Fog encased the lighthouse from a distance so that it only became visible as they drove within a hundred yards of the hulking fortune.
She knew enough about lighthouses to identify its outbuildings such as the keeper’s living quarters, a fuel house, a boat house, and the fog-signaling buildings coupled to the actual tower itself. But this lighthouse compound was extremely large, bigger than any she had ever seen.
He stopped the SUV in the only parking space not overgrown with brush and deep sand. As he pulled her out of the vehicle, she looked for signs left by any other people and saw none. Looking up she could finally see the lighthouse compound in its entirety.
Sitting at a the end of an islet extending half a mile into the sea, the lighthouse had been abandoned for years, a historical religious of the US Civil War when the South was trying to protect the entrance of the grassy river that led inward to the state capitol only miles north of this spot on the Gulf of Mexico.
The lighthouse compound served as both a working beacon to warn ships of dangers, but also a military garrison of rebel soldiers, cannon batteries, and moorings for supply and war ships.
She looked out at the sea as the fog continued to roll slowly up the beach from its direction. She knew it would cloak them from the prying eyes of anyone driving past the main road to the structure. She could smell tea olives blooming and feel the mixture of sea spray and fog deliciously landing on her face and neck like a tender kiss from a woman’s subtle lips.
She stood by the SUV as the driver opened the back and extracted two small brown duffle bags. He knew one contained the implementations of pleasure and pain she would be taking for before the afternoon’s sun burned off the fog, and another bag with contents to protect themselves from would-be rescuers.
He approached her from behind and slowly caresed the back of her arm before grazing her long hair and snapping her head around to meet his lips in a long embrace. He had waited the whole drive to steal this moment from her.
The mixture of surf…the smell of flowers…his aggressiveness…these all made her aware of the mood which had found its way from the water’s edge to her inner lips, causing a shiver up her spine.
“I’m surprised there’s still so much fog this late in the day,” he grunted as he broke off his assault. “The sun should have burned it off by now. Better for us. Move your ass inside before it thins!”
Nothing else was spoken between the two as they made their way up the step steps leading to the creaking, wooden deck which encircled the lighthouse compound’s structures. She was started by the noise of the plans under her feet as they felt like they could give way with each step, almost signaling that going any further would be dangerous, both literally and figuratively.
Her sense of impending doomwas only intensified by the sound of the sea breeze thrusting around the outside of the concrete moorings, which resulted in a moaning sound emmanating through and around the skeleton of the lighthouse’s very foundation. If not for her terror, the moaning would actually sound erotic, as though two lovers were immersed in each other’s desire.
Her senses were heightened by the inability to see clearly.
There were Strange sounds coming from all directions distorted by the dense curve of fog, which only seemed to be intensifying instead of escaping the sun’s wrath as he had promised. Everything around her told her animal instinct to flee, but she continued to walk slowly forward, testing the strength of the two-hundred-year-old pine under their feet.
He didn’t even seem to notice their perilous state as his boots walked confidently Behind her, his hand firmly guiding her forward when she became too scared to move another step. She considered that the danger excited himas well, and his total control and confidence overwhelmed her desire to escape her captor. He forced her wrist and guided her hand to the doorknob of the lighthouse’s main entrance and whispered in her ear.
‘This is your chance to say ‘No’.”
The door opened with some resistance and the two entered the cathedral-like inner chamber of the lighthouse keeper’s living quarters. The structure was immense. Because of the fog masking the windows, it was almost too dark to know what the cavernous room contained but she could sense old furniture and autumn leaves which had blown in under the door and broken windows.
In one corner, she could pretty much make out a small bed surrounded by leather armschairs distinctly out-of-place. Over the bed with its dingy mattress dangled the only light she could see, which appeared to be some type of lantern which was magically suspended in midair. Why go through the effort to place the lantern there and why all the leather chairs surrounding the bed? Surely no one had been here in years, but the eerie glow of the lantern’s flame made her know she was deluding herself.
The distinct smell of sex mixed with the odor of mold and decay emitting from the corner repulsed yet beckoned for her to be ravished on the sullen mattress.
“Is this what he has in store for me, safe from the eyes of onlookers and the police, miles from earshot of my reaction to the pain he promised to inflict during our drive to this place? I should have tried to escape while still in the city, before he kept driving further and further away from town and obliterating any chance I had of escape!” she thought to herself.
“That filter bed is not for you…too provincial and cheap,” he said as if almost reading her mind. “There are things much worse in store for you today…although…at least classier. Those are the trappings for high school sweethearts after senior prom getting high and fucking, much below your pedigree.”
She only nodded in agreement, knowing that she had been forbidden to speak under the threat that her mouth would be bound with duct tape as it had been earlier.
The abduction…
Had it really only been two hours since the kidnapping? She was already losing her sense of time, and the fear mixed with unsettling desire was confusing her, at best.
The abduction happened so fast. Her mind was a blur trying to remember details so she could tell law enforcement. But her memories of the actual taking were already fading and were being replaced with the fear growing from the barrier of sexual questions and promises of pain her captor repeatedly cast at her since throwing her in the SVU.
Only the driver held her captive in the vehicle while leaving the city. There had have others earlier…but how many? At least three, total? Two white and one black? Each was powerfully strong, so it took little effort to immobilize herlong enough to be bound and whisked away…but, to what end?
During their long drive, the man said nothing about whether they wanted ransom or intended to kill her. She knew one was just as likely as the other, although he never spoke of her fate other than to say, “Some are not properly trained in how to satisfy themselves, much less others, but all this will change for you this day.”
“ do what?” she thought only to herself even as he had removed the duct tape from her lips once he deemed themselves far enough from civilization. She dared not ask him directly for fear it would result in the tape being replaced.
Her mind was snapped back to the present as he abruptly pulled her further into the keeper’s quarters.
Her eyes moved away from the lustful scene in the corner of the room only to lock on his. His eyes burned into her very soul, and she almost recoiled from their intensity. She could not stop staring back into the deepest green irises she had ever seen. They stayed locked in their mutual gaze, and she knew her pupils were becoming involuntarily dilated, outwardly showing her growing sexual interest in her captor.
He was keenly aware that she was giving in as much as fighting, and in her eyes saw the longing for another embrace. He grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her close, but more gently this time, at least gentler than she thought possible from such a demon.
His lips caresed hers, slowly touching them and then firmly plunging his tongue into her mouth as she signed no resistance. They stayed in their embrace as his hands gruffly found her breasts, and with one swift move, he ripped open her blouse exposing her tits and began sucking and gently biting on each hardening breast bead.
She moaned in both fear and ecstasy as he suckled her breasts, and moved his hand under her business skirt until his fingers reached the inside of her thighs where he found no resistance from undergarments.
“Commando!” he said as he slide the first of his fingers into her dripping slit. “I would think someone of your status would never leave home without appropriate panties. What would your mother say?”
“She would say to tell you if you don’t remove your hand from under my skirt, there will be more charges brought against you when you’re finally caught!” her angered voice screamed, Although the wetness which engulfed his fingers believed her resistance.
“Caught by who? You still don’t understand what’s happening here, how isolated you are…what actually started today. You think you have any control? You keep thinking those thoughts, beautiful lady. They may give you the ability to leave here and go back to your normal life. Psychological survival at its best!” he screamed at the top of his lungs.
He took pleasure at how she started from the shout which demonstrated that no one was around who could hear her cries and bring the rescue she so desperately wanted, at least therescue she thought she wanted.
Her anger started to boil, as she felt he was mocking her. She was about to let out a barrage of insults and demands when she heard something high in the lighthouse tower. His impetuous shout had caused a reaction somewhere in the building, because the noise she heard was definitely…a human voice.
“Help! Help me! I’ve been kidnapped!” she screamed at the top of lungs, “Please call the police!”
She stared in amazement at her captor’s lips as they drew into a sly smile. About that time, she heard an utterance from high in the lighthouse structures, at first unintelligible, but clearly a response. With horror she realized that the voice was not one coming from a rescuer…but was a woman’s soft laughter which seemed to also be mocking her pleasures.
Her captor forced her forward to the spiral staircase leading up to the watch room in the tower itself. He half shoved her or tugged her as the need arose to ensure she kept climbing the treacherious stairs. She would occasionally try to push backward towards him to throw him off balance since he still carried a bag from the car in each hand. Her efforts failed each time because even with the heavy load, each time she slammed into his body it was like banging into a brick wall. About midway up, she stopped resisting and became ever more curious about what she would find in the watch room below the lantern room.
When the old lighthouse tower was operational, the watch room was where fuel for the lantern and other supplies were kept and where the lighthouse keeper prepared the lanterns for the night. He would often stand watch in this room, hence the name. The unusual size of this lighthouse tower provided clues that this watch room was unique.
The lighthouse had been decommissioned for some time and there were none of these items in the watch room. Instead, the room had been converted into an elegant loft, complete with a kitchen with modern appliances, a large flat screen on a wall in front of a large couch, an exposed shower and Jacuzzi tub not far from an oversized bed on an elevated platform.
The bed.
Now she knew from where the sound of the woman’s laughter was emitted.
Obviously with no intention of helping the kidnap victim, the woman on the bed slowly rolled over to have a better look at the prize her lover had brought back to their loft. The kidnap victim was immediately overwhelmed by her female captor’s beauty and presence.
“What’s its name?” asked the female abductor as she looked wantonly at the new slave, and while doing so, pushed the sheets caressingly down her body, so that her bare torso and groomed vulva were well exposed.
“I think we’ll call it ‘Elle’ until we decided on a better name,” the male captor spoke as he placed the two bags he was carrying at the foot of the bed.
“That’s not my name!” the victim protected.
“I don’t think you understand that you have no choice and whatever you are called on the outside doesn’t apply in this tower,” purred the female captor as she smiled and gently started to rub the insides of her thighs against one of the pillows on the bed. The female captor’s voice was hypnotizing and seductive, almost making her immediately stop her challenges, but she exploded in a final futile appeal.
“My name is not Elle! I won’t be stripped of my identity and won’t play your sadistic mind games! My name is…my name is…,” she struggled to find the moniker.
The blond captor climbed out of bed and stood before them in her full, naked beauty. She silenced her captive with a slow, lingering kiss, while sliding a hand under the skirt and between her tights. Much like the male captor, she found her new pet’s feverish, damp sex a stark contrast to its verbal protests.
As their lips unlocked, the broken woman began to cry, not understanding what her lot entailed. Was she a kidnap victim as she believed, or was something else actually true? She was confused and the decline in initial adrenaline from being abducted, coupled with the elicing dispatch by her two captors, left her psychologically bare.
“I…am…Elle,” she half-whispered and started to sob.
Her captors approached from the front and back of Elle and finished undressing her. She resisted at first but gave in too quickly and was completely nude before another protest left her lips. The male and female captors stood back from Elle examining her curves and womanhood, before smiling at each other in approval.
“I…I am willing to be called Elle, but I need to know your names…in fairness.”
The female captor erupted!
“Fairness?! You believe we are equals?! You are our conquest, our plunder which we stole from your comfortable life to do with as we please, while those who seek your rescue scour the surroundings in a desperate hope of finding you before your ‘kidnappers’ harm you in ways that their imaginations can only begin to grapsp!”
Elle realized that she continued to misjudge her situation. Clearly, it was not the man who drove her to this spot, or the other two males who helped him abduct her from the college parking lot who were in control, but this blond-haired Venus before her standing as naked as she was. It was the female captor who was in charge of this band of violentos.
The leader slowly moved to within an inch of Elle’s ear, her breasts deliciously touching Elle’s exposed nipples, before she gently blew her sweet breath along Elle’s neck and earlyobe. The voice was calm again and sultry as the words mixed with the hot exercise which caused a quiver to run from Elle’s ear down to her delta.
“I will allow you to call me ‘Mistress Eve’ because I will be the first to show you the pleasures and torque which can be voluntarily accepted…or forced upon you. You havelittle choice either way because your situation is hopeless…” Mistress Eve’s voice trailed off.
The male captor was behind Elle before she knew it and was in the process of binding her arms behind her back before she could recover her senses to resist. It took time and experience to fasten the Japanese-style ropes and knots that ran from her wrists to above her elbows, forcing her tits to jut out like the breasts on a Greek status.
Now bound securely, Elle began a weak attempt at escape although she knew she could not undue the ropes and knots binding her. The intensity of the constraints, coupled with her inability to touch her own dripping labia and cliporis, caused the wetness within her to escalate its luxury of her folds guarding the entrance to her pleasure sheath.
Elle swallowed a scream as a Scandinavian male and chocolate-skinned David of Roman-Greco build silently joined the trio out of somewhere and began to immediately disrobe. These were the othertwo abductors from earlier!
“Mistress Eve,” Elle whispered to avoid displeasing her female captor whom she despised only moments ago, yet whose approval she was now was eager to gain. “What should I call the others in the watch room?” she asked.
Mistress Eve firmly slide three fingers inside of Elle from the front, as the main male captor reached around from behind her and pulled Elle’s outer lips apart to give his Mistress more access. His erect cock slip slowly along the contours inside Elle’s ass cheats, his pre-cum ensuring each grinding motion was met with minimal resistance.
Mistress Eve pulled Elle closer to her body and took the fluid-drenched fingers from Elle’s password and pressed them into Elle’s mouth.
“You may call your driver…what else…Driver, which will have even more meaning as the day goes by. The tall blond with the amazing hair and semi-erect phallus, you will call ‘Thor,’ because when fully erect you will know he carries a hammer. And finally, the beautiful ebony conspirator is named ‘Mr. More,’ because you will find you will long for more with every stroke of his shake.”
The descriptions of the names of her captors and their implied talents caused Elle to become weak at the thought of what awaited her. Was she truly a captive anymore, or had she already succumbed to ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ in just the few hours since her abduction? Because she now identified more with her captors than her expected rescuers.
As Elle concentrated on remembering the names of each captor, a thin blindfold suddenly encased her eyes and strong hands guided her down to the floor on her knees. She sat back on her heels with the ropes binding her arms behind her, each coil of the rough fiber starting to burn from the friction of being so tightly bound together.
“You have had a stressful day which will keep you from completely turning yourself over to Mistress Eve’s control,” a male voice she didn’t recognize whispered in her earbefore he stood and placed his proved member to the side of her face, struggling the contours of her cheeks and threatening to move towards her lips.
“It’s time for you to rest and contemplate what awaits you…that is, everything but escape. You are ours until Mistress Eve decides if you have the ability to cross into the most forbidden of lifestyles, or if you are to be returned to your daily existence before Your capture. Only she can decide for which you are best suited. For now, a drink of wine to calm you. I suggest you try to sleep before she begins your training.”
Time passed. How much, she didn’t know.
She had fallen sleep still sitting on the heels of her feet, but now found herself on Mistress Eve’s bed in the center of the room. The ropes binding her arms behind her back had been removed and replaced with padded restraints that allowed more movement.
The sheer blindfold no longer obscured her vision and her perception, as she awoke, was a mix of images of candle flames on pedestals around the bed and the smell of eucalyptus-scented oils. She caught glimpses of her face in mirrors surrounding the bed and felt movement next to her as her breasts were being groped.
The pleasure of being wrong by the hands of Mr. More as he stroked her tits brought her fully awake and she watched Driver’s face becomes totally obscured as his head moved down between her thighs.
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