The Lock Ch. 06: GIVING

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Simulated Rape, Pain (1 drop blood), Male Bi/Gay, MaleDom, FemDom, Family (no incest), Consensual Non-Consent, and Sex Work (idealized) The only coercion is from a sense of duty to family. All over 18.

Credits: Edited by the ‘Erotic Conferenceers. Many thanks to Onyx03, Grrl Orc, Jasmine27, and allnitediner as well as others for editing this story.

Note: Nine chapters total. Each chapter switches tend in the middle. I was experiencing with that as a way to increase pace. The chapter names just happened.


The rest of the day was spent being shown around by Uncle and helping to accomplish some odd jobs. At one point, I thought I heard a scream from one of the rooms and I frozen. Uncle grabbed my wrist.

“It is ok. They pay very, very large deposit and we keep money if they… get too rough.” he looked up at me with a kind expression. “I take clients who I trust first day. Will show her little respect.” I still had a lump in my throat, and my heart was pounding.

A door opened down the hall, and a client came out of a room laughing and buckling his belt. Another happy customer. The woman behind him waved and started to go back inside, but stopped when she saw us. I realized it was the woman who turned at me after the show with my wife. She walked up with a sway in her hips, and not a stitch of clothing on her very nice body, then said something I didn’t understand. I shook my head.

“Right, American cutie. You want good fuck? Not like cheating wife. I take good care of real man.” She reached out and felt my crotch, then laughed at the expression on my face. After a moment, she shifted to a lopped smile, and in a passable imitation of Mae West, she said “Why don’t you come up sometimes and see me?” complete with hip motion. Apparently old Tinseltown movies are popular here.

Uncle said something to her, and she gave him a sour look but turned and sashayed back to her room, closing the door behind her.

“Ah, is problem. I did not think. Other women expect you want them.” Looking up at me with a questioning gaze, he thought for a minute and then said, “Yes, it is good. You wait, then go fuck her hard.”

“Wha?!” I jumped back, “I can’t do that! I’m married.”

“Ha! You fuck Mistress, and say OK to fuck men, but not her?” He made the universal sign for crazy with his finger alongside his head.

“Look, that one likes rough. She should be for angry man, but won’t admit it; says is afraid.” He pointed at my chest. “You go make her rough stuff is fun. If she like it, wife has less bad work.”

I stood there for a while, then nodded. Anything to help. Uncle smiled and went on his way, saying he would make sure she didn’t have another client for a while. It took me a minute or two to build up the courage, but I went and did it.

I’ve blocked most of it out, because to this day I’m embarrassed. It felt so wrong to the part of me that stood in front of a judge and promised to honor my wife. And it felt so right to the growing part of me that… well, the part that loved it.

And I think the woman enjoyed it as well. She didn’t stop me. At least not with a word. She struggled, and cursed, and called me names, just like my wife had done. But she never said “No!” or “Stop!” or anything like it.

I did pretty much exactly to her what I had done to my wife. Except I didn’t have to strip her – she was still naked when I burst in. And I didn’t hit her quite as hard, I think. I did slap her around pretty good while holding her by the hair. I throw her down and fucked her; that is the only correct word for it. I took her ass, which didn’t really seem to both her. Although she did scream it wasn’t a cry of pain. When I was done with her ass, I wiped my cock on her bed sheet, which she did not like. That led to another round of slapping her before she would suck my cock.

I do remember that I came on her face. I know that a part ofme enjoyed it very much.

Afterwards I was ashamed. But somehow still very horny. And I had a job to do, so I grabbed her hair once more and pulled her head up.

“You liked that didn’t you?” I asked.

“Yes…” she admitted in a little voice, with a smile twitching on the side of her mouth.

“Good, I will tell Uncle that you will help with angry men.” That got a reaction, but it was short-lived and weak as I maintained my grip in her hair, and it ended in whimpers and eventually a nod. Then she looked up at me, begging in her eyes.

“Please fuck me again?”

And I did. God help me, I was still rock hard and I did. I try to believe that her acceptance made my having forced her ok, but honestly, I know that is bullshit. I hadn’t gotten her full consent for everything I did to her, and she did resist. I should have stopped, let her go, then asked if she wanted me to leave or continue. It was one of the worst mistakes I’ve ever made. It could easily have gone horribly wrong, and I’m haunted by it to this day. Luckily for me, she did want it and she did start working alongside my wife. This brought the house up to 2 ‘angry man’ workers and put an end to any rumors.

Eventually the “day”, actually from about 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. local time, was over. I was dead tired, distraught at what I had done, and humming at the same time. Adrenaline was ebbing and flowing in turn.

I didn’t see my wife until she met us at the car. I’ve never been happier to see her. She smiled a brave little smile, and I had to admit she looked ok.

I found out later that they had cleaned all the cum out of her hair and reapplied her makeup before allowing her to see me. Probably a good thing.

We hugged and I tried to kiss her, but she bowed her head. I lifted her chin, looked deep into her eyes and kissed her as tenderly as I could imagine any love kissing the love of his life.

“It’s ok.” I said when we broke our kiss. “We will talk, and anythingthat happened that you feel guilty about will be dealt with, understand?” She nodded and smiled through her tears.

The drive back to the cottage was quick. Her mom and dad spoke softly to each other in the front seat. At one point her mom turned to me and said in that sharp but kind tone: “Good work. Good first day.” Then she looked at her daughter and back to me.

“We talk later. I can maybe help.”

I looked at my wife with concern on my face, and she throw her head back and laughed, then said something to her mother, who smiled and shrugged.

Once inside I took her by the hand and lead her to the bed, where we sat cross legged facing each other. I noticed that she winced a bit when she crawled onto it.

“Ok love. ‘How was your day’?” I smiled encouragingly. She laughed and then rolled her head and shook it.

“Well first,” She said with a rueful smile “Some crazy man dragged me out onto a stage in front of a crowd and slapped me around, forced himself into me, fucked my ass, then tried to make me suck him while he had shit on his cock!”

“Oh, I’m so sorry” I said, concern and worry combined with laughter on my face.

“And I loved it, and I love you for it!” She said, still holding my hands and waving them up and down her tits bouncing before my eyes. “It made everything so much easier…” She looked lovingly at me and continued “It showed me how much I could enjoy the rough sex… being fucked and hurt. And it turns out I really do. Especially the pain.” She looked down for a moment, and whispered “I actually like that best” and she shuddered.

She looked up at me. “Seriously, I don’t believe I could have survived the rest of the day without that.”

“OK,” I said, seeing her face fall as she finished her sentence “The rest of the day happened as well, and we are going to talk it through. What happened next?”

“Well, they cleaned me up and showed me to a room. The girls were nice to me, but a little distant. Iguess I was being judged for cheating on you. And maybe they didn’t want to get close because of what I was… what I had to do.”

“Then my first client arrived. He was just a regular client, not one of the angle men.” her face was really worried now. “And somehow that made it worse. I didn’t want to be treated nice, but he was really kind to me.” She was crying again and I wiped away the tears.

“It’s ok, it’s ok. We knew this was going to happen. I’m not angry or upset with you.” I reassure her. “Actually… If I’m honest, I’m kind of turned on thinking about you sharing yourself. I really am.” And I put her hand on my crotch so she could feel my half hard cock.

“Please may I service you Master?” She begged instantly.

“Yes, but not now. After we talk through it all, you can ‘service’ me.” I smiled at her “I’m so happy that your first client was kind to you. I really, and truly hope that you enjoyed it.” I said ignoring the voice of jealousy screaming in my mind.

Looking down, she whispered “I did. I’m so sorry. Please hurt me.”

Taking her face in my hands I held it up and said “I’m happy you liked it. You have nothing to feel guilty about. This is hard enough for you, and if you find any joy in it, I am more than saved.”

Sniffling, she looked deep into my eyes and said “Really? Are you sure?” I nodded “Because I really enjoyed it. I was thinking about how you took me, and my butt was still all sore from that spanking you gave me so every time he slammed his dick into me it just reminded me of how I still belong to you.”

Seeing the smile on my face she continued shyly.

“I came a lot, from thinking about what you had done to me and what you might do to me. Like More times than I could count.” She giggled, “And when his time was up, I made him wait until I sucked his cock clean. Oh, and I did just what you ordered Master, and I begged him to cum in me!”

My erection was achingly hard, but I wanted to hear the rest.

“Ok, good girl! Who came next?” And then I laughed and said, “and I hope he came?”

She smiled and said “Yes, he came all over me, but not in me. He was the first angle man. When he came in, I was kneeing on the floor, naked, legs spread, hands behind my back, chest out.” She demonstrated the position, and suddenly it seemed very wrong that she was wearing clothes. I stopped her and removed her t-shirt and had her slip out of her dress. She wasn’t wearing any underwear.

“Present again” I ordered her and she assumed the slave position on the bed, facing me. I could see that her sex was red and swollen. There was a bruise on her neck and two bite marks on her left breast. I somehow managed not to scream. She must have seen my expression because she rushed to assure me.

“I’m ok, Master. I am not injured!” She said earnestly. “Mother said I am wearing the badges of hard work.” she swallowed “That I should be proud.”

I couldn’t bring myself to see it that way, but as long as she was dealing with it, I could accept it for now.

“Ok then… Continue, did he do this to you?”

“No, he just spanked me and fucked me, then came on my face and chest. He came a LOT. Like gobs of cum everywhere.” she had a slightly wistful expression on her face which stalled at me.

“I actually felt quite sorry for him.” she said, looking at me with guilt on her face. “When he came in and saw me, he just stopped and stared, so I introduced myself like you said by saying ‘Hello Sir, this slave is yours for the hour, to use as you wish. Please beat me and fuck me and use me for your cum.’”

That wasn’t exactly what I had intended, but I had to admit it was a logical extension. Which turned me on to no end. The fires in my mind were burning bright, like the flames of hell with sinners screaming.

“But he just sat down on the bed and introduced himself, and then he told me that his wife had cheated on him and then run to her family, leaving him alone. He said he wanted to punish her, but he could not because her family had taken her away. So I said I understand and I asked him to punish me instead.”

“He looked at me and said that he wanted to, but that I didn’t deserve to be punished. I thought about it for a moment and then said that if he wasn’t man enough I would just leave and he would lose his payment. And that Did it. He grabbed me and throw me across his lap and spanked me very hard.” She shifted her position, rubbing her behind on the bed and completely failed to suppress a smile.

Looking up at me she was precious again.

“I’m so sorry that I enjoyed it Master. I should not enjoy being punished by another man.”

My mind was melting, but I reassure her again that I was happy that she was happy, and asked her to continue.

“As he was spanking me, I was thrashing around in his lap, and I could feel his cock getting all hard. Pretty soon he pushed me off his lap and I figured he wanted tofuck me so I got down on the floor with my ass in the air, but he grabbed me by my hair and pulled my head around to suck him.” She stopped and looked at me again.

“He was huge. I mean, not really long, but thick. I couldn’t really get him in my mouth without scraping him with my teeth. My jaw is still a little sore.” The picture in my mind was incredible. And she continued.

“So Then he pulled out and started struggling his cock instead. He was still holding me by the hair and I tried to help by licking and sucking the head. But that just seemed to anger him and he started slapping my face with his dick.”

And again, my wife, the proper upright citizen, smiled at the memory of being used sexually.

“And that made him come. All over me. Like I said, bucket loads. I’ve never seen that much sperm before.” Damn. She was openly smiling, bubble about being covered in this guy’s spooge. I have no idea how I maintained control at that point. I was raging angry and ragginghorny at the same time.

“But then he just started crying. The poor guy was missing his wife so much, he told me later that’s why he didn’t fuck me. He didn’t want anyone but her. His friends told him to come here to get over her, but he just loves her so much. So I held him while he cried.”

Let me ask you this: Have you ever felt sorry for a man who had spanked, cock slapped, and cum “bucket loads” on your wife? This is a complex emotion. Not one which is processed quickly. I will say that the anger I had felt was greatly reduced. Or perhaps reduced is the wrong word. It felt more like it spread out, or perhaps that my capacity to hold emotions was expanded.

We sat in silence for a while. She watching me, I staring in shock.

“Ok,” I finally said “Perhaps you helped him to deal with his pain.”

“I hope so,” she answered. “He was very sweet and tender after that. We talked for awhile, and I tried to help him figure out why she left. I think, based on what hetold me, that it was a lack of communication. That something was missing and she couldn’t or wouldn’t tell him what it was.” She looked lovingly at me.

“Communication is key. And I am very lucky to be owned by a Master who understands this.”

There were many things in my mind that wanted to be communicated to her, mostly through my dick, but I decided to wait until everything was out.

“What about you Master? What about your day?” She asked, a somewhat worried look passing her face.

I explained to her about the picture, and described the encounter with the Mistress, leaving as much of the details as I could about her father out. She nodded and thanked me for avoiding those details, admitting that although she knew what he did, hearing about it was not something she wished.

“But, Master, did she hurt you?” She asked, worriedly.

“Yes, but it wasn’t so bad. Actually… I kind of enjoyed it. A little.” I felt the heat in my face. “I didn’t really enjoy practing cunnilingus on her, I guess because I was so focused on getting it right, and she took soooo long.” I rolled my eyes and she giggled.

“Sometimes women take a long time… little price.” And she laughed so hard that I had to smile. Reaching over, she took the brush out of my pocket.

“Is this the brush she gave you to practice with?” I nodded yes, and said that would have to wait until my tongue had recovered as it was still quite sore.

“Master, were you able to come when she rode you?”

“No, I was… distracted… and again focused on her pleasure.” Blushing again I admitted “I almost came when she was struggling me after paddling my balls, but I was just barely able to control it. I did NOT wish to displease her.” She nodded and giggled. Wanting to change the subject, I asked

“So what about your next client?”

She was suddenly very serious again and continued with a small voice.

“He was very frightening. A small man with small dark eyes. Ipresented myself the same way, but before I could get out more than a word or two of my introduction, he ordered me to shut up and take out his cock. When I tried to unzip him, he slapped me and said that he had not released my hands and that I was expected to do it with my mouth. Apparently, well trained slaves do not take their hands from behind their back until that is allowed.”

My mind was Mush at that point, but I clearly remember that idea being included in the “How to be a Master” list I didn’t even know I was building.

“So I thanked him for correcting me, and with my arms firmly behind my back, I tugged down his zipper with my teeth and pulled down his pants far enough to get his cock out. It wasn’t very big, but it was obviously hard so I tried to suck it, but that got me another slap.”

With an eye-roll and a bit of a huff she explained, “Slaves are not allowed to touch a Master without permission, or in any way other than exactly as ordered.” She said it with a sing-song voice, as if recalling a silly rule. My mind clicked again.

“So I thanked him again for the lesson and waited for his command. He sat on the bed and ordered me to crawl into his lap and slip his cock into me. Which I did.” She looked at me with guilt plain on her face. “Master, I am very sorry, but I was horny from before and I really enjoyed having a cock in me again.” My cock twitched and I reassure her it was ok. She smiled in relief.

“So I was riding his cock and he was holding my arms behind my back again. He stared into my eyes, and when I looked down, he slapped me again and ordered me to maintain eye contact. He explained that it was the best way for me to sense and respond to his needs, which is just exactly what the Mistress teach you today as well.” I nodded.

“And I thanked him again. I guess my cunt had gushed when he hit me because he smiled and said I was a natural.” Looking at me like a lost puppy, she said “I don’t know about that, but,Master, I can’t believe how much I like being hurt and fucked. Please Master, won’t you hurt me?”

I nearly came in my pants, which I never would have believed could happen from hearing that. I wondered if I had always been like this despite my civilized upbringing, or if I was just a pervert? A truly fucking sick pervert. The question was frightening. It caused enough panic in my mind that I automatically re-asserted emotional control, by going into that cold, shut down mode.

“No pet, not yet, but I will hurt you soon.” I promised.

“Yes Master.” She said, with apparently true disappointment

“Well, then he explained that he was going to watch me and hurt me to see how I responded. He didn’t wait for me to agree, he just took my nipples in his hands, trusting me to keep my hands locked behind my back, and he started pinching them, and rolling them, slowly getting harder and harder.” As she described this, I could see she was excited. Her outer lips were fully swollen and she was starting to leak onto the bed.

“It was amazing! Like my nipples were connected to my cunt.” she looked at me, panting, and repeated “My nipples are connected to my little slave cunt, and the more he hurt them, the more I was turned on. It was scary and wonderful at the same time.” Another wave of guilt passed over her face.


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