Now, Soapy stared at Melinda 109 as Webb kept babbling at her, holding her hand as if she was a real, live woman.
Melinda had been in and out of The Little Shop a lot after Gridwell had reluctantly returned her…
Most clients couldn’t afford more than a half-hour visit, and Soapy would wince as he’d hear their ageized shrieks as Melinda could them in the storeroom.
Now and again, someone would come up with two grand and take Melinda home for a week. The majority of the renters were submissive males, sometimes a sub woman.
Soapy would have to endure the sickening goodbyes, as the poor schlub would be on his knees, or rubbing his butt, as he told Melinda how much she’d meant to him.
Sometimes frustrated women would come in and go into the storeroom and there would be a sound of paddling and wailing, and then out they’d come, refreshed to fake organizations for their husbands.
Soapy’s favorite experience had been of the mother who had come in with a surly 19 year old, long dirty hair, concert T-shirt, the like.
While the mother and Tamulevich had gone to get Melinda 109, the kid had sold Soapy a switchblade and a dime bag and said this:
“I’ve broken five psychiatriists, two military academies, a nut ward and a Toughlove group. There’s nothing the old bag can do to me, man.”
Melinda had gone home with them for only forty-eight hours, and when the boy came back, he was wearing a crew cut and bow tie, and he handed Soapy a Get Saved tract.
The most irritating of Melinda’s drop-in customers, it seemed were the Chastity Boys.
There were at least ten guys who had been stupid enough to buy chatity belts, chatity tubes and cock cages through the Little Shop, and they’d given the keys to Melinda 109.
Then they’d get upset because she wouldn’t release them?
Or at least, not for long. Soapy’s stomach still turned as he thought of Sterling Ostheimer, who was a regular Chastity Boy…
It had been afew weeks before, and Sterling had dropped in. Soapy had looked up from where he was sorting Heavy Weight Chain Mail Bikini Tops.
“Soapy, is Melinda available?” Sterling had asked, his cueball head glistening.
“It’s been so long. I’m dyin’ in here.” Sterling gestured to his crotch, which was bulging, and Soapy had looked away, but then he’d become businesslike.
“Okay, Mr. O, you know that’s three hundred dollars, you want me to charge your Visa number?”
Sterling had nodded breathlessly, and Soapy punched in the numbers, adding a $80 charge to his connection Abner, pharmacy clerk at West Concord Drugstore for some Tylenol 3 and a bit of Vicodin. Sterling Ostheimer was so obsessed with Melinda 109 that he’d never notice.
Soapy had led the bald submissive to the storeroom, and they’d gone in, and Soapy had turned Melinda 109 on. As her glass eyes opened, she’d smiled.
“Well now, Sterling, how are you doing today!” Melinda’s hair had been tied up in bunover her head, and she was clad in a red velvet tube top and hot pants, and of course the requestite fishnets and six inch black heels.
Melinda put an elbow next to a case of Jelly Pearl Multi-speed Vibrators and smiled fetchingly.
“I-I’m so horny, Miss Melinda.” Sterling said breathlessly, cowering by the pack of Flat Nipple Screws.”I-it’s been so long.”
Soapy thought that Sterling looked like a calm about to be slaughtered. His face was pale and his bare pate was not glistening quite so much in the darkened storeroom, though Soapy had switched on a light.
“Please, Miss Melinda, it’s been two weeks since I last could afford to see you, and it’s been 185 days since you let me…” Sterling looked at Soapy and then turned his head back to Melinda. “release myself.”
“Well, that’s the breaks, Sterling dear.” Melinda said, and walked up and patted Sterling’s egg head affectionately. “You just don’t get to cum when you want to, you know.”
At this point, Soapy had heard a customer, and he’d gone out of the storeroom and ten minutes later Melinda 109’s struggle voice had interrupted Soapy as he was swigging some Benadryl.
“Clerk-boy, can you bring me one of the leather tawses?”
Soapy finished off the cought syrup, emitted a sight, and ambled over to the tawse display.
“Melinda, you want the Devil’s Tail Tawse with the black hide and the steel reinforced handle?” Soapy moved over. “Then there’s the flat studied tawse, the razor strip tawse, and the multi tail tawse.”
“Soaperstein, please bring the studied tawse.” Soapy’d picked up the tawse and gone back into the storeroom.
This, where Sterling was now naked, his flatby body lying over a crate of Leather Strait Jackets, his clothes piled next to a box of Boot Dildo Straps.
“And you might wash Sterling’s chatity belt, dear. It’s by the shipment of Black Mini-Suede Floggers.
No not there, but where the–no those are the White Willow canes, Past the case of Mayfair Latex Mini-dresses, don’t be stupid, darling. Yes, that thing. Don’t make a face, dear.”
But it was hard for Soapy not to. Picking up the chatity belt, filled with the groin sweat of a fortnight, he realized that he put up with a lot for twelve-fifty an hour.
Kicking a crate of Remote Control Butterfly Obsession Vibrators, he left the storeroom and shut the door.
For about fifteen minutes there had been a lot of howling emitting from the storeroom, which Soapy had explained to customers as a disgruntled plumber.
Knowing not what to do with the chatity device, Soapy had gone upstairs to the little apartment that Tamulevich had allowed him, and put it in the dishwasher, and when he’d come down, Melinda was once again summoning him.
Soapy looked in, and had to look away again, as Sterling’s butt was now a riot of welts, scars, blotches and slashes.
Melinda 109 hardly seemed disturbed. “Soaperstein, you are a sleazy boy…and you must havea set of dice don’t you?”
Soapy reached into his vest and brought out his bones, and handed them to Melinda 109. “Now then, darling, I’ve whipped you, fucked you–“
Melinda had indeed removed her shorts and her big dildo had shot out from her hips–“and had you suck your dingleberries off my big dildo…and now it’s time to see if you get to jerk off, or do you wait another two weeks?”
Melinda smiled. Sterling was leaning against the towering cases of Diktator Penis Whips, his hands cuffed behind his head.
Soapy could see that Melinda 109 had been rubbing her long fingers up and down Sterling’s cock and it looked quite swollen, and drooling with pre ejaculate.
“The poor baby hasn’t had a squirtie in several months, Soaperstein, and he’s begged me to let him jerk off. The last time I let him jerk off–do you remember?
I put electrical tape all over his cock and balls and ripped it off while he was pounding his pud? And the time before that, I had Myron and Byron from the Kennel downstairs paddle little Sterling as he beat his meat?”
Melinda 109 smiled at Sterling.
“But you know, sweetheart, this time I’m just going to jerk you off myself, no problems whatsoever…if you come up with the right number. What’s your number?”
Sterling thought. “Um, ten.”
Melinda throw the dice, and as she knew these were loaded dice that Soapy used to cheat the junior high kids across the street, they came up seven…as they always did.
“Go get the chatity device, clerk-boy…Sterling’s fucked up again!”
And of course Soapy had had to go get the belt, while Sterling had begun weekend in earnest.
Two weeks went by and Sterling showed up again mumbling about “200 days now” and Melinda took him in the storeroom, there was shrieking, and then he was sent away, and then a week later, Sterling showed up.
“You’re here a week too soon?” Soapy said. “That’s different.” Soapy was in a cheerful mood, as he had found a place to buy anistesological ether on the Internet.
Soapy was convinced that once his parole was up, he would move to Canada, as they seemed to have everything there.
Sterling gazed at Soapy with haggard eyes. “I’ve been chaste for two thirds of a year now, Soapy…
I couldn’t wait another week for a chance to get this damn thing off. Jesus, I haven’t busted my nut in so long.”
And the worst part, Soapy thought, was that apparently Sterling and Miranda had been dancing this dance for nearly three years.
Before this 200 days, Soapy’d hear that Sterling had gone 84 days and before that 39 days, and before THAT, 99 days! What has happened to capitalism, Soapy thought, not for the first time.
“Look, man, if you want, I’ll saw that thing off for half of what your’e paying her” Soapy said confidentially.
“You can go home and jerk off all you want, fuck who you want, not see that metallic bitch any more.”
Sterling had shaken his head. “No, I love Miss Melinda, we talk on the phone four times a week.”
This Soapy knew, though actually it wasn’t Melinda 109 the love-doll Sterling was talking to, but a mechanism at Professor Jonathan Tamulevich’s laboratory.
It carried on conversations with thirty different phone pervs, all jerking off while she insulted and berated them at $4.95 per minute.
Yes, good old 1-800-MEL-INDA, and pull out your Visa card. The number was displayed, with a picture of Melinda 109, in the back of every adult magazine in the Western Hemisphere.
Poor Sterling was in a weird kind of chatity device, as Soapy had observed.
It was designed with a small hole just where the frenulum was, on the underside of the cock, so Sterling could masturbate through that, but it didn’t give him enough friction power to cum.
This way, Sterling had been able to call Melinda regularly, and play with himself, going broke in the process…but not cumming. And Sterling deluded himself intoBelieving that Melinda cared for him!
“C-can I see her?” Sterling begged. Soapy had to consider. What was going on right now?
Oh yes, the Novicks. The door to the storeroom opened, and Melinda 109 came out, leading Milton and Hattie Novick, a middle aged couple on their knees with chain leashes.
In 109’s other hand was a cane, and she was dressed in a leather PVC outfit, but her pets were not. Soapy closed his eyes, as he didn’t like looking at older people without their clothes on.
“Melinda, the store is not the place for this.” Soapy said.
“You want to get the Board of Health in here like last week when you had that guy in the stocks?
Get back in the storeroom or go downstairs to the Kennel where there’s plenty of that going on anyway.”
But Melinda 109 ignored him. WHACK! Melinda slashed the woman across her narrow shoulders. The woman cowered, her beehive hairdo shaking, as Melinda continued operations with the cane.
“Milton has beena good boy, but Hattie did not get her lines written!” Melinda shrieked. WHACK SLASH! SMACK! THWACK!
The cane fell again and again all over Hattie’s back, her wrinkled buttocks and her thighs, and she attempted to curry under a display of Chain Bras, but Melinda 109 dragged her back with the leash. WHACK! WHACK! SLASH!
“Hattie tried to deceive me by presenting someone else’s sentences–she had five thousand to do from last Friday night to this Friday–and I could tell the difference in the handwriting.”
“I toleja Hattie” said Milton, her husband. “Yolanda’s our nanny, and she keeps house, but she ain’t no hand writing’ forgery expert. But Miss Melinda, Hattie had a lot to do this week,
Hattie’s a pahtner in her law foim, andy’know,we’re raising’ our grandkids with Young Hattie in the nuthouse, so Hattie has to do Little League, head of the Vassar Reunion Committee, she’s docent at the art gallery, the Hassadah, arrangin’ the Lung Disease charity ball.”
Melinda 109 let go of Milton’s lean. “Milton you are a good boy, running your dry cleaning chain didn’t keep you from doing YOUR sentences…
And you can go into the storeroom and jerk yourself off three times before putting your chatity belt back on.”
Milton beamed as he got up.”That’s good news after 94 days of chatity, Miss Melinda!” He ran back into the storeroom and shut the door. Soon all could hear his moans of ecstasy.
Sterling turned to Soapy jealously. “Hear that?” he whispered to the manager. “Three times that bastard is going to be allowed to release himself. It’s an outtrage.”
Melinda 109 grabbed Hattie by her high hair and dragged her up on her feet, using the other hand to slam the cane right across the wrinkled breasts with perfect precision. THWACK! WHACK! Hattie began to weep.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Melinda shook Hattie by her hair, and the old woman’s lower plate fell on the floor and cracked.
“You promised me you’d do mysentences, five thousand times “MELINDA 109 IS MY REASON FOR LIVING.” and now I discover that duplicity is your way of handling things!”
Suddenly Melinda throw Hattie over a garter belt rack and began whacking her bottom with the cane until Hattie began crying.
“Now then! You can’t have your chatity device off for six more weeks, and it’s ten thousand sentences by next Monday, or I let you go…and you can find another domme.”
Hattie looked with haunted eyes at Melinda. “No, please, Miss 109…you’re the best domme we’ve ever had…you’re my everything!”
“Please, Melinda, don’t reject me…”Hattie begged.
“I’ll do better with the lines, the sentences, they just take so much time. And I really did do two hundred and fifty of them before I gave up, you know?”
Melinda 109 laughed contemptuously, and walked away from the begging slave-woman, to pick up a scourge from a back shelf.
“Do you like this, Hattie?” Melinda said as she swung the scourgein Hattie’s face. “This is called the Implorer.”
Soapy licked his lips as he looked at the Implorer, a short whip constructed from five leather thongs, about eighteen inches long, connected to a foot long wooden handle.
The leather thongs were knotted with small sharp pieces of metal, punctuating the leather strap. At the tip of each leather thong was a sharp hook.
Thank God These idiots sign an agreement not to sue this place, Soapy thought, but then he recalled the Serena Zebrowski case, when Melinda 109 went crazy and had to be shot down by the police, and he wondered.
Still, Soapy moved fast for a heroin added manager, and he shut the door and pulled down the curtains. Sterling just divided at the scene.
“Once Melinda whipped me with a length of rubber hose…it had sand in it. That hurt like hell.–“Sterling winced.
Soapy wanted to hear no more, but Sterling was determined to talk.
” Another time Melinda 109 hit me with a length of braidedrope that she’d dipped in tar. And you know about her pizzle–“
Soapy grunted. Melinda 109’s pizzle was a leather thing made originally from a bull’s penis, stretched with weights, salted and dried to make a highly vicious lasher.
“–but I’ve never gotten a whipping from anything like that Implorer scourge dealie.” Sterling whispered.
As Melinda approached the trembling Hattie, her voice got rather soft.
“You poor baby.” Melinda 109 crooned, as she stroked Hattie’s hair. “You have too much to do to tend to my punishment lines, and I’m so unfair to you, is that right?
You are a busy woman, a full time tax lawyer, with your grandkids and your social obligations, and Melinda’s being so unfair to you, darling.”
Hattie smiled. “Y-yes, and we’re going on a cruise next month, Miltie and me,and–“
Melinda 109 moved her metal hand to her mouth.
“A cruise? Of course you don’t have time to do a bunch of tiredome old lines for poor android me…oh, Ican’t believe I’ve been so inconsiderate–“
“You’re not so bad, Miss Melinda you’re–” Suddenly, Hattie realized she’d fallen in the trap.
“I’m not so bad? I’M NOT SO BAD? YOU LITTLE SCUMBAG!” Melinda kicked Hattie in the stomach with all of her mechanical strength and swung the Implorer against the older woman’s back.
As the lash fall, Soapy watched, nauseated as two of the Implorer’s the hooks caught Hattie’s back.
“Oops, the Implorer is stuck, imagine that.” Melinda 109 said, in her Shirley Temple voice. “I guess I have to pull a little harder.”
“N-no please, I’ll untangle it–” Hattie screamed, but Melinda pulled hard and the hooks ripped the skin from Hattie’s back and she screamed as the blood spurted.
“Well, will you look at that, Soaperstein, and you too, Sterling.” Melinda said in astonishment.
“I have a feeling someone isn’t going to be wearing a bikini on that cruise, what do you think?” LASH! SLASH! SLASH! Three times the Implorerfell and Hattie howled with pain, though the hooks scraped and didn’t embed themselves in the skin.
“Now lie on your back, so the Implorer can do some dancing on your pathetic globules…the saddest boobs this robot’s ever seen.” Melinda said in a high tone.
“They’re not that sensitive are they, Hattie? After all, you have gone through the change, right?”
“No, not my boobs, please.” Hattie said, clutching herself. “Please, oh, please, Miss Melinda…not…”
Suddenly Melinda reached down and smoked Hattie hard in the face, then throwing her on her back.
The Implorer landed five times across the sagging breasts, and then did a few swipes between Hatties unfortunately shabmed pubis…
Finally Melinda tossed the Implorer onto the floor. “Something else for you to wash later, clerk-boy, along with Sterling’s chatity device…the Implorer is much too bloody.”
“Your poor breasts, was I too hard on them with the Implorer, Hattie?” Melinda asked tenderly as she began massaging and toying with Hattie’s old, wrinkled breasts.
Suddenly, Soapy’s eyes blinked as he noticed that Melinda’s forefinger and middle finger on her right hand were turning red-hot, and then Hattie began screaming.
“Oh, it hurts, you’re burning me!” Hattie was now howling as Melinda’s fingers were all bright red now, and burning lines on her breasts.
“Yes, darling, Professor Jonathan Tamulevich did some improvements on me when he had me last, and now I can light cigarettes with my forefinger, or just use it to burn tattoos into your pathetic boobs…what fun it’ll be!”
As Soapy watched in revulsion, and Sterling in fascination, Melinda dragged her steaming forefinger down Hattie’s squirming breast and onto her stomach, and indeed, there was a red line.
“I may decide to write my name on your stomach, darling, you know I can do tattoos” Melinda said, kneeling over Hattie’s prone form.
“Or would you prefer cold?” Suddenly Melinda’sforefinger went from red to very white, and Hattie then bounced away,
“Oh, it’s freezing!” Hattie screamed.
Melinda beamed as she said…”The poor thing just doesn’t know what she wants, does she, Soaperstein?”
“Get on your knees, you menopausal nightmare!” Melinda then said, and Hattie got up on her knees, obviously aching in pain.
Melinda clicked something, and Sterling and Soapy watched as her “penis” shot out between her legs. “I know you don’t like giving blowjobs, Hattie…you always refused for poor Milton…but you’ll do it now!”
Hattie Shook her head, but a cuff to the side caused Hattie to move her head to the long, vibrating pink plastic tool. Immediately Melinda 109 grabbed Hattie’s ears and jammed her head on the dildo/vibrator.
Melinda 109 began pushing the huge tool in and out of Hattie’s mouth, using Hattie’s ears for leverage.
“What fun this is!” Melinda crooned. “Think, since her teeth are on the floor, I’m getting a nice gumming of a blowjob…fellatio is such fun!”
Suddenly, Hattie began to gag hornibly. “Hattie, are you having a problem?” Melinda 109 said innocently. Hattie tried to pull her head off the dildo, but Melinda 109 held her tight.
“Soaperstein, I think Melinda just discovered that one of the new alterations Dr. Jonathan made on me is the dog-poop reception…that she’s getting the first shit orgasm in her mouth of her life!”
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