The Little Sister Ch. 03

Tags: femdom, female domination, male submissive, cfnm, humiliation, teasing, bdsm, young, first time, romance

Author’s comments:

As implied by the number in the title, this is a continuation of my previous submissions: The Little Sister and The Little Sister (2).

I would like to thank those who took the time to comment on those submissions. I apologize for the long time gaps between Chapters. At best, I’m a slow writer and when personal issues arise, my writing is often delayed. The comments really help motivate me to write about and share my fansies.

Now on with the story:


“Yes you are,”

Laird looked up at the petite goddess above him as he digested her words. In those three short words Nikki acknowledged the erotic elements of their relationship; she was dominant and he was submissive. More to the point, she was a developing sadist and he was a developing masochist. They both wanted to pursue their developing relationship. He was indeed screwed. His cock was quivering with excitement as he digested that revelation.

Nikki slowly rose from the chair as she composed herself. “I’m going home to shower and dress. I’ll be back soon and we can leave for Rhonda’s. Get dressed. The clothes on the chair will be fine and leave the door unlocked. She smiled at him. “It would be great if you were kneeling in front of the door as you wait for my return.” Then, as she started for the door, she turned and looked down at his still prone body. “I don’t have to remind you, but I will; You need my permission to cum.” She looked pointedly at his groin before closing the door behind her.

Laird got up slowly, still dazed by his reaction to her orgasm not to mention his sore buttocks. He made his way to the bathroom and inspected his abused cheats in the mirror. He noted that they were red but not really marked. He rubbed in a bit of lotion before he got dressed.

He looked at the cage lock, waiting tobe inserted and clicked shut. Nikki hadn’t said anything about the cage. She did just say “clothes.” She didn’t say “dress as you were.” It did feel great having his cock free. Free to erect without painful restrictions. Being able to feel the fabric of his pants on his penis was heaven compared to the restrictive confines of the cage.

He didn’t know when she would be coming back, so he knelt in front of the door to wait. He wanted her to see his submission, not someone who was just scrambling to get in position as she arrived. He remembered she didn’t say he had to be kneeing, just that it would be nice. As he knelt there, he became aware that his display of submission, in itself, was arousing. He looked over at the cage. He hated wearing it and she knew it. She was probably feeling beneficial after her orgasm when she left him with the implication that he need not wear it. He stared at it, conflicting thoughts passing through his mind. He knew she would be pleased if he did wear it while waiting for her. With a sight, he rose and took the cage with him to the kitchen. With the help of some ice, he was able to get the cage on. He attached the leash and returned to kneeing before the door. He pulled the leash through his fly and positioned it leading to the door–an offering to her when she arrived. He finally inserted the lock and clicked it shut. With that click, he realized he was showing more than submission; he was confirming his surrender as she still held the keys. With that thought, he experienced the erotic wave of submission that he was becoming addicted to. The cage painfully demonstrated the drawback to his surrender.


Nikki’s mother greeted her when she came in. “Hi, honey. Will you be having dinner here tonight or do you and Laird have plans?”

“We have plans tonight, Mom. As a matter of fact, we will be late, so don’t wait up.”

“Don’t forget it’s a school night.”

“It isn’t really a real school day. It’s for turning in books, graduation rehearsal, and yearbook signing. I don’t even have to be there until noon or 1 o’clock. Tuesday is a totally off day before graduation on Wednesday.”

“Your brother will be coming home tomorrow for summer break. As a matter of fact, All the neighbors’ kids on the block will be home by then. You guys should have a party on Tuesday for old times sake.”

“That might be fun. I’ll think about it.”

“Tell me. What are the plans you’ve got that will be keeping you so late.?”

Nikki smiled. “We made friends with the owner of the sex shop I told you about last night. She invited us to a barbecue at five.”

“That’s pretty early. What are your plans for later?”

Nikki’s eyes lit up but her voice was low and serious. “Laird has no plans. He will submit to any plans I have. I control him, Mom. Can you imagine how that makes me feel after years of my hating him?”

Mrs. Long looked at her daughter. She had changed so much in one short day. She knew her daughter’s insecurities and her crush on Laird even when he was mean. But the relationship change yesterday brought forth a whole new person for her daughter. Instead of being a passive mouse, she was a liness and Laird was her prey. “Yes. I can imagine the feeling,” she said finally. “What are your plans then?”

“When we get to his house, I’m going to take his virginity.” Nikki said as nonchalantly as she could, expecting to shock her mother.

Instead of a shocked or surprised reaction her mother looked at her with a loving smile. “Frankly, after what you told me last night, I almost expected it. I presume that the loss his virginity will be accompanied by the loss of yours.”

Nikki smiled shyly at her mother and nodded. “You know that’s true.”

“Just be careful. I don’t just mean using a condom. Both of you will experience an extreme bonding experience over and above sexual enjoyment. I don’t want either of you to be hurt emotionally. Be sure you both have since feelings for each other that are not just ignored by lust.”

Nikki grew more sober. “I do love him, Mom. Even when he was cruel to me, I loved him. I know we have had only one weekend to find and express our love, but it’s there. I know he loves me. He wouldn’t put up with how I treated him if he didn’t.” Nikki paused as she thought about her Treatment of Laird. She pulled out the key to Laird’s cock cage and dangled it. Her eyes glittered and she smiled mischievously. “As the saying goes; ‘When you’ve got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow.’”

Her mother laughed. “You’re pretty, darling. As your mother, I should be concerned for you but somehow I’m more concerned for Laird. She looked at the clock. “You better get ready. You don’t have that much time to get ready before leaving for Rhonda’s.” She quickly produced a bottle of champione. “Take this if you need a hostess gift.”

“Thanks Mom,” Nikki said as she took the bottle and looked at the clock herself. “Oh my God! It is late,” she exclaimed as she rushed to take a shower and get ready. As soon as she was ready, she hugged her mom. “Thinking about it, I won’t be late tonight. If things go well, it’s going to be an all-nighter.” Without waiting for a response, she darted out the door on her way to Laird’s. She was curious if he would be waiting for her as she wished. She wasn’t disappointed.

Laird’s heart jumped a beat when he heard the front door knob turn. He hadn’t heard Nikki approach and was glad he had waited for her at the door as she wished. For a moment, when the door opened, all he could see was her silhouette outlined by the outside glare. As the door closed and, as his eyes adjusted, his gaze rose from her form fitting jeans, paused momentarily at a tight fitting t-shirt, and continued up to an approving smiling face.

She gazed down at the kneeing form before her and immediately noticed the leash leading from his groin straight to her feet–clearly an offering. Their eyes met; his filled with adoration and hers filled with the joy of conquest. She picked up the handle of the leash and, hand over hand, pulled herself to him. She knelt in front of him and, dropping the leash, she embraced him. With his returning embrace they merged into a password kiss. His hands caresed her back during the kiss and noticed there were no bra straps. Laird’s cock, already at half mast while waiting, was now painfully fighting the cage.

“You make me so happy, I could burst,” Nikki said when they finally broke the kiss. Then rising and picking up the leash, “Thank you for waiting for me like that.”

“It was my pleasure,” he said smiling.

She looked at him with a sideways look that only be interpreted as a scoffing “Yeah, right.”

“No. Really,” Laird said quickly and sincerely. “I feel like a kid at Christmas waiting for Santa.” He looked at the leash she held. “It’s like I was leaving out cookies when I laid out thatleash hoping my offering would be accepted.”

Pleased at his analysis, Nikki laughed in pure merriment. “You really compare my arrival to Santa’s?”

“The anxious anticipation, yes. The arrival physical profile, an emphatic “no,” he said with a smile as he looked pointedly at her t-shirt. “There’s no comparison there.”

Though Nikki blushed at his words. She was proud the way her figure filled out in the past couple of years, but she was also self consciousness and she had always beat a bra in public. For her, the lycra swimsuit was daring. She had been exhilarated when she posed for Laird on the sailboat in her new swimsuit. She was proud and aroused when she saw the effect her display had caused. She wanted to have those same feelings again. She followed his gaze and noted that her nipples were as prominent now as they were on the sailboat. Though she blushed at his reference to her display, she felt exhilarated as well.

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” she said andshe shimmied a bit. From the expressions of lust and pain on Lairds face, she knew she was getting to him. “I think ‘Santa’ should show appreciation for your offering,” she said. With that, she pulled up on the leash and said, “Stand up.”

When he obeyed she knelt and pulled out the cage key. “This is your present for being such a good boy.” With that, she unfasted his belt and pants button, pulled down his pants and briefs, and removed the lock, putting it carefully in her pocket. She was amused when she realized Laird had probably selected these pants because they were loose enough to hide the cage. “You may remove the cage now but don’t forget, cumming puts you on the naughty list and right back into the cage.” She then stood and, with, hands on hips, she watched him struggle as he removed the Maddening cage.

Laird flushed self vividly as he struggled with the cage and ring assembly under Nikki’s direct supervision. When he finally freed himself despite the embarrassing interference of an eager cock, he quickly pulled up his shorts and pants. He looked over at Nikki who wore an amused smug look on her face. Her eyes were sparkling as she watched Laird’s consternation from her presence during his short ordeal. “I think I want you to go commando,” she said. She enjoyed seeing Laird’s face express new consternation at the prospect of having to undress and dress again under her intent gaze. His blood supply was split between his red face and his happy freed cock as he struggled with shoes and pants in his efforts to rid himself of his briefs.

When he was finally done, Nikki pressed against him, allowing him to feel her soft firm breasts press against his side, and kissed him lightly on the cheek. At the same time, her hand grazed and then pressed firmly on his cock. “Good boy,” she whispered in his ear.

Laird’s knees went weak at her touch and words. “God, how did I miss noting how sexy she was before yesterday?” he asked himself.

Except for wanting to look at Nikki instead of keeping his eyes on the road, the drive to Rhonda”s house was pretty uneventful. Nikki caused her hand rest on his inner thigh and that contact with its arousing effect also taxed his ability to keep his mind on driving.

Rhoda’s residence was set back for the street and away from neighbors. Both Nikki and Laird sumised (correctly) that being isolated was a prime objective when Rhonda bought the property. When they arrived, Rhonda greeted them. She wore white sandals, white capris, and a white blouse tied in front to expose a navel surrounded by well-toned stomach muscles. She looked like she could host a church social instead of a private party with an interest in BDSM. “Hi. So glad you made it,” she said as she let them in.

“We didn’t know What to bring, but we thought this was a day worth celebrating,” Nikki said as she handed Rhonda the bottle of champione.

“Thank you. It’s not a common brand and it’s my favoritete. Your budding new relationship is definitely worth celebrating.” She looked pointedly at Laird’s crotch noting the absence of a cage and the presence of precum dotting his pants suggesting the lack of underwear. “Did you let him out for good behavior?”

“No. I just felt like having his cock open and available might be more fun for the both of us. I like to observe how it reacts in different situations. Of course, if he doesn’t display good behavior, I’d have him retrieve it from the car.”

“He’s been a good boy for you then?”

“Oh yes,” Nikki replied dreamily. “I still have trouble thinking he is the same person I know growing up. I’m so happy.”

Rhonda smiled at the young woman. “You sure do look it.”

“Actually,” Nikki said in a lowered confidential voice but loud enough to assure Laird would hear. “If I don’t change my mind, I’m going to restrain him like I did last night and mount him. I want to be the one to take his virginity.”

Laird, again intimidated from speaking by the two of them, had remained silent. The fact that they talked so easily about him while he was right there made him feel inconsequential. He felt that this minor humiliation was just the beginning of more to come. Then, when he heard of Nikki’s intent, he involuntarily blurted “What?”

Nikki gave him a cheeky look. “Yep. I plan to pop your cherry tonight, providing…” She let her voice trail off.

“Shouldn’t we have discussed this first? I mean, you tell Rhonda this before you tell me? Don’t I have a say?: where?, when?, how? Why didn’t you tell me? I mean, I’m okay with it but don’t you think…” Laird suddenly stopped his outburst when his mind finally processed her last word. “Wait a second. What do you mean ‘providing?’” his voice registering concern. His cock had reacted quickly to her statement and his mind was not far behind in anticipation, but the word “providing” was suddenly terrifying.

Nikki laughed at his mistaken element. “No, you don’thave a say in this. That’s why I didn’t both letting you know my intentions until now. Yes, it is provisional on my not changing my mind; that includes your not cumming until then.”

Rhonda laughed in delight at the verbal exchange. “You two are priceless.” Then turning her attention to Nikki, she continued. “You have a natural ability of eliciting behavior that you desire. With a virgin male to play with, I can’t think of a more effective way to direct his actions than offering the reward of intercourse.”

“I wasn’t saying that just to motivate him, It’s something I really want to do. I’m hoping he won’t disappoint me enough that I won’t do it.”

Laird was almost getting used to being belittled by the fact that the two of them talked about him as if he wasn’t there. He was perplexed by their assumption that he didn’t have the will to challenge their manipulation of him. What was more disconcerting was that he was aroused by the realization that their assumption was correct. More than ever, he was anxious to please.

Sammy was busy tending to ribs on the barbecue when they went into the back yard. Side dishes were already prepared. “Can I get you something to drink: wine, beer, soft drink, water?” Rhonda asked.

“A beer would be great,” Laird immediately replied.

“Coming right up,” Rhonda said cheerfully. “Why don’t you see if Sammy needs help with the grill. You two can get acquainted while Nikki and I will bring out the drinks.”

Laird was glad Sammy was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. He had feared he would be nude or in some S&M harness or in something frilly. He felt Nikki would want to have him change into similar attire and he dreaded that.

Jimmy looked up ar Laird approached and grinned. “Hi there, Laird. Good to see you again,” he said cheerfully.

“Likewise,” Laird responded. “Can I help with anything? Those ribs look and smell delicious.”

“I’ve got it covered, thanks,” he said as he brushed the ribswith barbecue sauce. “How did the items you got last night work out for you? Even beginners usually don’t have too many problems. Rhonda only carries quality stuff.”

“They worked well,” Laird responded guardedly. “The jury’s still out as to how great they are.”

Jimmy laughed. “I think you will come around to appreciate them. After all, you’ve just begun your journey in this lifestyle.”

“That’s my concern. There’s a long scary road ahead.” Laird paused. “Say, what do you think is in store this evening.”

“Oh, Rhonda has had this kind of get together before. She likes to show off her products and ideas and use me to do so. I’m the one who should be worried,” he said with a nervous chuckle.

“You’re not worried?”

“Oh, I worry and I suffer a lot for her,” He paused for a moment. “I don’t know why, but it’s an erotic rush having her in control. She may cruel sometimes, but I’ve grown to crave that rush so much, it makes the pain and humiliation worth it.”

“But she only demonstrates on you, right?” Laird asked trying to alleviate his anxiety.

“Yeah, usually. You’ll only suffer if your dominant inflicts it or allow it.” He grinned at Laird’s disappoint and couldn’t resist adding, “if I know Rhonda, as we speak, she’s trying to get Nikki to consider having you mirror what happens to me. On the plus side, Thanks to your purchase last night, I’m hoping for an orgasm after dinner. Who knows, you may be allowed one too.”

“I’m not allowed until after we get back home and that’s a ‘maybe.’”

“Oh.” Sammy shook his head sympathetically. “You may be in for a rough night.”

Dread welled up in Laird at Jimmy’s conjectures. He was also disabled that his pants were showing a growing circle of precum in anticipation of the coming events.


As the women departed to get the drinks, Rhonda smiled at Nikki. “You have really bewitched him,” she said. “What did you do? Give him a blow job last night?”

“It was a hand job,” Nikki blurted out with out thinking. Her cheeks turned red as she realized Rhoda had guessed so close to what they did. “How did you guess that I…?”

“Gave him sexual satisfaction last night?” Rhonda interrupted by finishing her question. “It wasn’t hard. Since you two are obviously not experienced with this lifestyle, the erotic impact would be overwhelming for him, particularly if he was immobilized by the restraint system you just bought. His deference to you and his willingness to submit so totally indicate you gave him a much desired, or should I say needed, orgasm.”

“The hand job was a first for both of us,” Nikki said. “I wish I had your experience.”

“You did say he’s a virgin?”

Nikki nodded in response. “He hasn’t had much experience with women, but then I haven’t had that much experience with men. Did I tell you, he used to bully and embarrass me until just yesterday?”

“No you didn’t, Honey. You’re a natural and he’s a horny sitting duck for a dominant female. The fact that he obediently waited for you in such an uncomfortable position at the store indicates how solid your effect on him is.”

“I would love any points you can give. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the change in our relationship.


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