The Lockdown Challenge Ch. 02

Author’s Note & Trigger Warnings

This is the 6K+ words second chapter of the F/mm novella of the same name. First chapter was published in the Fetish section just a few days ago. Successive chapters might be placed either in Fetish or BDSM. Three young professionals, a venture capitalist US woman, and two immigrant high tech engineer men, are confineped together in a house-share following a draconian health lockdown. So to avoid sexual boredom, the young woman, who is a self-centered, rich and promiscuous polyandrous lifestyle Domme, decides to make her two housemates, who actually are her tenants, her newest sex toys/pets/slaves. So she proceeds to subject them to a series of teases and humiliations, and to chatity, persuading them to cooperate by promising her favorite sexual if they comply, and promising to put them on the street and in legal jeopardy if they do not.

This chapter follows their next F/mm encounter the following day, and includes DUB/NON-CON, ETHNIC-PLAY, some FORCED-BI, CBT and PETPLAY, in addition to bondage, CFNM, erotic humiliation, foot domination and worship, all at the hands of a glamorous, fetish-exploiting, wicked Domme. If any of these themes are distasteful to you, please do not read. I would rather have a happy audience than a large one. If none are, I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 2

When Diego made it to bed that night he was In a state of both high arousal and high stress from the surreal experience he had just endured with his housemates. Virginia, his female housemate and landlady, had just sprung on him and Ahmed, his other housemate and also-tenant, a fiendish bargain. Submit to her and her sexual humiliation games, and potentially win her sexual favor if he won the tournament. Fail to submit, or lose the tournament, and he would face evidence and Potentially being reported to the authorities for serious crimes he did not commit. Since Diego was a mere guest of his host country, and the world had just gone into aTotal lockdown, he felt his options where slim. He felt, in the short term, he really had no choice. So he had gone along. And the fact that Virginia, who was anything but innocent, pure or virginal, was quite the looker provided an entity. It was like he was facing the chance of winning life altering wealth, or ending in complete destination depending on the outcome. Normally he would never had taken such a bargain. But given he felt forced to, the chance of life altering wealth sweetened the bitter pill for sure.

Ahmed felt and thought more or less the same than Diego did. But unlike Diego, he also felt his virtue was at stake. For Ahmed was a pious young man, and to him, especially after the previous day, Virginia was almost a devil incarnate. Seductive, that was for sure! But also pure evil. He was terrified of her. But like any seductive demon, she had an allure, a glamor, that drew him in and made him want to straight. He was almost as afraid of losing his moral compass, as he was of losing his physical and legal security. He was afraid of what Virginia would make him do. She had already made him lick her still bleeding, menstruating vagina! But he was even more afraid that she would make him end up enjoying that, and many other things like that, that he would rather not enjoy. And that he would be morally lost.

So both young men, having lost their access to Their clothes and having ended up biometrically locked in steel chatity, went to sleep in their beds desiring and fearing Virginia in equal measure. In fact both had similar wet nightmares about her. In Diego’s, Virginia was a sexy vampire, and in his wet nightmare she came to him at night where he lay, straddled him and pinned him down with superhuman strength. Made love to him woman-on-top, and simultaneously taking a bite of his neck, drained away his blood till he died. Classic wet nightmare.

Ahmed’s nightmare was along the same lines but worse. Virginia was an even sexier demon, and also came to where he lay to straddle him and pin him down with superhuman strength. But to rape him. Rape him in the sense he could not help but be aroused and erect for her despite his will. And then she would ride him, and rob him of his seed. And when she was done, she would laugh at him with a diabolic voice, and pull away. Only for Ahmed to see his manhood rot away before his very eyes. It was, Needless to say, absolutely terrifying to Ahmed. And what all this basically means, is that less than 24hrs into her games, Virginia already had both her housemates and targets’ minds fucked real good.

That night however Virginia did not visit either of her victims. In either natural or supernatural incarnation. But plotted ahead a few of her next steps. Since she was a rich and promiscuous lifestyle Domme she already had a lot of the things she would want to use to bend Ahmed and Diego to her will. Like the chatity cages they were both locked in. And the anal plugs she had madeEach of them wear for the rest of the day. But she wanted a few more things. And she thanked the fact that the big online retailers were still making deliveries, overnight even in her city, as she ordered a couple more items for her games. Most important of which was a force multiplying hoist she would install in her living room in the morning, as she expected the package to arrive first thing. While another key item for the near future, a large heavy duty dog ​​cage, she already had in her position from her promiscuous Domme ways.

One thing which was fortuitous for Virginia and her current confidence, is that her house was very conducive to what she was up to. It was a actually a new construction that was part a luxury development of townhomes. Really, very large rowhomes, that were built in the industrial loft style, attached to one another to make them Look like a single renovated industrial warehouse. But they were separate homes that only shared side walls and had their ownentrance from the sidewalk and street. The materials were all brick, glass, steel in the industrial style. And the rooms were all very spacious. And though irrelevant in the current lockdown, the location was a downtown waterfront area. Which, under normal circumstances, had easy transportation access and plenty of dining and entertainment options. Which is one of the things, as well as the price, that had made it attractive to Ahmed and Diego to want to house share in.


Come morning, after she was done with all her usual routines, and quickly installed the hoist around a steel beam in the living room with the help of a heavy duty chain and a ladder, she decided it was time to play with the boys some more. Boys who all of a sudden seemed to be hiding from her, and each other, probably out of trepidation and shame.

“Skin, No-Skin, tournament time. So living room now!”

She called, as she stood ready and waiting for them between a few living room couches and the newly installed hoist.

Ahmed had heard the summons. But without clothes and in a cock-cage he did not quite feel like showing his face to his housemates. Not to mention he was in sexual awe, yet terrified of Virginia. But he was smart enough to understand the trouble would be greater if he pretended to not hear her. So he made his way, only to find Virginia, once again stunning, standing tall, even as he himself walked bent from his shame.

The tall slim blonde was garbed more casual than the day before, in high heeled white booties, bootcut jeans and a white stretch cotton top. Her hair and makeup, slutty and with a ponytail, was very similar to the day before. And given the top was a long sleep turtleneck, and only had a pair of cutouts in the shoulders for detail, she was showing almost no skin except for her face, Her hands, and the cold shoulders. Yet the whole ensembled fit so snugly to her body, it actually left little of her exquisite svelte figure to the imaginationtion. So Ahmed groaned as he felt his manhood stir in its cage when he saw her. And groaned further as he felt the embarrassment of his own nudity in front of his fully clothed housemate. All the more as she laid eyes on him, and gave him a malicious smile over his obvious disappointment.

More shocking was that Virginia was holding to a one yard or so length of steel pipe, with what looked like eye hooks at each end, and Ahmed had no idea what that could be for. He also noticed the garage type hoist, complete with pulleys, rope, and a small hook, that now hung from a steel beam in the high ceiling. And a large and strong looking dog cage, that he had no idea what could it be for. All those things looked quite menuing to him right now.

When Diego got there he saw and felt about the same as Ahmed had. Except Diego’s cock-cage was smaller, since having only one medium sized cage, Virginia had condemned him to wear the small one she had. The net effect of that was his own genitalDiscomfort never really quite stopped since the cage went on. And laying his eyes on Virginia, who was as tempting as the snake from paradise, only made his disappoint.

“Good Morning Virginia.”

“Good Morning Virginia.”

Went the two boys.

“Skin, No-Skin it is time for the first competition of the day. Since one of you may be fucking me, I want to make sure it is the one of you that has a manhood that is strong enough. The one of you that may be worthy of the honor, if that is even possible among the pathetic pair of you. So we will be playing a game to determine who has the strongest manhood. Are you following so far, brown boys?”

“Yes Virginia.”

Said Diego. And once again Ahmed paused before saying.

“Yes Virginia.”

Virginia gave Ahmed a dirty look, but this time let go the defiance implicit in the pause. Then she said.

“First step is, Skin put your hands behind your back. No-Skin, put these cuffs on Skin.”

Handing a setof locking menacles to Ahmed. Ahmed first gave a look to Diego, who nodded a sign of “it is ok” and turned to present his back and wrists to Ahmed. Ahmed then cuffed and locked Diego’s hands. But no sooner had he done so, Ahmed felt Virginia’s hands in his own scrotum, squeezing him hard, for his trouble.


Went the surprised young man.

“No-Skin. It is me you look to for confirmation, not your mate. Do we understand each other?”

Asked Virginia, giving Ahmed another hard squeeze in the nuts.

“Oouuu! Yes Virginia. I am sorry!”

“Then turn around and present your wrists as well!”

And after the young man did so, Virginia proceeded to manacle and lock the second brown boy as well. Now both Ahmed and Diego stood naked but for their steel caged penises, and their manacled hands behind their backs. Looking at Virginia with awe, trepidation and desire, and at each other with a little mutual camaraderie due to shared misfortune.

“Time to wipe that bromance look off your faces!”

Said Virginia, who picking up the one yard steel spreader bar she had placed on a coffee table while she dealt with the boys, proceeded to lock one end on Ahmed’s steel cock-cage. Then yanking him roughly by the bar and cock-cage to the right position, proceeded to lock the other end to Diego’s cock-cage in turn.

“Look at you two now! Joined not at the hip but by Your caged little penises! It is hilarious! Is that what you wanted?”

Asked Virginia mockingly, proceeding to yank the spreader bar to-and-fro, yanking both boys in the process too.



They both went as they pathetically had to follow Virginia’s yanks around or it felt like they were going to get their manhood’s ripped off.

“Now you two are going to play tug of war. Pull, or lean, and drag your opponent with you, or you lose. If you do not pull, I will pull the both of you, and you will suffer further consequences beyond, that I hope I do nothave to repeat. If you win the majority of 27 rounds on the other hand, you get a kiss from me.”

Said Virginia, all a sudden acting very mockingly demure and ladylike as she said that last part. And with a sharp.

“Start, now!”

Diego began to pull, even if it took a second for Ahmed to accept his situation and begin to pull as well. Diego won the first round, having made Ahmed walk after him for a couple of steps to not have his manhood yanked about. But that surprise advantage only lasted Diego one round. And since Diego had the worst fitting, smaller cage, the pain was greater for him. Not to mention Ahmed was probably net, a slightly heavier, stronger man overall.

“Come on Skin! I am sure you can do better than that! Just stiffen those brittle little balls of yours and pull like a man!”

Taunted Virginia cruelly as she laughed, thinking the whole spectacle hyperical lo watch. It really was a contest of playing chicken, even more than that of pain, let alone strength. Since as soon as one of the two young brown men felt like things were going to get too painful for him, he captured by walking after his opponent.

“Ooops! Another one for No-Skin!”

“Finally, one for Skin…”

“Too bad, another one for No-Skin.”

“Looks like Skin has the better lean back technique. All those years of dancing limbo I guess!”

“No-Skin the better pelvic pull technique. Do you have a secret life as a belly dancer that we were not aware off? Too bad you have never used that pelvis to fuck a girl in your life, virgin boy!”

Went on and on Virginia as a sadistic sports commentator, while the two brown boys grunted and yelped every now and then. Pulling each other by their caged manhood’s, while naked with their hands manacled behind their backs.

“Virginia, please…”

Began to plead Diego.

“Do not even think about it! Or there will be consequences!”

Snapped Virginia, as Diego, in severe discomfort and muted tears, continued the cruel game of genital tug of war.

Eventually Virginia counted twenty seven rounds. And though she had actually neglected to count how many each boy won, “oops”, it did not matter. Surprisingly, the less enthusiastic boy about her, Ahmed, arguably won the majority. So reaching for the spreader bar she grabbed onto it firmly. And roughly pulling the genitals of the by Now sensitive Ahmed, while pushing the genitals of the even more sensitive Diego, she moved the former towards her, the later away. While they both grunted and Virginia strictly whispered to Ahmed.

“Time for your kiss, No-Skin. Do not disappoint.”

And tilting her head sideways locked her lips with Ahmed. She even opened them and closed them several times. And licked his lips with her tongue. And Ahmed was instantly fully aroused, even as his manhood groaned in its steel prison still being held firmly in place by Virginia’s right hand. She is a devil! Come to confuse me and led me astray! He thought, as he kissed her back and enjoyed every second of it. Naked and cuffed behind his back as he was.

Diego had to watch the whole thing from barely a foot behind Virginia’s back, as he stood rooted there by the bar to his caged manhood that held him firmly in place. And he thought that was cruel. He had given his best! It was not his fault Virginia had locked him in the too small a chatity cage! That was just arbitrary cruelty. Ahmed was not even sure if he wanted to bang the hot svelte blonde American girl at all! You could see it in his eyes. But Diego did!

And Virginia thought, as she had since she started playing with the boys, that it was some awesome, wholesome fun! The look in each of the boys eyes was priceless! Not even sure what kind of mercy they were hoping for. To get more of one side of her… or less of another! Either way, Ahmed would have to be taught some kissing too. So sad.

“Well Ahmed, looks like they neglected to take you to kissing school where you came from. But more on that in a bit. In the meantime…”

She began to say, as she suddenly firmly and strongly pushed the bar she held onto downwards. And as soon as it was knee high, simply lifted her right foot over it, planted the sole of her booties on it, and they simply stepped on it all the way to the floor. Both boys, tied by their manhood’s to the bar and cuffed Behind their backs, went onto their knees roughly in an instant. Then both went onto their chest and faces even more roughly an instant later.



They went as they plastered face first, with their hands tied behind their backs. Virginia was now putting her whole body weight on the bar, keeping both boys in the subdued position she had them in, crotches pinned by the bar to the ground. Each boy, at about a 45 degree angle relative to the other, as they each swiveled a bit on their end of the bar as they went down. Virginia standing tall and proud between andabove them.

“Oh, that was fun! Never tried that before. Then again, never had two brown boys tied by a spreader bar to the genitals either! I guess maybe this lockdown is a good thing after all. Get to try something new!”

She into calledously as both boys lay prostrate in utter humiliation either side of her. Virginia thought their bodies looked exhaustive exactly as they were. Truth is, for geeky engineers, they were fit. They were certainly both tall. And the exotic light brown of their respective skins was attractive to her. In fact, she decided the tableau she currently found herself part of was so hot she wanted to slide a finger into her jeans and masturbate. But she settled for squeezing her pelvis tight, and her tights as tight as they would go without compromising her stance over the bar, and feeling the pleasure from it. All while Diego and Ahmed, faces on the side, on the ground, looked at each other, and up at her.

“Virginia… do you not think that…thisis too much…”

Asked Diego meekly. Till Virginia interrupted him.

“What was that?!”

Asked Virginia as she switched her hold of the bar from her right foot to the left. And bending over, she unzipped her right bootie. Stepped out of it. And planted her now bare right foot directly on top of Diego’s face.


Went Diego, partially from the humiliation, partially from the tease, as he feel Virginia’s exhaust silky fair foot steering firmly on his face. Oh no! Not that! He thought, as he was one of those men that found an attractive woman’s foot to his face very, very hard to resist.

Oh fantastic! Thought Virginia. He is a foot guy! Oh I definitely have you now! Not that I did not have you before. And as she stood tall just to the side of Diego, she proceeded to rub her foot well into his face, and to mock him.

“Oh Skin! You like my foot on your face don’t you? It turns you on. Are you leaking now? Better not make too much of a mess on myfloor. Cage too small for your flexing penis? Too bad. I love it!”

And as she proceeded, Virginia admitted the contrast of the alabaster skin of her delicate foot, and the tan skin of Diego’s handsome face. She liked it so much in fact, eventually she pulled her cellphone from her back pocket, and proceeded to film a minute of her rubbing her bare foot into Diego’s face, as he compromised and groaned with his face on the floor beneath her. The only thing in the video frame from her, was her foot, and the cuff of her jeans. But at times you could see all of Diego’s face, and other times not at all, as she rubbed her foot in. And she thought that in addition to great Virginia masturbation material, this video might make excellent Diego blackmail material as well. Not that she needed any more of that. Till she eventually stopped, and leaving Diego grunting and emrithing, turned to Ahmed.

“No-Skin, what about you? Do you have a question too? Need some of my foot to help answer it?”

But Ahmed, whose face was only a foot or so from Diego’s, had seen what Virginia was capable of from way up close. And he, not a foot guy that he knew of, did not feel the need for that particular ignominy. So he answered.

“No question, Virginia.”


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