The Life of Miranda

Disclaimer – This story is fictitious, and narrowed about a fictitious world with fictitious people. Situations considered in this story cannot happen in real life. ‘Ludlovian’ is a fictitious city on a distant planet with remarkably Victorian sensitivity. Enjoy.


Before Miranda was born, her pregnant unmarried mother met and married Gary Redman. Mr Redman married Katherine Jameson for her wealth, and also to give her child a name. At first, after she was born, Gary treated Miranda relatively well, not really minding that she was not his child. However within 2 years of the marriage, Nancy Redman was born, and within another year, Trevor Redman, the heir, came into their lives.

With each birthday, Gary’s treatment of Miranda deteriorated. He never hit her, but he yelled at her for the slightest things. Katherine hit her under the guise of a mother disciplining a child, but she never hit the other two as she did Miranda, though of course, she did as well. Nvitality was a baby who lived to play rough and she pushed, proved and physically fought with Miranda as siblings were wont to do. No one minded, least of all Miranda. It was just two girls playing, but Miranda learned early on that she was not to fight back.

When Nancy lashed at her, pulled at her hair and clothes, pushed her around, she learned not to retaliate and to take it with a smile. If she hit back at the baby, Katherine would beat her, telling her she was not to hit at her sister. Gary ignored it all. And when Trevor was born, the same rules applied, though he was not as aggressive as Nancy.

Miranda grew up submissive and quiet, taking everything doled at her with a serene, accepting smile. Unfortunately, she didn’t know it but that was to be her life story…

Gary Redman had inherited the family business, Jameson and Redman Holdings, from Katherine’s ailing father. Miranda had been sixteen and a well bred genteel lady fit for the conservative Ludlovian Society. She didn’t know it, but this submissive young lady had only a few more years left to serenely and innocently smile at her high society peers.

The business was not doing as well as expected so the day Miranda, much prettyer than Nancy, turned 18, Gary had a little talk with Katherine. Since he was not her biological parent and he really had no feelings for Miranda, his plan made sense to him. Katherine, who did not like the constant reminder that she had been indiscreet before marriage, liked being wealthy, liked her clothes, shoes and home. And they had a daughter to marry off at a later date as well as a son – currently at boarding school – whom they wanted the best for. They wanted to leave him an inheritance.

So Katherine signed over Miranda to Gary to do with as he pleased for his business.

Gary in turn, hired a man known as Mr. Lowman. Gary never had to touch Miranda – he had no idea to. He didn’t touch whores. Which was what Miranda, uncomplaining, became at 18…

On the day of Miranda’s 18th birthday, there was a little party at dinner to celebrate. Gary and Katherine informed her that she was considered an adult now. As was the custom of their culture and with a lifespan of 125 years, adult age was 25 but girls were considered mature enough to marry off at 21 – least they became spinsters by the old age of 28.

In a society in which the genders keep to strict social conduct and genders did not mix except in balls geared to hunting a bride or groom for marriage, approaching adult age was a milestone to be proud of. If things had taken the normal course, Miranda’s coming out ball would have taken place when she was 19. But this is not the normal course of things and therefore, her tender age was an occasion to celebrate.

There was cake, ice-cream and music. Miranda, innocent in the ways of the world due to her delicate upbringing and seclusion, danced and played as did her sister, Nancy. She was introduced to Mr. Lowman, the only stranger among the festivals. But apart from her smooth smile in response to the middle-aged, shortish, balding, not unhandsome man, Miranda ignored her father’s business companion.

The party lasted two hours and as it wound down, Katherine took her daughter aside to the quiet of her bedroom. Miranda had been moved to a new wing the previous week on account of her approaching adulthood. Miranda was the only Occupant of the new wing and Katherine gave the excuse that she (Miranda) must be craving some space to herself. The walls were sound proof, the halls spacious, and the only room that Miranda was familiar with was her own bedroom and attached bath.

There, Katherine told Miranda first about her origins, that she was not Gary Redman’s daughter. This was not a shock to Miranda as she had suspected that. Katherine didn’t know who her father was as she had not gotten the man’s name when he’d visited on business so many years ago.

Then Katherine told her about aman and a woman, about their body parts and what they used it for. She told Miranda, naturally submissive Miranda, that she had to obey every man who came to her. She guided the young girl to strip off every stitch of clothing she had had on to reveal a body that was nicely developed at the tender age of 18.

Her exact parting words to Miranda were, “Remember, my dear, obey at all times. They would not hurt you, but you must obey. Your stepfather would come to you now and instruct you further. Lie down on the bed.”

When Miranda reached for her robe, Katherine hastened to stop her. “Unclothed Miranda. You are a woman now. You don’t need clothes when you are alone with men. You must let them touch you and use you as they like. And you must enjoy it, my child. Do Not hold back your enjoyment of the feelings they bring to you. Now lie down.”

Naively believe her mother since the woman had homeschooled her and she had not seen much of th world as was the privilege of a high society girl, Miranda saw not much wrong with her mother’s guidance. Seriously considering her mother words and committing them to memory, Miranda decided this must be normal. She had obeyed everyone in her life anyway, so obeying was not a problem. She lay down on her red silk sheets. When she tried to cover herself with her blanket, she was stopped once again.

“No Miranda, you must be presented nude to them. No coverage. Now, spread your legs.” A little hesitantly, she spread them wider until Katherine was satisfied and her toes pointed to the corners of the bed. “Always keep your legs spread, Miranda, when not in a social setting. And do not move until a man tells you too. You are to be used by men now and they want you always obedient and ready. Now your arms.”

Miranda lifted her arms above her head and lay them at the head of the bed as she did her feet. She was played in an X form by the time Katherine gave her approval and left to fetch Gary and Mr. Lowman. Withhin the hour, Katherine and innocent Nancy was away to the city of Givens on the other side of the country, to spend the month at a friend’s ranch.

When Gary entered Miranda’s room, he barely spared her body a glance. He ushered in Mr. Lowman who took position on the left side of Miranda’s bed. Wide eyed, and a little shamed at her nakedness, Miranda watched both of them nervously. Standing to her right, Gary began in a soothing but stern voice.

“Miranda, you have been told that you are not my child?” She nodded, too nervous to speak. “Then you must agree that I was very generous to raise you as my own these 18 years. Now that ends. You will not call me ‘Father’ any longer. I am not your father. Call me ‘Sir’ at all times.” He paused so Miranda nodded once again. “Say it.”

In her new life, Miranda’s first words were a quiet, “Yes Sir.”

“Good. We are off to a good start. After 18 years of freeloading, you are to pay your way in life now. I have decided this is howyou will do it.”

Mystified, Miranda wondered what could she do? Then she remembered that she was naked and what her mother said about men and women.

“You will help me with the business. My clients will have the use of you. I will not touch you as you are my step daughter, but you do belong to me and I will assign you to the men I want pleasured. Mr. Lowman here will have The charge of your training. As you are already wonderfully naturally submissive, you will not require much training. I’m sure your mother told you the rules of your new life but I will go over it again. Mr. Lowman, begin.”

Leaning over the bed, Mr. Lowman touched her vagina. He ran his finger along her slit. To Miranda, it was uncomfortable but she did not stop it. He touched and Probed until Miranda was wet down there. Her mother called it a sign of arousal, that Miranda liked what was happening. She didn’t fight it. Soon, Mr. Lowman touched a little spot, her clip, her mother said, and Miranda almost bucked off the bed. Mr. Lowman smiled and began struggling her there until Miranda was moaning and polithing, reaching for an orgasm. Her mother had told her that that was what it was.

She was just there when Mr. Lowman’s hand was removed. She cried deep in her throat in protest, but she said nothing. Then Mr. Lowman turned away to her bureau and when he turned back, he had a thin, long pole in his hand. It was made of iron. He positioned it at her vagina hole and with her wetness, it slide in easily. She only felt a milk uncomfortable stretching and a burst of pain when it was shoved to the hilt quickly. She cried out, eyes going wide and locking on the ceiling above her.

Mr. Lowman left it in her, even though the heat and pleasure was building again and she wanted it to move. She bucked her hips, gyrating on the wand.

“Look at me, Miranda.” Miranda obeyed Gary. “You feel nice?” she nodded eagerly. “You want to move on the vaginal wand?” she nodded even more earnestly. Gary gestured to Mr. Lowman. The stranger’s hand was back, and Miranda groaned in ecstasy when he moved the wand in and out of her. She moved with it. He stopped, the wand halfway into her.

“One of the rules, Miranda, that your mother did not know because she is not a whore, is not to move. No matter how pleasant the thing in your cunt is, no matter how bad you want it, you do not have the privilege to move your hips. You stay still, let the man do what he had to do. You will get your orgasm but your place is an object, a property of the company. Objects do not move. Now again,” he competed to the trainer.

As those words tumbled through her head, Miranda felt the dildo slide in again and out… she strained, fighting not to move her hips again. True to Gary’s words, the pleasure built Regardless. Her thoughs twitched, her hands flapped with the urge and the effort, but she did not move her hips.

“Good girl,” Gary purred. “You are allowed to cum, to orgasm, any timeyou like. But if a man is using you and you are this close to your orgasm, and he stops, you are not allowed to complain. You are never allowed to complain against a man unless he touches you without my permission. As that will not happen, it is now your duty to obey any and everything man to ask anything of you.”

As he was speaking, Mr. Lowman continued pushing and pulling the vaginal wd slowly, causing friction and upping the urge to buck her hips, but she succeeded not to. “Reward her, Lowman. Faster.” The wand began to piston in and out of her. It went in deep then exited her completely before going in deep again. Miranda shrieked with the pleasure and the pressure of keeping her hips still. It was impossible. But she obeyed, just like her mother said.

On a particularly violent push in, the pleasure explored and her shrinks became louder, high pitched as she orgasmed powerfully. When she quietly, realized Mr. Lowman was still pistoning the wand into her, she realized shewas building to orgasm again. She looked hastily at Gary, not sure she could handle it again.

He noticed her glance. “The rules, Miranda. You are never to ask a man for anything. Not even me. Whatever he does with you is his business. You do not say what you want. You can shriek or groan as loud as you like but you do not speak to a man. Even if he asks you a question or demands that you speak, you do not. Only in an acceptable social setting you may speak when spoken to, but if you are naked, no talking, my dear.”

Miranda nodded hastily, her eyes rolling back in her head at the pleasure. He hips bucked once. “No moving Miranda,” Gary’s voice was pleasant. “You were so good just now.” Miranda tried harder. She was almost at the peak…

The wand stopped. It sank into her and stopped. Miranda looked at both men in turn, in disbelief and horror. And wanting.

“Do the rest of the work, Miranda,” Mr. Lowman spoke for the first time. His voice was gravelly. Miranda wasconfused as to what she was supposed to do. “Clench your vaginal muscles on the wand. Squeeze it with your channel,” he instructed. Miranda tried. She clenched as if she was peeing and had to stop. Over and over she did it, realizing how she squeezed the wand inside her. It was tiring, doing this as well as staying still, but she did it. And the pleasure built again, gently this time.

“Sometimes men like to stick their cocks in and have you do all the work,” Gary said. This is what you would do. You are not allowed to move your hips so you cannot move up and down on them. You do not have the privilege to ride a man’s cock. Miranda. He rides you.”

She barely heard him, concentrated as she was so much.

“With so many men using you, your young vagina would become loose if we do not take care.” This from Mr. Lowman. “Clenching on the wand tightens your muscles. Every night when you are put to bed you will be required to squeeze and release for an hour before you go to sleep.”

Hearing that, she looked up at them again, in wonder, as she was not allowed to speak. It was Mr. Lowman who answered her question while Gary, with a diabolic smile, locked onto the wand in her vagina. “You are never to be empty in your cunt again, Miranda. When a man is not using you, you will be filled with a device just like this. You will be fitted with it when you start the day and also when you prepare for the night.”

“It is so you always crave something there. So you crave cock.” Gary supplied.

She was reeling from this information when Gary ordered, “Stop!”

Stop what? Miranda kept clenching the wand. It felt so good.

The thing was pulled from her violently and Miranda locked dazed eyes on Lowman’s tight face. He was Disappointed. Swiftly, he delivered two singing slapses with the wand at the open lips of her vagina. Although the urge, she did not move her hips away. “You were so good before now Miranda, but that is OK, you will learn. You have all the promise of a perfect whore. But you must remember to stop whenever you are told. Your wants and pleasures do not matter. I say stop and you stop. Get it?”

Miranda nodded. Anything to have it back in her.

“Turn over.”

What? She hesitated so Mr. Lowman did it himself. “Turn Over. You are to obey commands immediately Miranda.” He flipped her to her stomach then positioned her on her hands and knees. Gary moved into her line of sight, watching her be manipulated. She only caught him for one moment before Mr. Lowman was pressing her cheek into the bedding, lifting her ass high. “Spread your legs,” he told her.

She widened her stance, putting her knees as far apart as they could go, remembering her mother’s words that she have her legs spread for men whenever she was naked and in whatever position she was in. It earned her a comparison from Gary. “Good girl,” he said again. “You are the perfect whore, my girl.”

Mr. Lowman touched her anal hole. It was not with his fingers and she stiffened up. Her mother said nothing like this. “Easy girl,” Mr. Lowman said gently, relentlessly pushing the tip of one finger in. It burned, but not much.

“Your mother did not tell you about this because she is no whore. She does not know,” said Gary. Miranda tilted her head on the bed so she could look at him and he spoke. “All your holes are to be used, girl. Your cunt, sometimes called a pussy.” She blushed at the crude words. “Your asshole. And your mouth. If it is a hole, it is used. But there are requirements,” he informed her. “I will not allow any and any one to touch you. A prospective client who has not yet invested with the company will get to use your mouth. But you will not allow him to cum in you. He only does so in your ass or pussy when he invests in my company. Buyers would get your ass, or your breasts. They will be satisfied with those plump globes and lovely titties my dear. When they pass money, they get your pussy. See, I take care of you.”

Miranda nodded. It was all she could do as Mr. Lowman’s finger went in deeper.”

Cary pulled something from his pocket. Miranda saw it was a wand, just like the one she had in her pussy, or cunt or vagina. It was slimmer, though, and longer. He passed it to Mr. Lowman. “It’s time for this,” he said.

Mr. Lowman pressed it against her hole, telling her to relax and push out. She obeyed. It slide in a little and she realized it was slick, probably to ease the passage. It was so thin, it didn’t really hurt. But as he pushed deeper, Miranda clammed up and it hurt. She grunted in pain, not daring to move her hips away.

“Easy,” said Mr. Lowman. He stopped pushing, letting it rest for a while. “Relax, Miranda. Take it easy. We’ll get it in, but you have to relax.”

Miranda took deep breaths and obeyed. She tried to relax. When she did, Mr. Lowman pushed deeper with burning pain to Miranda’s anal tract. He must have pushed it all in because he stopped”Take a while to get used to it Miranda. Now squeeze it, just like the vaginal wand. That’s it. Good girl. Stop.” She stop clenching and releasing gratefully. He slide it slowly out then in again. Miranda let the pleasurable tingle in her butthole wash over her.

He did it again and again until Miranda accepted all the pleasure and he was going faster and faster.

“Cum Miranda,” Gary ordered. “Give me an orgasm.”

Miranda was so close, felt so good, wanted to push and pull her hips but the effort to hold it steady because they wanted her to, felt good too. A bare minute later, she pulsed, came and her pussy clenched in air painfully.

Not for long though, because Mr. Lowman stuck the vaginal wand pack in her pussy. He also stuck the anal wand in place as well and left both deeply buried in her. The sensing, the fullness, was pleasant, was hot, she wanted to buck her hips to make herself come. But she obeyed and stayed still. She thought about clenching her muscles on the wands but no one had given her permission so she didn’t think she was allowed to do it.

“On your back,” Mr. Lowman ordered with a gentle pat at her butt cheats. Miranda flipped over and spread her limbs to the bedposts again. She revealed in the wands inside her, marveling that they stayed in place while she moved.

“Good girl,” Mr. Lowman patted her pussy in reward. He even slipped his finger in beside the wand and fingered her a few times. Miranda smiled at him. “There, I told you, Gary, she’d love it. She is even smiling.”

Gary nodded. “Good. She is easy to train. Continue.”


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