the middle of her living room, in her little pink undies, while the strange man she lived with carried on making her all hot and bothered.

She was moaning properly by the time he decided to move on to something else. When he pulled his hand out of her knickers suddenly, leaving just a hollow throb in her over-excited bits, her eyes rolled up in her head and she nearly fell right over into his lap. His hand still gripping her hip kept her upright, right up until it was pulling her down towards him. She ended up in his lap after all. His eyes were even more hypnotic when they were hardly further away than the end of her nose. She squirmed in place, her crotch rubbing against his; then suddenly there was a hand Around her throat, squeezing gently, pulling her mouth forward onto his. As she closed her eyes and tried not to sink completely down into the kiss, the hand slitHered up and round to push firmly on the back of her head. It looked like she was stuck here. Realising her arms had nothing to do, she wrapped them tight round the Guy’s neck and shoulders and grabbed on for dear life as he did his best to suck the lipstick right off her lips.

It was only once they broke off for a second that Charlie realized she’d forgetten to breathe for a while. Gulping in some air, she finally looked down and suddenly realized there was a cock staring back up at her. Even from up here it looked like a mountain. How the hell was she supposed to climb up that? The Guy had her covered, though: the hand he’d used to free that monster from his trousers joined with the other in reaching under her thighs to give a little lift, one of his fingers lightly hooking aside the fabric of her thong as he did. Peeking out at the world, there was her… Cunt. She held her breath again as he moved her gently over to the tip of his dick, then slowly let her down. He slip intoher like butter; she nearly failed. Her arms grabbed his back even tighter. One of his snaked round and trapped her body against him; the other hand went back to squeeze her throat. She had to gulp a quick lungful of air before he sealed his mouth over hers again. She squeezed her eyes shut, and he squeezed up inside her with his big, fat cock.

The next thing she knew, she was rocking back and forth on his lap, grinding away like she had no shame, desperate for him to fill her up completely. The arm around her back slide its hand down to her arse, grabbing a chef tight in clawing fingers; trapping her totally, he began to guide her movement. He didn’t let her buck and understand like she wanted; instead she was forced to go slow, twisting his dick around her insides with a delicious and infuriating grind. He filled her up so much, the head of his nob rubbing right against so many sensitive spots. She wanted to scream but it was swallowed up by the tongue puzzle her tonsils. There was nothing but blindness and bliss. Then she felt him moving, gathering as if to pounce even from underneath her. Even the crushing weight of his kiss wasn’t enough to stop her shrinking moan as he thrust upward with his hips and buried himself good and deep in her soaking-wet cunt. He did it again, and so did she, so he stopped kissing her at last and just held on as he started to pump away, batterying her poor body with his hefty, throbbing dick. Her senses jangled every time he went balls-deep and she sobbed for breath in between every ecstatic moan.

He let go of her neck to grab her arse in both hands, the better to steady her against the relentless pounding. She slumped her chin down on his shoulder, cheese mashed against his ear, tits smoked into his face, arms locked round his broad back with a vengeance. She still hadn’t opened her eyes, and her moans were now one long, luxury wail. The experience was well past overwhelming; she felt like her strength would drain awayAny second. Every thumb of pleasure was rolling together into one continuous wave, rising and rising to an impossible peak. It took a while to realize that she was cumming, every part of her clamping down around every part of him and rocking with the beat, and it didn’t seem like stopping anytime soon. She’d be lucky if she wasn’t limping after all this.

She felt the Guy grunt from where his face was buried in her clleavage. His thrusts got even faster, his hands tugging her down onto him at the top of each one for extra force. She felt him tense up, dragging a hand from her arse chef up to the back of her head, tugging on her hair. He peeled her back away from him a little, just enough so she could lock eyes with him again. His breathing was ragged; she’d lost track of hers ages ago. His star nailed her again as he finally burst, spraying His cream into every corner of her insides. They rocked together for a few moments more, riding out the stormy eruption and then just carrying on on autopilot until they suddenly couldn’t go on any longer. His breath burst out in a rush, hers with a whimper as she collapsed on top of him. He was warm and firm and somehow soft and so, so comforting, and his arms just wrapped her up in exhausted rapture. She couldn’t speak and didn’t want to move so she just sat, curled quietly up in his lap.

She had to shift it sooner or later, If only so the Guy didn’t lose all feeling in his legs from the weight of her. When he realized what she was about he pulled her in for one last quick snog, then helped lift her up. She felt his dick slide out of her at last- still decently hard, good for him- and then she was straightening up on wobbly legs. The front of her thong shifted back into place now it was no longer being held aside, and her cunt felt stuffed full of his cum even without his cock still in there, but a thin dribble of the silky spunk still managed to trickle down the inside of her thigh. She felt used, sordid and deepply satisfied. Hoping she could totter away alright on the heels, she turned to go and get cleaned up before her mum got back. As she did, she caught his eye one last time.

“You want another go, you know what to ask for.”

She nodded, and grinned.

“Good. Looks like the tea’s gone cold, any chance of another while you’re up?”

* * *

It was a Wednesday.

“Alright love, I’m off out with the lasses. Don’t wait up! Bye bye, Mark…”

The Guy gave Charlie’s mum his usual glowing smile, and Charlie waved her off out the front door. Twilight was falling lazily outside, and it was just the two of them at home for the evening. Charlie turned back towards him, her pulse suddenly racing.

“Please Sir,” the title felt like a natural fit for their little arrangement, “will you fuck my tight little arsehole?”


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