Riding the underground home later that night, Elle couldn’t stop her mind from flashing back to the sight of Jack masturbating on the couch beside her. Her cheats flushed as she pictured his swollen cock head squeezed through his fist, thick white cum erupting from the tip. Glancing around the carriage, she was relieved to see everyone engrossed in their phones and books, oblivious to her arousal.
Exiting the train when it pulled into her station, she followed the rest of the passengers through the warren of tunnels, up the staircases and out into the cool night air. She was traveling the familiar route home on automatic pilot; her thoughts reflecting on everything that had happened in the four weeks since posting her message to the forum. She recalled watching the family of squirrels frolicking in the woodland while Jack fucked her from behind. The next week she’d travelled back home with Jack’s cum leaking from her arsehole, her anal virginity a thing of the past. And nowshe’d just spent the evening watching hardcore porn on an enormous TV and fingering herself to orgasm while he pleasured himself beside her. I even licked him clean and swallowed his cum! The thought brought the bittersweet taste of his semen back to her tongue. She ran her tongue across her lips, grinning slightly.
“There you are!”
Jenn’s voice snapped Elle back to the present and she quickly returned her tongue to her mouth, hoping Jenn didn’t notice. She realized she’d made it all the way home without any memory of the walk from the station. She’d somehow managed to open the door to her apartment and was standing in the middle of the sitting room. Jenn, dressed in her pyjamas and clearly in the middle of doing the dishes, was standing in the kitchen glaring at her though the large void in the wall that separated the two rooms.
“Where’ve you have been?” Jenn continued.
“Umm, over at Jack’s.”
“Jack’s?! On a weeknight?”
“Yes, on a weeknight,” Elle said. Recovering her poise, she dropped her bag on the floor beside the couch and her keys into the bowl on the console table. She walked across to the hole in the wall and leaned through into the kitchen. “Is that not allowed?” The smile on her face undermined her stern question.
“Of course it is,” Jenn surprised, shaking her head. “You just didn’t tell me you were going to be home late.”
“Oh God, I’m sorry Jenn. I was…distracted.”
“Distracted? He’s that good hey?” Both of Jenn’s eyesbrows were raised as she turned back to face Elle.
Elle puffed up her cheeses, expelling the air with a puff, and withdraw back into the sitting room. Crossing to the couch she flopped backwards over the armrest landing among the soft, fluffy cushions Jenn had bought when she moved in. Closing her eyes, she heard Jenn chuckling to herself in the kitchen. You have no idea Jenn, she thought.
Coming into the sitting room a couple of minutes later – all the dishes drying safely in the rack – Jenn covered the sleeping Elle with the blanket draped over the back of the armchair. Noticing the grin on Elle’s face she smiled and turned off the light, shaking her head as she went off to bed.
Elle woke up early on Saturday morning. The sun was just coming up and the sound of the birds trickled in through the open window beside her bed. Grabbing her phone off the bedside table she opened and reread the text Jack had sent her yesterday evening.
Can you come over early tomorrow and we can go for lunch? Say 11:30?
She wasn’t sure what to make of the message. They hadn’t been on anything resembling a date since they’d met. Their relationship was based entirely on sex, that had always been the plan. Now he wanted to go for lunch and Elle wondered if he was trying to turn it into something more. Nevertheless, she’d texted back last night saying that she’d be there. Now, with a few hours until she was due to meet him, she felt nothing but excitement for the coming encounter.
Forcing herself to get out of bed, Elle pulled on a large T-shirt to cover her nakedness and crossed the hallway to the bathroom she and Jenn shared. After she’d saved herself, she decided to have some breakfast.
Jenn was already awake and dressed – which didn’t surprise Elle – and sat on the couch cereal bowl in hand.
“Morning, morning,” she greeted when she heard Elle enter the kitchen. “You’re up early?”
“Morning,” Elle replied, turning on the kettle and preparing some cereal of her own. “I know. I’m going for lunch with Jack. Figured I’d give myself some time to get ready.”
“Get ready? Whaddya need to get ready for? Is this like a date, date?”
“I’m not sure actually,” Elle shrugged as she poured the milk into her bowl of granola. “He just asked if I could come over early and we could go for lunch.”
As the kettle reached its crescendo, Elle poured the rapidly boiling water into her mug, added a splash of milk, a spoonful of sugar and gave it a quick stir. Grabbing the mug and her bowl she joined Jenn in the sitting room.
“How are things actually going with Jack?” Jenn asked as Elle took a seat in the armchair across from her. “You haven’t said much about him and the last time you were with him you fell asleep on the couch within minutes of arrival home.” She looked intently at Elle as she said this, as if trying to read the truth in Elle’s eyes.
Elle swallowed her mouthful of granola before responding. “It’s going…great…I think,” she shrugged, setting the bowl on the coffee table and pulling her feet up onto the couch so that she was sitting on them.
“You think?” Jenn’s star turned into a frown as he leaned forward.
“No. I know,” Elle corrected herself. “It’s great. It’s definitely great.” She picked up her bowl and began eating again. “We’re having a lot of fun and just…trying new things together.” She blushed and smiled sheepishly, unconsciously hiding her face behind the cereal bowl.
Jenn’s face now reflected something between curiosity and uncertainty. As if she knew that Elle wasn’t revealing everything. Elle chose not to elaborate and Jenn didn’t press her any further. The conversation turned instead to catch one another up on the week gone past.
Back in her bedroom after washing up their breakfast dishes, Elle considered how to dress for lunch with Jack. Her phone confirmed that it was due to be a pleasantly warm spring day so she decided on a summer skirt that fell just below her knees and a sleepless top. She’d take a light jumper along too just in case there was a cool wind. Satisfied with her selection, she grabbed her towel off the hook on the back of the door and went for a shower.
Under the warm cascade of water she washed Every inch of her body with her favourite rose-scented body wash. She shavled her legs and under her arms and touched up the edges of her bikini line. The pubic hair she’d held off a few weeks ago, at Jack’s request, was slowly returning, carefully covering her mound with soft blonde fuzz. She ran her fingers through the delicate cover, imagining for a fleeting moment that they were Jack’s fingers rather than her own. As she brushed the hood of skin protecting her cliporis the fantasy expanded and she felt Jack’s chest pressing against her under the falling water, his arm reaching Around her, his stiff cock resting between her ass cheats…
Quickly removing her finger, she ruined herself out of the fantasy before she got lost within it. Switching off the water, she stepped out of the tub, wrapped herself in her fluffy towel and set to work brushing her teeth.
Elle emerged from the bathroom fifteen minutes later, still wrapped in the towel, but now with clean teeth, dry hair and freshly filed nails. Removing the towel, she returned it to it’s hook on the door and stopped momentarily to consider her naked body in the full lengthmirror hanging on the wall beside the closet.
Her golden-blonde hair fell in twirls over her shoulders, covering her breasts. Sliding her hands beneath her hair, she cupped her breasts, testing their weight. She traced her finger over her nipples and the surrounding areola, marvelling at the softness of the skin there. The attention caused her nipples to stiffen and she claped them between her fingertips, pulling them away from her body, Feeling the stretch turn into a burn at which point she released them. Looking down, she watched as they slowly returned to their normal, perky state. Turning side-on, she admired her backside. It had always been her favourite part of her body. Neither overly large nor floorboard flat, it added a graceful curve to her figure. She ran a palm over the firm skin before stepping out of the mirror’s view.
She put on a simple, white bra and slipped the top she’d chosen over her head, checking in the mirror that her nipples weren’t too visible.Next, she slide the skirt up her legs and over her backside. Holding the fabric halfway down, she lifted it up and let it fall a couple of times, assessing whether it was likely to be blown up by an errant gust of wind. Satisfied that its weight was significant enough to keep the hem safely situationd at knee height, she decided to forego underwear. Thoughts for how Jack could discover this decision began formulating in her mind.
“I’m heading out!” Elle called to Jenn as she closed the bedroom door behind her. She lifted her bag off the floor and her keys out of the bowl, dropping them into the bag along with her purse and phone. Opening the front door, she paused for a moment for Jenn’s response and, hearing nothing, stepped out into the sunshine.
“It’s about a thirty minute walk through the park to the restaurant,” said Jack from the living room, where he was closing the sliding glass door. “That okay?”
The journey had taken Elle about thirty minutes, which means she’dmanaged to arrive almost exactly on time.
“Sure,” she replied.
“There’s just one thing I want to do before we leave,” called Jack. “Can you come in here?”
Elle wondered what he needed her for. She was all ready to go, apart from her shoes, which were waiting for her downstairs.
Moving from the kitchen into the living room, she found Jack standing beside the sofa, his hands behind his back. The corner of his mouth was curled ever so slightly upwards and he was bouncing up onto his toes, resembling a child on the verge of receiving an ice-cream.
“I need you over here,” he repeated, patting the padded armrest. “Only for a second.”
Elle’s chest constricted and her breaths became shallow. Surely he’s not going fuck me now, just before lunch?! she Thought as she approached him slowly.
“Now, just bend over the armrest for me.” It wasn’t a question.
Shit he is going to fuck me! Her heart was hammering and she felt moisture forming in her pantyless crotch. She bent over the padding, placing her hands on the seat of the couch to support the weight of her upper body. She wanted this.
She felt Jack move behind her. He ran a hand down her back, starting at her neck and lifting once his finger reached the top of her skirt. She felt the fabric lifting from the back of her knees as he raised the hem of her skirt, folding it over her backside and exposing her pussy. Jack snorded and she could picture the grin he rarely had on his face.
“This is certainly going to make things interesting,” he said. Elle didn’t know what he meant.
“Oh!” She gasped, as without any warning she felt something pressing against her pussy, running up and down a couple of times through her now slick lips. It was too big to be Jack’s finger and yet it didn’t have the warmth of his cock. What the hell is that?!
“Mmmm!” Elle dumped forwards against the armrest, failing to suppress her moan, as whatever it was breached her vagina and slid inside her. It stretched her wider than his dick as it entered her, but then seemed to rapidly thin out and her pussy closed behind it. As it did so, her muscles clenched involuntarily, forcing the bulbous object deeper inside her.
“That should do it,” said Jack, slapping her backside sharply before replacing her skirt. “Now we’re ready to go.”
Elle remained motionless in disbelief. He can’t be serious! He left that thing inside me!
“Come on, or we’ll be late.” She heard his footsteps leave the room and clatter down the stairway.
Fuck, he is serious!
Rising, she feel something grazing against the inside of her thigh and the object inside her pressed forwards, intensifying the sensing. Checking that Jack wasn’t watching from the top of the stairs, she lifted the front of her skirt and looked down. She saw nothing but her fuzz-covered shaft. Reaching a hand between her legs she drew a sharp breath when she felt something thin and smooth emerging from her pussy. She judged it to be about the diameter of a chopstick and it flexed slightly between her fingers. Finding the end a few inches down, she pulled gently, feeling the other end shift inside her. She had no idea what it was.
“Are you coming?!” Jack’s voice echoed up the stairs.
Snatching her hand away from her crotch, Elle let the skirt fall back into place and headed for the staircase. The motion caused the object inside her to move and rub against the inside walls of her vagina. Her arousal increased with every step she took and her lubricant production kicked into overdrive. She very much regretted her decision not to wear panties this morning.
“Jack what is this thing?” she asked, wide-eyed and panting, when she reached the bottom of the stairs.
He already had his Shoes on and was fumbling his keys into the door.
“What thing?” he asked, still jingling the keys in the lock.
He was playing ignorantand Elle refused to indulge him by asking again. She stopped to lace up her shoes.
The key ratcheted into place and Jack pulled open the door and stepped out. “Come on Elle, we’ve got a long walk ahead of us.”
Elle rolled her eyes and Shook her head. Rising, she grabbed her bag and followed him out, the sensings in her groin immediately returning.
I’m never going to make it, she Thought as she pulled the door closed behind her.
After just five minutes of walking, Elle was a mess. Jack was setting such a mean pace she had to practically jog to keep up with him. The long strides she had to take exaggerated the movement of the thing inside her. With each step it dragged along her inner wall sending needs of pleasure stallbing through her groin and down her legs. She was panting auditively and beads of sweat were forming at her temples, the result not only of the physical exertion of maintaining pace with Jack, but of pushing back against her escalating arousal for fear it would overtake her out here in public.
Being a sunny Saturday morning, the park was full of Londoners and tourists alike, picnicking, jogging and generally soaking up the sun. Elle was mortified by the thought that anyone might look at her and see how horny she was. That they would know she was harbouring an unknown object deep within her pussy and that her cheeses were red not because of her pace but because of her arousal.
Avoiding eye contact with anyone else on the path, she focused intently on the ground ahead of her, looking up only briefly when Jack took them down a different path at an intersection. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Jack looking back at her intermittently and knew that he was waiting for her to break and say something, to beg him to stop or slow down, but she refused. There was no way she was going to give him the satisfaction. Besides, the pleasure course through her body was incredible. She couldn’t remember ever beingThis turned on.
A few minutes after the change in direction Elle falsed as she felt a ticket at the top of her inner left thigh. A drop of her juices had escaped her sodden pussy and was beginning to trickle slowly down her skin. The ticket quickly turned into an itch and panic started to rise in Elle’s chest; there was no way for her to scratch it. She could hardly stop in the middle of the park, stick her hand up her skirt and wipe it away. The it was intense with each step until all of her attention was focused on that single drop of fluid as it slowly inched its way down her leg.
Unable to take it anyway, she decided to try pressing one leg against the other on her next few steps, hoping that her inner thighs rubbing together would lessen the itch. All she achieved, however, was to smear the mood across the skin of both thighs. The itch remained and, to her horror, fresh trickles of moisture began to see from her lips as the clenching of her legs together integernsified the effect of the object inside her.
“Your shoelace is untied,” Jack said, stopping suddenly beside a large oak tree.
Glanced down, Elle saw that he was right and crouched to re-tie the errant lace. She glimpsed Jack pulling his phone from his pocket, probably to check how late they were going to be. This is unbelievable, Elle thought feeling the object shift within her pussy as she ben, but fuck me it’s hot. The moment she pulled the double-knot tight and began to rise, the victorys began.
“Ooooh!” Elle cried, shooting straight up and placing a supporting hand against the trunk of the large oak tree as her legs squeezed involuntarily together. The object inside her had sprung into life and was pulsating furiously. The pleasureable sensings she’d been fighting to hold back skyrocketed instantly and, fearing she would collapse into orgasm right there at the foot of the tree, Elle shut her eyes, clnched her teeth and focused all of her energy on resisting. The rest of the world disappeared as she fought to regain control, her fingers digging into the coarse bark of the tree trunk. When the worst was past and she felt she’d successfully avoided disaster, she unclenched her jaw, letting the sounds of the park back in. In amongst the various noises around her she was sure she could hear a faith buzz emanating from between her legs.
Turning her head frantically left and right, she scanned the nearest park-goers to see if anyone had heard her outcry, or possibly even the object itself. Nobody was paying any attention, however, too pre-occupied with their own sunshine activities to notice one particular exclamation above the county screaming children, shouting frisbee players and barking dogs. Calming marginally, her attention returned to her humming pussy. She Couldn’t fathom how the thing had activated. She wasn’t even aware it could! Turning to Jack, she found him looking at her with raised eyesbrows and an amusedgrin.
“What the fu-uuck is this thing Jack?” she asked once again, her voice trembling as a tremor of pleasure rolled through her.
“Just something I thought would make lunch a bit more interesting,” he shrugged. “You coming?” he asked, slipping his hands into his pockets and setting off back down the path. “They won’t hold our table forever.”
Elle’s eyes widened in disbelief. She’d barely held herself together walking with this thing inside her when it was inanimate. How could she possibly complete the journey with it vibrating like a jackhammer inside her? Taking a tenative step away from the support of the tree towards the path, she was amazed to find that she didn’t collapse into an orgasmic pile on the grass. The next couple of steps were slightly easier and she was eventually able to separate a tiny slider of her attention away from what was taking place inside her vagina to scan for Jack amongst the people on the path ahead of her. Spotting him about ten metres away, she set off after him.
Then the vibrations stopped. Just as she pulled up alongside Jack – who was now leisurely ambling along the pathway in contrast to his previous furious pace – her pussy inexplicably went quiet. And now?! Elle thought, exasperated. She noticed Jack turned his head quickly towards her and back again, as if checking in on her. With the vibrations gone, Elle’s arousal returned to more manageable levels, albeit with the constant pressure of the object moving within her as she walked. To make matters worse, the close call she’d had with cumming back at the tree had left her pussy wetter than ever and, without the distraction of the buzzing inside her, it now feel to her that her juices were streaming down her inner thighs. She worried that the trickles might reach her knees, and the bottom of her skirt before they reached the refund of the restaurant.
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