She was beautiful. Her name was Diana Bell.
In the rows of pictures, her image glowed and seemed to pop out from the others. She was the ultimate of his school-age fansies. He barely knew her when he was a senior and she was only a sophomore. Despite his advantage in age, he had been too intimidated to engage in a meaningful conversation. He had tried and she seemed friendly enough, but he never got past the “Hi, how you doing?” and “I liked the sweater you wore in study hall last Friday” kind of ice-breaker.
That was almost three years ago. Now, Laird was looking at her sophomore picture in his senior yearbook. “I wonder what she looks like now,” he asked himself. He was sure she would still be a goddess.
He had gone into the military directly after graduation and was now a “military man.” He was proud of his progress and conduct during and after basic training. He quickly progressed to become a skilled warrior. Although his self evaluation as a macho man, he still feared the opposite sex. He had ducked out of excursions with his buddies to bars and whosehouses. Instead, he spent his time checking out real estate opportunities, futures, commodities, and stocks. Although his meter wages, he didn’t have to worry about the expenses of food, shelter, health, etc. so he found ample funds to invest. In two short years, he had succeeded in making as much from his investments as from his pay.
Right now he found himself back in his home town with a two week leave and a promise to house sit the family residence while his parents enjoyed a well deserved South Pacific cruise. This was his first long break with no obligations and he vowed that he would use this break to end his much too long avoidance of women.
As he looked at the photo of the girl of his dreams, he was trying to get up the nervous to call her and make a date. He feel like the same timing school boy he was when he graduated. His insecurity around women resulted in his still being a virgin at 20.
He ageed as to what he would he say when he called. It had been over two years since he had seen her. Did she have a boy friend? Hell, did she even remember him? They never really knew each other when they were in school. Their relationship was no more than a few five minute “chance encounters” driven by his obvious infatuation.
As he was working up his nervous to call, he remembered the little sister of his best friend, Grant Long. Grant’s little sister, Nikki, was now a senior and might know Diana. They lived just three doors away. For years as they were growing up, Nikki always seemed to be a pest when he would go over there to play. Laird and Grant would often play tricks on her or find ways to demean her in an effort to get her to go away. Although, many times she would join in their games, usually when other kids on the block were involved. She usually lost but that didn’t deter her from trying to participate.
One notable exception to herusual losing was a game of Monopoly. Her brother, in an effort to get rid of her, declared the winner could tie up the first one who went broke. Against all odds in a fixed game, Nikki won and Grant was the first to go broke. She tied him up in their garage and then proceeded to ticket him. She hadn’t tied him very well and he soon broke free, but the incident had made an impression on Laird.
So on this unseasonably hot Saturday morning Laird walked over to the Long residence and rang the bell as he had hundreds of times in the past. When Mrs. Long answered she immediately told Laird that Grant was still away at college. “Um, actually I was looking for Nikki,” he responded.
“Oh,” she said in surprise. “She’s here.” Turning in the entry, she called out “Nikki. Laird wants to see you.”
Looking pleased that Laird had asked for her, Nikki positioned herself so her slender figure showed off well. This was no longer the little kid sister he knew. She was still quite short and was dwarfed by Laird’s 6’2″ height, but in the two years since he had seen her, she’d matured both in body and poise.
Despite that observation, Laird asked to borrow her yearbook so he could see a recent picture of Diana. He also asked if she knew if Diana had a boyfriend.
Reservedly Nikki accompanied his requests. She didn’t know Diana well but did know she had Recently dumped her boyfriend. Laird thanked her for her help and, oblivious to the signs that Nikki was showing signs of being miffed, he left.
He was barely at the end of her walkway that Laird started to realize what a jerk he was. Nikki had seemed to be pleased to see him but she deflated as he related his purpose for coming over. He had been thinking of her as his friend’s little sister and by extension, almost family. He was slow to think of her as the young eligible woman she had become.
He turned and retraced his steps back to her door. After a brief hesitation, he knocked once again. This time Nikki answered but, by body language, she was not as warm or inviting as before.
All of a sudden his fear of the opposite sex surfaced as he faced the pretty, but sullen, girl in front of him. Regardless, he plunged forward with his decision to return. “Um… I was thinking… I mean I was wondering… well, I thought that…” He stopped and composed himself. “It’s early and I haven’t had lunch yet. Can I take you to lunch at the burger place? We could catch up on old times.”
Nikki blinked in surprise as he spoke. She recognized his stumbling over words as an indication of being nervous and attracted to her. She had seen similar traits from several boys at school. She was surprised at the sudden transformation of her neighbor as her earlier feelings of anger and humiliation flowed away with every stuttering syllable he uttered. One thing was certain; she was no longer just a bothersome younger sister. She stood still, evaluating him for several long moments.
“Please?” Laird asked trying to break the awkward silence that followed his question.
She relaxed and her attitude softened. With a hint of a smile, she agreed. After all, despite the fact that she hated him for constant insults, slights, mean tricks, that he and her brother inflicted on her for years, she also had a schoolgirl crush on him.
The lunch succeeded in allowing them to reminisce and get to know Each other again. They had both changed and each liked the changes. They found their humor, their ethics, and their interests were similar and/or comparable. They found they liked each other and were at ease in each other’s company. They were both hesitant to discuss sex as it would be awkward. Each was attracted to the other but, considering their past relationship of bully and victim, they both feared admitting it. However, they both did harbor sexual thoughts as their mutual attention grew.
As they finished lunch, Laird didn’t want to end their time together. “Remember when we used to go sailing at the lake?” he asked rhetorically. “It was a lot of fun.” They lived close to a park with a small lake and often the kids on the block would rent small sailboats during the summer. There was lots of splashing as boats passed each other and it often escalated to jumping in the water, trying to capsize someone’s boat, and then swimming like crazy to regain their own boat. “If I promise not to capsize Any boats, would you like to go sailing this afternoon?”
Nikki smiled and her eyes sparkled as she remembered those times. She too didn’t want the day to end and boating on the lake seemed like a great idea. “I’m game,” she responded. “However, I want to swing by my house and get a bathing suit. Although your promise about not capsizing, I remember you and those boats.”
Laird laughed as he remembered his old antis. “Yeah, I better pick up my swimsuit as well.”
The sail boating was not as boisterous as they expected. Though the small boatsusually were used for a single person, they could accommodate two and they opted to share a small craft. The breeze was light and they spent most of their time enjoying a peaceful ride across the lake. They continued their reminiscing as they sat together, enjoying each other’s company. Laird was pleasantly perplexed by his carnal reaction of just being in close proximity to her. Nikki’s choice of bathing suits figured prominently in inciting that reaction. It was a one-piece Lycra swimsuit that displayed her shaped figure with a few trim lines that “innocently” brought focus to her breasts. As they started back, Nikki stood up and leaned against the mast. She was aware the suit was flattering. She remained posed for many long seconds as she enjoyed basking in Laird’s gaze. Then, mischievously, she started rocking the boat. Laird responded by splashing water at her. They settled down as neither really wanted to tip the boat. Laird tried to be discreet, but his gaze turned into a stareas Nikki’s nipples perked up from the splash of cold water.
Normally, Nikki felt embarrassed when her nipples obviously hardened, but this time, she revealed at the effect her display was having on Laird. Laird was transfixed by the view and then perplexed as he felt an uncontrolled erection emerge. He squirmed as he realized he was in a position where not only his groin was in plain sight, but he Couldn’t move to hide the erection without drawing attention to it. As his cock expanded, the fabric of his swimsuit grazed its tip and then trapped it, making the tenting obvious and immovable despite Laird’s shifting and squirming. It didn’t help when he glanced at Nikki’s face only to see she was looking pointedly at his crotch with a look of amused smugness. Worse, the effect of her gaze made his cock pulse as it fight to rise. His ears were red as they proceeded to the dock in awkward (to Laird) silence.
She jumped out with the tie line as they pulled up to the docks. His”tenting problem” hadn’t diminished and as hard as he tried to be discreet, it was obvious when he manually adjusted his cock as he disembarked. He was feeling felt Nikki’s amused gaze and he was fearful that others might have noticed as well.
The ride to Laird’s house was quiet. Laird was too embarrassed to utter a word and Nikki was enjoying his embarrassment. As he started to walk her to her home he still didn’t want the day to end. “Would you like to like to have dinner with me?” he asked. “If you like Italian, I know a great place.”
She stopped and looked at him. “Are you asking me out on a date?”
Laird flushed at her question. Suddenly he was confronted with the fact that he had to openly admit he considered her more than a kid sister. “I just Figured an early dinner would be in order after a hard day of sailing,” he said as an evaluation to admitting his interest in her (a perfect example as to why he was still a virgin).
She smiled and looked at his swimtrunks. By this time he had lost the tent but not the erection. “Some of us had a harder day than others,” she remarked with a laugh.
Laird flushed again and dropped his eyes… too embarrassed to respond. They stood like that in silence until it dawned on him that Nikki was waiting for a direct answer to her question. “Yes,” he said finally, raising his eyes. “Please say yes, and yes, I want it to be a date.” As he said it, he felt his cock twitch and he was pretty certain she saw it, tent or no tent.
Nikki smiled. Her childhood nemesis had just acknowledged he had an interest in her and she knew he was sexually attracted to her. “I’d love to have dinner with you,” she said as they resumed their walk to her door. She opened the door and turned back around to face him. Impulsively, she grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his head down quickly kissing his cheek. “Pick me up in an hour.” She then darted into her house closing the door behind her.
Laird stood lookingat the door for a few moments in a daze while his cheek tingled from her kiss. He finally turned and retraced his steps to his house. He was glad they lived close as he felt the need to fight embarrassing tenting had returned.
He no sooner got into his house when the phone rang. “Hi, it’s me,” came Nikki’s voice when he picked up.
Laird blinked in surprise. “Did I forget something? You’re Not cancelling?” he blurted out not hiding the dismay in his voice at the possibility.
“No. No, it’s not like that. I just thought that it was still early and a walk on the beach would be nice perhaps followed by dining at the Seaside Restaurant where we could watch the sunset. What do you think?”
“That sounds better than my Italian idea.”
“Great. Keep your swimsuit on and we can splash in the waves. We can change out of our swimsuits at the restaurant. I’ll be over in a couple of minutes,” she said as she hung up before he could reply.
Laird was flustered at the change of plans. He had hoped to take a shower and relieve the case of blue balls he had developed at the lake. Now he looked at his stuff scattered in the living room. One day into his house sitting and the place already looked like a pig pen. He didn’t want Nikki to think he was a slob, so he quickly threw his stuff into his bedroom closet and retrieved a set of clothes barely in time to answer the door bell.
Nikki was There with a tote bag containing her clothes. She was still in her devastating swimsuit and at the sight of her, he knew his blue ball situation was not going to get better soon. He dismissed the idea that she changed the plans purposely so he would not have a chance to alleviate his state of arousal. He shouldn’t have been so dismissive. She knew the effect her swimsuit had on him and enjoyed teasing him. Nikki may not have had much actual experience, but she was not ignorant or naive.
The drive to the beach was a little over an hour and they talked about the days when the neighborhood families would go for a day’s outing. There were three families with several kids on the block that would sometimes take a day at the beach. “Do you remember when Pam and I buried you in the sand?” Nikki asked.
“Yeah. Actually, it felt good, even when you two piled a ton of it on me and made it difficult to extract myself.”
“We tried to trap you. If we only had a little more time…”
“I wondered about that too. I was saved from that embarrassment by our parents deciding it was time to leave.”
Nikki looked over at him with a mischievous smile. “Next time, I’ll be sure there’s no one there to stop me.”
Laird shifted in his seat as he thought about being helpfully buried by her. In defiance to his Feelings, he replied. “What makes you think there will be a next time?”
“What makes you think there won’t be?”
Laird had no answer and remained silent as he contemplated being helped buried by her. He thought about having to beg her to dig him out before the tide came in. Nikki, too, was silent a she contemplated having him helpless. She smiled at the thought of being in control.
Later, she put her foot on the dashboard, occasionally to brush something off of it. She knew the action showed off her leg as Laird struggled to keep his eyes on the road. “You never mentioned anything about my swim suit,” she commented. “It’s new and I’ve never forgotten it before. Do you like it?”
“It’s fabulous,” he replied without hesitation. “I have to admit, I’ve been admiring it ever since I saw you in it.”
She beamed at his admission that he had been admiring it. “What do you like best about it?” she asked, fishing for more compliments.
“You’re in it.”
She smiled at the compliment. “Other than that. Lots of guys prefer bikinis.”
“Well I think you look sexy as hell in it and that tapered strip trim accents your… um… your femininity.”
She giggled. “My femininity, huh? What do youmean by that?
Laird was getting flustered as she was leading him to be specific. “Um… Ahh… It emphasizes the fact that you have filled out… spectacularly I might add.”
“I would say the same is true about you and your swimsuit. You’ve filled it out spectacularly earlier,” she said with a giggle that she couldn’t suppress as it grow into full laughter.
Laird again felt his ears redden as she laughed at her taunt of about his erection. “Oh, there’s our exit,” he suddenly excerpted, relieved he could end the conversation without responding to her comment and laughter.
During their walk, Nikki was feeling giddy. This was the first time she was able to unabashedly display her sexuality. She took Laird’s hand as they walked. She would Often pull him close so her breast would press against his arm. She would run ahead, turn around and tease him with a shimmy of her “filled out femininity” before returning to his side. He was glad they were walking and he could keep his perpetual hard-on from tenting as obscenely as it had done at the lake. His efforts to conceal his erection were not lost on her. She she hugged his arm, looked down, and smiled.
As they were walking, she stopped with her toe pointing to a sand dollar in the sand. “Would you pick that up for me?” she asked. As he knelt on a knee to retrieve it, she pressed her toe on the sand dollar, preventing Laird from picking it up. He looked up at her with a quizzical look. Her eyes danced mischievously as she looked down at him. “I don’t often get a chance to look at you from above,” she said simply. “You look good down there.”
He smiled sheepishly. “You look good from down here,” he replied. “You swimsuit is devastating from this angle, I might add.” Without consciousness Thought, he settled on both knees before her.
Nikki felt a rush as he knelt on both knees. She had always felt insecure because she was almost always smaller and weaker than anyone around. Now she had Laird kneeling at her feet. This small act of submission of his gave her confidence she never had, a feeling of control, and a sensitive shock as she had never felt before. She moved her toe from the sand dollar and said in a voice huskier than she intended, “When you’re done looking, you may present the dollar to me and then rise.” She immediately chided herself for such a tacky statement.
Laird flushed at her words. By kneeing, he had subconsciously placed himself in a subservient position and she immediately recognized it. “Yes ma’am,” he said immediately intending it to sound sarcastic to relieve his embarrassment but instead, his voice failed him and it came out soft and sincere. The embarrassment didn’t fade as he dutifully handed her the sand dollar and rose.
“Thank you,” she said simply as she accepted the sand dollar with a smile.
“You’re welcome,” Laird responded as he tried to reconcile the submissive feelings he experienced during the brief moment at her feet.
A bit later, they headed off to eat. They were still barefoot and in swimsuits with their street clothes in hand when they got to the restaurant. Nikki immediately headed for the ladies’ room as Laird approached the hostess. “We’ll be eating as soon as we change and are legal,” he said as he nodded to their “No Shoes. No Shirt, No Service” sign.
The hostess laughed lightly. “No problem. I’ll seat you as soon as you’re ready.”
Laird pointed to a table that was set off from the others and still had a marvelous view of the ocean. “Could you save that table for us, please,” as he discretely handed her a tip.
He finished changing and was seated when Nikki approached their table. He was awestruck as he stood to seat her. She wore a simple yellow summer dress. Like the bathing suit, the top seemed modest but fit her like a glove and completed her figure remarkably. The short skirt set off her tanned legs to perfection. “Wow,” was all he could say as they settled into their chairs, side by side, to watch the impending sunset.
“You like my dress?” she asked coyly, fishing for a compliment.
“Very much,” he dutifully replied. “You’re beautiful.”
Her eyes sparkled. “Really?” she asked beaming.
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