The Limits of Imagination Ch. 05

The sun was setting when Elle woman a couple of hours later. Swinging her legs off the bed, she slowly rose and began removing the clothes she had fallen sleep in, dropping the skirt and top into the laundry basket before covering her nakedness with the towel that hung on the hook beside the door. Swiftly pulling the door open, she crossed the hall into the bathroom. The sound of Jenn preparing dinner filled the flat; the cent of mushrooms frying in butter followed her into the bathroom. She turned on the shower and waited for the water to heat up, her thoughts turning to Jack and how she could possibly put him through an experience equally as torturous as what he put her through today. When steam began rising behind the curtain, she dropped her towel onto the toilet and stepped past the curtain into the spray, singing as relieve washing over her aching muscles.

I could try tying him up, she thought to herself as she lathered shampoo into her hair, or stick that vibrating thing up his arse and see how he likes it!

“What are you laughing at?”

Lost in the delightful thought of Jack squirming while something vibrated deep inside his backside, Elle completely missed the sound of Jenn entering the bathroom.

“Nothing,” she lied.

“Sure,” came Jenn’s reply from just the other side of the curtain. Elle could just make out her silhouette through the curtain seated on the toilet on top of her towel. Jenn went on, “Actually, I wanted to ask you about Jack and what happened today.”

Here it comes, Elle thought, stepping back under the water to rinse the shampoo from her hair.

“Is everything okay?” Jenn asked, the concern clear in her voice. “Just, you barrellelled into the apartment this afternoon in such a state. And then you didn’t answer the door when I knocked. I’m worried Elle.”

Elle finished rinsing before she answered, “I’m fine Jenn. Really. More than fine actually.” She squirted body wash onto a sponge and began soaping up her body. “You don’t need to worry.”

“But I am Elle. Did he says something to hurt you? Is he hurting you?!”

Elle stopped rubbing the sponge over her legs and turned off the shower. She stuck her head out from behind the curtain and said, “No Jenn, he’s not. The opposite in fact.” Retreating back behind the curtain she added, “I really like him.”

“Okay. But I still think something strange is going on.”

Elle saw Jenn’s silhouette stand and move towards the door.

“Just be careful Elle,” she said as she opened the door and stepped out.

“I will,” Elle told the closed door. Turning the water back on she told a resumed washing herself.

Elle ate dinner together with Jenn. Mushroom and tomato pasta. They avoided the subject of boys entirely, speaking instead about Jenn’s upcoming holiday to Budapest.

“I’m going to crash early,” Elle told Jenn when they’d finished, depositing their plates and cutlery into the washer. “I’m exhausted.” It wasn’t a lie. Even after her afternoon nap she felt ready to fall asleep; her muscles still ached.

“Mhm, night,” Jenn mumbled, engrossed on her phone, thumb swimming rapidly left and right.

Closing her bedroom door behind her, Elle crossed to her desk and sat before her open laptop. An idea had come to her while she was drying after her shower. She remembered something from one of the smutty stories she liked to read.

Opening her web browser, she quickly typed in the name of a sex store she browsed frequently. Once it loaded she navigated quickly to the particular item she had in mind, finding it under Cock and Ball Torture. She was momentarily distracted by something called “the humbler”, but, remembering her mission she filed it away as something for the future and found What she was actually looking for.

What’s a good weight I wonder? she thought to herself, scrolling through the options. She went with her gut and made a decision. Grinning severely, she clicked the checkout button and input her payment details and delivery address. It would arrive in time for the weekend.



Jack caught the ball he’d just tossed into the air.

“Hang on a second, I need to check that,” he called.

Across the court his brother stood, arms folded, shaking his head.

“No phones on the court Jack. You know the rule.”

“Sorry, Jay. It could be important though.”

He put the ball and his racket down on the cement and jogged quickly across to his bag next to the empty umpire’s chair. Pulling his phone out of the side pocket he saw it was a message from Elle, the first since what he’d put her through five days ago. Relief flooded his veins. When he didn’t hear from her the day after their adventure in the park he began to wonder if he’d gone too far; pushed her beyond her limits.

He read the notification. Let’s do lunch at…. He swiped to open the full message.

Let’s do lunch at Borough Market on Saturday. I’ll come past your place at 11. Shave your balls Friday night. E xxx

He smiled to himself and dropped the phone back in the pocket. He shook his head as he returned to his racket.

“And?” Jay cried from the opposite base line.

“And what?”

“Was it important?!”

“Extremely,” Jack answered, bouncing the ball in front of him. His mind was no longer on the match though.


“Put this on,” said Elle, handing Jack the blindfold she’d just pulled out of her handbag. She’d arrived at precisely 11am and gone straight upstairs to the living room without saying a word to Jack.

Cautiously, Jack slide the velvet pad over his eyes and stretched the elasticated band over the top of his head. Apart from a thin slider of light shining through narrow openings either side of his nose, he was blinded. What is she planning on here? he thought.

“Take your clothes off,” she commanded.

Eager to please, and excited by the authority in her voice, Jack compiled, swiftly pulling his T-shirt over the top of his head. Unbuckling his belt, he hooked his thumbs through the waistband of his shorts and underwear and smoothly slide both down to the floor before stepping out of them. He heard Elle slide them away across the wooden floorboards and gasped when he felt a sharp sting on the head of his stiffening cock. Had she just flicked him?! She chuckled cruelly at his reaction. Without further instructions to follow, he stood with his arms hanging awkwardly at his side, aware of just how vulnerable he was. He remained that way for what felt like many minutes, listening to what he presumed was Elle rifling through her bag, a series of metallic clicks and taps emmanating from the sofa beside him.

“Spread your legs and put your hands on your head!” Elle instructed, turning to face Jack.

Jumping at the harshness of her tone, Jack rushed to comply, locking his fingers together atop his head and moving his feet shoulder width apart.

“Wider than that,” Elle said, sliding his right foot outwards with her own until it looked like Jack was frozen in the middle of a star-jump. “There, that’s better. Now don’t move a muscle, or you’ll regret it.”

She tapped his tests lightly, setting them swinging freely between His stretched legs and sending a jolt through his groin into his belly. Crouching down, she watched the small orbs swinging pendulously backwards and forwards until they slowed to a stop. She marvelled at the distinction of the egg-shaped tests hanging nestled within their soft sack. Reaching out a hand, she gently cupped them, feeling their delicate weight as she lifted them upwards, running her fingers across the smooth, hairless skin.

“Good to see you followed my orders.”

Above her, Jack drew in a sharp breath, releasing it with slow relief when he realized she wasn’t strikeng him again. Instead, he felt her curl a finger and thumb into a loop around the skin where his scrotum met the base of his penis. Slowly, she slide her hand downwards until she reached his balls. Continuing downwards, she gently pulled on his balls, releasing them just at them point where it became painful. She repeated this action a few times, each time wrapping finger and thumb around his soft skin before pulling his testicles downwards. She did this gently, but each time pulled a fraction further before releasing to start again. Consumed by the curious, yet not quite painful sensing in the pit of his abdomen, Jack began to moan softly as each stretch reached its zenith.

At the end of the tenth stroke, with Jack’s twin tests pulled tightly against the bottom of her finger and thumb, Elle paused and held them there. After a couple of seconds, Jack began to groan as a dull ache began to form in his groin.

“Don’t move now, we’re nearly there,” Elle reassure him, marvelling at the stretched skin of his scrotum above her fingers. She hadn’t expected to enjoy this quite as much as she was. She felt powerful with his most vulnerable organs firmly in her grip.

Jack gasped as an ice-cold sensing suddenly encircled his scrotum, between his balls and the base of his cock. Elle maintained her grip on his scrotum as she fiddled between his legs for a couple of minutes. Jack heard the same weak metallic taps and clicks as she did so, this time coming from between his legs.When Elle at last released her grip, Jack, expecting to feel relief, instead felt his testicles still painfully extended away from him. The only difference now being that the warmth of Elle’s fingers was replaced by the cooling of whatever she had wrapped around his scrotum.

“Done. That wasn’t so hard was it?” Elle rose as she spoke. Jack, however, didn’t hear a word of what she said, distracted by an increased tugging on his testicles. It felt as though they were being pulledfirmly towards the floor, much harder than Elle had been pulling them earlier!

“You can relax now and take the blindfold off.”

Jack reacted immediately, snatching the blindfold off before reaching between his legs. He was entirely unprepared for what he found there. Encircling his scrotum was a large steel ring. It looked to him like a shining silver donut and was probably only a little bit smaller than the real thing. It was heavier though, much heavier. He lifted the ring to test its weight, relieving his aching tests, squeezed tightly below the metal collar.

“Five-hundred grams,” Elle said, smiling as she watched his reaction to her different revenge. “Which is light compared to what’s available actually.”

Jack was dumbfounded. She had attached a half kilogram weight to his balls! He searched for a way to take it off. The weight appeared to consist of two-halves, judging by the sea running down each side. Twisting the whole thing around, he found two holes through which it appeared screws had been driven, connecting one half to the other. The screw heads were deep within the holes leaving him no apparent way to unscrew them.

“You need this to open it.”

Looking up, Jack saw Elle holding a small allen key between her finger and thumb.

“And you’re not getting it until later,” she dropped it into her handbag and snapped it shutt smartly. “Now come one, let’s go. I’m hungry.”

Panicking, Jack tried to pull the weight off over his testicles, but it was painfully clear that that wasn’t going to happen. The inner diameter of the ring was far too small for even one of his balls to squeeze through. It wasn’t coming off until Elle took it off. Reluctantly, he tenderly lowered his testicles, grimacing as they took the full weight of the steel. The dull ache quickly returned in the depths of his groin.

“Well put your clothes on.” Elle demanded.

Jack compiled, moving slowly so as not to bump his distended balls. Ashe pulled up his underwear and shorts he regretted choosing boxesers this morning rather than something more supportive, which would have assisted his poor testicles at least somewhat.

Dressed, he set off after Elle, who was already downstairs. He immediately felt the weight swinging backwards and forwards as he walked, tugging radically on his groin. It was going to be a long afternoon, he Realised.

Arriving at Borough Market, Jack was a wreck. It was only a twenty-minute walk from his house, but it had felt twice as long. Elle talked casually to him the whole way as if nothing was amiss, filling him in on what was happening at work and about her roommate, Jenn’s, latest fuck-buddy. Jack heard nothing. He was oblivious to everything but his balls. Standing now under the canopy of the market entrance, surrounded by hundreds of people, he wanted nothing more than to reach into his pants and lift the weight to give his aching balls and stretched scrotum some relief. He was sure they must be hanging down by his knees by now!

“Let’s have a look around,” suggested Elle, pulling him out of his reverie and into the crowd. “I can never decide what to eat here.”

For the next half hour she led him through the bustling marketplace, stopping frequently to admire the colorful fruit stands, or sample the craft gin, or examine the pungent cheese selections.

Jack was unable to do anything but following meekly along, doing everything in his limited power not to bang his legs against his swinging balls. The throbbing in his groan had settled into a more constant ache. To his great concern, as Elle stood absorbed watching one of the vendors make Scotch eggs, Jack felt his cock slowly began to grow until he had to covertly adjust his pants to hide his semi-erection. Growing slowly used to the dull pain, the constant stretching of his scrotum and pendulous swaying of his tender testicles was turning him on! Just as this reality dawned on him, he heardd someone shout Elle’s name across the crowd.

“Jenn!” Elle shouted in reply. The next moment she was hugging a dark-haired woman. “Jack, this is Jenn. Jenn, Jack.”

“Nice to finally meet the mysterious Jack,” said Jenn, warily shaking his hand. “You guys coming or going?” she asked.

“Coming,” Elle replied, “you?”


“Great! Let’s eat together.”

Fuck, just what I needed, thought Jack nodding enthusiastically at Elle’s suggestion. His cock swiftly deflated.

The three of them continued to meander through the stalls, Elle and Jenn absorbed in conversation, Jack absorbed in the sensings emanating from between his legs and deep within his stomach.

Eventually, the ladies decided that the Thai food stall looked and smelled like the best option, the cent of soy sauce and peanuts wafting through the air from the sizzling, noodle-filled woks.

They ate their food at one of the benches under the canopy at the entrance to the market. It took Jack a little while to successfully sit down without sitting on his stretched balls. Eventually, he managed to manoeuvre himself so that the heavy ring lay between his legs. He witnessed at the respite, his testicles no longer holding the half-kilogram weight. He looked up to find Jenn looking curiously at him, clearly trying to figure out why he was acting so odd. Elle merely smiled at him, satisfied now that her revenge was equal to what she’d endured at the mercy of the remote-controlled vibrator. Elle and Jenn continued to talk as they ate, with Jack participating only when absolutely necessary.

“He doesn’t say much does he.” Jenn remarked to Elle as she finished her pad-thai and set the box down on the benchmark beside her.

“He’s got a lot on his mind right now,” Elle replied casually.

“Like what?”


“Work,” Jack interrupted Elle. “Just work stuff.” He looked pointedly at Elle before adding, “In fact, there’s…an emergency I need to take care of.”

“An emergency?” asked Jenn, a hint of disbelief in her tone. “Aren’t you a graphic designer?”

“A web designer and yes, we have emergencies,” he said snidely.

Elle rolled her eyes at him from behind Jenn and said, “I suppose we’d better get back to your place so you can take care of it?”

“Ideally, yes.” His eyes pleaded with her.

After a long pause she said, “Fine, let’s go then.” They both stood up, Jack rather gingerly, stifling a gasp as his balls once again took up the full weight of the steel ring, the ache quickly returning deep inside him.

“I’ll see you at home later Elle?” Jenn asked as they stood.

“Perhaps,” Elle answered, turning to follow Jack, who had already set off towards the exit.

“Please take this thing off me!” Jack begged as soon as they were through the front door.

“And why should I do that?”

“Because it’s killing me. I feel like my balls are being torn off!”

“Oh, I’m not sure about that,” said Elle, stepping closer so that she was standing right in front of him. She slipped her hand between them and pressed it against his erection, straining against his pants. “And neither is this guy.” She squeezed his hard cock through the fabric. “Seems like you’re quite enjoying it actually. Tell you what, make me cum and I’ll take it off.” She turned away quickly and bounded up the staircase, leaving Jack standing in the hallway, his erection tenting the front of his pants.

He soon found her in the living room once again. In the short time it had taken him to recover his wits and climb the stairs she had removed all of her clothes, obviously as she crossed the room to the sofa judging by the clothes scattered across the floor. Entering the room, he was greeted by the sight of her greous bare backside. She was bent over the armrest of the sofa, legs spread slightly apart and arms stretched across the seat in front of her, head turned to the side.

Shaking his head and grinning at her brazenness, Jack crossed to her, pulling his shirt off along the way. When he reached her he gently slide his pants and boxes off so that he was naked. He couldn’t resist wrapping his hand around the steel donut, the metal now warm from his body heat, and easing the weight off his tests momentarily. Lifting the ring higher, he examined his tortured tests, the individual balls clearly visible, squeezed obscenely between scrotum and steel. Running a finger across the tight skin, he gasped at the sensitivity. I need to get this thing off quickly, he thought, gently lowering the weight back down. The tension of the weight hanging from his balls pulled his erection downwards until it was jutting out at ninety degrees from his body, precum beading at the tip.

Crouching down behind Elle, he tenderly kissed each of her bum cheeses and ran his hands up her legs. Reaching their apex, he paid apart her cheeses, revealing the tight knot of her asshole and her irresiStible pussy, glistening with wetness. There was no doubt this was turning her on. Leaning forwards, he planted a soft kiss right on her anus. He was rewarded with a gasp from the couch above him and her backside reflexively pulling away from him. When it returned he licked deeply up through her sticky slit, savouring the taste of her juices before slowly probing the tip of his tongue through her spincter and into her asshole. After tongue-fucking her ass for a while longer he returned his attention to her pussy, lapping up her juices with abandon and extending his tongue as far inside her as it would go. When she began to squirm and press her arse against his face he stopped. He needed to fuck her.

Rising, he gripped his stiff cock in his fist and stroked it, smearing the mood at the tip over the swollen head. The motion set his strained balls swinging beneath him, the weight tugging painfully and delightfully on his scrotum. Still holding her cheese apart with his hands, he placed the tip of his penis at her entrance. She moaned as he slip up and down through her wetness. Then he entered her. Agonisingly slowly he drove into her, stopping only when his public hair crushed against her winding anus. He paused there, savouring the sight of his groin against her backside. The muscles of her vagina throbbed around his cock and he heard her groan in the cushion she’d buried her face in. He withdraw equally slowly, friction pulling her tight lips along with his retreating shaft. He nearly came at the sight. Withdrawing completely, he frozen with the head of his cock nestled in the folds of her pussy, willing himself not to cum.


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