Author’s Note & Trigger Warnings
This is the 5K+ words fourth chapter of the novella of the same name. When following a draconian public health lockdown, a predatory young professional American woman information her two young professional immigrant men housemates and tenants, that she will start toying with them for sexual entertainment or they can leave, the two cornered young men acquiesce. If only because they Feel they have no quick options, and they do not at first understand the depth of their housemate’s wickedness. But they soon find out, thought too late for them to protect themselves.
This is thus an F/mm story that features intense femdom teasing, humiliation and denial. This chapter features CFNM, bondage, chatity, exhibitionism-voyeurism-&-worship of the female body, service play, pet play, CBT, and handjob humiliation. Like previous chapters it features milk ETHNIC PLAY throughout. And features an escalation of TOTAL POWER EXCHANGE. If any of these themes is distasteful to you, please do not read. In none are, I hope you enjoy.
Chapter 4
Virginia actually ended up taking several hours before she set Diego and Ahmed free. And before she did, she locked four, one yard lengths of steel chain to the front of their collars and chatity devices. Convenient handles to control, and bind, the cute brown boys for the rest of the week. Whether they crawled at her command or walked at their leisure, both boys rattled. And Virginia was really getting intotoxicated with the power she wilded over them. The threesome was truly in a virtual cycle of power, or vicious cycle of disemperpowerment, depending on whether you considered Virginia’s or the boys’ perspective. The boys started out as, and increasedly were more so, just a pair a lustful but sexually frustrated saps. While Virginia was the exciting and seductive temptress that bent them to her will with the mere flick of a finger, the mere curling of a lip. That alone doomed the boys. Addto that the fact that Virginia was truly at home. And that the boys were in her house, in her country, as no more than highly conditional guests in both, and she held all the cards. And the two boys were keenly aware of it. In short, the absolute power that Virginia was increasingly experiencing wielding, was –in a sense–corrupting her absolutely.
In fact after dinner that night she did not dismiss the boys From her presence at all. She walked them like a pair of crawling dogs by the chains to their collars back to her room. And tied the naked but cock-caged and fully manacled Diego by the collar chain, to the lower right post of her king size bed. And the similarly decked out Ahmed, to the lower left post of her bed. Their chains were too short for either boy to stand, so they had to stay either sitting or laying at the foot of Virginia’s bed while she went about her business for an extra couple of hours. And when she finally was ready for bed, garbed in nothing but casual but still nicely fitted and provocative black cotton panties and a black cotton camisole, she walked to the boys. She made Diego prostrate to kiss her feet, made Ahmed knee to kiss her pelvis. And merely said goodnight to them, leaving them in their cold, hard, and demeaning prediction, as she climbed into her own bed and relaxed just a yard away from them. Each of the two boys struggled to suppress a groan of despair. While Virginia went peacefully to sleep thinking it had been a very good day.
When Virginia woke up on Sunday morning she smiled at feeling the presence of, at remembering that, the two handsome brown boys were naked and cock-caged, chained to the bottom legs of her bed. And as she opened her eyes, she luxuriously stretched her fair and lithe body in her bed. As both boys fixed their exotic dark eyes full of lust on her, as they sat on the floor by the bottom of her bed.
“Good morning, Skin and No-Skin.”
Virginia said as she locked her eyes with them inturn. As she saw they had not got a good sleep. Due to physical discomfort, humiliation, or sexual frustration, or all of the above, she could not tell. But the fact that regardless, it was due to her, gave her intense pleasure. And Virginia caresed the inside of her naked thighs with one hand. And her hips, wait, and chest with the other, as she looked at them. Which only increased the pained look in their eyes. In fact, Virginia decided having their full attention was an excellent time to get herself off, and reaching for her night table, grabbed her pink bullet vibrator, inserted it into her vagina under her panties, and turned it on with the remote.
As he looked at Virginia, Diego was in oldy. He had hardly closed his eyes, due the hardness of the floor, notwithstanding an area rug that framed Virginia’s bed. The awkwardness of lying next to another naked man. And the actual and mental images of Virginia resting peacefully just by him. Virginia was divine. Svelte, fair, with her long caramel blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Her petite, but exhaustively feminine hips and breasts. Both all but fully disclosed in her casual but sexy panties and cami garb. The black contrasted with her fair skin, and gave her an intensely vampy look. And now, as she closed her eyes and pursued her lips from the pleasure of the vibrator, she also wiggled and moaned, lifted her knees up and closed, then stretched them down and open, right in front of both boys’ eyes.
She muttered as the vibrator did its work, and the two handsome brown boys with collars on their necks gawked at her.
Ahmed wanted to get his hands and mouth on Virginia badly, as the excisite American blue eyed blonde wiggled before him. If he could lick those legs! Grab those hips! Pound that vagina! Instead of the vibrator doing the work! What was wrong with him? All those thoughts were not like him. He liked girls alright, and Virginia was quite the girl. But it was evict the intensity, and the debauchery, of his thoughts were the result of … this evil whore, lets call her what she is… fucking with his head and his manhood badly. He wanted to touch her, he wanted to grab her, and she was within reach. But she had also made it so she was his Mistress, he was her slave, and the prerogative was all hers.
As her pleasure mounted, Virginia thought of Diego and Ahmed as she locked eyes with one, closed her eyes, and locked eyes with the other in succession. They were both handsome, tall, fit, and dark. This morning they both had day old stubble on their faces, making them look even more masculine. More “brown”. Though they were both a little geeky, not the worst kind of geeky, but a little, she thought they both had the assets to clean up nice. That is why she had picked them after all, as well the feeling, Correct it turns out, they were both sexually and socially vulnerable.
Diego had slightly long straight dark hair. And a face with a few subtle Nativefeatures, even if most of his features were Mediterranean. And she imagined he could clean up like a slick Latin lover, haired gelled back, black silk shirt half open, if he wanted. Like some Latin pop heartthrob. Even if then and now, he merely knelt naked, collared and in a cock cage at the foot of her bed. And the thought of having such a man in bondage almost brought Virginia over.
Ahmed’s stubble was thicker that Diego. His nose more prominent. His jaw squarer. This one could definitely clean up like a suave Arabian prince, in a smart jacket, and an expensive watch. A man that could make her his first wife. His fourth wife even. The exotic blonde American trophy of a prince. But again, here and now, she held all the cards. And a chain from his neck to her bed, a steel cage on his manhood, made him hers. And this time the thought, in combination with the vibrator, brought Virginia over. And she twisted and turned the length of her body in front of the boys.
She voiced in orgasmic ecstasy. As Diego and Ahmed looked on, and leaked impotently, in their cages. And when Virginia had come down from her orgasm she said.
“That is the best wakeup I have had in while. But it is time to rise and shine!”
And she got up and headed to her bathroom suite to start her morning routine, while Diego and Ahmed stayed on their knees trailing her with their eyes, looking on in age. Till she came a few minutes later, and said to them.
“Ok, Skin, No-Skin. It is time for my beauty bath, that you both are going to help me with. Consider yourselves lucky, because you are both going to touch me. But I expect you to be on your best behavior. In fact, beware that you are under evaluation and in competition. Which of you can serve me better. Do you understand?
Asked Virginia. And
‘Yes Virginia.”
Replied both boys. Then Virginia, who was still in her body-hugging black cami and panties, took hold of the chains to the brown boys manhood, while she opened the locks that tied their necks to her bed. And finally commanded.
“Get up!”
And proceeded to drag them literally by the balls to her bath suite, even before they were fully on their feet.
For Diego, and Ahmed, being tugged by their manhood’s like that was a new low in sexual humiliation. It occurred to each boy, they almost preferred being driven by a pole to the neighbor like cattle. But it was not lost on them it was an apt metaphor to the situation they were in. Gorgeous American blonde leading them around by their caged dicks. It was a short walk fortunately, just a few yards. Though it got awkward, and even more humiliating, when the pair of brown boys struggled to fit shoulder to shoulder past the bathroom suite door. Made worse by the fact it made Virginia laugh, as she roughly, and painfully, tugged at their chained manhood’s as a signal to get on with it.
When finally in, both boys spend a few seconds admiring the bath suite. Whichwith its exposed plumbing, a few cement fixtures, and lots of glass, brick and steel everywhere had a luxurious but edge renovated industrial look like the rest of the house. It also reaffirmed in their minds, that with her fancy venture capital executive salary, bonus, and profit share their housemate and apparently Mistress–capital “M”–Virginia, could afford to live in true luxury. And apparently both of them, Diego and Ahmed, had become part of that luxury.
“Well what are you waiting for? Help me out of my clothes and into the tub!”
Snapped Virginia drawing the boys to attention.
“Yes Virginia.”
“Sorry Virginia.”
They replied. Upon which Virginia rolled her eyes, but let it go without punishment. After which she added.
“Skin, help me out of my top.”
“No-Skin, my panties.”
And she proceeded to lift her arms for Diego as she turned her hips to Ahmed.
Oh my god! Thought and felt Diego as he grabbed the hem of Virginia’s cami andbegan to pull upwards. Her hips, wait, chest are divine! He though as his own hands brushed past each of those assets. Diego’s manhood leaked, stretched and groaned in its cage.
Ahmed’s hands briefly tangled with Diego’s as he reached for Virginia’s panties on her hips. But then as it went past her tighs, knees, calves and feet, all of it slim, long, silky and fair, he felt so light headed he thought he was going to pass out. And down on his knees, with Virginia’s panties in his hands, he looked up at her womanhood and it beckoned him like the gates of heaven.
“Help me in?”
She asked like a lady, as if her boytoys had a choice in the matter. And yet she held one hand from Diego in her left hand, one hand from Ahmed in her right, without letting go of their respective cock chains, as they helped her like gentleman over the steps and the into the tub. Till Virginia merely turned around and tugging hard at their locked manhood’s ordered.
“Come in!”
And witha lot less grace the two brown boys followed.
Virginia wasted no time, in sitting in the best place on a side of the tub, and in signaling the boys to take a place facing her. Then extending her left arm to Ahmed, and pushing her right foot onto Diego’s face she said.
“No Skin, soap and later my hand and arm. Skin, same thing with my foot and leg. Be gentle, but through. Just remember, This a trial of which of you, wetback or towelhead, does a better job. And there might be a prize in the end.”
As she gave them a hattier, crueler look this time. And watched them get to it.
Diego was not sure he felt comfortable being naked in a bathtub that close to Ahmed. But Virginia…oh my god! And her foot, on his face! Then in his hands! And after he reached for some soap and rubbed it into his hands, the feel of the skin of her foot and ankle, calm and knee, and her tight to just were it met her crotch, was sublime. His manhood groaned and stretched hard, and had itNot been in water, he would have felt it leak more too.
Ahmed grabbed Virginia’s hand like the Goddess she was, and could not resist kissing it first. Which bring a condescending smile from the svelte American blonde. Which crushed Ahmed’s enthusiasm, but did not slow his service down. He soaped and later Virginia’s arm with at least as much devotion as Diego put into her leg. Determined to get whatever price Virginia had in store for the winner.
Virginia was truly loving the experience meanwhile. She felt like a Greco-Roman Goddess being served by a pair of delectable temple castrates. Like an Oriental Empress being served by a pair of excisite palace eunuchs. Especially, as she still held the chain to both their manhood’s in her free hand. She felt beautiful beyond measure. Powerful without bounds. And it struct her, here she was fully naked in the water, vulnerable, with two men each one of which could probably bench press her weight easily. And it was she, who had them locked up and held them by the balls. At no risk to her “virtue”. And it allowed her to savor the feel of Diego’s hands on her leg, of Ahmed’s hand on her arm. And the reverse, when she instructed them to switch.
“Skin, other arm now. No-Skin, other leg.”
Keeping the boy on her right, to the right, and the boy on her left, to the left. As she asked.
“Skin, No-Skin, do you like my body?”
“Yes Virginia!”
Replied the boys.
“Do you like my skin? And I do not mean the two of you, though your skin belongs to me too.”
“Yes Virginia.”
They replied more breathily.
“What would you give for access to me, Skin? Would you give one testicle? Would you give both?”
Diego was very enthusiastic about Virginia… but that was pushing it!
He did say.
“And you, No-Skin?”
“Virginia… I…”
But then Virginia just cracked up.
“Hahaha! Oh that is so cute! But do not worry boys, I like my boys complete. Even if they never see their own testicles or penis ever again!”
And neither Diego nor Ahmed were sure that was funny. Even as Virginia’s body in their hands was driving them crazy.
In any case, after she stopped sniggering, Virginia ordered both boys to move onto her torso, and the look on their eyes was one of pained ecstasy, probably due to their cock-cages, as they started moving their hands around her hips, her waist, her chest. And for Virginia, the four strong but completely mentally restrained hands around her body felt incredible. She even had to interrupt them, to direct them.
“Skin, No-Skin, just stop, till I tell you to start again. And suck me now!”
As she thrust her petite breasts at them, one at each boy, and the boys did as directed. Like Two suckling twins. Oh god! That was even better! It actually made Virginia cum in the water and yelp.
When she quickly found satisfaction a mere minute later.
It eventook Virginia another minute to collect herself. But then she proceeded to direct them.
“No-Skin, wash my head. And be gentle with it! Skin, you get a prize for a job well done. Get your hands between my legs, and wash what it seems you crave most.”
And Virginia was delighted to see Diego’s eyes open wide as saucers, and even more delighted to see his browser furrow in Probable general pain, as he lathered his hands in soap, and reached between her legs. As Ahmed looked at Diego with envy, even as he in turn reached with as much devotion for Virginia’s head.
By the time Virginia was done bathing with the boys, she simply stepped out herself and proceeded to drag them out, by their chains to their increasingly sore manhood’s,. She directed they tower her dry, and then dragged them again out to her room, where she chained them back to her bed, this time by the balls, rather than the necks. Then left them there, choose a getup for the day, and brought it back with her to her bed. Then she directed the two cute brown boys.
“Well, chop chop! Help me get this on! Skin, you get panties this time. No-Skin, you can start with the bra!”
And smiled full of malicious intent at them. Both Diego and Ahmed suffered of blue balls so bad, they actually would consider asking to have them chopped just so the pain would stop. But Virginia seemed intent to kick their balls in further, when they were already down and clamoring for mercy! Fuck, she is diabolical! Thought Diego. While Ahmed, basically feeling the same thing, thought “she-devil!” And groans did escape them both.
But Diego picked the black lace panties, and fell to his knees, as Virginia stepped in one leg at a time. And Ahmed helped each of Virginia’s arms in, as he then stepped behind her to latch the black lace bra closed. As she bared her excisite back, shoulders and neck by pulling her precious blonde tempers away, for his ease and benefit. Virginiasigned the boy that had got the lingerie top, should do the next top, and the one that had got the lingerie bottom, should do the next bottom too. And this time Diego spent more time on his knees, feeling Virginia’s long, slim legs, as he helped her into her low rise bootcuts, that seemed to be just about painted onto her thighs, pelvis and hips. Ahmed meanwhile, all but struggled to stay upright in genital pain, as he buttoned the white slim-fit button-down shirt that fit Virginia’s waist and breasts like a corset. Till she instructed him.
“That is enough!”
When he got to the buttons that would have closed her shallow cleavage, hidden her bra. Those were to stay open.
“Finish up! Skin shoes! No-Skin belt!”
Virginia finally said. As the shaking footboy Diego all but swooned to help her into four inch siletto booties. And Ahmed, still struggle to stand upright, drooled over and admired Virginia’s nubile hips, as he wrapped a mostly decorative leather belt around them. Once done, Virginia theatrically spun around once for the boys, and asked.
“Do you like?”
Before she added.
“Not a real question. I know the answer. Now get down!”
And unlocked the two boys balls from the bed so they could do so. Once down she grabbed the chain to their collars this time, and click-clacking her booties as she stepped, and snapping her hips as she swayed, dragged them both crawling, naked, cock-caged, and in new highs of genital pain, to the living room.
Diego truly was at the edge of his endurance. This is too much. And briefly he considered what would he do if the roles were reversed. He would ravish Virginia with abandon! Take her every hole. Fill her up to the brim. This evil American witch deserved it! Alas, his penis was in a cage, and it feel like his testicles were in a box on the side of Virginia’s bed, metaphorically speaking. But Virginia’s hip sway on the other hand was divine… Thought his drifting mind, as he watched her catwalk model strut, crawling behind her.
Ahmed also was thinking he was willing to make an exception to his pious morality to show Virginia what is what. Give her what she had come. But the throbbing in his manhood was intense. And Ahmed had never experienced something like that before. It incapacitated his will as much as his body. And he merely noticed Virginia’s beautiful blonde ponytail, which she had quicky tied after the boys where done dressing her, sway enigmatically like pendulum as she strutted.
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