The Lock Ch. 02: GONE

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Simulated Rape, Pain (1 drop blood), Male Bi/Gay, MaleDom, FemDom, Family (no incest), Consensual Non-Consent, and Sex Work (idealized) The only coercion is from a sense of duty to family. All over 18.

Credits: Edited by the ‘Erotic Conferenceers. Many thanks to Onyx03, Grrl Orc, Jasmine27, and allnitediner as well as others for editing this story.

Note: Nine chapters total.


I will never forget waking up that next morning. I felt with a start, disoriented and alarmed, but at first I couldn’t remember why I should be upset. The previous night came rushing back to me after a moment, and I was terrified. My wife was literally tearing herself apart over her inability to repay her family, her uncle, the money she had invested in her ex-husband. Had that bastard not disappeared with all their money, she could easily have repair her family with a tidy profit, but he had and she had been trying to make up for that ever since.

Lying there in bed that morning, I remember being overwhelmed by the scope of her trust and how it had been broken. She had born the guilt by herself and she had tried so desperately to protect me from it all. More than that, there was the pain that her trying to protect me was causing her. I remember the flush of anger when I finally understood what he had to her and my surprise at the thoughts that came to my mind… thoughts about what I I wanted to do to him. I hadn’t believed I could kill another human before that moment. Suddenly I wanted nothing more than to torture and then kill him. And I wanted it so very badly. I think I changed in that instant. I didn’t realize it, but I was no longer the same person.

And then, as the sleep fell from my eyes, the full horror struck; I realized she was gone.

The realization hit me like a brick to the head. I flew out of bed yelling her name. I ran around the house desperately searching for her-until I saw the note.

My heart dropped into the ground. I knew she was gone; as in gone gone. As in “took my money, my truck, my dog, and my heart” in a country western song… Gone. The hole in my heart might as well have been physical, I could feel it just the same. I seriously didn’t care about the money, I just wanted her back. My hands Shook as I opened the note and read it:

“My Dearest Love,

I had already sold my businesses and now I’ve taken half our savings. I hoped that would be enough and I could remain with you, but I cannot. My uncle needs me now, and I must honor my debt to him-help him save the family business. I will give him what money I have and work for him until my debt is fully paid. It is my duty. It is my destiny. It is also what I need. I didn’t realize that Until he told me what they need from me, and you helped me understand that it is also what I need and crave. I understand now that this was always what I was destined to become. When the business is safe, I will crawl back and offr myself to you as your sex slave-to use as you will, for as long as I live. Or for you to toss aside. I don’t think you can really want what I need to be-who I really am. I will beg your forgiveness then, and I beg you now to forget me and enjoy your life.”

The last line was written in a shaking hand, and there were teardrops on the paper.

Since the bulk of the money in savings was from her contributions, she was being more than fair – as far as the money went. However, I realized in a flash of anger how unfair she was being to me. Leaving without giving me a chance to… to… do something. In that instant, I knew what “something” was.

I found myself moving with cold, robotic precision. Never before, nor ever since, have I been so sure of my actions. I contacted my lawyer and set an appointment. I then drove to the bank, emptied my personal accounts, including savings, into travelers checks. I called around until I found a realtor who listened more than she talked (an amazingly difficult task) and I put the house up for sale. I hesitated at that point, because the memory of bringing her home after rescuing her from that alley was powerful. But I decided she needed me more now and I pressed on. I found her family’s address in the “old country” and booked a flight.

Life-shaking actions taken without concern. Easy as breathing. Not that breathing was so easy at that point.

The flight, however, was torture. Not the flying part, I’ve never minded airplanes. It was just sitting there with nothing to do. That was torture, and for many reasons. One was the horrible pain of missing my wife, my love, the one I was joined with. If you haven’t been married and in love, then separated, you can’t imagine that pain. It can drive a person mad; drive them to do anything to make it stop.

The torture took another form as well. Visions of her tied up while I ravaged her. Her smile as she begged me to slap her. Maybe it was just late anger over being left. I found myself enjoying the image of my hurting her, forcing her-really enjoying it. Far more than I expected. I was surprised to find myself becoming very aroused, which was a problem since I wear boxes and my pants were soft, comfortable slacks. I had to hide my erection from the pretty young lady I happened to be sitting beside. Eventually, as my thoughts of harshly fucking my wife continued to pour through my mind, I had to stumble to the bathroom to save myself. My trips to the bathroom were frequent and that horrible little toilet distributed of more than #1 or #2.

Was I becoming a sadist? I knew about that from reading on the internet, but I couldn’t imagine actually wanting to hurt a woman. Honestly, I still didn’t, not in any other context. But in a sexual context, I started having Increasedly vile fansies built upon my last time with my wife.

I saw myself fucking her from behind while I held her hair and pulled her head back painfully. Trying not tothink about it, trying to not see that picture in ragging detail in my mind, simply wasn’t possible. I practically ran to the bathroom, trying to hide my raging erection, and jerked off; cumming after just a few strokes.

A stewardess pinched her finger opening a drink can and cried out, putting her finger in her mouth. She was pretty, and in pain; gasping, her chest rising and falling. I wanted her. I wanted to take her injured hand and squeeze it just to watch the horror on her face. I loved my wife, but I found myself lusting after female pain.

Back in my seat, I suddenly saw myself standing over my wife and this stewardess, slapping their faces with my hard cock and then forcing it down the stewardesses throat while she gagged and my wife watched, knowing she would be next.

*another trip to the bathroom*

On my way back to my seat, I saw a couple kissing, his hand around her throat. Before I sat down, I knew I wouldn’t be there long. I saw myself commanding mywife to ride another man while I fucked her ass and spanked her; feeling his cock slipping into her, pulling her hair and hearing her scream as we came. I was doing ok until I imagined his wife cuffed to the bed frame, watching, eyes wide, knowing she was next. When I looked at her, I imagined that she blushed and looked down, trying to hide a smile. And I was off. Twice.

*one trip to each bathroom within a few minutes*

On my way out of the stall, the attendant was looking at me with a strange expression. She looked a little worried, but also curious. Seeing that I had seen her, she stopped me in the galley, blocking the way with her slim body, looking up at my face.

“Ok sugar.” she asked with a southern drawl, “What has you so worked up?”

“Um, I just have an upset stomach, must be something I ate.” I have tried to cover. She chucked.

“Ha! Darlin’, I’ve been around the block, and behind the bleachers a few times. I know the smell of spunk when it hits my nose.” She turned at me with a crooked grin. “Now that little thing you are sitting next to is cute, but she isn’t that cute. Something in your head is driving you crazy. Maybe you need a little help?”

She stepped closer to me and I suddenly realized she was rubbing my cock through my pants. I saw red. Reaching up quickly, I wrapped my hand around her throat and held her Against the cabinet. My face was above hers, and I stared into her eyes.

“Back off, or I will throw you in that shit hole and do horrible things to you.” I hissed.

Her eyes wide, she nodded and tried to press herself further back. I let her go and stormed back to my seat, not caring that dick was rampant. I did my best to cover myself when I sat back down, if only to avoid scaring the young lady next to me.

The pilots announced our descent into the next airport on our way. The thoughts of raw, savage sex and harsh punishment continued to flow through my mind. I held still and bore it, but thelady in the next seat seemed increasingly uncomfortable. She kept shifting her position, crossing and uncrossing her legs, and even wiggling in the seat. After a while, I thought I heard her moan, and I glanced over to try to figure out what was going on. She was reading a book on her reader, and as she changed pages, I realized it was that trash, “50 Shades of Grey”.

She caught me looking, and flushed, then shrugged and winked.

“I think we are both in the same state, maybe we should hook up after we land” she said, fear and excitement obvious in her voice. I shook my head and pointed to the ring on my finger, but my hand was shaking.

In my mind, this little brunet was 69ing my wife as I whipped them both, over and over, as they tossed and rolled under by belt lost in pain and pleasure.

I realized that I didn’t really know myself. I was meeting another version of me. The sadistic one.

I made my way off the plane as fast as I could, but not before overhearing someone whisper “viagra” knowingly. I wish. I purchased briefs at the airport store while waiting for my next flight and changed into them in a washroom stall. Even with briefs on, my dick was obvious in my pants. I put on another pair. The double restraint helped and I continued on my way to the next leg of the flight, walking with some difficulty.

Many tortured hours later, I was standing on her parents’ doorstep. Thankfully, the fear of meeting her parents for the first time had finally allowed my cock to give it a rest. I knocked, her dad opened the door. He knew who I was from our video chats. I also recognized his face, but it was several degrees higher than I expected.

Her dad is huge!

“What is this? How!? How, you are here?” Her father bellowed “But why?” he went on, without waiting. My open mouth had just closed as his wife broke in telling him to hush and let me answer.

“I understand why your daughter had to return. I respect her loyalty to her family and commitment to family honor-her desire to repay her uncle and save his business. I have no complaint with the part of our savings that she took. If she wants to leave me, that is her choice.” I stopped and took a deep breath. “But I am very upset that she did not give me the chance to offer my help.”

Her father and mother looked at each other and then he frowned. He cocked his head to the side, “Problem between you, is between you.”

“Um. Yes. Ok, I agree and I will talk to her about it.” I swallowed. “But I want you to know that I am here to help her. I’ve closed out my own accounts, and the rest of the joint savings account, and put my own business up for sale, along with the house.”

‘Dads’ eyes went up, but he looked a little happier.

“And… I’m here to work alongside her at her Uncle’s business. To help pay off her debt.”

All eyesbrows went up. A few heartbeats later, they both burst out laughing. Belly laughing, but with a painful high note that might have come from embarrassment. It’s hard to describe unless you have heard it.

When they calmed down again, he shook his head.

“You have much talking with her. Come, I take you.”

I followed her dad out the back door to a little cottage behind the main house. I saw her through the window before we even reached the door. She was slumped in a chair, staring at the floor, her hair mussed, her eyes red and puffy from crying. When her dad knocked, she looked up. When she saw me, her face displayed such a range of emotions, surprise, joy, fear, guilt and horror. Finally a form of shock settled in as she propelled herself towards the door, but it didn’t open. We stood there for awhile and her dad eventually questioned her in their native language. Then he made a statement, several more, and a more Forceful statement. There was a squeak from inside. He opened the door and stepped aside, motioning for me to go in.

“You talk. Much.” he said, as he turned to go. Then he stopped, pointed at my chest and said “Much. Talk.” I nodded. He closed the door and stomped back to the house.

And then she was in my arms and I was holding her, smelling her. I may have cried a little.

We held each other for what seemed like forever. Eventually, she pulled back a bit and sank to her knees. She looked up at me with guilt and fear on her face once more.

“I can’t go back with you,” she said.

“I know, I’m not here to take you back, I’m here to help you. I have the rest of our savings and I sold my business and the house. Beyond that, I will work for your Uncle with you to pay off your debt faster.”

Her eyes went wide. She gasped and covered her mouth. Then she wailed and fell at my feet, crying. “NO, you can’t!”

Maybe it was just the jet lag, maybe it was being left behind but I grabbed her hair, pulling her head up. That kinky little smile flickered over her face, and I really surprised myself by slapping her as she braced for it.

“Oh god. Ahh… Yes, I deserve it!” she cried, “Slap me, use me, while I’m still faithful to you!”

And suddenly she was scrambling to reach my belt, taking it off. Slipping it around her neck she handed me the end to hold before unzipping my pants. She pulled them down in a mad rush past both layers of stretchy material to reach my cock. I was tired, and more than shocked, but seeing her like this, combined with her obvious desire to please me-it did make me twitch a bit. Before I knew it I was hard and she had me in her mouth.

Pulling her up by the belt, choking her a little… all the while thinking ‘damn this was really fun, and I’m going to hell’.

“Strip.” I ordered

“Yes Master!” she smiled. It was strange, she had never called me that before. But it had have so long since I had seen her smile. She tore her clothes off and then knelt on the floor, but this time with her knees spread and her hands behind her back; her chest thrown out, displaying herself for me. She looked up at me with a hopeful expression.

“I am your property, I owe you more than I am worth.” She said with a smile. “It is my joy to give myself to you tonight, and to do anything you please.”

And by god, I believe she means it. So yeah. I love my wife, and I respect her as a person and women in general. But somehow it was… The. Most. Sexy. Things. Ever.

Not because I wanted to hurt her, but because she wanted me to hurt her.

Suddenly I realized there was one thing I could never get her to do before, something that I really wanted.

“Touch yourself.” I said. Her smile froze. “Put your fingers on your sex and make yourself cum for me.” She hesitated. “I want to watch you masturbate.” I have no idea why that was difficult for her, I know for a fact she masturbated. For some reason, though, it was difficult for her to expose herself like that to me.

But she did it. Her hand suddenly flew between her legs She spread them wider and then rubbed herself while I watched. She was breathing hard, her chest rising and falling. She closed her eyes. Her other hand went to her breast and started playing with the nipple. She slipped two fingers between her lower lips and slide inside. They were glistening with her wetness as she pulled them out and then spread the mood over her lips and clip.

But that wasn’t exactly what I wanted.

“Stop. Look at me.” She frozen and her eyes popped open. “You are doing this for me, not for yourself. I want you to look at me, while you please yourself… AT ME!”

She nodded.

“Continue, but look at me.” I ordered.

She started moving again, slowly. Her eyes widened and she looked a little scared but then a smile flickered on her face. I smiled back at her and Just drank in the vision before me. She put her two fingers back inside herself for a moment and then she spread her wetness all over her sex. All the while she fight with herself to maintain eye contact. Shewas blushing furiously, and her head wanted to drop and hide, but she kept looking back up and locking eyes with me.

“Good girl! That’s it, do yourself for me.”

She smiled a very cute, determined little smile and started pushing her fingers in and out. She was beet red, and panting. Her mouth was shaped in a little “o” and her eyes fluttered but she kept them wide open.

I took out my cock and started struggling it. “I love this! I love you! Oh God, you look so sexy”

She smiled shyly. I could see a wave of pleasure wash over her, causing her to shudder. Her eyes closed for a moment, but she snapped them back open and looked up at me; a little fear mixed with lust on her face.

“Keep looking at me, see how turned on I am? Do you understand that this is pleasing me?”

She nodded rapidly and continued to finger herself; alternative between plumping her fingers into herself and rubbing her lips and cliporis. Her fingers flicked around her clip in circles atthe top; then raced up and down her slit.

She pinched her nipples, rolled them around between her fingers Then she moved that hand down to her cliporis while pushing the fingers of her other hand deep inside herself. Taking her nub in between her thumb and forefinger, she pinched and pulled at it.

Her breath was coming in little gasps, her eyes were bugged out looking from my cock to my face and back. Shy, but Very excited.

“Please Master may I cum for you?” I’m not sure why she asked, I guess she needed it to be at my command, not hers.

The rush of power was overwhelming.

“Yes, little one, cum for me. Now!”

At my command, she slapped herself between the legs several times, gasping with each slap. She plunged her other hand as deep inside as she could. Her fingers flew over the top of her slit and she stared into my face, eyes and mouth wide open, gasping.

She gushed. I’m not sure how I can describe the connection we had in that moment. The best I can do is to describe the effect it had on me; despite the fact that we were not touching… I was only holding myself, not struggling at all; yet I still came violently when she came. It was as if her orgasm was my orgasm.

When I came I made quite a mess on her chest and belly with my cum and when she finally broke our gaze, she looked down at herself, laughed and then muttered, “I guess I should get used to it.” I was amazed when she collected my semen with her slick fingers and brought it to her mouth. I had never seen her do anything like that before, not even when we had engaged in oral sex.

“I love that it’s your cum, Master,” she said as she gobbled up dripping slideslimy ropes of cum from her body. “I… This slave very much enjoyed pleasure you, Sir.” She looked down and then back up, locking eyes with mine. A look of fierce password came over her face and tears starting to run down her cheeks. “You are my Master, the only man I love and the only man I willingly serve.Thank you, Master… for this… for owning me, and pushing me to accept my fate.”

Having mostly cleaned herself up, but for several glistening wet spots, she sat up.

“Master, what would you like to do to my body now?” I was amazed, as she normally didn’t want anything other than to be held after reaching orgasm.


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