Kelly wouldn’t tell me what costumes she had picked out for us for Halloween this year. She said only it was a special secret, but she did give me a few hints.
First, and most importantly, she was determined to win the contest for Best Costume at the Andersons’ Halloween party. They’re friends of ours who every year pull out all the stops and throw a first-rate Halloween party. Dozens of couples come, and the winner for Best Costume gets a very shiny trophy.
Beyond that, she would only tell me that I would find out the night of the party, and that I would absolutely love it. And, she assured me, it would give me a chance to display my beach body.
As it happens, I have a very lean, muscle swimmer’s body with a legitimate six-pack that I am very proud of. Maybe it makes me vain, but I love to show it off, and Kelly loves showing it off to other people just as much as I do, maybe even more so.
Kelly’s body type is generally different. I’ve overheard some people call her chubby, but I think she’s literally perfect. She’s about five-five and has a volunteer hourglass figure, with wide hips, a round bottom, and very large breasts. Some guys might like their women less curvy, but I like a woman who’s well endowed in all the right places, which Kelly certainly is. I adore her and every inch of her amazing body.
So on the day of the party, I was Sitting on her bed in her apartment while she changed into her costume, tingling with anticipation. I know whatever she came out as, I was going to love it, and when the door opened, I was not disappointed.
Kelly walked into the room wearing a black top hat, black gloves, a white button-down shirt and a snugly fitting bright red jacket that completed her long, curly crisis hair. Below, she wore tight black pants, black leather ankle boots, and a belt with a large gold buckle. In her hand, she was holding a whip, and not a fake one at that—this was a real whip.
I was delighted. Clearned, she was meant to be a lion player. And what I loved most about it was that it wasn’t some chintzy “sexy” lion player outfit bought online like most women wear. The whole getup looked very authentic, and I found the demureness of it very arousing. Everything below her neck was totally covered, and her top double so by the jacket that strained against the swell of her breasts. It was very erotic in how it was suggested without giving anything away.
“I love it!” I said. “And I take it that I must be going as a lion, then?”
“Very good boy!” she said to me as she patted me on the head. “Yes, you are to be my lion tonight. But I’ve created a very … special sort of costume for you.”
I was intrigued. At first I pictured something like the Cowardly Lion outfit from the Wizard of Oz. That didn’t sound very sexy. So I was a bit stunned when she sternly told me to strip all the way naked and sit down in the chair by her vanity.
I did as I was told, and Kelly beganapplying costume makeup to my face. When she finished, I looked a bit like a young boy who gets his face painted like a lion at the zoo or the circle. She’d done a very good job giving me a leonine mien, but I still couldn’t figure out why I had to be naked to get my face painted.
Next she pulled out a wig of sorts that she had crafted that would be my mane. The hair was auburn and it tied around my head with sort of a chin strap holding it in place. By the time she finished jiggering it into place, at least from the neck up I looked like a very convincing lion. But the biggest surprise so far came next.
Kelly handed me one of my old Speedo swimsuits that she had altered for the occasion. It was yellow, and attached to the bottom it had a long furry tail just like a lion’s. Now I was starting to see what she had in mind. I had said I wanted a chance to flaunt my six-pack, but now I’d gotten quite a bit more than a bargained for. This would be a very revealing lion costume.
“Put this on,” Kelly instructed me. Already she was getting into character, giving me commands with a voice of authority and no wasted words. I did as she instructed, and once I had the suit on, I stood and looked at myself in the mirror. I swished my tail back and forth a bit, and it swung naturally. If this was how she was planning to parade me about, I was really going to be on display tonight. I found the thought of that rather arousing, though, honestly.
For my feet I got tan moccasins, which made sense, but the paws Kelly gave me had me perplexed again. They were big, pillowy things that she had clearly handmade. My hands went into a sock, and then between the palm of my hands and the edge of the paw was some fluffy material. The padding was so thick, and the paw so tightly stuffed with it that it completely prevented me from using my fingers to get a grip on anything
Kelly buckled the paws firmly into place with something like a wristwatch band and then sealedthe buckle with tape to prevent me from unhooking it. The effect of these padded paws was that I was now totally dependent on Kelly to do anything that would ordinarily require the use of my hands—including taking them off.
Kelly stepped back to admire her handiwork. She smiled, obviously pleased with herself, before the serious demeanor came back.
“Now we’re going to practice your commands,” she said firmly. “Sit!” she said, pointing at the ground in front of her with her left index finger while she cracked the whip with her right hand. It made a loud pop that frazzled me. Not entirely sure what she wanted, I got down on my hands and knees in front of her and looked up at her for her approval. All I could think at that moment was how incredibly sexy she looked in that outfit. I was ready to gladly do anything she asked of me.
“Like this?” I asked.
“Lions cannot speak,” she said crossly as she brought the whip down on my left shoulder blade. It landed with a sharp, suddenly sting. She lifted the whip again, and instinctively I cowered to cushion the blow, but this time the leather snapped harmlessly in the air.
I suddenly felt very flustered, partly from the painful sting in my shoulder, but even more so from embarrassment for asking such a silly question. That was pretty stupid of me, I thought. Of course lions can’t speak. Even the littlest child could tell you that. I could do better. I would do better.
“Up!” Kelly barked, lifting her finger up slightly as he cracked the whip. I tried to think about what a lion would do with such a command. I got up on my knees and sat up as high as I could.
“Paws up, too,” she said, holding her palms out in front of her, even with her shoulders. I mimicked her movement.
“Good. Now sit!” she repeated, again pointing at the floor and cracking the whip. Again I compiled. “Now up!” she repeated, again making the same lifting gesture and whipping. I returned to the position I had just left. The next time she didn’t say anything, she just pointed at the floor as she snapped the whip. I got back on my hands and knees. Then she wordlessly made the “up” gesture as the whip snapped, and I got back in the up position. She seemed satisfied with my progress.
Next she reached into her closet and pulled out a hula hoop. She stood perpendicular to me with the hoop behind her back. Then all in one swift motion, she held the hoop out in front of me, just a few inches off the floor, cracked the whip, and barked, “Jump!”
I gave it the best effort I could, but at first it was really more of a crawl than a jump. I don’t care how athletic you are, jumping through a hoop from your hands and knees is not an easy feat. But with a bit of a galloping start, I got through it okay and was now on the other side of the room.
“Turn around,” Kelly commanded, which I did. Again, this time with no words, she took the hoop from behind her back and held it out in front of me, this time a just few inches higher, and again I managed to propel myself through it. We practiced that several more times, and by the end of our practice, she was able to hold the hoop up a good foot and a half off the ground and I could get through it. That is, I want to stress, a lot harder than it sounds.
We practiced a few more tricks, like Kelly circling her finger as a command for me to roll over on the ground, before she deemed my performance satisfaction. Now I was down on my hands and knees again, with my back flat and my head up. For reasons I didn’t immediately understand, Kelly laid a towel down beneath me.
While she was kneeing down next to me, she put her hand on my cock, which in the process of all this game-playing, had gotten very firmly erect. The way she was confidently ordering me around While I raced around on all fours trying to please her had me quite turned on.
“Well, well, well,” Kelly said, a trace of humor entering her voice for the first time. “We can’t have this happening at the party tonight. It’ll scare all of the guests. By the way, do you know how it is exactly that lion tamers are able to get in those cages with all those vicious lions and not get their heads eaten off?”
She continued, not waiting for any response from me. “Some of it is operating conditioning, of course. Do something right, and you get a treatment. Do something wrong, and you get the whip,” she explained, smacking my ass hard for emphasis on that last point.
“But the real secret that they don’t tell you is that right before the lions go out into the center ring, the trainer takes their boy parts and masturbates them until they’re completely exhausted. By the time the trainer is finished, that makes them completely submissive and docile. And that’s how I need you to be tonight. We can’t have you walking around the living room with a raging hard-on all night. So go ahead. I want you to jerk off for me, right here, right now.”
I greedily obeyedand reached for my cock. But with my hands encased in these paws, they were useless mounds of pillow. I could rub at my cock a bit, but I couldn’t get the grip I need to take off my swimsuit, let alone properly stroke it.
“Aww,” Kelly cooed in placing voice. “Are you having a little trouble with that? Would you like me to help you out?”
I bobbed my head up and down as Enthusiastically as I could. Kelly chuckled and took off her gloves. She reached into the drawer of her dresser and took out some lube, then pulled my swimsuit down around my knees. She took one hand and began stroking very gently up and down my cock, while two lubed fingers of her other hand began working their way into my asshole. Once my butt muscles relaxed and she was able to get her fingers all the way in, she started thrusting them in and out while starting to stroke my cock a little harder.
“There, there, that’s my good little pet,” she said softly as she stroked it. “We are absolutely, positivityvely going to win this costume contest tonight. And to do that, it’s going to take more than just some good costumes. There will be lots of couples there with great costumes. We’re going to need a little something extra. It won’t be enough to just dress up as our characters. We need to become our characters. That’s why tonight I’m going to be the ringmaster, and you’re going to be my obedient little pet, and you’re going to do exactly what I tell you to do.”
As if for emphasis, she began struggling my cock more rapidly. I moaned in pleasure. I’d been jerked off before, of course, but never like this. It was an immensely powerful sensing.
“Can you do that for me?” she asked. “Can you be docile and submissive for me?”
I nodded my head as fast I could. I was in blissful ecstasy. The dual pumping on my cock and in my ass was pushing me over the edge. I exploded in a massive orgasm on the towel beneath me. When I came back to my senses, I was panting to catch my breath, ithad been that overpowering.
“Good boy,” Kelly said before washing her hands and putting her gloves back on. “Now, it’s time for us to go to the party. The stairs aren’t designed for big cats, so you can walk on your hind legs until we get to my car.”
When we stepped outside, I immediately felt the chill on my nearly naked body. It wasn’t freezing cold where we live this time of year, but cold enough to be a bit uncomfortable when you’re wearing basically nothing.
Kelly drove an SUV that was parked across the street from her front door. I started walking towards to passenger side door.
“No, no, no!” Kelly forced corrected me, pointing at the hatchback door. I stopped. She opened up the door and I got my next big surprise when I saw a large cage sitting in the cargo area. Her parents used to own a Great Dane and I recognized the cage as the one they used to keep him in. She must have snagged the cage from their garage earlier that day.
“In you go,” she commanded. A couple other women were in the parking lot going about their Saturday night while all this was going on. I could hear a few of them gawking at me as I obediently crawled into the cage. Kelly closed the cage door behind me and locked it shut with an honest-to-goodness lock.
“Turn around,” she ordered. I had just barely enough room to maneuver, but I managed to do so. I saw Kelly put her whip and the hoop in the cargo area next to a stool she had also brought. And then, to my further surprise, she pulled a black tablecloth out from the back seat and dragged it over top of the cage so I couldn’t see anything!
With this not-strictly-legal traveling arrangement in place, Kelly began the short drive to the Andersons’ party. On the way, she gave me a few more instructions. First, I was supposed to talk to all of the other guests like normal. (Anything else would have been rude and weird.) But I was not at any point to speak directly to Kelly—or, as I was told to think of her for the rest of the night, “Mistress Kelly.” If I needed or wanted something from her, I would need to find other ways of communicating with her.
Also, lions need a name, and my name for the night was now “Bum-Bum,” a name specifically chosen to be as embarrassing as possible. Mistress Kelly gave me a few more instructions, but those would play out in good time.
The car started to slow down and I could tell that we were in the Andersons’ neighborhood. Mistress Kelly put the car into reverse and backed up, probably into their driveway. Having the clothes over my cage and not being able to see anything heightened my sense of nervous anxiety. What would be out there waiting for me when the cover came off?
Mistress Kelly put the car into park and suddenly I heard circle music coming from the speakers. I could hear her get out of the car, and then a few seconds later I heard her voice rising above the tune and the din coming from the party as the hatchback door poppedopen.
“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, may I have your attention, please! Tonight, for your entertainment, we are proud to present to you, the amazing, the stupid, the captivating Kelly the Lion Tamer, and her loyal assistant …” and at that moment she tore the cover off my cage to reveal the secret beneath, “Bum-Bum the Lion!”
As Mistress Kelly had instructed me to do, I let out my best lion’s roar when the cover came off. Nervously, I looked around at the audience that greeted me. The party was already in full swing, and a gaggle of guests were millioning about in the garage drinking beer. So far, the reaction was largely positive. People really got a kick out of Mistress Kelly’s showmanship.
Mistress Kelly unlocked my cage and I curried out of the back of the car. A few of the looks on some of the guests’ faces turned sour when they realized how scantily I was dressed, but most of them remained impressed with how much effort we’d putinto our costumes.
For the first hour or so of the party, we mingled much like any other partygoers would. I continued to get a few odd looks from people, some of them no doubt picking up on the overtly kinky vibe of our outfits, but for the most part the act was a big hit.
My athlete’s physique helped tremendously, of course. A couple of the women asked Mistress Kelly’s permission to feel my abs, which she gladly granted. Several people compiled my bravery and quite a few compiled Mistress Kelly on how good her outfit looked. I kept stealing looks at her, still unable to get over how sexy she looked in it.
Bu without the use of my hands, I remained very much in Mistress Kelly’s power. One of the best parts of the Andersons’ parties was the food, but with the paws covering my hands, I was completely unable to feed myself. Once Mistress Kelly had finished eating what she wanted, she took a seat in an out-of-the-way corner of the room. When my eyes met hers from across the room, she held up a plate of food and shook it very gently as if to say, “Here, kitty. You want some food?”
I headed immediately over and took a seat in the chair next to Mistress Kelly. She had prepared a plate for me of shrimp, franks and meatballs—lions are carnivores, after all—and keep a watchful eye over the room to make sure we weren’t being too flatboyantly kinky while she fed me from a fork. When the small plate was finished, she set it aside and said, “That’s it. No more for you.”
And that was that. All that delicious food, and I’d gotten only barely a nibble. I’d skipped dinner before the party and I was quite hungry.
It was the same with the well-stocked beer selection. As instructed, I politely declared all offers of drinks (sorry, driving) while Mistress Kelly took ones for herself. If I was thirsty, I would subtly touch my mouth to ask for a drink. Sometimes Mistress Kelly would hold the bottle to my mouth and let me sip, and other times she would dismiss me with a curt, “No. No more for you.”
After we’d been there sometimes, I rubbed my belly, which was the signal that I needed to use the restroom. “Oh, does Bum-Bum have to pee-pee?” Mistress Kelly asked in the tone one would talk to a pet. I nodded. “Very well. Follow me.”
I had assumed that we would go to the restroom, so I was surprised yet again when Mistress Kelly opened up the sliding glass doors and led me into the backyard. Once again, I felt silly and stupid for being so surprised. Lions don’t use human toilets. Everyone knows that.
The backyard led to a wooden area where it was very dark and we would have some privacy. Once we were safely shrouded behind the trees, Mistress Kelly snapped her fingers and pointed at the ground. I lowered myself to my hands and knees immediately. Mistress Kelly pulled down my swimwear and said, “Go.” So I went. And then when I finished, I waited awkwardly, expecting her to pull my trunks back up and take us backto the house.
Instead, she stretched and said, “Boy, I sure am tired. I could use a place to sit down.” And then she sat right down on my back like it was a chair. I had no trouble supporting her, but her weight was enough that I felt it. I could feel her take her cell phone out of her purse, and then she proceeded to sit there and scroll through it, while I acted as her chair out in the middle of the woods with my underwear down around my knees.
I figured this would just last for a few seconds, but she kept on sitting there contently for a minute, two, three, maybe more. I quickly became aware of how cold I was. Mistress Kelly was well insulated in her jacket, but I was basically naked. At that moment I felt grateful for the paws that encased my hands. After my teeth started to chatter, Mistress Kelly finally stood up. She pulled my trunks back over my now-shriveled manhood, giving it a quick pat once she did so.
“He was starting to get a bit antsy in there,” she explained. “That should chill him out for a while. If he starts to act up again, we can come back out here and do this again.”
I was glad to get back inside, a happiness slightly temperatured when the hostess turned off the music and asked for everyone’s attention.
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