The Little Redhead Ch. 01

Someone’s shaking me gently and telling me to wake up. I’m very grocgy. I don’t know where I am or what’s happened. I realize I’ve been drugged. Someone’s telling me I need to stand up by myself. I feel my arms lifted over my head and realize they’re being tied. I realize I’m also gagged. It feels like one of those ball gags. I come to a little more and look down. I’m not Wearing anything at all. My legs are spread apart and are shackled to the floor. Actually, I’m on some sort of little platform a foot or so above the floor. I can feel something around my neck. I know I should feel scared, but I’m not. I’m too drugged yet.

I look around and find myself in a large room. There are other platforms of various heights around the room, each one with another woman on it. There must be at least 30 women in all. They are all shapes, sizes, and shades of color and all are completely naked, like me. Their ages range from a younger woman who looks about 18 or 19 to one woman who appearsto be in her fifties.

Two of the women are strikingly beautiful, one of them a very big woman, the other with the proportions of a swimsuit model. Some are more plain. All are gagged in some way like me. All have collars around their necks — beautiful collars with jewels. I realize that must be what’s around my neck. All the women have been made up and have had their hair done, obviously by a professional. I realize my hair must also have been done. I wonder what it looks like and shake my head to make my hair fall forward. My very long auburn hair, normally very straight, now has soft waves. I think it looks pretty.

Like me, all the other women are being restrained in some fashion by men in some kind of attendant’s uniform. One woman is being hog-tied. Another is being shaded spread-eagled on her back, another spread-eagled on her stomach. Yet another is on her knees. Her legs are shackled to the platform just below the knee. A rope is wrapped around her at the hips andis attached behind her, pulling her body back while her hands are stretched as far forward as possible and shackled to the platform.

I see that instead of platforms, there are a couple of pits in the floor. In each of these there are pairs of women and they are being tied to each other, rather than tied down. One pair is placed standing back to back, belted together at waist and ankles and upper arms. Both also have bars Between their knees, spreading their legs apart. The other pair is placed face to face on their sides, their tits pressed together. Belts are cinched around them at the waist and thighs, binding them together and making them unable to move. For some reason, these are the only two that are not gagged. I can see them whispering to each other, trying to comfort each other.

One tiny woman with huge breasts is on her back with a bar Between her ankles, her legs spread brutally wide. An attendant hoists the bar up with a chain attached to the ceiling so her legsare suspended above her. The woman is crying, the sounds muffled by her gag, but none of the other women are crying. Some look slightly fearful. Others look like I must look, just confused and wondering what’s going on.

Next to each woman or pair of women, there is a small pedestal with slips of papers, a pen in a holder, and an elegant bowl.

I’m starting to come to now and am starting to feel some fear. More of the other women seem to be feeling the same thing, as I start to hear muffled whimperings.

While I was examining the room, I could hear my attendant placing something behind me. I can’t see what it is. Now he comes around in front of me and straws some sort of little device onto me at my hips. He positions it over my clip. I’ve never seen anything like it, but suspect it vibrates or give out an electric shock. The drug has left my system even more, and the thought of being shocked, especially there, really scares me. I start to whimper in fear.

ThenMy attendant brings out from behind me a pair of small clamps with some intricate mechanisms that I can’t understand. There is a wire running between them. A power cord leads from one. The attendant plugs it into an outlet in the floor. He takes both clamps and attaches them to my nipples. The clamps are tight and the pain causes my back to arch. I start to whimper louder, though the gag still muffles most of the sound. I’m becoming very frightened now.

The attendant walks behind me again. I look around again and see that all the other women have the nipple clamps on and have similar devices strapped around their hips. My attendant carries from behind me some sort of device that has a bar sticking straight up out of it. My fear intensifies when I see that at the top of the bar is some kind of dildo. The attendant places the device on the floor between my legs and moves the bar up so the tip of the dildo is just touching me. I start frantically pulling at my restraints, trying toget free. I know it’s hopeless, though, and give up after a minute. My nipples are throbbing from the pain of the clamps, and I start to cry a little from the pain and the fear.

I see that there are attendants positioning dildo devices similar to mine against a couple of the other women. I see attendants laying vibrators or regular dildos next to the rest of the women. Most of the women are crying now.

The activity in the room dies now. One by one, the attendants, apparently having completed their tasks, move to stand next to their charges, with their arms behind their backs.

Classical music starts to play softly. (Some small part of my mind recognizes it as Chopin.) I see from the corner of my eye that two bartenders have taken up station at a bar in the corner of the room. At some unseen signal, each attendant reach over and flips a switch on his charge’s hip device. My device starts to vibrate against me. I’m grateful at least that it vibrates instead of shocks.Each attendant then does something with the nipple clamp cords. My clamps start to squeeze seriously. They are already painfully tight and I start to understand around from the added pain that comes with each squeeze, as do all the other women.

My attendant pulls the bar on my dildo machine upwards and pushes the dildo into me. He flips a switch on the device and the bar starts pumping the dildo up and down inside me, painfully since there is no lubrication. I can’t believe this is happening to me. My attendant steps back to his station, his job being complete. For those that don’t have a dildo device like mine, the attendants have picked up their charge’s vibrators or dildos and have started fucking the women with them, no expressions on their faces. There is now emrithing, whimpering, and moaning all around the room.

Doors to my right open and people start coming into the room. They are all men, all in suits and with the look of wealth. All appear to be in their forties orolder.

They walk in with an air of nonchalance, at first pretending as if the empire, moaning women being fucked by various devices are of no consequence. Most get drinks at the bar. There is some muted conversation. Gradually, the men start showing more interest in the women, walking between them, going from one to the other as if in a zoo. All conversation has died.

Some of the men start to touch the women. This seems to be allowed, but one man starts squeezing a woman’s title. Several attendants rush over and escort the man from the room. It seems as if the men are allowed to touch us, but not in certain places.

I feel very ashamed as I realize that the physical sensings of the victory against my clip and the dildo fucking me are beginning to arouse me. Although my fear and shame at being exposed to these men, I can’t help becoming excited. My nipples are throbbing more and more with the pain of the clamps. For a while they clamp at the same time and then for aWhile they alternately clamp. I am horrified to realize that as I become more aroused, the pain of the clamps is starting to feel pleasure.

The others must be feeling similar arousals, because around me I hear that the wimperings of fear are turning into reluctant, muted, little moans of pleasure.

The men stop circularizing as much, most seeming to focus in on a single woman. Some of the women have several men observing her. Some have only one or two. There seems no rhythm or reason to it, as one of the plainer women with almost no breasts at all has several men surrounding her. Occasionally, a man will take the pen from the pedestal next to a woman, write something on one of the slips of paper, fold the paper and drop it into the bowl. I strongly suspect by now that we are being sold. This is obviously an auction.

One very tall man comes From behind to observe me and stays. He continues to watch me very intently, making me feel more and more frightened and embarrassed. I am also feeling very dirty and slutty, as I’m getting more and more excited as he watches. I try not to look at him. He looks at me as if he knows me. He has a very angry face. He looks brutal. He’s in his forties. He’s possible 6′ 2″, very musical and powerful-looking, and frightens me more than any of the other men. Being only 110 lbs myself, he surely outweights me by at least 140 pounds. I’m terrified to think this man might purchase me.

He walks behind me and starts caresing my back, my sides, my ass, the backs of my thighs. I swivel and swway around, trying desperately to move away from him, but my movement is limited and I end up just slipping around within his hands. Apparently he knows what’s allowed, as my attendant remains in position. I’m becoming more and more excited and am ashamed to realize that juices are starting to run down my legs. He sees this, knees down behind me, and starts rubbing the backs of his hands up and down my inner thighs, seeming to like the wetness. As he does this, he watches the dildo pumping inside me.

He nips at first one and then the other of my ass cheeses, not hard enough to break the skin, but painfully. I look over at my attendant, thinking this wouldn’t be allowed, but he is motionless. I don’t seem very popular. The tall man is the only one up to now who’s stayed to observe me. But eventually another man does come over and watches me for a while. He’s a slim, rather handsome man in his 60’s. The tall man stars at him intensely. He seems to frighten the new observer, who eventually kind of siders away. I’m very disappointed. At least that one didn’t look as mean.

I now try to ignore the tall man completely and what is happening to me and start watching the other women again. I see that one is no longer there. I wonder where she went. As I watch, a woman across the room climaxes. When she’s done, her attendant turn off all her devices. He pulls the slips of paper out of the bowl and examining them.He speaks quickly to one of the observing men, obviously letting him know that he is the winner. The attendant attaches a lean to the woman’s collar and releases her from her bonds. He leads her out of the room, still gagged, with her new owner following behind. She goes willingly. One of the other women is also done, and also leaves willingly. I wonder rare why they aren’t fighting, why They’re just going along with it.

I realize now how this works. I will have to remain in this room, being observed like a zoo specimen, being fondled by a brutal-looking man, being fucked by a dildo machine, until I cum, after which, I’ll be someone’s slave. Realizing this, I start to whimper and cry and pull at my restraints. I think, “I have to get out of here! I have to try not to cum!” But I realize I am already very close. In fact, I don’t think I have ever been so aroused before. I stop struggling after a moment, still knowing it’s pointless. I try to distract myself by watching what is happening to the other women, but I’m so aroused that this just excites me more.

The tiny woman with the huge tits and the bar between her ankles is being fucked violently by her attendant with a gigantic dildo, her tits bouncing and jiggling with every thrust. She’s so tiny, and the dildo is so huge, that I know it must hurt terribly, and I feel sorry for her, but at the same time, it makes me even hornier as I watch. I notice this particular attendant is not as nonchalant as the others. He’s struggling himself surprisingly. Surely others can see, and I wonder if that’s allowed, but no one stops him.

The woman is hard not to watch and has quite a number of observers. I can see that her attendant is getting more and more excited. Finally, he reaches up and squeezes one of her big tits very roughly, jiggling it back and forth. He’s almost immediately surrounded by other attendants who usher him out of the room. A moment later, another attendant arrives to take his place.

My attendant does something behind me that I can’t see. The pumping of the dildo immediately becomes faster and even deeper. He does something else off to my right and my nipple clamps start to squeeze even harder, becoming extremely painful and pleasant at the same time. I become very weak with pleasure and can hardly stand.

I am still trying to ignore the tall man, but he is still there, now standing in front of me, watching my face. As he watches me in that state, he slowly reaching down and starts stroking himself. This proves to be too much for me, and I cum harder than I’ve ever cum before. It comes in waves and seems to last for minutes.

When it’s over, I am too weak to stand up at all and am hanging by my arms. The attendant whispers something in the man’s ear and the man stops stroking himself, but it’s too late for me. The man was the only one to put a slip into my bowl, so I know who my new owner is. After my devices are turned off and I am released, ILeave the room willingly, being too weak to even think about fighting and still too aroused to be scared.


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