Chapter Five
Anita looked down at her husband slurping up the last of her cum. Her orgasm had been so intense, she’d almost forgotten he was there, despite his being the source of at least half her excitement. The other half, Ben Jarvey, locksmith, was just ducking back into her clothes, inside her closet. She wanted desperately to reach out to him and pull him into a post orgasmic embrace, to hold him with her husband and let them both know how happy they had just made her. But now was not the right time. She would have to content herself with the post coital embrace of her husband alone.
Ben Jarvey, having slowly but deliberately re-ensconced himself in the safety of Anita’s hanging clothes, let his nerves begin to settle. His hand and cock were clean already due to his own insatiable desire to have some sexual contact with the woman, resulting in his sucking up and swallowing all his own cum. That was a first, he reflected with more than a little disbelief. This woman was pushing him to a lot of “firsts”. This was the first time he had rummaged through a client’s rooms, their clothes. It was a first for actually putting on a pair of woman’s panties, let alone that of a stranger he’d only just met. It was certainly a first time for him to watch a couple having sex, live, hidden in the closet of their bedroom. What else, he wondered, would he be doing before this entire situation was ended?
Ron Benning, husband of Anita and still horny as hell, looked up at his wife’s beautiful face with a satisfied look and smiled back at her. She seemed some distracted, or distant, gazing off at the wall behind him, but he wrote that off to his own sexual prowess. It was their mutual turn now, and he knew from experience he was in for a continued exciting time. He rose to his feet and stood before his sexy wife.
Anita stood at the sudden movement of her husband and looked up as his face rose above hers. She too rose and Ron was quick to remove her dress, pulling it up and over her head. Th bra was next and they stood naked, facing each other, with stars of intense desire and determination. They were going to fuck now, and fuck themselves to exhaust.
Ben’s jaw was hanging yet again. The sight of Anita totally naked was as exciting to him as he’d thought. She was perfectly proportioned. Her breasts, if anything, might be a bit too large for the rest of her, but they seemed perfect to Ben. Her hair hung down over her shoulders and lay lazily on the tops of both breasts. Her hips were wide, supporting fleshy butt chefs and an inviting triangle covered with little more than a one inch wide “V” of red public hair. She was a goddess to Ben. He wanted to switch places with her husband. He wanted the room to themselves. Then he abruptly remembered he was no more than a pervert in her closet and might just be in some kind of jeopardy if this stocky, lucky husband found out he was there.
Just then, they hugged andAnita looked over her husband’s should and slightly to the right to look directly at Ben. She turned on top of a broad smile. Again, Ben thought, she was doing this as much for him, as for her husband, and herself. Ben was sure there was something he did not yet know, something fundamental about Anita, this couple, that he suspected he would soon find out, in due time. “TIME!” Ben looked at his watch, Remembering suddenly that he had to move quietly. It was only just after seven, plenty of time before his wife got home. Relief. Wouldn’t that be a kick, he wondered, the one night his wife gets home after midnight and she finds he isn’t home! Cannot let that happen. Yet, how will he get himself out of this problem?
By the time he collected his thoughts, Ben saw that the two nude people before him were whispering to each other. They remained embedded, but used the position to talk softly into each other’s ears. Ben thought he saw Ron bolt once or twice, but couldn’t be sure. AnitaStill had an intermittent smile on her face and that gave Ben some comfort that all was ok. Probably some pillow talk to get each other up for the next round of raw sex. Like they might need it, Ben chuckled.
The next few seconds flew by in a flash. As well as Ben could remember it later, Ron suddenly released his wife, streaked to the close containing Ben, grabbed a hand and pulled Ben from the closet with amazing strength. He wasn’t hurt, but Ben had no chance of doing anything but going along for the ride. The guy was incredibly tough, and fast.
Ben next felt himself on the carpeted floor on his strepach, hands held behind his back, and a substantial weight sitting on his butt. There was some fumbling with his wrists and then the weight lifted. “OK, falla, stand up and let’s see what we’ve got here.” Ron helped him up with his upper arm on one side.
Ben was so surprised that it took sometimes for him to realize he was standing before Ron, in his wife’s underwear, ohe was severely naked, hands secured behind his back and totally vulnerable. Suddenly he wished he’d never met this beautiful woman, had never consented to be left alone in her house, had never had a cock and balls to tempt him into a situation that might just blow up his entire comfortable life. How he suddenly wished this was all a dream.
The husband of Anita looked up and down the naked body of the closet voyeur. He wore no more than a pair of very familiar looking panties. “You’re a piece of work, Mr. Ben Jarvey.” Ron waited for the sign of recognition on Ben’s face. It came more from his eyes, widening suddenly, shaping the beginning echoes of fear. “Oh, yes. Anita has some rather strange or should I say exotic desires, but she is always loyal to me. She always comes home to me in the end.” Ron was firm in his words and tone, yet not ominous.
“She has some intentions regarding you, it seems.” Ron continued, “And it is up to me to ensure that they are fulfilled.” He continued,saying, “So, let’s get you ready for my woman’s pleasure.” He was smiling at Ron. It seemed he liked his role of service to his mistress, was very comfortable in his space.
“First, take a good last look at my woman here, for you are about to see her no more.” Ron turned Ben towards the naked Anita and Ben could not help but take her in one more time. He was bound, standing in her bedroom with His hands secured behind his back, held by her husband, wearing her dirty panties, and yet she was so beautiful, so intooxicating, he was enranced. It just didn’t seem to matter what was going to happen next.
Ron slipped a clothes, silky in feel, over Ben’s head to cover his eyes. His last sight was that of Anita with a sly grin on her pretty face. He next felt something coupled around his ankles, and a Sudden jerk of something that pulled his ankles together, that or his ankles would be in some pain. Maneuvering on one foot to bring the other to the first, he was distracted momentarilyand a ball gag was inserted into his mouth and strapped tightly behind his head. At this point he began to worry obviously. His head jerked up as if to try and peek out the bottom of the blindfold. His head jerked in different angles trying to see whatever he could. His ears were suddenly sensitive in attempt to replace the loss of his sight. He was pushed and pulled out of the room and down the hall. With a sudden chill of fear, he realized he was being moved to the secret room he’d discovered earlier – their own private dungeon.
Chapter Six
Little was said as the trio descended the flights of stairs from the second floor bedroom to the basement. Ben listened for and was able to hear one of the two parties, probably Ron, walk behind the stairs and slap the secret door opener in the rafters. He heard the door swing an inch or two, followed by a couple more footsteps and then the door swinging wider. Ben was ushered inside firmly, but not with pain or even the hint ofmalice. “Curious,” he thought, “I am not afraid. It’s not as if they are going to hurt me.” He kept running the possibilities through his mind. Surely they must realize that he keep a schedule at his office and that this house would be the first place the authorities would come to if he didn’t show up at home tonight and was reported missing by his wife. There had been no outward signs of violence of past activity in the dungeon when he was in there earlier today, though he admitted to himself that he neither knew what to look for, or whether he would recognize such a sign if it existed.
Far more comforting was that smile he could still see on Anita’s face. She couldn’t possibly be cruel. There was no way that gorgeous red headed vixen could be more dangerous than a horny sex partner. And Ron obviously didn’t want for money, didn’t seem deranged, violent, even capable being upset. He had just been watched in password sex with his wife by a stranger in her closet wearing her dirty panties! And he hadn’t emitted so much as a hurtful expression, let alone gone into a rage.
Ben’s mind continued racing through thoughts in the interest of quelling his fears. This could, if all went the way he hoped, be a most interesting evening. He had never considered himself “bi,” but had certainly had the fansies most men have at one time or another about two women and a man, or being one of two men taking a woman. What better way to try these possibilities than to have them “forced” on himself by others? He wouldn’t be the pervert initiating such behavior, but the victim, able to make judgements during and after about whether to face his true feelings with more information and experience. This could be a fantasy coming true, and for that opportunity he was willing to go along, willing to let these people have their way with him Without resistance, well not much anyway.
The door shut with a soft click. Ben heard the sound of the blowers rise desperately to indicate the room was now on its own air filtering and circuitry. He knew already that any sound less than outright screaming would not escape this room, and even then would not escape the basement. He chuckled to himself about his decision to not resist, he really had no decision to make. Resistance would have been, and now would be futile anyway.
“So, darling,” Ron was first to speak, “What do we do with this one? Hmm? Just what did you have in mind for this locksmith of yours?”
“Ohhh,, I have some special things in mind honey, some very special things. I believe that Ben here is not used to this sort of thing.” Anita’s voice had taken on an entirely different tone. She was using a lower voice, and peppering it with a kind of guttural emphasis that made her sound more dominating, more in control, more demanding. “But first, I think we better get a full inspection out of the way. Get the suspension ropes over here.”
Ben heard Ron comply and suddenly felt wrist cuffs being applied to his hands, still secured behind his back. The fact that they were lined with a soft material like felt relieved him greatly. Surely someone interested in doing him harm would not be so considered! Moments later his original binding was released but before he could move his hands at all, they were both jerked out and up towards the ceiling, and then back together above his head. He felt he was now able to grip his fingers over a chinning bar to save some of the pressure of being held there by the suspension cuffs. Standing did suddenly get more difficult though, as the chinning bar and the cuffs were suddenly raised another four inches. He was no longer that comfortable.
“That’s better,” He heard Anita says, “Now let’s have a look. Ron, what do you think of the locksmith wearing my panties? Hmm? I also saw him sniffing the crotch.”
Ben was feeling a bit edgy with the full disclosure of more than his body. Anita was now tracing on personal secrets, personal fansies, bringing them to light in front of someone he’d never known before, the husband of the woman he was trying to seduce and fuck. The emotions were combining in his mind to begin to cloud his judgment. He blurted a couple of grosses through his gag before it reminded him he had no way to communicate.
“I think he’s trying to tell you something, Dear.” Ron’s voice came from the opposite side of Ron. “I think he’s a pervert, Baby, wearing your dirty panties. Look at his cock in them. He’s hard as nails even while we watch him.” There was no mistaken Ben’s erection. It was the one comforting thing he was feeling right now, though it was becoming borderline achy as it intensified. Ron added, “I think this behavior calls for action, Baby. I think you ought to do whatever you want with this locksmith of yours. Perhaps he needs to be broken like one of his locks, huh? Or maybe, maybe he needs a key somewhere?”
Ben suddenly clenched his butt cheats. The only place a “Key” could go was right up his poop cute. He had played with a few toys that way by himself in the past, but had never shared his ass with anyone else before, and certainly not a man. About the closest he’d ever come was some time ago when he had inserted a finger into his wife’s ass and she had responded similarly. Since then, the practice had become a bit more common, but had never extended beyond that.
Ben heard the shuffling of feet. The noises came from all around him and he assumed that they were both moving around. He heard a rolling noise then and could only assume one of the big devices he’d seen earlier was being moved around in the room. He was expecting to be whipped, and perhaps they were making room for that. Why else would they have pointed out his unauthorized voyeurism and kinky panty activity?
Hands were moving over his ass, gliding lightly and not touching his skin, but sliding over the panty clad areas. “These are MY panties, Mr. Locksmith,” Anita said, revealing gRately for Ben that the hands were hers. “Just what are you doing with them on you? Hmmm? You like to wear woman’s panties then? You like the feel of silk on your ass?” Her hands moved around to the front of Ben. “You like the feel of a woman’s silk on your cock and balls, do you?” She squeezed his cock firmly.
Ben jerked more from surprise than any pain. It feel good what she was doing on his cock. Of course the silk felt good on him! It felt even better knowing it was Anita’s hand gripping his cock through her panties and massaging his muscle up and down slightly. “You do like this don’t you, Mr. Locksmith?” The mass intensified. Ben didn’t know how long he could hold back from cumming and filling her panties with his juice.
”I see you do like it, perhaps too much my Prisoner,” Anita’s voice was trailing off, as if she were walking away! But how could that be! Her hands were still on his balls and cock! Then, clearly from across the room he heard her say, “Yes, youLike what my husband is doing to you, and you are going to love what my husband and I do to you before you leave this chamber.” She laughed out loud and in a severely guttural way. It was Ron’s hands on his cock and balls, not Anita’s, and Ben suddenly realized that it didn’t really matter! The sensings were still intense and he was about to let go a load that would prove it.
More noises and then Ben felt something flexible, like a piece of leather or plastic, pushing up against the back of his thighs. “That’s enough now Baby, we don’t want to loose him pretty now do we?” Anita’s voice came from behind him. Ron removed his hands from Ben’s body. Straps were suddenly wrapping around his waist and chest. More were applied to his thighs and ankles. Things were moving far too quickly for him to digest all the information and make out what they were doing. He squirmed involuntarily a few times but they kept up whatever they were doing without a pause.
“Ok, Hon, I think you have him now.” Ron announced to his wife. Ben could feel a lot of leather tied tightly around various parts of his body and suddenly realized he was probably in some kind of sling. He had no idea what that means, or what was next, but he was sure he was about to find out.
“Yes, I think I do.” Anita agreed, “So let’s hang him now.”
Ben reeled at the words. He reacted completely by instinct until he reminded himself there was nothing strapped around his neck. “Hang me?” He wondered, “No way!” And then his body began to swing backward at the feet, like a pendulum.
He remained fully erect and straight in body as well as in cock, as his body was gradually pivoted back and up. At about 45 degrees to the floor, his chinning bar and cuffs were allowed to drop to enable his body to become horizontal, some unknown distance off the floor.. Strangely, he thought, there was no disappoint or undue strain on any part of his body in this new position. They had applied support ofleather to all the right places and had effectively laid him down, suspended in air.
“I’ll take care of the legs now Baby,” Anita said, and Ben felt his ankles began to separate. He tested the strength of the forces dividing his stride and found he had zero impact on their movement. The ties must be on pulleys to enhance the leverage he guessed, thinking back to visions of earlier that afternoon. While this was Continuing to a create a dangerously wide chasm between his legs, he felt new strains, probably applied by Ron, which pulled his chest and wait up, and then his knees down and then forward towards his upper torso. He was being carefully and deliberately maneuvered into a position that he knew they were not only familiar with, but had specific intentions for its use. The fear level rose again, but only a point or two compared to the “Hang him,” comment earlier.
By the time the adjustments were completed, he was in a position that actually felt comfortable. His upper torso was horizontal, his knees bent double beneath him, and his ankles back at his ass and pulled apart some distance. His arms were outstretched to the sides and forward, and he was still wearing Anita’s panties. What the hell could be next?
He heard some more rolling noises. He sensed, but could not be certain, that the device, whatever it was, was to his right. He heard someone moving on or around it, and Then there was silence. The next sensing was that of the panties being snipped and removed from his body. The action was swift and he felt is cock fall down toward the floor, probably at about a 45 degree angle. His balls were also dangling and the whole position was suddenly quite stirring. He felt an involuntary flex of his waist, as if to stick his cock forward and down to see if there was anything there.
“He’s getting quite cocky again, Dear.” Anita’s voice said from his side. “Perhaps you should start before me, so we can put him back in his place.”
There was a silence again, this time Ben sensing it might be some point of indecision on the part of Ron. Finally, he heard Ron respond, “Yes, yes Anita. Whatever you want. You know that, don’t you.”
Ben was some puzzled. Was Ron being asked to do something he didn’t’ want to do? He heard some more movement, the device beside him moving around in front of him, a drawer being opened and closed, More movement behind him and then in front of him, and then silence again. He guessed that Anita was beyond his head in front of him and that Ron was somewhere else, perhaps behind him – BEHIND HIM?
At just that moment, Ben felt what could only be a finger tracing itself down his ass crack, loaded with some kind of jelled substance. It was cold at first, but that announcement was forgetten when he Felt the fingerprint enter his ass! How did Anita get behind him, he questioned his collection of events? Wasn’t she in front of him?
The fingerprint slipped in and out of his ass a couple times andBen could not help but let some of the rare pleasure gratify his body. She was very adept, pushing his muscle to the limits, but not hurting anymore than what felt pleasure at the same time. The finger lingered now, inside his ass and buried perhaps to the second knuckle or even full length, and suddenly began to rotate around inside him. The sensings were delicious and he felt his cock start dancing an arc of 30 degrees or more beneath him. She was fucking him in the ass and he was loving every second of it.
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