I can‘t believe I‘m actually about to do this, Elle thought to herself as she approached the front door. Hesitating on the doorstep, she mentally checked off the steps she had taken in the name of safety: Meet for the first time in a public place – check, ask Jenn to call in two hours to see how I‘m doing – check, condoms – check. She’d read about taking these precautions in one of the forums, the first two at least. She’d taken Jenn with her to meet him at the cafe last week, also recommended on the forum, and they both agreed afterwards that he probably wasn’t a predator. Probably.
Her heartbeat tripled as she banged the knocker against its plate in the centre of the door. Three metallic thumbs echoing on the other side much more confidently than she felt herself. A gust of wind threatened to lift her dress and she rapidly grabbed for the hem and held it down, autely aware of her lack of underwear. She heard the creak of floorboards before she saw the feet coming down the stairs, just visible through the foggy glass panel. Reaching the bottom, Jack’s silhouette made it’s way towards the door. In a vain attempt to slow the jackhammer in her chest she drew in a deep breath, releasing it as she heard the lock click and the door swung suddenly open. I can‘t believe I‘m actually doing this.
“Hey!” said Jack, lightly hugging her in welcome and quickly kissing her cheek. “Did you find the place alright?”
“Hey,” Elle replied, reluctantly releasing her grip on her dress to return the hug, skin tingling where his lips had touched her. “Yeah, pretty easy actually.”
“Well come in, come in!” He smiled broadly and stepped back through the doorway, shutting the door behind her. “It’s great to see you again. Oh, don’t worry about taking shoes off, come on up.”
One shoe off already, Elle continued removing the other, set her bag against the wall and followed him up the stairs.
“You want something to drink?” his voice came through an open door off the landing. “Options are water, juice – apple I think, beer, or I could open a wine if you’d like a glass?”
“Umm, apple juice is good thanks.”
She stepped through into the kitchen to find him standing at the open fridge on the other side of a central island. As he moved to grab some glasses Elle took the chance to run her eyes over his body. Bare feet on tiptoe as he reached into the cupboard, lean calm and thigh muscles taut as he stretched upwards. His light running shorts riding up slightly, revealing no more than a glimpse of the bottom of his ass cheeses. A thin band of skin on his back was laid bare as he raised his arm, lifting his white T-shirt up with it. As he turned back to face her, glasses in hand, her eyes briefly widened as she noticed the fear, but unmistakeable outline of his penis beneath theshorts. The fabric too lightweight to properly hide it, even flaccid, she watched it softly bounce as he walked over to the island to put the glasses down.
“Want some ice with that?” he asked, looking straight at her.
Quickly looking anywhere but his crotch, she felt herself blushing, certain he’d noticed.
“No, um, no thanks.”
Her eyes eventually met his and she saw he was grinning just slightly, mischievously even. He had definitely noticed.
“You want a tour of the place?” he asked, just as the silence was about to turn awkward.
“Oh yes, definitely,” Elle replied as he moved towards the door. She grabbed the full glass he’d put down in front of her and gulped down half of the apple juice. Thinking about taking it with her she noticed he’d left his behind and set it back down instead before following after him.
“Jack, this place is amazing. I mean, this view!” exclaimed Elle, approaching the oversized picture window framing the woodland that backed onto Jack’s garden. “It’s almost as good as the one from your room!”
She was in the spa bedroom having left Jack behind in the study rearrangement all the items she’d picked up and replaced on his desk, muttering to himself about things having rightful places.
Fifteen minutes ago she had followed Jack out of the kitchen to begin the tour of his place. He led her across the hall into the living slash dining room, a wonderfully spacious room with what looked to be an unbelievably comfortable couch and pair of armschairs. The TV was enormous and she could see the games console beneath it, though she was never able to distinguish one from another. Single guy living alone, of course he has a massive TV.
Next he guided her up another flight of stairs to the top floor and the master bedroom. The first thing that greeted her coming through the door was the floor-to-ceiling window with an uninterrupted view straight over the tops of the neighboring houses onto the sea beyond. The king-size bed was perfectly positioned to look straight out through the window. Elle couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to lie there nestled against Jack’s chest, gazing out onto the rooftops and distant waves as he gently stroked her…
“Hellooo, you still there?” Jack’s voice snapped her out of the vision and her cheeks flushed as the last image flickered once more across her mind’s eye followed briefly by the vision of his penis through his shorts. “I was asking how you liked the bedroom?” he repeated.
“It’s lovely,” she answered, a little too stiffly, trying to act nonchalant lest she appears too keen.
A thoughtful look and that mischievous grin came over Jack’s face as he continued, “The study’s just next door and then last is the guest room.” His voiced trailed away as he headed back out the door. Elle took in the view for a moment longer before turning after him.
After she’d quickly taken in the study, which wasn’t of much interest to her, and messed with his perfectly arranged desk – that should take care of that mischievous grin! – she’d showed herself into the spare room.
She heard the door to the study close as she walked over to stand right in front of the picture window, taking in the view of the wild woodland. She noticed a pair of squirrels chasing one another along the fence.
As she stood gazing out of the window at the woodland, she sensed him approaching her from behind, his footsteps nearly silent on the carpet. She felt his breath against her ear as he reached her and placed a hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“There you are,” he said quietly.
“Here I am.”
They stood like that for seconds that felt like hours. Listening to the sounds of the woods outside. Each wondering what the other would do next.
Throwing caution to the wind, Jack tenatively reached his left hand around her belly, moving the other off her shoulder and down to herright thigh. When she didn’t pull away he pulled her closer to him, moving his hand up to her breast and began to lay soft kisses on her neck and shoulders. She felt the hardness of his now erect penis pressing against her, only the thin layers of her dress and his shorts between them.
“Do you like it?” he murmured into her ear.
In response she brought her right hand up to his on her breast and pressed into it, squeezing herself with his hand. Pressing her body back into him she whispered, “absolutely,” though she wasn’t entirely sure if he means the view or what he was doing to her.
The hand on her thigh slide upwards along her leg, slipping beneath the hem of her dress. Her skin prickled along the trail of his hand, goosebumps breaking out down her leg. His hand on her breast no longer needed her encouragement, though she left her hand over his.
Beneath the dress he squeezed her ass cheek before slowly sliding his hand around towards her front. His fingers found the crease where her leg joined her crotch and gently ran over the skin there, teasing closer and closer towards her pussy. She feel herself moistening in anticipation. Close her eyes and biting her bottom lip, she silently will his fingers closer. Each time they approached closer than before her legs twitched involuntarily. His cock was now firmly wedged between her buttocks as they pressed tightly against one Another.
An electric shock coursed through Elle’s entire body as she felt his finger brush her labia at long last. Sliding all the way down the now slick slit and back up again, his palm resting over her mound.
“Glad to see you followed all my instructions,” Jack whispered, feeling the smoothness of her shamen skin beneath his palm.
It was all she could do to moan in response, absorbed as she was in the sensings stealing her body from her. She now belonged to to the lips and tongue kissing and sucking on her neck, jaw and cheeses, the firm hand kneeingher breasts and pinching her erect nipples and the finger that had now found its way inside her saturated vagina.
A second finger joined the first, aided in its entry by the slipperiness of her juices. Jack pressed them as deep inside as they could go, pushing firmly against the front wall of her vagina as he withdraw. The repetition of his motion quickly intensifying the pleasure course through her.
Eyes closed, nearly lost in the feelings, Elle drew in a sudden breath as another finger brushed against her cliporis. She quickly lifted her left arm to the window frame as her legs nearly gave out. The finger on her clip, continuing to brush soft circles, fell into rhythm with the fingers buried inside her. Jack was now supporting most of her weight – between the arm around her chest and the hand between her legs – as she was barely able to support herself any more.
Relentlessly, he continued driving her towards imminent climax. The motion of his fingers inside her causing his cock to rub up and down between her buttocks, though Elle was all but oblivious to this as she rapidly approached the precipice of her orgasm.
Suddenly, it was there. Wave after wave of unbearable pleasure emanating from between her now clanced legs and consuming her entire body. She clasped his arm tightly to her chest as her muscles locked up, a barely audible moan coming from her throat as she rode the sensings. He ceased moving the fingers inside her but continued rubbing her clip, with increased pressure now, drawing out the experience of her orgasm, stopping only when he felt her body relax against him.
When she’d finally stopped quivering, he gently withdraw his hand from between her legs. Bringing his finger up to her lips she smelled herself on them, the wetness of her slickness shimmering in the light of the window. She Parted her lips and let them into her mouth, running her tongue over them, tasting her own sweetness.
As Jack removed his fingers from her mouth she became aware once again of his erection pressing against her her backside. Well he‘s certainly not finished, s he thought to herself.
Removing his left hand from her breast for the first time since he’d placed it there, he took her wrist and guided it to the window frame, mirroring the position of her left hand. She was now bent over at the middle, supporting the weight of her upper body with her hands on either side of the window. Any doubt that he planned to take things further vanished from he mind. Raising her head to look out through the glass in front of her, she spotting the squirrels from before gazing up at her from the forest floor.
Back on this side of the glass, Elle felt him take a step back from her and heard the quiet rustle of fabric she assumed was his shorts. Something landed softly on the carpet. She glanced over and saw an open condom wrapper. Without warning, Jack lifted the hem of her dress upover her backside, exposing her nakedness for the first time. She felt the wetness returning to her pussy, knowing he was looking straight at her glistening pussy, its moisture dripping onto the carpet below.
He placed his hands on her ass cheeks and spread them wide apart, pulling her labia slightly away from one another. Elle became extra aware that her anus was exposed for his viewing. With an intake of breath she Felt the tip of his penis contact her lips. She stared out of the window into the trees as he rubbed the head of his cock up and down the entrance to her vagina, coating it with her lubricant gathered there.
She gasped as he pressed forward, overcoming the briefest resistance before his head penetrated her. He paused and she felt the faith throbbing of his penis inside her. Shuffling his feet slightly closer, Jack resumed the pressure, sliding excitedly slowly inwards until he was as deep as he could go, his pubic hair nestled up against her anus. HoldingSteady once again he released her cheeks and tenderly ran his fingers over her back. Elle’s attention was torn between the heat and fullness of her pussy and the cool traces being drawn across her back.
Returning his hands to her hips he slowly withdraw his penis until the tip was barely holding her entrance open, before sliding it all the way back in a single stroke. He continued those long full strokes. All the way out and all the way back in. Out, in.
Slowly Jack built up speed until Elle could hear the unmistakable sound of flesh striking flesh. His balls hitting her upper leg at the end of each in-stroke and their colliding bodies rocking her as she braced against the window frame. Elle felt the familiar sensing of a building orgasm; still in the distance, but approaching nonetheless.
He let go of her hips and took up squeezing and pulling her buttocks apart, repeatedly revealing her anus and the lewd sight of his cock sliding into and out of her pussy, coatedin her juices. He moved his thumb until it lay over her anus, which clenched as Elle felt it there. Whoah, he doesn‘t waste time! She thought, expecting him to push his thumb inside her virgin ass, but he didn’t. His thumb remained on the outside, but he applied as much pressure as he could without penetrating her.
The competing sensings of his full-length fucking and the thumb on her tightly clinched anus were enough to bring Elle’s second orgasm of the evening crashing down upon her. She moaned as her vagina clamped tightly onto his cock, though not enough to slow his strokes. Her fingers curled against the cool aluminium frame and her toes dug into the soft pile of the carpet.
The increased grip on his cock was enough to tip Jack into orgasm too and, after a final few hopeful strokes, he drive as deeply into Elle’s pussy as he could. Holding there as he ejaculated inside her, grunting with each forceful spurt, until it was over.
The only sound she could hear was rustling of the leaves in the wind outside the window, barely audible over their combined panting breaths. Elle remained leaning against the frame, shudders rolling through her as the aftershocks faded. She groaned softly as she felt Jack’s softening penis retreat from inside her, consciousness of the emptiness that replaced it.
“Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back,” Jack said behind her, struggling his hand across her bum.
He was gone before she’d fully registered what he’d said, the door clicking shut behind him. Elle didn’t move an inch, savouring the echo of his touch on her skin. Closing her eyes, her thoughts drifted back to the morning she set in motion the events that would eventually lead to this moment.
Twoweeks earlier…
Elle woke up at 4:30 in the morning for who knows what reason and couldn’t fall back sleep. Her mind instantly began racing with thoughts of an idea she’d first had weeks ago and had been unable to shake since. It had come to her when she stumbled across the Searching For forum on a fetish site she’d been lurking on for years and had continued to evolve and grow in her mind ever since. At 6AM, still wide awake, she thought, fuck it, let‘s just do it! I‘m never going to stop thinking about it otherwise.
Dramatically tossing the duvet off her body, she swung out of bed. Grabbing her silken gown off the dresser to cover her nakedness and slipping her fluffy slippers over her feet, she crossed the short distance to her desk. Dropping onto the chair, she flipped open her laptop and typed in her password. In the couple of seconds it took for the computer to wake up, she noticed the birds chirping in the Saturday morning light outside.
Clicking the icon for the internet browser, Elle began typing the name of the site into the navigation bar. Three letters in, the full address popped up automatically and she hit enter, a familiar ritual for her by now. The login page loaded quickly and in an instant her browser autofilled the required username and password combination.
Arriving at her profile page she cast her eyes across the screen before her. Suggestive, anonymous and embarrassingly cringeworthy profile photo in the top left next to her username – CuriousCat94 – and age. Beneath that a very generic biography espousing her inexperience and curiosity. The section she was most interested in lay on the right of the page, a list of the forums she was subscribed to. Scanning her eyes down the list she found the one she was looking for and clicked on it.
The forum page displayed a long list of the most recent posts. Titles like 27 [M4F] Seeking anal experience and [F4MF] Shy 29 year old bi girl looking for threesome caught her eye briefly, but where her attention truly lay was in the NEW POST button in the sidebar. Determined not to get distracted by the other posts, as usually happened, she quickly clicked the button. The butterflies in her stomach were taking flight.
An instant later she sat staring at the empty box before her, cursor radically flashing in and out of sight, taunting her to begin typing. This was the further she’d ever gone. Before she could find an excuse not to, she began typing. A few minutes later, she placed the closing period of the post she’d crafting and perfecting in her mind over the past few weeks.
24 [F4M] Boundless imagination seeks fellow experimenter
I am looking for someone. Someone with an imagination to match my own and the willingness to try pretty much anything at least once.
Just to warn you, some of the fansies and activities in My head are extreme and seem to have no limits. I frighten myself sometimes with what my mind comes up with. We‘re not just talking anal sex or funky positions here! If it‘s listed as a fetish on this site you can pretty much be guaranteed I want to try it.
The idea I have is that we enter a sex-based relationship where we experiment with one another and push each other‘s boundaries. See what we like and don‘t like. Where fantasy is different to reality. My mind tells me I want to do these things, but I‘ve never experienced them so how sure can I be?
We will have to figure out the specifics of the relationship, obviously, but that‘s the rough idea.
Message me if you live in London and are interested.
Elle read it through once from the beginning and, before she could change her mind, clicked the POST button. The screen reloaded quickly and there was her message at the top of a new post, empty comment box waiting expected below for replies. She exhausted the breath she’d been holding since what felt like forever. And now we wait, she thought, standing up to go make breakfast.
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