[There is some very milk bathroom play in this story so if that offends anyone, they should stop here. All characters are well over 18—actually in their 20s at least.]
Karen managed to leave work early Tuesday and made her way home to the spatial apartment she shared with her great friend Emily. Three other women also lived with them there; all were subservient to Emily and Karen: Linda and Leslie, Emily’s two older sisters, who were 38 and 31, and Karen’s mother, Marian, who was 50. Karen was only 26 now, and Emily had just celebrated her 27th birthday.
Over the past months, Karen, a fiscal analyst whose dominant nature had developed in response to her mother’s ill treatment of her growing up, had been given the responsibility and authority by Emily to train the other three as submissives. This had permitted Karen, a small woman barely 5-4 and 104 pounds, to develop her talents as a domme. She and Emily both had boyfriends but were bi girls, enjoying spending their nights together in Emily’s marvelously large and comfy bed.
Emily, an attractive blonde and capable investment banker with her own firm, had also inherited from her late parents when they persisted in an accident. Recently, she had made her sisters, one coming off a bad marriage and the other never married, go out and get jobs so both now worked. Marian, Karen’s mom, who had come to live with her daughter When her marriage fell apart, also now was employed as an administrative assistant in a p.r. firm. Training her to submit had been a major challenge for the diminutive Karen, but Marian now watched what she said and did around the apartment.
Karen was looking forward to an evening out with her handsome boyfriend, Rod. They had now been going together for some months and Karen began to think about a more lasting arrangement. She quietly opened the door to their apartment, softly walked into her bedroom…and found Emily’s sister, Leslie, lying on her back, her panties down and skirt up, with a man going down on her between her legs!
It took Karen no more than instant to realize that this was her boyfriend Rod licking Leslie’s dark-haired split and quim. She said deliberately and with a severe tone, “Leslie, what is the meaning of this and why are you not at work?”
Rod looked up and was red-faced. He was also speechless. Leslie tried to respond.
“Karen,” she began haltingly, “we were just talking and then Rod was telling me how much he loved you but he wanted to make me feel better because…yes, I just lost my job today.”
“Right,” Karen snapped, “and in another two minutes, had I not unexpectedly arrived, you two would have been fucking your brains out.”
“It wasn’t like that,” Leslie while. “Rod wanted to come by and surprise you and then we started chatting…”
“Some surprise,” the small Karen muttered. “And I guess you were talking to him using your lower lips.”
Rod got up, straightened his tie, and took Karen around her shoulder and walked with her out of the room, closing the door.
“I’m awfully awfully sorry, Karen darling,” he said with great sincerity. “You know that I adore you and I was just trying to make her feel better and one thing led to another.”
Because of her small size, including a 34A chest, Karen had always had some self-confidence issues, and this situation served to awaken all of her insecurities.
“I’m sorry,” she responded, “I’m not sure I can deal with this right now. You’d better go.”
Rod insisted on kissing her and it did not improve the situation as she felt he probably still had Leslie’s cunt cream on his lips. She put her finger on his lips and rubbed them lightly and then sniffed her finger.
Then Karen somehow managed to laugh. “Well,” she said with a small grin, “at least you weren’t using your mouth to lick her asshole,” she jibed.
Rod brightened at the lighter tone that his girlfriend now affected.
“I’ll make it upto you, darling, I will, I promise,” he said solemnly.
“Oh you will, sweetie,” Karen chimed back, “you have some idea of how I deal with those girls and my mom, don’t you?”
Rod did have an idea of the dominance Karen practiced in the apartment but had not experienced it with her himself or when they were making love.
“And you’re going to get to see how I Discipline Leslie for her offense,” Karen intoled.
“Karen,” Rod complained, “the girl lost her job. Isn’t that enough for one day?”
“Oh,” Karen rejoined, “so that gives her the right to have my lover suck her cunt? Excuse me.”
Right then, the blonde-haired, attractive Emily burst through the front door and saw a grim-faced Karen speaking with Rod.
“Did something happens?” Emily said, sensing that the atmosphere in their apartment was far from calm.
“Oh. Nothing much,” Karen understood with emphasis, “I just walked in and found this delightful date of mine in our bed munching on your sisterr Leslie’s wet quim.”
Emily looked slightly askance at Rod, for precipitating this seemingly blatant insult to her great friend and sometimes lover.
“He says he was consoling her because she lost her job today,” Karen added, helpfully.
“I knew she wasn’t taking the job seriously,” Emily responded, knowing that her older sisters lacked her own abilities and also resolve.
“So long as you don’t disagree,” Karen went on, “I plan now to discipline Leslie for her misbehavior and I will also punish this offender if he wants to keep seeing me.”
Rod really did love Karen, so he immediately said, “Karen, you can punish me just as you do Leslie. I know what happened in there was out of line and I will accept your Discipline.”
“Oh you will pay, sweetie,” Karen announced with a trace of a smile, “you will pay.”
Karen proceeded to let Rod cool his heels in the living room and went into the bedroom with Emily. Leslie was rather peremptorily ordered to go to her room and stay there until summoned.
The two women took each other in their arms, hugged, and kissed deeply on their lips.
“Honey,” Emily said plainly, “I’m so sorry this happened. I know Leslie was probably upset and I have a feeling she individualized Rod into making her feel better, but you shouldn’t have had to encounter this. It’s so…tawdry.”
“Em,” Karen answered, rather calmly, “I’ll have to decide about him. I do think I love him, but I have to be able to trust him. And he will run into better-looking women than Leslie, of that I’m certain.
“As for her, I do feel I should administrator a major punishment, assuming you don’t disagree,” Karen went on. “I know she was upset but she supposedly is a submissive and should know that her place is not having my boyfriend sucking her snatch.”
Emily grinned at Karen’s always-clever usage, and nodded her agreement, “Yes, dearest, I know you will give her a good dose of the cane and whatever else you havein mind. She knows that you are in charge and she cannot be allowed to trifle with you. I do have a longer-range plan in mind, however.
“It probably is time for Linda and Leslie both to get their own place, even if Les was fired today,” Emily stated with authority. “We’ve tried to discuss them but they need to be back on their own, for their benefit as well as ours. It’s obviously different, but since Marian has a job now, she probably needs to get out on her own too, but I’ll let you decide that one.”
Karen was slightly surprised by Emily’s position on getting their boarders out but as she considered it, she began to come round to thinking it would be for the best.
“As usual, sweetie,” she smiled, “you take a good long smart view of things and I just love that. You’re right. But now I’m going to take a piece of Leslie’s ass off for her.”
With that, the two embedded again and Karen led the way back out into the living room. By this time Linda and Marian hadalso returned home and Leslie had informed them with a flow of tears as to the pickle she had gotten herself into with Rod, who remained silent and seated in a corner chair.
“Leslie,” Karen announced, with Emily standing right next to her in full support, “you have seriously misbehaved and offended your sister and me. As long as you live here, which may not be for much longer, you are subject to our authority. So get over here and stand up right in front of us.”
Now, Leslie, who had still not gotten over being fired that day, stood up and did what the diminutive domme directed.
Once she was standing in front of Karen, and in view of the assembled company—Emily, Linda, Marian, and Rod—Karen ordered her to lift her skirt.
Leslie’s face turned red but she compiled, and some plain white cotton panties immediately came into view.
“You will bend over the hassock now,” Karen continued, in her firm tone.
Once again, the 31-year-old did what she was told.Karen went to the closet and retrieved her favorite thin cane. She tested it in the air with a whoosh a few times. Then she walked back to face the pantied bottom Leslie presented, put her small fingers in the waistband of Leslie’s some bigger-sized undies, and yanked them down to Leslie’s knees.
This exposed Leslie’s ample bottom and crack, which Karen ordered her to expose by spreading her legs in response to feeling Karen’s cane probe between her thighs.
Karen now stepped back, laid the cane on Leslie’s bare bottom, drew it back, and began in a slow, metronomic style, to apply strong strokes to the top, middle, and base of the bottom. Bright red tramlines began to appear soon after each stroke and Karen took a break after the first three.
“You have been a very very naughty girl, Leslie,” she said as If speaking to a 10-year-old, “so your bottom will feel the punishment that naughty girls deserve and receive. I hope this teaches you to behave better as this kindof conduct reflects badly on the training your sister Emily and I have tried to impart to you.”
Then the caning resumed, with Karen flicking her wrist to give more strokes across the broad bottom she faced. After a few more rounds of three, and with Leslie first groaning and now emitting small screams after each stroke, Karen upped the ante.
She now applied the cane diagonally, crisscrossing the tramlines from the Earlier strokes. This elicited some more screams but Leslie now was losing her sense of pain as her bottom became redder with nasty diamond-shaped marks appearing where the cane strokes had crossed on the bottom’s skin.
“You will now rise and go to the couch and sit on the edge with your legs held up in front of you,” Karen directed, requiring Leslie to assume the much-feared “diaper” position, which of course resembled the pose in which a diaper would be changed but most critically exposed Leslie’s most intimate and sensitive spots to Karen’s view—and to her cane.
“Please don’t cane me in there, please, Miss Karen,” Leslie pleased, remembering she had been taught to use the Miss when addressing the dominant small woman.
“Hold those legs up and grap your thighs,” Karen went on as if not hearing the plea. “You misbehaved with your cunt and that is where you need some disciplining.”
There were a few loud intakes of breath at Karen’s firmness and her use of the c-word in this company.
She now stood in front of the fearful Leslie and carefully took aim with her cane over the dark-colored vulval lips exposed in the humiliating diaper position. Again with a flick of her small wrist, the little cane was lightly applied across the open vulva, eliciting some major screaming from the abashed recipient.
Karen now was venting her suppressed fury at the insult she had received from Leslie. In all, the latter received six Mistress’s strokes on her vulva although these were actually less than the classic ones in that theywere given horizontally so as to land above rather than inside the open labia. Karen and Emily had witnessed a severe European dominatrix administrator them in the traditional and even more severe fashion, also called “whipping in” so that the implementation struck vertically and thus inside the inner labia on the actual entry to the vaginal vault.
Finally, the punishment ended, as it inevitably does. Leslie was directed to stand, pull up her panties, and be hugged by her torqueor. She managed to do this without burning into tears. Karen did not yet deign, however, to utter any words of forgiveness.
She now motioned to her wayward boyfriend, Rod, to stand in front of her.
Rod was wearing a nicely-tailored blue pinstriped shirt and grey slacks. His well-shaped face made one think of someone who was almost handsome enough to be a Hollywood name, such as Tyrone Power. He was surprised that she was going to punish him in front of all the women but he was resigned to this if heintended to maintain his wonderful relationship with Karen.
“Unbuckle your belt, drop your trousers, and lower your shorts,” Karen, who was shorter than him by at least six inches, ordered in her severest tones.
Rod felt ridiculous being so humiliated and exposed but now just hoped that his girlfriend would show enough mercy not to punish his cock. He did what he said, ending by pulling his patterned boxes down below his knees. He had a large penis and scrotum, with a good deal of dark hair there, although he was not hairy elsewhere on his body.
Karen sat herself on an armless chair and beckoned him with her finger to assume the traditional position for spanking over her lap. It was a small lap, of course, but Rod was nice and lean so he managed to get over her skirted lap readily. Karen had pushed up her skirt, though, so that he was over her stockinged thighs as she opened her legs momentarily to trap his cock between them.
The diminutive woman now began tospank his bare white cheeses. The spanks alternate between his cheeses and increased in intensity as she proceeded most methodically. Rod tried not to cry out although the accumulated pain was pushing his limits. He also was upset that his cock seemed to have a mind of its own and began to harden between the stimulation received both from the spanking and the pressure of his girlfriend’s strong little thighs pressing on it.
Karen started lecturing him during the spanking, telling him he had better learn to behave if he wanted to keep seeing her. She stopped short, though, of making remarks about any intent he may have had to place his erect member into Leslie’s gaping cunt.
“I do hope you enjoyed that taste you got of her pussy,” she lectured, “and I hope it was worth taking this discipline that you have earned so totally.”
Rod grimaced and knew better than to respond except to say, “I’m sorry, dearest, for how I’ve hurt you and I will make it up to you.” He was now concentrating on avoiding having an orgasm from the sheer excitement of being spanked over his girlfriend’s lap with her rooms watching.
Eventually, the spanking wound down and Rod’s bottom was now very red indeed. He was given permission to stand, his cock still standing tall, and recover his shorts and trousers, and then sit down, which itself was a painful process.
The observers were not surprised but were excited by Karen’s punishing administration of discipline. Emily thought to herself that her great friend had such wonderful presence to keep her emotions mostly controlled while caning and spanking.
But it was not over yet. Karen now called Leslie back to stand in front of her.
“I do feel for you that you lost your job,” she said. “But you should have learned by now not to trifle with me. For that reason, you will now put your belt back on. Lift your skirt and take off your panties.”
Leslie blinded as she realized the severe further punishment sheNow would endure. Karen opened a drawer and took out the special leather belt her friend Maria the seamstress had made for Leslie to wear. It was a plain leather harness-type belt with a wide crotch-piece that had openings for body functions. These could be locked at various positions between open and completely closed.
Karen now set the openings at a position close to being totally shut. This would allow Leslie to sit on the toilet to pee but she would have a hard time having a bowel movement without most of it remaining inside the belt or squeezing out the tight sides of the straw. She pulled the belt up and locked it into position on Leslie’s wait. Leslie, by now shedding tears, was then told to pull up her panties.
Marian and Linda, who had at various times, both experienced the major humiliation of being put into similar belts that had been made for each of them, keep their silence, fearful that saying anything could visit the same penalty on them.
Karen thenagain summoned Rod to her side with her little finger, and the two adjourned back into her bedroom, the one she shared with Emily. Once there, she grinned at her beau and took him in her arms. Rod was delighted to see that he likely was back in her good graces, and reciprocated by hugging her and kissing her deeply.
“I’m so sorry this happened, dearest,” he said plainly. “So I am actually grateful to You for disciplining me this time.”
Karen decided it was the better part of valor to let the subject drop for now and focus on the immediate future.
“Shall we go out for a bite?” she inquired, anticipating a positive response.
Rod nodded his agreement and soon the two quietly left the others to their own pursuits. They enjoyed a lovely dinner at their favorite little spot not too far from the apartment, where the maitre’d knew them already and placed them in a secluded table. The cuisine wasn’t fancy, mostly comfortable food. But neither Karen nor Rod was a food snob and they each liked a glass of wine with the meal.
Karen had discussed her plans for the evening with Emily, who decided to absent herself with her own boyfriend, Bill, at his place, to give Karen the exclusive use of their room. Thus, upon returning, the couple headed directly to the master bedroom, which of course had its own bath (equipped with bidet, naturally).
They fell on the bed, absorbed in each Other’s arms, and kissed long and thoroughly. Rod now gently began to unbutton his love’s blouse, exposing her little bra, so near in look to a teen’s training bra. He adored his diminutive woman, nevertheless, and found her perfect proportions much to his liking, especially since, as he unzipped her skirt and now watched her practice to the bathroom in bra and panties, he had come to know that her most important measurement—her vagina’s size— could perfectly accommodate his cock.
While Karen attended to her ablutions in the bathroom, Rod shed his shirt, slacks, shoes, socks, and underclothing. He slipped into the bathroom and smiled at his girlfriend sitting on the toilet, in the midst of peeing. So he stood before her, aimed his member at the opening in front between her legs, and let his own pee stream loose to go between her open legs and into the bowl as she was still peeing.
Karen grinned and gently ran her index fingernail down his turgid shaft. Rod had had a somewhat challenging time aiming his erect member while releasing his pee stream before; now he was so hard from her fingerprint that he never could have accomplished the trick.
Both now washed their hands and faces and took each other by the hand to return to their bed. Karen unhooked her little bra and slipped off her matching lilac hicut panties. She slide under the covers and greeted her lover as he joined her in the commodious bed.
Rod enjoyed making love to her because she was so responsive. Karen revealed in her multi-orgasmic capacity. By now, Rod knew that he neededto cares her all over and slowly work his way up her legs and down her front before approaching her pudendum. But his hand finally arrived there and found a wet quim ready for him.
Karen opened her legs and let her fingers tease Rod’s equipment, reaching back far enough to insert a fingertip into his tight little anal opening. She saved the full prostate massage for later.
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