Part 2 – Monday Morning
You’d checked the connection times and given yourself a half hour, but the train was late.
And now you were sitting there rocking with the subtle motion of the carriage on the tracks, minutes away from 8 am, almost at your stop.
Nothing to do but wait as your mind flashed back to your interview last week. Your heart skipped a beat and you immediately checked for your key again. It would not do to arrive your first day and be locked out.
How I’d extremely dropped it on the desk as you lay panting, trying to catch your breath. Zipping up and walking out the door as I explained when I next expected you, and what you would be doing: Monday 8am, your lips around my cock, or you would have an even rougher first day… All while you lay there with your skirt pushed up over your back, and my cum dripping out of your thoroughly used, tingling cunt.
How you’d had to search around my office, my cum dripping outBetween your fingers as you checked the other doors in the room. You found the bathroom, and found the tissue. As you went to wipe the pooled cum dripping off of your hand, the slutty little voice in your head stopped you. You should definitely know what my seed tasted like before your Monday morning job orientation. The stall of pleasure in your used little cunt as my cum coated your tongue and my scent filled Your nose as you carefully licked up my mess. Your fingers wandered down your taut belly to stroke lazy circles around your horny clip as you sucked every dainty finger clean.
Your heart leaves into your throat as you heard a familiar whistled tune, that friendly guy who was pushing the cleaning cart and waved at you as he trundled past down the hall while you waited for your interview.
You spun around and dropped to your knees with your tissues and began wiping up the trail of drops on the floor, and the puddle in front of the desk, just enough time to clean up our mess before you heard his whistle stop and his key in the door.
It swung open uncertainly as he barged into the room, you just standing up and smoothing your skirts.
“Oh! Hello there, Miss,” he said, started.
You stood there, panties gone, cum drenched tissue in hand, cold clammy dribble down your leg, fingers still sticky, and my seed still wet on your lips and tongue… Trying Not to look like a deer in headlights. “Please… Please lock up behind you,” you muttered as you walked over and grabbed your bag.
He smiled his very warm, caring smile as he breathed in through his nose, the room telling him the story of your interview almost instantly. He nodded as you stood and waited for him to clear the doorway of his cleaning cart, your cheeks turning bright pink as he smiled at you again and said, “I look forward to working with you, young Miss.”
Even as you curried down the hallway, you registered that he seemed like a generally good kind of guy, and you turned back to see him unabashedly admiring your hot ass as you had no choice but to exit down the long hall. You blushed a little deeper even as the little slut inside you reasoned: this might not be the last time he is going to catch you like this, so thank god he’s nice.
Blushing beet red as you slipped into a coffee shop washroom to compose yourself and clean up. Every cool breeze drafting up under your skirt, sending a tingle through your abused little pussy. The entire trip home, the taste of my cum in your mouth, your used cunt gently throbbing.
The ding of your stop pulled you back to reality, you had seven minutes to be in my office, on your knees sucking my cock…
The doors opened and you ran. Panting as you exited the tube station and headed down the block. Fumbling for the key in your purse as you exited the elevator and hurried down the hall past the few bleary eyed employees that came in early. You tested my doorknob to see if I had locked you out: Ihad. You enjoyed your little thrill of victory as you plunged your key in the lock and let yourself in, locking the door behind you before currying over to my desk as I watched with a possessive grin on my face.
As you rounded my desk dropping your bag as you went, you saw I was generous enough to be ready for you, lazy struggling my thick erection. You dropped to your knees and Felt the familiar stall of pleasure in your empty pussy, the same one that you’d been feeling all weekend, when ever your mind wandered to your interview.
The look of hunger in your eyes as you desperately rushed to wrap your lips around me hardening my cock. The gentle electronic bleat of an alarm went off on my phone, eight o’clock. Why was your pussy throbbing so hard already?
I pulled my hand away as you started daintily bobbing up and down on the crown of my proud member, “Perfect, young lady.” I said, locking eyes as you slowly and sensitively stroked your lips up and down my heavy shake,”I believe the best way to establish a good working relationship between us is to make sure we are completely clear on our rolls.” I paused reflectively as your luxuriously soft lips glided gently back and forth over my crown ridge. Feeling me thicken and harden under your slow dainty strokes.
“You are my property.” snapping my fingers as your eyeselids drooped while you enjoyed the stretch of your lips, pointing your eyes back at my own. Feeling my hips begin to quiver as my cock throbbed, your tongue dancing beneath me.
“Your mouth is mine,” I emphasized each word with a hip twitch to kiss the back of your throat ever so deftly. Your hand coming up reflexively, gripping the base of my proud member, your lips not reaching your fingers, stretched around my girl.
“Your pussy is mine,” your empty cunt ached to be filled completely full again, as I stared into your eyes and fucked your mouth.
“And so is your tight little ass.” Your stretched lips tingled and your sphincter pumped while every word I spoke sent ships of pleasure to your ignored little cunt.
“And to be clear on who has the power here: Angel, stand up and strip,” your heart skipped as you pulled your lips from my cock and stepped back, trying quickly to think of how to do a striptease as you slowly peeled off every stitch of clothing while I watched, smile quirking one side of my face.
Once You were naked, your deep blush going all the way down to the top of your pert breasts, I silently pointed back at my thick cock, and you knelt back down, filling your mouth once more. I enjoyed your soft lips for a few minutes, that little ache in your jaw just beginning when I told you to stand up and go to the coffee table. You tried to accentuate your hip sway as you sashayed away from me, feeling a little silly until you looked back and saw the shear lust in my eyes, then you started to have fun with it.
You stepped in front of the coffee table and turned around to lookat me questioningly. I stared over my desk at you, “Lay back on the table, knees back and spread, stroke your tight little cunt right to the edge of orgasm.”
You blushed an even deeper shade while you did as instructed, pulling your knees back beside your shoulders, exposing your most intimate places to me, still across the room sitting behind my desk. Your fingers dipping into your damp pussy before struggling slippery circles around your hungry little clip.
As your prediction rolled around in your mind it took almost no time before your fingers danced away from your clip to hover only centimeters above, your pumpered little asshole clenching so sexually. It was then that you heard my chair move as I sauntered over to you, your slippery fingers dropping down to tease a few circles and then danced away as you held your throbbing pussy right on the edge of orgasm for me.
I licked my finger and slowly penetrated your dripping cunt, gently struggling a come-here gesture to tickle your g-spot, causing your hips to twitch and your fingers to fly from your throbbing clip, “I have an all team meeting here in two minutes. That means I have two minutes to make sure you understand where you belong: right here, under my control.” I entered, seriously. My finger continued to stroke the little button in your cunt, your fingers permanently hovering, as your ability to form coherent Thoughts melted on the edge of orgasm for two minutes. Trying to be quiet as your abs twitched and your pussy fluttered. Until the slightest ticle of my finger triggered a clenching spasm and released a low moan from deep in your throat.
Knock knock knock! somebody jiggled the handle, “I’m coming!” I said, pulling my finger from your cunt as your eyes shot open, trying to regain your bearings. I inclined my head towards my desk, “Grab your clothes and get dressed in the washroom, my dear.” I chuckled as I stuck my finger in my mouth, enjoying your juices on my way to the door.
You swiped your clothes and dashed across the room as I walked over and ushered in my staff for our Monday morning team meeting. Quickly dressing, it instantly became apparent that I had confiscated your underwear when I’d picked up your clothes. You slipped on your sexy dress and looked in the mirror, blushing all over again as you saw your nipples standing proudly at attention.
“Angel, would you come out here, please,” you heard me call from the other room. Your heart thudded in your chest as you checked yourself in the mirror one final time…
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