The Limits of Imagination Ch. 03

NOTE: This is a direct continuation of the previous chapter so I highly recommend reading chapters 1 & 2 if you haven’t already so that you are situationd into the story where this chapter picks up.

The next chapter is on its way soon and things start to heat up as Elle and Jack grow more adventurous in testing the limits of their imagination…! I hope you enjoy.


Extracting his legs from between hers, Jack rolled away and rose from the bed. Elle remained motionless, watching him as he retrieved his shorts and slid them up his legs, tucking in his cock.

“You gonna stay for dinner this time?” he asked, pulling his shirt on.

“Are you cooking?”


Elle rolled over onto her back, clenching her sphincter as she felt the unmistakeable shifting of the fluids in her ass. “What’s on the menu?”

“Stir-fry?” Jack responded tenatively, testing for her response to his suggestion.

“Veggie or chicken?”

“Which will make you stay?”

“Oh I’m staying,”there was a cheeky note to her response, “I was just checking.”

She scooted quickly to the edge of the bed and swung her legs off. Thankfully all of her clothes had ended up on the floor close to the bed, so she could easily reach each item. Still sitting, she slide her panties up into place, lifting her bum up and releasing the elastic with a snap. Her jeans followed, requiring a fair bit of wriggling and pulling to get them up without standing. Zipping and buttoning them closed, Elle breathed a quiet sight of relief, feeling a little safer in the knowledge that any accidental leaks would now be concealed. Standing at last, she lifted her white top up over her head and pulled it down over her breasts.


Turning, she found Jack, still stark naked, looking longingly at her now concealed chest. He hadn’t moved at all and she realized he had watched her get dressed.

“Do you have to put that on?”

“I’mafraid so, wouldn’t want to burn anything in the stir-frying process.”

“No, good point,” he conceded, nodding his acceptance.

“You’ll probably want to do the same,” she pointed out. “Wouldn’t want to damage any critical parts.” Her eyes lingered on his cock, which had resolved some courage in the time it had taken her to clean herself. She smiled at the thought that she’d such a visible effect on him even as she put her clothes on.

“An equally good point,” he agreed.

Finally moving from his fixed spot, Jack quickly gathered his shorts and shirt and pulled them on.

Seated once again in her stool at the breakfast bar, Elle sipped on her beer and watched Jack go about the business of preparing and cooking their stir-fry dinner. He’d googled a recipe on his phone, which was Now propped up against a mug on the counter, and set to work methodically slicing and dicing all of the required ingredients. She marvelled at the precision of his work. He wasn’t fast by any means, but he focused incredibly hard on cutting everything according to the instructions. Twenty minutes later there were five identical bowls of nearly chopped vegetables – turn out they were having veggie stir-fry – and Elle had reached the bottom of her beer.

“You want another?” Jack asked, looking up from admiring his work.

“Sure why not?” It’s not like he needs to get me drunk. She chuckled at the thought.

“Something funny?” A puzzled look crossed his face as he handed her the beer.

“No, just a thought,” the corner of her mouth rose into a half smile as she shook her head.

“Oh. Right.” He seemed a little disappointed, but didn’t press her, turning his attention back to cooking.

Keen to move the conversation on before the mood turned sour she searched for a question to ask. “Do you ever watch porn?” The question blurted from her mouth at the exact moment he tipped the contents of two of the bowls into the sering wok, releasinga hiss of steam.

What the fuck? You could have asked anything you wanted and that’s what you go with! Do you watch porn?! Maybe he didn’t hear you, she hoped in vain.

“Ummm…” He’d definitely heard and was dumbstruck, bowls held frozen in the middle of the billowing cloud of steam. “Yes? Sometimes?” the inflection of his answers and scrunched up expression on his face turned them back into questions.

Elle decided there was nothing to be done except plough on as if she fully intended to ask that particular question.

“Me too. Sometimes. I mean, it’s not really that surprising considering how we met. That site is full of porn.” She wasn’t sure how to stop now that she’d started. “Pictures, videos, it’s all there on people’s profiles. Which I’m sure you know. I mean you found my post.”

She forced herself to shut up by taking a couple of large gulps of her drink. Jack had recovered some of his wits and was stirring and flicking the wok with expertise.His eyes were very wide open.

“I…suppose that’s true,” he agreed, raising one eyebrow.

“Do you have a favourite kind?” Seriously, what the Fuck Elle?!

“I…” he was intensely focused on stirring the vegetables in the pot, which clearly didn’t need any more stirring. “I…I’m not sure.”

Fully committed now and throwing all caution to the wind, Elle asked another question, “do you want to watch porn with me?”

Jack was stuck dumb for the second time. He watched a lot of porn, sure, but it was always a solo activity. He’d never thought of it as something to do with somebody else. He spooned two portions of stir-fry into bowls and set the wok down on the stove.

“Sure,” he answered at last. “Why not.” He had signed up for this whole experimental thingy and if this was something she wanted to do then he wasn’t about to turn her down, not before trying it at least once. That was the deal.

The breath Elle had been holding came rushing out wit his response. Her cheeks had turned a violent shade of scarlet and she couldn’t bring herself to look him in the eye.

“Wednesday?” Jack asked, lifting the bowls and carrying them over to the dining table. “Tonight?”

“No,” she replied, a little too quickly. “Maybe one night during the week? I could come over after work.”

“Wednesday?” he pulled back one of the chairs and gestured with his eyes that she should sit.

Sliding off the stool, Elle grabbed her bottle and walked across the room. Her body had relaxed since his response and as her feet landed on the floor she felt a trickle of his cum leak from her ass. Looking sheepishly at him, she sat down and allowed him to slide her up to the table.

“Okay, Wednesday,” she agreed as he took his seat.

She looked up at him and saw with relief that he was smiling. There was a slight hint of concern in his eyes, like he was worried that her feelings might have been hurt. He picked up his forkand the familiar mischievous grin replaced the concerned smile.

“Could even be fun,” he said. “Now eat before it gets cold.”

She lifted her own for and tucked in, aware for the first time of the incredible smells wafting up from the food before her.

Wednesday morning arrived in the blink of an eye. Elle could hardly focus on anything, let alone her work. Elle constantly found her Thoughts drifting back to the moment she’d uttered that question. I still can’t believe I did that. She knew why she had asked it though. Watching porn with somebody else and, more specifically, masturbating together had been on her list of things to try for a long time now. It was the fact that she had just blurted the question out, without any preparation or build up to the moment.

More surprise Still, was Jack’s reaction. Sure, he’d been momentarily shocked, but once he got over it he’d responded positively, excitedly even in her memory of the ensuing conversation. Perhaps there was some merit to taking straightforward approach. After all, they’d both agreed that their relationship would be based on sexual experimentation and pushing the limits of their experiences. Perhaps there was no need to be coy about what they wanted to try.

These thoughts danced through Elle’s mind over the course of the rest of the day. She found herself blushing on multiple occasions as she tested how some of the other, more daring, things she wanted to try would sound when asked as bluntly as her suggestion that they watch porn together.

Before she knew it, Elle was back in Jack’s house, going through the now familiar routine of hanging her coat on the hook on the wall, slipping her shoes off and following him up the stairs. This time he led her into the living room rather than the kitchen. There was music coming from somewhere in the room, though she couldn’t see the speaker.

“Would you like anything to drink?” Jack asked, as she gravitated towards the picture window, an exact replica of the one upstairs in his bedroom, though with a less awe-inspiring view.

“Just a water thanks.”

“And to eat? Are you hungry?”

“No, I’m alright. Grabbed something coming out of the office as I usually do. You’re welcome to eat though if you’re hungry”

“I’ve already eaten,” he answered.

It was later than she usually came over on the weekend so she was glad that he hadn’t waited to eat with her.

While he went to fetch water, Elle paced nervously around the room, trepidation for what they were about to do building inside her. She stopped in front of a large bookcase, IKEA if she wasn’t mistaken, and surveyed his rather healthy collection of books. The variety was impressive. She spotted a few classics, some that she recognized as recent best-sellers and a very large collection of design related books. Grabbing a particularly large tome on the history of typography, she crossed to the couch and sat down, opening the book across her lap.

“That was the book that got me into design.”

Jack had returned from the kitchen, two water glasses in hand, and was standing right behind her looking down over her shoulder.

“Projects that involve typography are still my favourite to work on actually.”

He walked around the couch and set the glasses down on the coffee table. He then crossed to the window and drew the curtains, shutting out the outside world.

“Don’t want to put on a show for the neighbors…yet,” he said with a grin.

Elle’s nervouss prickled and she felt the nervous constriction inside her chest. Why am I so nervous about this when last weekend I wasn’t scared at all? This should be easy compared to that! she wondered to herself.

The couch creaked as he sat down next to her. He leaned forward and picked up his glass, taking a long sip.

“You have any ideas about how we do this?” he asked, once he’d set the glass back down.

“Not really to be honest,” she answered, shrugging her shoulders. “Do you?” Her fingers played nervously with the pages of the book in her lap.

“Well, I’ve figured out how to get onto the internet on the TV,” he nodded towards the enormous screen on the other side of the coffee table. “And I know a few sites we can try. Beyond that I have no idea. I’m pretty nervous to be honest.”

Elle looked up at him, not sure if he was being serious or not. He was nervous? He certainly didn’t seem it. And he wanted to watch on the TV?! That would make it almost larger than life-size! She’d only ever looked at porn on her phone.

“You don’t seem nervous.” She challenged, unable to think of any suggestions for how they could go about this.

“Oh I am,” he answered. “Though I’m Not exactly sure why. I mean…this isn’t any crazier than what we did on the weekend. Or last weekend even.” He was frowning slightly and Elle could almost see him visualising their previous encounters. Her mouth dropped open slightly. It was as if he was in her head, relaying her own thoughts back to her.

He continued, “All I can think, is that it’s because I’ve always thought of porn as something you do, or watch, alone. Something you’re not supposed to do or admit to doing. Usually when you’re…” his cheeses reddened obviously as he hesitated, searching for the right word.

“Masturbating.” she finished the sentence for him.

The image of his hard penis flashed into Elle’s mind. His hand sliding up and down slowly. She closed her eyes tightly, banishing the vision. The nervousness previously centred in her chest was moving down her body, becoming the warmth of growing arousal.

“Yes,” he agreed, looking at her with curious relief, “exactly.”

Elle closed the book slowly and lifted it off her lap onto the coffee table with a solid thumb. She was giving herself some time to prepare for what she planned to say next.

“I think that’s why I want to watch with you,” she said, still leaningforward with a hand on the book, not looking at him. “I want to see you masturbate.” There, she’d said it, and now her heart was hammering.

“Oh,” he replied, letting her statement hang silently in the air for the briefest moment.

When he didn’t say anything else, Elle turned slowly to face him. Her eyes travelled up his body as she turned and she gasped softly when she saw the obvious tent in His familiar shorts. She realized that Jack was as turned on by the idea as she was.

When her eyes reached his he continued, “I’d like to watch you too.”

With his admission, Elle’s heart at last began to quiet. She also felt the pressure in her bladder.

“I need the loo,” she said, rising quickly from the couch and dashing out of the room.

“You haven’t even drunk anything!” She heard Jack’s shout as she shut the bathroom door behind her.

When she walked back into the room the TV was on, what looked like a web browser on the screen. Jack had the remote in his hand and was using the buttons to control a cursor that was moving erratically across the large screen.

“Should we keep our clothes on or get naked?” he asked as she sat down next to him. Clearly he didn’t plan on beating around the bush any longer.

Elle considered for a second before answering, “Naked I reckon.” She felt daring saying it, but figured they would end up naked anyway so why Not just start that way.

“That makes sense,” he agreed. Standing abruptly, he grabbed the hem of his T-shirt and lifted it over his head, throwing it onto an empty armchair.

His hands were already grasping the fabric of his shorts when Elle interrupted, “Wait. Can I do that?”

Jack nodded and removed his hands. Elle slide across the couch until she was in front of him. She lifted Her hands to the waistband of his shorts and slowly slide them downwards. His penis had lost some of its earlier courage and the shorts slide easily over and on down his legs. When he stepped out,she tossed them over to join his shirt on the armchair. His penis was level with her eyes. He made no attempt to move and neither did she. She’d never seen him this close before and let her eyes roam, following the winding path of veins across the surface of his skin, over the pronounced ridge of his circuited head to the slit at the very tip. She yearned to lean across the gap and kiss it.

Instead, she lifted her own shirt off, revealing a lacy white bra beneath. Standing, she popped open the button of her jeans and slide them down to the floor, taking her panties with them. The damp spot in the centre of her underwear betrayed her arousal and she quickly throw them onto the armchair before Jack noticed. Removing her bra she sat back down. Her nipples stood in protest at the loss of their warm, protective covering. Jack was still standing where she’d left him, mouth agope. She smiled coyly at him and patted the cushion beside her. Now that they were started, her nerves haddissipated, replaced by excitement and arousal.

“Come on Jack, let’s do this.”

He sat down and lifted the remote controller, pointing it at the screen. Elle watched as he directed the cursor to the address bar and began entering the name of a familiar porn site. As the homepage loaded the screen began filling with thumbnails of naked people engaged in all manner of sex acts. The effect was dazzling, almost horrifying, on the enormous TV. They both stared, taking in the sight, eyes roving from one image to the next trying to take it all in. Elle squeezed her thighs together as she felt moisture forming inside her. Jack’s cock hardened a fraction, resting heavily on his upper leg.

Clearing his throat, Jack asked, “How do we choose what to watch?”

“No idea. Randomly?”

“Hmm, I wonder.” He moved the curser up to the menu button and clicked. A list of categories opened up on the left of the screen. As he scrolled down words like Amateur, Teens, Gangbang, Cuckold and Hardcore caught her eye. The list went on forever.

“Aha!” He stopped scrolling and Elle watched the cursor move down the list until it highlighted Randomiser. “This might just do the trick,” he said, clicking.

A new screen appeared asking them what length videos they wanted to watch: less than 5 minutes, between 5 and 20, or longer than 20.

“Let’s go less than five,” Jack suggested. “That way we’ll probably see more variety and won’t get stuck watching a thirty minute terrible video.”

Without waiting for her response, he made the selection and the screen changed again, this time asking if there were any categories they wanted to exclude.

“What do you think?” he asked, looking at Elle. “Anything we don’t want to see?”

“No,” Elle answered quickly, impatient to get going before her arousal faded with all this decision making. “Let’s leave it up tofate.”

Jack ticked the box for None and clicked to continue.

Nothing could have prepared Elle for the next screen. An instant after Jack pressed the button the screen filled with an extreme close up of a vagina, frozen on the colossal screen as a small circle spun rapidly in the centre. They both nearly left off the couch as the image suddenly came to life. A larger than life penis appeared, driving rapidly in and out of the open vagina. The room filled with ear piercing squeals and moans, which must have been coming from the owner of the vagina.

Elle recovered her wits quickest and, grabbing the remote out of Jack’s frozen hand, hit the pause button, silencing the shrieks and freezing the giant penis mid-entry. The sudden quiet was quickly broken by a chuckle from Jack. Looking at each other, They broke out into peals of uncontrollable laughter. The tension and nervousness of the buildup, followed by the shock of a fullscreen, high-definition pussybeing invaded by a baseball bat penis was too much to bear.

Settling down eventually, Jack laid his hand on Elle’s naked thigh. His touch still her giggling and she focused on slowing her breathing. Her arousal had disappeared, but she felt completely relaxed, at ease in her nakedness beside him. Glancing over, she saw that his penis had shrunk to flaccidity. Apparently his arousal had been stunned away too.

“Ready to try again?” he asked.

“Only if you turn down the volume.”

He lifted the remote, reduced the volume significantly and pressed play. He left his other hand on her leg.

The scene on screen restarted, huge penis pistoning in and out of the pussy. The squeals and moans resumed, albeit at a tolerable level. Arousal began to creep back into Elle’s body. As the pussy on screen started leaking lubricant around the edges of the invading penis, Elle’s own vagina began to dampen. The grosses of the woman in the video picked up pace as the penis sped up its assault, finally driving deep and pulsating in orgasm. Elle stared, transfixed, as it withdraw. An impossible volume of thick white cum gushed out of the gaping hole it left behind. Elle squeezed her thighs together as muscles deep inside her abdomen clenched in empathy with the woman on screen, imagining the sensing she was witnessing.


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