The Little Sister (2)
Tags: femdom, female domination, male submissive, cfnm, humiliation, teasing, bdsm, young, first time, romance
Author’s comments:
As implied by the number in the title, this is a continuation of my previous submission: The Little Sister.
I want to thank those who commented on the first installment. Your support and encouragement helped motivate me to continue the story, In particular, thank you GumbyCLR for your prayer and I’m looking forward to any writing you have been recently inspired to write, In answer to Bigboy333’s question: Yes. For you, I did include a squeal in this sequel. To the first Anonymous comment: I do appreciate suggestions. Since your interest seems to lean towards naked ladies, I suggest you avoid stories that have a CFNM (Clothed Female, Naked Male) tag. You do no one any favors by giving a low star rating just because a story doesn’t cater to your preferences.
Now on with the story:
“I can handle him.”
The words hung there. Nikki saw an amused and challenging smile cross her mother’s face. Uncharacteristically, her mother brought out a couple of large wine glasses and a bottle of wine. Lets sit and talk. “I want to hear all about the ‘double feature’” she said as she poured a general amount of wine in both glasses and sat on the sofa.
Nikki flushed as she sat and accepted the offered beverage. She knew her mother didn’t buy her claim about a double feature plus she knew her mother knew that she knew her mother knew that movie attendance wasn’t the reason for her being out late. She had barely taken a sip of wine and already her mind was in turmoil.
“Well actually we decided skip the movie and just visit at his place. But honest Mom, he never stepped out of line.”
“He’ not ‘we’?” her mother asked rhetorically with smirkish grin. “Tell me about your day. How was lunch and sailing?”
Nikki had a good and trusting relationship with hermother. She was glad her mom had backed off the nights activities even though she knew it was a prelude to her ultimately describing the entire day’s events. Her wine glass was almost empty as she described the sailing trip and they both laughed when she remembered Laird’s tenting problem. “And after that Mom, he was almost becoming to take me to dinner,” Nikki said as she sipped her wine. She was glowing as she Remembered how embarrassed Laird was when he had to afford his attention to her as he asked for the dinner date.
With the help from the wine and the need to tell somebody about her experience, Nikki continued her narrative and filling in details when her mother asked.
“Later on the beach, he knelt before me ostensibly to retrieve a sand dollar, but we both knew he liked being at my feet. I felt like a goddess,” She said dreamy.
“He said I’m beautiful, so beautiful the other guys were envious of him because he was with me.” Her eyes lit up as she thought of that moment of glory.
In a lowered conspiratorial voice, “He admitted he got a hard-on when he thought about being tied up by me.” Nikki paused. “I can’t believe I did this, but when he told me that, I put my hand on his crotch. “With ‘hard’ supporting evidence literally in my hand, he agreed to let me tie him up!” Nikki giggled at her little play on words and the thought of him agreeing while she teased his cock.
Throughout the narrative, Nikki’s mother was supporting, encouraging, and often indicated approval. Still bubbled over with emotion from the day, Nikki continued into the meat of her evening. “We decided that instead of going to a movie, we would go to his house where I could tie him up.” She went on and described their stop at the gift store to get bondage gear. She giggled again and her mom wisely quit refilling her wine glass. “Did I mention? I got him a cock cage,” Nikki pulled out the keys. “Do you know what a cock cage is, Mom?
Her mother smiled indulgently at her daughter. “No, you didn’t mentions and yes, I do know what a cock cage is,” she replied as she took the keys and looked at them. “These are all the same.”
“That’s one of the benefits of the store. One key fits all the locks on the stuff we bought.”
Her mother took one of the keys and returned the rest. “I think I’ll keep one in case of an emergency,” she said quietly.
Nikki then described the rest of the events that followed, including the hand job. Finally, the conversation and wine were finished and Nikki went off to bed. Her mother looked in on her before she fell asleep. “Sweet dreams. You did well. I have to admit, it looks like you can, indeed, handle him.”
Laird woke up from his sporadic sleep grggy and horny. Any time he was aroused, the cock cage reminded him of its funility. No matter how he tried to deal with the leash, each attempt reminded him of Nikki’s comment how she would lead him by it to the sex shop. Though he was terrified by the thought, he was also aroused — only to once again have his cock attempt to “stretch out.” That circle of thoughts/events continued on from his troubled sleep throughout the morning. He had trouble keeping his thoughts focused when he tried to make the list Nikki wanted from him. It was terribly short despite her threat of consequences for any omissions.
He was in a state of aroused dread when he watched the clock finally approach noon. He had looped the handle of the leash on his cage and allowed the folded length to run down his pant leg. It felt weird, but effectively kept it out of sight. He skipped a breath when he heard the doorbell ring a few minutes early. He opened the door and felt an erotic rush at the sight of her. She again wore a simple summer dress that flattered both her figure and legs. For a Short girl, she had marvelous legs. The dress featured decorative suspender straps that curved around her breasts. He immediately wanted to straighten them so they would run straight down over her breasts. He knew intuitively that if they did run straight, he would be fascinated by the prospect of them shifting off to the side. The expression on her pretty face was announcement temperatured by amusement in her eyes. “You just going to stand there all day?” she asked in mock announcement. “Aren’t you going to ask me in?”
Laird shook himself. “Uh…no, sorry. I mean yes please come in.” He was surprised how flustered he found himself in her presence. “It’s just that you’re so…” he paused as he searched frantically for the right word to express how he felt. “beautiful.”
Nikki mentally jumped for joy at his reaction. She loved getting compliments and the fact that she could fluster her former torqueor with no effort on her part made it even more delicious. “Thank you,” she said smiling as she stepped inside. When Laird closed the door behind her, she held out her hand, palm up.
Laird looked at her hand in confusion. After a moment of silence, itslowly dawned on him what she wanted. He flushed brightly, unzipped his fly and retrieved the handle to his lean. He felt the lean slide up his pant leg as he extended it to her. So much for having the lean discretely stood away. Wordlessly, as she had done the night before, she allowed the lean to have enough slack so she could place her foot on it and pull Laird down to his knees. This time she keep the leash taut when she tilted his head back and kissed him.
She was glowing when she finally broke the kiss. “Did you get a good night’s sleep, slave?” she asked breaking the silence.
“Sleep was a bit spotty, I have to admit,” he replied trying to ignore her calling him “slave.” “Um… I couldn’t get you out of my mind and this cage is driving me to distraction.”
Her eyes twinkled at the thought that she had gotten into his head. “So you were thinking of me, huh? What did you think about me?”
Still on his knees, he hugged her softly, allowing his hands to caress her back. “How you bewitched me. How you make me feel. Worried that you might actually lead me on the leanh at the sex shop. How you look in your bathing suit. How your eyes twinkle when you smile, How it feels when I’m at your feet. How pretty you are. How…”
Nikki’s laughter cut off his spiel. “Okay, okay. Enough. I get the picture.” She removed her foot from the leash and pulled up, bringing him to his feet. “I’m so glad you thought about me. I thought about you too.” Looking around. “Did you make the list I asked for?”
“It’s on the table over there,” he said as he pointed.
“Well let’s go see it,” she said as she pulled him behind her. Laird looked on with dread as she picked up the list. He He stopped quickly in response to a strong tug on theleash. “Enough,” she said sternly. “Now, let’s go get some lunch.”
She handed him the leash. “Put this back how you had it when I came in.”
She watched him with amusement as he fiddled with the leash and struggled to get it to go down his pant leg. During his gyrations, she also noted that precum leaking from the cage was creating a wet spot on his briefs. Laird flushed again as he knew she was enjoying watching him and that she wouldn’t miss seeing the embarrassing wetness.
Their lunch was much like the previous day’s lunch. The difference was both were preoccupied with the change in their relationship. He was still inherently embarrassed about his submission to her the previous evening and she was still basking in the delights of dominating him.
“Did your parents hassle you about your staying out?” he asked.
“Oh Dad was sleep and Mom was supporting when I told her we went to your house.”
Time stood still for Laird. “What? You didn’t tell her about… well you know, what we did at my place?”
“I don’t keep secrets from my mom. She saw through the movie ruse right away. Besides, I was still hyperped up and really wanted to share my experience.”
“Oh geeze,” he said miserably. “This is awful. I won’t be able to look her in the eye again.”
“Relax. She was really very supportive.” Knowing he was appalled about her mother knowing about his submission, she couldn’t resist telling adding, “You’ll be happy to know that she has a key to your cage in case of an emergency or something.”
“You told hear about the cock cage?” he asked anxiously as the reality of her mother knowing about his submission hit home.
Nikki was enjoy his consternation. “Of course. I shared the whole evening. She really laughed when I told her how you hoped to spurt all over the place.”
Laird was beet red when he thought about Nikki confiding his degradation to her mother and they laughing about it. The disclosure about her mom knowingthe situation only increased Laird’s appreciation about the trip to the sex shop. He was now filled with dread as he was sure she was going to walk him on the leash when they got to the shop.
All too soon for Laird, the lunch was over and they pulled into the shop’s parking lot. Once they were parked, Nikki asked him to hand her the leash.
“Please don’t make me walk in there with my crotch obviously leashed.”
Nikki grinned. “Hand it to me, please.”
Laird wildly searched for a way out that wouldn’t jeopardize their evolving relationship. “Why,” he wondered to himself, “When I say ‘please’ it sounds like I’m begging and when she says it, it is a command?” Reluctantly and fully flushed, he unzipped his fly and fished out the handle.
She gleefully took the handle and pulled the leash to its full extension. Droping the leash, she got out of the car and opened the driver’s side door. “Hand it to me,” she said. Laird, defeated and aroused, obediently compiled.
Laird looked around the parking lot and was relieved to see no one was there. Laughing at his fear of being embarrassed, Nikki tugged at the leash and pulled him from the car with it. Red-faced he meekly followed her into the store only to be confronted by the fact that the clerk on duty was a woman. He cast his eyes down in embarrassment.
“Hello. my name is Rhonda. How may I help you?” asked the clerk as she approached them.
“We were here last night and the clerk mentioned a remote shocker,” Nikki replied.
“Oh you must be the newbies Sammy sold the remote system to. Did you get a chance to use it?”
Nikki giggled a bit and Laird was looking for a hole to jump in. “Oh, yes. It worked wonderfully as did the cage he also sold us.”
Rhonda smiled at that. “It’s great to have satisfied customers. Even more important to me, I also love it when female dominant items are sold. I’m a strong advocate of FLRs, that’s Female Led Relationships. Sammy earned himelf an extra orgasm as a commission for selling you that cage.”
“Are you telling me that his commission…” Nikki responded slowly and stopped as the implications of her statement unfolded in her mind.
“Yes. Exactly. I own both the store and Sammy. He’s my live-in slave and I control his orgasms.” She looked pointedly at the leash and where it was coming from. “For being new at this, I would say you are off to a great start. Did I hear you mention an interest in our shocker system?”
“I didn’t know it was a system,” Nikki said.
“Neither did I,” Laird blurted, finally ending his embarrassed silence.
Rhonda looked over at him. “You should be glad about that as the system includes a pleasant stimulation feature. Actually, I prefer to call it our motivational system. That covers all the bases.”
Despite himself, his cock twitched at the thought. “Somehow, I think that stimulation feature coupled with the cage might not be as pleasurable as you indicate.”
She laughed at his remark. “Smart boy.” Then turning to Nikki, “There’s an enclave in the back of the store. There is less chance of customers interrupting us as I show you the features of our motivational system. With that, she led the way and Nikki followed with Laird in tow. Laird felt foolish and embarrassed by being led by the leash, but he felt he was in no position to object.
When they reached the rear enclave, Rhonda pulled out a box containing the motorizational system and opened it. Laird saw the remote control and was curious about the dials and buttons on it. Without thinking, he reached over and took it out to exam it. Disapproval of that act was apparent by Rhonda’s expression. Nikki took note and without a word, she took the remote from Laird. Still not Speaking, she stepped on the leash, bringing him to his knees. Laird accepted her actions without uttering a word or sound of objection.
Rhonda grinned at the contrite male now kneeing at Nikki’s feet.Then turning to Nikki, “Girl, I like your style.”
Laird was flushing brightly and he was too embarrassed to say anything. Worse, his cock again fought the cage indicating he was aroused by their casual treatment of him.
“This system is a bit expensive but well worth it. I hope your boy can afford it,” Rhonda said as she slid into sales pitch mode. We customize commercial products and make some accessories ourselves. As far as possible, items from our systems are compatible and use the same locks so you don’t have to worry about multiple keys. For example,” she continued as she pulled a piece from the box. “This is the primary motivator and can be attached to, and locked on, the cage you already purchased. If you like, I can show you on his cage if you don’t mind.
“I don’t mind at all,” Nikki responded as she pulled up on the leash causing a blushing Laird to stand. “Unfasten your pants so the lady can show us how to attach this.”
Laird, still too intimidated byHis embarrassment to offer resistance, dutifully undid his belt, button, and zipper. He hesitantly fully opened the fly that only exposed his briefs with the lean coming out the front. Rhonda’s face registered dissatisfaction at the result. “Lace your hands behind your head,” she said emphymically with such force Laird compiled immediately. As a result, his pants immediately dropped to his ankles. Both of the women laughed at his consternation. It took a few moments before Rhonda could compose herself enough to speak. “I just love it when that happens,”
Laird was mortified. The sudden shock of cool air on his legs intensified the feeling of his exposure. His embarrassment did not lessen when Rhonda pulled his briefs down almost to his knees, the lean still protruding from the front of them. He whimpered quietly as he visualized how he looked; standing tall with hands behind his head, caged, hobbled by pants at his ankles, his briefs half way down with the lean emerging from them, and two women laughing at his plight. His cock, on the other hand, was not mortified and diligently pressed itself painfully against the cage.
Rhonda soon had the shocker plugged in. She took the remote and showed Nikki how to adjust some of the settings. “This setting will impart pleasure,” she said as she handed back the remote. “Go ahead. Press it.”
Nikki looked at Laird, still standing with hands behind his head and pressed the button. She saw him gasp and a quick look of pleasure crossed his face until the interaction of his cock and the cage took precedence.
Rhonda then adjusted a dial. “Now try it. It will deliver a relatively mild shock.”
Laird did not like shocks and he started to shake as he stood there waiting for Nikki to press the button. “Please,” he said in a wavering voice in a vain attempt to ward off the inevitable.
“Oh. You’re begging for it,” Nikki mocked him as she deliberately misinterpreting the intent of his plea. Before he hadAnother chance to beg, she pressed the button to give him a momentary shock.
Laird let out a surprised squeal as his knees buckled, he bent over, and his hands flew down to his groin. “Oh. That was intense,” he exclaimed.
Ignoring Laird’s distress, Rhonda pressed on with her pitch to Nikki. “As you can see, even the low settings are effective. Since you seem to enjoy your leash, let me show you this little accessory,” she said cheerfully. She pulled out a small device and, after freeing the leash from his briefs, she attached it to the leash and cage. “I have it set so if you pull lightly, it will give him pleasure. That pleasure will also warn him that the tension is just one step away from the next setting which may not be so pleasant. Right now, I set the second setting to shock at the level he just experienced. With this device, he will comply with your wishes more quickly than just a tug.”
Nikki pulled the leash lightly. Laird felt the pleasureable stimulus. Instead of pleasure, he was consumed by fear. He knew a more firm pull would result in a shock. He immediately moved towards Nikki to lessen the pull on the leash. Rhonda laughed. “That’s was a perfect demonstration of the effect I’m talking about,” she said gleefully.
“Leave him here where he won’t offend any sensitive customers that may come in. I want you to see our selection of corporate punishment toys.”
Nikki looked a Laird. “You OK?” she asked with concern in her voice.
Laird was still enveloped in a sea of embarrassment and humiliation. He could think of no reply other than an affordable nod. Nikki smiled at his response. “Up on your toes,” she said impulsively as she lifted the leash enough to trigger the pleasure stimulus. Although Laird obediently rose on his toes Nikki keep the leash taut enough that he still feel the pleasure sensings from the “motivational system.”
“Stay here. Lace your fingers behind your head until I get back,” she said as she fastened the lean to a high display hook that kept him on his toes.
As Laird compiled with putting his hands behind his head. He lost balance and gasped as he felt the unwanted shock. He quickly rose and touched the wall with his extended elbow for balance. Nikki smiled at him as she followed Rhonda into the main part of the shop.
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