The Lock-In

The tension between the two of them is palpable as I try my best not to dwell on their increasingly escalating verbal argument, as a source of entertainment in the otherwise quiet bar the scene can’t go unnoticed though.

Vicious words exchanged on what had started as hushed voices, his face snarling with a flushed anger as he continuously sneers at her. Her face is a mixture of shock and hushed pleading, of the two of them she seems the most open, the most honest. She looks as though she’s trying to reason with him, her hands falling over his right forearm as they talk. Now like me many of the bars other occupations can’t help but notice him them not least as he snatch Ed his arm viciously away, knocking over the pint glass of lager caught by his elbow a loud smoke brings a hushed silences to the room as it hits the wooden floor. Causing even the barman to look up from serving the two suits stood at the bar who turn and jeer in pantomime fashion as the arguing male shakes hishead, either at her or the cracked glass at his feet.

“Sack the Juggler,” a voice in the far corner of the bar calls out.

She in reaction stands her ground her head literally in her hands, or hand, shaking her head at his tempestuous act and reaction. I take a sip of my own drink and keep watching what plays out in my line of sight. His over reaction continuing now as he turns on his heels and heads at pace from the bar, once again to the amusement of the two suites who make a comment which I don’t hear clearly.

“Fuck off.” he hurls at them angrily, which I do hear perfectly clearly over the juke box which seems to play an ill fitting guitar song in accompanyed soundtrack to the argument that’s literally just exploded in the middle of O’Leary’s Irish Bar.

I shake my head a little myself amused by the theatre of what’s played out. My eyes come back to rest on her though, surprisingly albeit as I pretend to flick through screens on my phone. Dressed in a three quarter length black fitted leather jacket over a short black skirt and a burgundy colour top that cuts across ample cleavage. Her bare slender legs held up on excite black high heel ankle boots. Even as she scowls, frustratedly slapping her hand down on the high level bar table that stands before her there’s a beauty to her exotic look.

The delicate hue of her mocha skin suggests that she’s of mixed heritage and her face is lightly made up. A face that’s framed by straightened dark brown hair that falls just to the shoulders of her jacket, the tips of her hair dyed a lighter shade of brown, almost blonde at the tips. She’s perfection.

She snatches her tall glass of what I’d guess to be vodka tonic and take a heavy swig. Her cheeks flushed with anger as she stars back towards the door through which he’d just exited.

I sit there in the booth watching her, praying he won’t return.


A little before 1am and the bell to signal the end of lastorders rings through the bar.

“I guess I better get my coat,” she offers, looking up at me misty eyed over her 5th or was it her 6th strong brewed ‘Long Island Ice Tea’ as we sit on high legged chairs at the bar. Given the subtle over pours of Cola from Steve the barman while I appeared to be matching her drink for drink I would be lucky if I was on my second sale cocktail of the evening. I keep myself sober, I keep my wits about me.

“Really?” I suggest looking across the bar to the as Steve the Head Barman who we’ve accosted in the last three hours to help drop Melody Bates sorrows. “I was about to suggest a lock-in.”

“I might be inclined to have my arm twisted,” Steve offers on a since smile as he looks around the Venue.

“Sounds…” Melody begins to offer.

“That’s the perks of owning the place,” I tilt my head towards Steve cutting across Melody, who doesn’t seem to mind.

“Wait… wait you own this place?” Melody enquires on her soft accent.

“Not me …but he does,” I state pointing a finger towards Steve. “I think I just own the largest bar tab around here.”

“Ahh now you mention that…” Steve interjects.

“Leave it,” I offer.

To my left Melody softly chuckles, while over her shoulder I notice the front of house Security Team rounding up the patrons and offering them the opportunity to finish drinks before leaving the bar.

“Big question is… Can I trust you two?” she offers with a smile and fixes her eyes on me in particular, they narrow as she takes a sip of her drink. “I hardly know you and here I am late at night letting you talk me into all sorts of mischief”

“Who mention mischief?” I answer, deliberately avoiding her question.

“You can trust me,” Steve answers before I can say another word. “You cannot trust this man… at least not to pay you… ever”

She laughs again throwing her head gently back as she does. Her beauty captivates me, as it had since I first set eyes onHer during that heated little exchange with the tall dark haired male several hours earlier. His name was Peter, the two of them had apparently been together for a number of months but he was the jealous possessive type and didn’t like her engaging with other men, his overreacting having increasedly becomes an issue to her of late. Tonight in particular he didn’t like the way she’d allegedly flirted with a young male Waiter at a restaurant prior to there heading to O’Leary’s for a drink to try and salvage the night, the argument had festered and one word had led to another. She had no idea where he’d gone yet neither was she inclined to even attempt find out. Her mobile sat face up on the bar before her, it’s battery having drained of life about an hour earlier on what was around his eight attempt to contact her. Not that I’d be taking much notice. Somehow though I sensed that Peter had burned his bridges with the delicious little creativity.

Naturally flirtatious we’d struck up aconversation at the bar as she stood waiting to be served. Melody had decided she needed one more drink, which I’d now stretched to many more drinks. The two guys, now heavily intotoxicated, in suits had paid her notice but I’d intercepted their crass attention seeking behavior, and my presence alone in her company had seemed to be enough to ward them off. As Melody and I sat engaged in mutual conversation I took my time to find out about her, to show interest in her. She had a naturally beauty that matched her gentle persona. On closer inspection her make up was contoured across her cheeks and a little heavier than I’d first thought. A shade or dark red eyeshadow acccentuates naturally dark hazel eyes. She was still beautiful.

I can understand why Peter may have had his reservations over her behavior, I’m not sure they are entirely misplaced. In the short few hours I’ve spent in her company I’ve found her to be inquisitive, friendly but with a wickedly dry sense of humour. She can’t help but joke with or a gage with anyone who comes near us at the bar given half an opportunity but she’s well meaning, her personality could be misread but incorrigible; she’s shouldn’t be stifled or curtailed. I’m as captured by her personality as I am by her physical appearance, her long leather jacket hung now on the back of her chair, her slender legs cross over one another facing me as I cast my eye up a toned tight that I now appreciate is encased in a light almost natural tone denier, her black skirt barely reaches mid thigh as she perches there, and her ample breasts sit held tight and up by the delightful looking dark red corset style top that accentuates her long neck and slender shoulders. I can’t help but stare, she notices and she does not care. In complementing her, in telling her how stunning she looked she had simply responded with a semiconductor little chuckle, “I’d had plans to give Peter a night to remember.”

I want to return that sentiment.

“How about shots?” I enquire with a mischievous grin.

“Jesus,” is her astonished short response as she raises her eyesbrows. “Really?”

“Damn right,” Steve states procuring a bottle of Pernod from behind the bar. “And might I suggest a drinking game.”

“Are you sure I’m not in trouble?” Melody offers chuckling again, and I wow see now is this her nervousness transferring as she takes hold of the green bottle of liquor inspecting it, suspiciously.

The bar has emptied and I watch as Steve steps away to usher out the two other bar staff as well as the two heavy set Private Security Team. Steve locks up the main doors and pulls down the blinds on the busy Friday night street outside. There’s a confidence about the slightly stocky broad shoulded individual as he heads back towards the two of us, collecting beer glasses along the way. When he reaches the bar he sets down the glasses and turns to us, I note his none to subtle visual inspection of Melody.

“So then Barman suggestions for a Drinking Game?” I state.

“The tape Game?” Steve offers.

“The what now?” Melody questions looking from Steve to myself and a little confused. Steve takes initiative as he flashes me a wink before pulling a dark brown table from against a wall, the legs of the table scrape noisily and heavily across the wooden floorboards of the establishment, before he takes a clothes tucked into his belt and wipes down the table where it now stands, in the middle of the room.

“The tape game,” I reiterate nodding my approval as Steve walks back around the bar lines to up three shot glasses and fills them with the aniseed smelling liquor. Melody takes a glass and holds it to her nose inhaling the pungent arousa of the drink. She screws her face up a little at the prospect. Steve reaches under the bar fishing around for something before he sets a roll of silver duct tape next to the two remaining shot glasses.

“What even are the rules?” Melody offers as Steve and I exchange glances.

“Don’t worry Melody…” I offer. “You’ll pick it up as we go along.”


I wrap her slender wrists tightly with the thick silver duct tape behind her back as she looks over her left shoulder at me, while I rip through the roll of tape and secure the loose end over her left arm on a slight diagonal angle.

“Ok…” Melody offers pensively “Ok you got me.”

“We do.” I concur as I look over at Steve who stands to my right hand side. “We sure do.”

“Well these weren’t exactly the rules I thought I was playing by.” She offers a little protest but the devilish smile in the corner of her lips suggests she holds no ill will.

“That’s not our problem Melody,” I offer on a wry but dark smile and a glance up and down her perfect, now restrained, body.

“So now what?” She takes a deep breath, pulling her wrists to no avail, and I wonder if she’s surely not that naive to have not second guessed what’s now likely to follow.

“Now we both get to find out exactly what Peter is missing out on tonight,” I offer with a nod to Steve who steps up alongside of Melody’s right hand side as I step to her left.

The bar still littered with the detritus of a busy Friday night, there’s a damp musty smell still in the air that’s lacened with the smells of a hundred or more patrons and the combination of drinks they’d drink while squeezed into the claustrophobic little bar, all in high spirits until closing time had curtailed their fun and they’d all disappeared off in to the night.

“Both of you,” she looks from myself to Steve and then back again to me.

“That’s right… you were in the mood for a night to remember weren’t you?” I say as I move to stand the opposite side of the table from her. I don’t hesitate as my right hand reaches up through her thick straight hair to come to rest on the back of her neck. “So Peter’s loss is our gain.”

“It’s …it’s just that…” she began to offer a weak protest as I don’t wait for her to find her words and pull her gently down and forward. Her arms behind her she almost obediently bends at the wait. Melody looks up at me as she lowers her body to the table, watching me for her own reassurance. A reassurance she seeks given she finds herself alone in a bar with two relative strangers, doors locked, window blinds closed, and the outside world is oblivious to her Even being here.

“Trust me,” I offer “Tonight will be memorable”

She lets go a nervous breath. As soon as she’s rested across the table I tighten my grip, pinning her firmly by her neck as I nod silently to Steve. At once he tears the lip of the tape off the role and apply the tape across her back under her bound arms. Fixing the tape under the table I take the roll from him and wrap it up the right hand side of Melody’s rib cage then back over the basque style top and wrap the tape over her spine. Steve takes the tape from me and we perform the process four more times until her upper body is strapped down to the hard surface of the table. The tape holds her firmly, just as it effectively holds her wrists and each of her ankles that are wide apart taped firmly to the base of the legs of the square table.

“Oh Shit” she whispers as she tests her restraint, shaking her head. “What have I got myself into?”

“What has she got herself into?” I offer in Steve’s direction with a chuckle.

“A bit of a predicament I’d say,” Steve responds as we both now stand behind her, my eyes gaze up those perfectly toned mocha coloured legs beneath the fine denier hosiery. Her short black skirt stretched taught by her parted legs

“I dunno Steve… a predicament implies that Melody doesn’t want to be where she finds herself.” I offer. “I mean would you rather we let you go Melody?”

There’s a silence from her as she rests there, fully aware how exposed she is, seemingly compliant to our will, her senses and sharpness of mind no doubt dulled a littleby the heavy quantity of alcohol she’s been plied with over the last few hours, but she offers no resistance.

“Or do you want to accommodate us?” Steve interjects. As he looks to me while he raises his clnched right fist, drops it slightly then raises it again through the air. I duplicate the motion on a silent count of three raising and dropping my own fist three times in unison with him. I keep My hand clenched while Steve brings his hand flat. Silently I curse. Steve flashes a knowing look at the satisfaction of winning the right to take her first. I envy him.

“Well Melody?” I prompt while parking my sequencing disappointment.

Melody raises her head a little from the edge of the table. Looking back awkwardly at me.

“You’ll… you’ll be…”

“Don’t worry,” I cut across her falseing response. “We’ll be perfect gentlemen.”

I know that’s a lie even as I crouch down to meet her eye-line while Steve steps up behind her. Melody draws a deep breath as her dark brown eyes framed by the dusky red eyeshadow lock on mine. She swallows hard again as she braces, steels herself for what she’s about to experience. Her exhaust falsers a little and I smell the heavy aniseed of the liquor on her breath. She bites softly on her bottom lip as I see Steve slipping up her skirt as I glance back over her naked shoulder, I fully expect to hear the sound of her tights being ripped open fill the bar.

“No undies” Steve says on a tone akin to an excited child at Christmas. “Fucking crotchless tights as well”

“My my someone did have plans for the night didn’t they?”

Melody nods her head as she’s held there before me not breaking our eye contact. Her eyes then close tightly as Steve must impale her body on a heavy dry thrust the table creams and she’s pushed forward towards me.

“Oh fuck me” she gasps her warm sweet smelling breath passes over my face as she accepts, as she submits.

“We’re going to Melody …we’re going to”


Melody lays across the table held down, as she has been throughout, by the thick silver duct tape, the simple restraint continues to hold her securely.

The backs of her calves fidget a little as she pulls at the tape restraint over her ankles, the heels of her boots scrape a little on hardwood floors.

“Please,” she whimpers as her head turns to her right. “Please be…”

Placing my left hand over her left should she falls silent as I position my self against her with my right hand. Running my dick back and forth along her moist little slit. Given her heels and the manner of her restraint she’s held at the perfect height for me and as I shift my body position, bending my knee only slightly as I find an entry angle and press slowly firmly against her. There’s no opposition she simply lets out an almost exhausted little groan as I slowly fill her with her second dick of the evening, an evening that’s surely not translated as she had imagined it would. Slowly I fully impale the stunning mixed race girl. She lets out a deep exhale and whimper as I press my hips forward, pressing myself against the relative cool skin of her buttocks.

“Fuck she feels good… you were right.” I offer to Steve who’s reaching for his glass of bourbon and Coke from the top of the bar.

“Told you didn’t I” he smiles, the front of his grey t-shirt and his arm pits soaked with sweat from his exercise.

I slowly stir my hips, letting Melody feel me deep in her, letting her adjust he body to the new length now buried in her. She feels good but she’s slick, over moist. I try not consider that while she’s naturally lubricated she holds also inside of her the deposit I’d witnessed Steve viciously deliver onto her prone body barely two minutes previous. She had handled His attention well, he’d fucked her slowly to start with and I keep her level with my eyes as he’d worked her, stretched her. Melody had softly groaned and accepted what was happening toher as Steve slowly built his momentum and started to take her on a steady rhythmic pace. Standing before her I’d lifted her head with my hand, tilting up her jaw as I’d looked over at Steve. His grin wide like a Cheshire Cat he’d gone to me let me know how good she felt, the first to take her. There were other firsts I could experience.

I’d lowered my eyes back to hers as her naked Shoulders and head gently thrust back and forth, her deep brown eyes met mine as her mouth parted on a soft little mewl as Steve inflicted a heavy thrust into her toned body. I couldn’t resist, lowering my zip before I’d pulled out my dick and within seconds felt the accommodating warmth of her dark lips slipping around me. Placing my right hand under her jaw and my left hand over the back of her head I’d cradle her head as I slowly fucked her mouth as her lips clamped around me her tongue lapping and rolling over my length as I took her at the same time as Steve.

Melody willingly took two strangers at the same time, bound to the table she was spit roasted between us. Steve’s cock impaling her cunt while my dick slipped deeper and deeper towards her throat as she slackened her jaw to accommodate me. Peter was right to be concerned, deep down his mixed race beauty is a nothing more than a cock hungry whore.

I’d pulled from her mouth, my dick well teased on Steve’s request but also with an anticipation of what was to unfurl. She had copied, but barely, with the intense brutal fuck she took from Steve until she’d finally took his load deep into her unprotected body. Her cries of frustration, pain and ecstasy echoing around the empty bar.

Melody groans now as it’s my turn to use her, I build my own momentum in her already used body. Her gasps and groans hitched a little on two reasons, the first her likely discomfort from Steve’s attention and the tape restraint, the second being that despite her prior use I know that I’m bigger than Steve that she can feel me fraudnally deeper and wider inside of her. It’s no macho bullish claim it’s a simple fact of science. Just as no two brothers are exactly the same height and weight I’m taller and slimmer than my brother and better endowed than him. A fact I’d known for over twenty years or more, having shared any number of girls in that time frame; including unbeknown to Steve his ex-Wife.


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